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4272872 No.4272872 [Reply] [Original]

How do NEETs and shut-ins do their laundry?

>> No.4272873

Mom does it.

>> No.4272877

implying i wear more than one shirt/underwear a week

>> No.4272888

You do know that laundry machines don't have to be in a laundromat thing, right?

>> No.4272884

Why would they do their laundry at all, wear your shirts 'til the pits turn yellow and your socks 'til they turn black

>> No.4272881

they have their own washer. They hang their clothes all over their room, usually a heater drys them.

>> No.4272880

With a washing machine and dryer.

>> No.4272879

My mom does it because she understands I have certain deficiences. I could do it myself, but you know..

>> No.4272893

when i was a NEET, my room was right next to the laundry room.

>> No.4272902 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4272910

The washing machine is in the bottom floow

>> No.4272924

I use my parent's washer and dryer.

>> No.4272920 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4272934

I loathe the chore of folding my stuff immediately after it's done drying.

Fucking hate it.

I do it anyway, but I leave the folded clothes on the ping pong table in the recreation room. It's not like we ever fucking use it anyway.

>> No.4272935

A river and campfire.

>> No.4272940

I've never done a laundry in my entire life.

My grandparents and aunties were my slaves, and now my twin brother.

Beat that.

>> No.4272942 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4272954

Just leave it to dry and never fold it.
That's what I do.
My clothes go from the washing machine to the bathroom(where I hang them) to my body to the washing machine.

>> No.4272952

I just throw mine on the floor next to my bed without folding.

>> No.4272962 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4272967


You will never know the joy of hugging a five-pound stack of folded towels fresh from the dryer ;___;

>> No.4272968

Indoor washing machine and dryer?

>> No.4272973

My rooms right across from the coin laundry room at my apartment, but I only use the washing machines, the dryers are shitty and cost too many coins to get stuff dry, so I hang my clothes outside and leave them there, when I change clothes I just grab something from the rack outside the window. I only change clothes once every few days and only bother to do laundry when I've pretty much run out of clothes completely, which is only a few times a year.

>> No.4272979

What about when it rains? Is the area outside the window protected that well against the weather?

>> No.4272981

I do mine using the washing machine and the dryer in the laundry room. I wish I had the money to buy my own nice smelling laundry detergent. I guess I'm a bit particular about how I do my laundry. All of my 'soft' clothes like t-shirts, socks, sweatpants and underwear get washed together. I can fit everything I wear regularly into one load. Anything else I own doesn't get washed, because I don't wear it enough for it to get dirty or smelly.

My ankles and calves get cold if I don't wear longer socks cut socks, so all of my socks go up to atleast the top of my calves. My feet also get cold if I'm not wearing slippers and socks. My testicles seem to hurt for some reason if I wear jeans or anything less stretchy than sweatpants. I'm not overly large in that area, so I guess I've just gotten used to wearing lighter clothing.

>> No.4272990

>How do NEETs and shut-ins do their laundry?
I don't. Other people do it for me.

>> No.4272992


I thought I'd never know the joy of carrying a heavy basket full of shirts, pants, and whatnot.

>> No.4272998

>I've pretty much run out of clothes completely, which is only a few times a year.
>I only change clothes once every few days
My god...how much clothes do you have? I can't go without washing my clothes for two weeks. I'll smell fucking terrible since I sweat all the time for no reason, so all my clothes smell like ass and piss.

>> No.4273004


Unless you're filling a laundry basket with ingots or meteorite fragments you should not be atrophied enough to call one "heavy"

>> No.4273011

Probably because you're fat.

>> No.4273012

Or if you decide to dump all of your clothes in a bathtub or something first. A full basket of water can be pretty heavy.

>> No.4273016


The smell of your clothes should be masked by the smell of your carpet, which should also smell like ass and piss.

>> No.4273023 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4273036
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hurr ass durr piss hurr durr disney true neets smear shit on the ceiling herpaderp

>> No.4273084

I do this too. Also, my family owns a printing company(printing stuff on clothes) so I get shitloads of free t-shirts and stuff.

>> No.4273106 [DELETED] 

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