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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 199 KB, 1440x810, japanesetvsexhappeningu-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4268221 No.4268221 [Reply] [Original]

mods = fags

>> No.4268236

sauce/more please

>> No.4268245
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>> No.4268262


fapping at the speed of light

>> No.4268264
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>> No.4268278
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>> No.4268320

3D is cow delicious

more udders please

>> No.4268339
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>> No.4268384
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>> No.4268445
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>> No.4268479
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>> No.4268495
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>> No.4268506
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>> No.4268514
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>> No.4268549
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>> No.4268550

Feels good man

>> No.4268563

How come all the sluts at Morning Musume have dog faces like that?

>> No.4268565
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>> No.4268575
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>> No.4268580
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>> No.4268597
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>> No.4268631
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>> No.4268648
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>> No.4268652

needs more fuko

>> No.4268666
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>> No.4268699
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more sluts?

>> No.4268706
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>> No.4268715
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>> No.4268722
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>> No.4268751
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>> No.4268764

This threads the only reason I like /jp/

>> No.4268769
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>> No.4268775

Ah, gravure modeling. The way every H!P washout goes, and yet people still delude themselves into thinking they amount to something.

>> No.4268813

>implying idols shouldn't make photobooks in Japan
>implying they aren't beautiful

>> No.4268823

>Implying H!P shitdols aren't all dogfaced.
>Implying that despite gravure modeling being their bread and butter, their shit actually sells.

>> No.4268855

lol someones butt hurt

>> No.4268866

Epic lulz OP.

>> No.4268883

Typical sage.

bump for more.

>> No.4268897
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contribute instead of whining all the time

>> No.4268906
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>> No.4268907

>Implying you're not OP trying to samefag because your shitty idol thread was deleted.
>Implying anyone actually cares about idols here, much less H!P and their deformed sluts.

>> No.4268930

Best pic of the thread

>> No.4268934

There's idol threads on /jp/ everyday but I'm pretty sure its just the same people in them everytime.

/jp/ is so slow so I don't think it really matters.

>> No.4268944

>Every reply is green text

>> No.4268951
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>> No.4268961

>Implying imply replies aren't the best replies.

>> No.4268963

Idolfag thinking that his opinion matters.

>> No.4268971

>LOL ditched the green text when called out.

>> No.4268972
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>> No.4268978

What's in her hand?

>> No.4268992

Fight the good fight, Forrest. Nobody cares about you Morning Musume faggots and your desperate attempts to viral market your shit on /jp/. You have already shown what kind of lowlives you are today, you will change nobody's opinion.

>> No.4268993

coral i guess. or something else from the sea

>> No.4269011
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>> No.4269022
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the trap lover returns

>> No.4269035
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>> No.4269048

The samefag is strong in this thread. Say, idolfags, why should we give you special treatment? See how you can see nobody complaining about the Morning Musume threads suddenly disappearing?

>> No.4269060
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How long have you been following our threads? I'm just wondering.

>> No.4269069

You seem to be the only one complaining.

>> No.4269070
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>> No.4269095

Morning Musume faggots are truly something else. First you want to push your shit down our throat every day at every waking hour hoping we would join your army of drones and help you in some sort of shitty idol war, then you feign surprise when you get nothing but annoyed reactions back.
Your hypocrisy is amazing, yet you waltz in believing you are some esteemed posters and demand red carpet treatment.

>> No.4269109

I wouldn't call one guy sageing and rageing 'nothing but annoyed reactions'

>> No.4269122
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lol sage

>> No.4269164

lol fag spends his entire day on /jp/

>> No.4269170
File: 1.86 MB, 361x404, 1241581112150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ does dislike us though. Atleast the newkiddies. Seems like the old guard here just hide and go back to their stuff.

Good call on Ayaya.

>> No.4269175

But see, my dear Morning Musume faggot, there is more than one person who is sick as fuck of you and your invasive modus operandi. Bottom line is, you can't just walk in starting a mindless advertizing campagn in favor or against certain idol groups and expect people to comply with your egocentric demands just because you think of yourself as the king of this place. It's funny how seem to be the only ones doing this shit, it truly shows how desperate for attention your worthless fanbase is.

>> No.4269179

lol fag that spends his entire day on /jp/ wearing his mask

>> No.4269197

>lol fag spends his entire day on /jp/ necromancing idol threads in hopes that one day /jp/ will become his friends and help him in his fight against the evil rival groups

There, I just described your existence on this board for you.

>> No.4269266

Its so funny when pieces of your argument are literally pieces constructed together of past arguments where you got told to fuck off.

>> No.4269277

Morning Musume fans are all sheeple with an amazingly narrow tunnel vision resulting from them living in their own deluded world, plain and simple.
I think we have made this point long time ago, no need to give these individuals more attention than they do deserve (which is zero).

>> No.4269313

lol, this thread

>> No.4269319

>them living in their own deluded world

>> No.4269321

Yet you prefer copping out rather than confuting my argument. So I guess I am right after all. Not that I would have expected nothing better from you and your cronies.

>> No.4269343

Don't let me remind the delectable "discussion" your buddies had in your last "thread" (if it can be called so, since it was only imagespamming until then). Nothing compares to the delusion complexes of the Morning Musume trolls.

>> No.4269351

Why don't you start a thread on the idol group that you like?

>> No.4269354
File: 51 KB, 300x499, 1239695603528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting a mindless advertizing campagn in favor or against certain idol groups and expect people to comply with your egocentric demands just because you think of yourself as the king of this place.
This is amazing. I fucking wish we did this. Make some WE WANT YOU propaganda and shit.

Pic is the closest I got.

>> No.4269355 [DELETED] 

Even anything is the definition of robotic trolling you sir take the cake.
I'm flattered you do choose to use my exact wording in your reverse trolling efforts.

And there's nothing to argue about, its like your saying its a crime against nature for me to really enjoy Musume and delve into their world with other anons who enjoy the same thing.

Obviously there are deep seeded issues you should seek counsel for, I seriously don't intend to anger anyone with idols but its your stormfront nature that is creating this conflict.

>> No.4269360

If anything is the definition of robotic trolling you sir take the cake.

I'm flattered you do choose to use my exact wording in your reverse trolling efforts.

And there's nothing to argue about, its like your saying its a crime against nature for me to really enjoy Musume and delve into their world with other anons who enjoy the same thing.

Obviously there are deep seeded issues you should seek counsel for, I seriously don't intend to anger anyone with idols but its your stormfront nature that is creating this conflict.

>> No.4269361


>> No.4269392

Fortunately I don't have one so I don't have to waste my days trying to push this shit on everybody's faces like you trolls do.
As for you, why don't you start a thread without resorting to desperate trolling measures? Usually kids like you recover from their attention deficit disorders after they hit puberty.
Maybe in the end you'll succeed at convicing two or three people that your presence here is legitimate, like Morning Musume's own existence. Maybe not, it all depends on how soon you'll blow your troll cover again.

>> No.4269407

Ohh man, now I get it.
You're the Arashi girl....

>> No.4269456

Should of spotted that sooner, I am disappointed with myself. And listen, I didn't create the anti boy band climate on /jp/. That shit is never going to fly here!
Go live it up your brethren on the 1000's of Arashi fan sites out there.

>> No.4269470

>its a crime against nature for me to really enjoy Musume

Overblown (false) indignation, how cute.
You aren't enjoying anything, faggot, and your threads are enough proof of the lies you are posting.
What you are doing is just picking sides and using your trolling techniques on some perceived "enemy" to relieve your nerd frustrations, which is exactly why you have been keeping this farce going on months after months. Obviously you aren't a "fan" of anything, or else you would have had a thread free of constant and gratuitous assaults by now.
Perhaps there are some less brainwashed idolfags still sticking around, and if this is the case I'm feeling really sorry for them. Why do you have to employ your trolling techniques in their context rather than other popular troll topics is lost on me.

>> No.4269478

Girl, this is why women get label crazy and emotional.
You act like I killed your baby

>> No.4269498

>You act like I killed your baby
Yeah, this is the part I don't understand. Why is this so serious fucking business to this girl?

>> No.4269554

I don't know who you think you are talk to, but your pathetics attempts at sidetracking the discussions are laughable at best. Your troll-fu is really weak today, did you get burned out trying to prove the legitimacy of your threads? Because it wouldn't seem they had any appreciable effect.

How low Morning Musume faggots have fallen. One year ago they acted all proud and shit, now they are just an underground trolling brigade plotting in the shadow.

>> No.4269575

Seriously for your own mental health at this point, don't honestly believe that the Musume threads are here purely to troll anyone. I and I hope a few others truly enjoy Musume and are fans.

But we can't help when people come to us with arguments that over flow from other internet sites, I can't control anonymous obviously...

And why are you so angry, the boy bands are dominating Japan right now, there are thousands upon thousands of girls throwing themselves at those Johnnys and endless fansites sprawl the internet.

>> No.4269659

>don't honestly believe that the Musume threads are here purely to troll anyone

Yeah, after 180 something threads where the same modus operandi was repeatedly adopted I can totally buy your lies. If you were a dedicated fans you would devote your time discussing (notice the keyword, not "shoving it down everyone's throat") your idols rather than trolling everyone else in a rather ineffective way to sway people's opinions.
I can't help but remain bemused by your trolling way honestly. Why of all the "us vs them" topics a troll like you decided to choose "Morning Musume vs everyone else"? Can't you see you are just bringing shame to the actual fanbase and painting them as overzealous idiots with your trolling agency?

>> No.4269685 [DELETED] 

Then again, the whole Morning Musume fanbase has its roots in low tier trolling and arrogant bullying. This is what you get when you don't have anything else to convince the most simple-minded to join your side in your epic crusade.

>> No.4269695

Then again, the whole Morning Musume fanbase has its roots in low tier trolling and arrogant bullying. This is what you get when you don't have anything else to convince the most simple-minded to join your side in your epic imaginary crusade.

>> No.4269718

I will refuse to believe any of the slanderous comments about idolfags until I see their disgusting 3d covering the VN progress thread.

>> No.4269739
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Pic related, my waifu. Much prettier than the troll and not as emotional.

>> No.4269748

I don't know what happened to you but you sound like we are conspiring to kill your family.

I reject all of your posturing of these arguments.
And for the last time, just filter us if you are vehemently opposed to our threads.

>> No.4269764
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>> No.4269768
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>> No.4269772

mad cause his sister is getting more pussy than him

>> No.4269796
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>we are conspiring to kill your family.
It's true. Idolfags on /jp/ are still a threat.

Now let's get back to trying to recruit the VN and Touhou guys to join us in the fight against the 2 (?) AKB fans 4chan has. Then let's go after Perfume, a bunch of /mu/tants are into them.

>> No.4269821 [DELETED] 

Morning Musume faggots don't care about 2D or VN, just like you don't care about them.
The scope of their trolling techniques and smear campaigns only covers other 3D groups, since in all their haughtiness they see them as enemies and usurpers deserving only the most violent and destructive reactions.

>> No.4269829

Well there is a new musume thread now,
so please come and enjoy or dont.

>> No.4269842

Morning Musume faggots don't care about 2D or VN, just like you don't care about them.
The scope of their trolling techniques and smear campaigns only covers other 3D groups, since in all their unjustified haughtiness they see them as enemies and usurpers deserving only the most violent and destructive reactions. Because of their persistent trolling tactics, pretty much all the idolfriends have learned all too well to hate them accordingly.

>> No.4269856

>unjustified haughtiness they see them as enemies
I can only think of one multi idol group anon that didn't shoot into our thread rattling his sabre.
Thankfully he gave a good name to those who have stopped doing so.

>> No.4269871
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Funny thread is funny.

>> No.4269941

Cool troll digression. The other saber rattling and teeth gnashing comes from Morning Musume trolls who seemingly think that their free time is better used trying and shooting down other groups rather than discussing (again, not "shoving it down one's troath") their own, perhaps for lack of anything noteworthy to discuss. You can't hide what's under everyone's eyes, idiot.

>> No.4269952
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I have no problem with threads about Hello!Project groups, but this guy does have a point.

You want everyone to accept your Momusu threads but you people attack and troll all the threads for other, more popular, idol groups. It's sort of hypocritical, I have to say.

>> No.4269993

>troll other more popular, idol groups.
Again, the popularity contest game. There are a lot of things in Japan that are popular and not discussed here.
And if anything then you should be disappointed with your fanbase for not coherently representing those groups without resorting to defacing the people who are here doing so.

I really wish I could hold a positive attitude towards another idol group thread around here but the people who come here representing them have fight first mentality.

And just so you know its usually not us who troll the Aya threads.

>> No.4270010

False. I love my Takahashi Ai but I also love my Reimu and Fate/Stay Nights!

>> No.4270011

I don't even attempt to discuss AKB48 here because the threads instantly come under attack from H!P fans.

And I haven't resorted to defacing H!P groups at all, so I'm not sure where that accusation came from.

>> No.4270023

>instantly come under attack from H!P fans.
Don't automatically assume H!P fans are trolling those threads, /jp/ hates 3D, it could be any number of people.

>> No.4270032

No, H!P fans are the culprits. You've probably seen it yourself. I'm not saying that you're all like that, but the current H!P fanbase is full of manchildren. Take a look at morningcoffee and you'll see exactly the same shit going on there.

>> No.4270048

/jp/ =/= morning coffee
but I understand your references, part of those outside influences wanting to bring the fight in here.

But you honestly can't say its one sided on there.

>> No.4270075

>I don't even attempt to discuss AKB48 here because the threads instantly come under attack from H!P fans.
Good times.

>> No.4270081

>/jp/ =/= morning coffee

It is as far as this is concerned.

And it is practically one-sided. I know there's a few AKB48 fans on here and we're quite capable of keeping a thread going for a while, but Momusu fan trolling accounts for half of the posts in those threads. I've seen maybe one poster troll Momusu threads with AKB48, while on the other hand, I've seen nothing but hate for AKB48 from pretty much every H!P fan on here.

Besides, I would rather only discuss AKB48 when I actually have something to discuss, as opposed to promoting them on here, which is what I think you guys are doing. I'm not sure though.

>> No.4270138
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My face when /jp/ is nothing bout touhou and idol groups. Why bother with the board if its reduced to this. Nowadays I just come here to troll.

>> No.4270142

wtf idolfags out of their own thread?

>> No.4270150

Posting photos of our dear idols does not equal any intent to promote them, at least not in my case. We just want to share photos of our idols with our fellow idolfags to lighten up our mornings/evenings.

>> No.4270163

So what happened this morning?
Who hijacked 4chan?

>> No.4270174
File: 231 KB, 800x1371, 1264982659620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the bird is the AKB48 thread and the tigers are H!P fans? Gotcha.

>> No.4270206

That's cool but I prefer discussion. I don't even dislike H!P and I even listen to and watch some older stuff.

It's just that my interests are primarily in AKB48 these days and I can only hope that the diehard H!P fans become a bit more openminded. They are in the minority now and their attitude really isn't going to help the fanbase grow at all. Those people are the reason that the whole H!P thing has such a bad public image these days.

>> No.4270227

Its interesting because I feel the same way but for opposite groups. Condescension and brow beating from other fans month after month after month.

I don't even know where these people are coming from but they certainly are angry and want to make the point of trolling us.

>> No.4270232 [DELETED] 

See what I mean? People like this.

This is where I would bring up the fact that AKB48 are more popular and the attacks from H!P fans are more petty and pathetic than tiger-like, but that just irks the more casual H!P fans and urges them to join in on the anti-AKB trolling.

>> No.4270235

I'm openminded, but the problem was when /jp/ started, some AKB faggot went into the MM thread proudly proclaiming how better they were and it's caused a defensive attitude ever since.

>> No.4270255

SNSD is better, I'd like it if /jp/ would have SNSD threads.
But anyway I'm here for the touhou, so I don't care.

>> No.4270260

I can't deny that there are trolls on both sides, but by proportion, the anti-AKB fans far outnumber the anti-H!P fans. I am pretty much indifferent towards H!P now, but I don't think I should be attacked for that. People like >>4270174 are everywhere. The attacks are more desperate and petty than anything else.

I can attempt to discuss AKB48 here and defend them from people like that, but I can only spend so long posting sales figures and discussing the origins of the idol group format in response to the usual "hurr durr slut idol" rhetoric before it gets tiresome.

>> No.4270271

/jp/ has a very sad idea of what big tits are.

>> No.4270316

If only there was a troll-free /jp/ spinoff where AKBfriends could post freely.

>> No.4270321

Every day I was here you came into the H!P thread trolling and posting shit about AKB. Every single thread, every single day. No exceptions. For over a year, and it's not like it was 1 post per thread or anything either. Naaaaaah, son, remember the months of copy pasted forum posts from Hello! Online?

You brought this on yourself. Keep making AKB48 threads and maybe around this time next year whoever it is from our thread that's trolling you will stop. Well, not stop entirely, but atleast slow down somewhat.

>> No.4270330

I have personally never trolled your H!P threads with AKB48 stuff.

And I don't see how you can justify hating a huge group of girls based on the actions of one guy on /jp/.

>> No.4270357


wats the name of this busty girl sitting next to KimuTaku?

>> No.4270362

Aki Hoshino

>> No.4270368


Thanks man!

>> No.4270381

Too bad, your AKBfriends fucked it up for you.
And I don't hate the girls at all, I dislike the trolls that come with them is all.

>> No.4270384

I think that dude finally left a couple months ago, I know who you are talking about though.

>remember the months of copy pasted forum posts from Hello! Online?
Pretty sure this was Jones doing, Anon 2007 definitely had a hand in support

>girls based on the actions of one guy on /jp/.
Its one thing if it was just one guy or girl in our more recent case but it has been a constant around here for so long its almost shocking to hear level headed Akb fans.

>> No.4270389

You hate AKB fans because a minority of them are trolls. /jp/ hates idolfriends in general because a minority of them are tools. Well, that and retarded hivemind stuff.

It's all the same shit. Live and let live, H!Pfriend.

>> No.4270410

is the new troll even an akb fan? he just sides with any group to troll mm. he does it with idoling and even johnnys. his rhetoric is similar to the old akbro though, in that they both type paragraphs of nonsense.

>> No.4270415

Can't all of us 3dfags just agree to be friends in the hostile 2d governed environment that is /jp/?

>> No.4270443

There is definitely an idoling troll that pops in from time to time but there was this /v/ troll who likes to just stir shit up on /jp/.
Could be the same one starting all these ME2 threads.

>> No.4270447
File: 57 KB, 720x540, tor_242510335_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so.

We need to form a united front against those who would oppress us.

>> No.4270459

Read it again: I dislike the trolls that come with them. I have nothing against the fans and I have nothing against the girls. Enjoy your idols.

>> No.4270489
File: 38 KB, 169x283, harugon x c-ute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB48 and H!P = best friends forever

>> No.4270494

Yeah. And likewise, H!P trolls have ruined any chances of having a decent AKB48 thread on /jp/.

>> No.4270506

i'm sure most of the akbros on here dont even want to post in a thread like that anyway

>> No.4270518

Yeah. Like I said earlier, I only want to discuss AKB when I actually have something to discuss.

I'm not into the whole imagedump thing.

>> No.4270608
File: 177 KB, 600x600, modfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that we don't think the mods are fags.

>> No.4272359

i think she's also blogged about singing c-ute songs at karaoke and I know a few others also have momo shirts

>> No.4272377
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