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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4265881 No.4265881 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate us, /jp/?

>> No.4265884

Because NEETs give /jp/ a bad name

>> No.4265886

The name is stupid. Call yourself a hermit or a recluse.

>> No.4265897

Nagisa cosplaying as Alice

>> No.4265898

Three posts already, OP? At least wait a little and see if anyone bites.

>> No.4265895

I forget why Nagisa is associated with TruNEET™

>> No.4265903

/jp/ is a bad name

>> No.4265907
File: 230 KB, 1600x1314, 1235109840689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A hermit lives outside of society. A hikikomori lives in society, but withdrawn from it.

A recluse is more generic. Recluses can leave their house quite often, just have minimal interactions with society.

>> No.4265910

Because you are annoying so ronery ;_; little cunts that bawww all the time.
I am about as pathetic as you are, but do you see me crying all the time about it? No. Why can't you be the same?

>> No.4265914

Actually, urban hermits exist. Not all of them live in the mountains.

>> No.4265923



>> No.4265933

NEET does not = Hikki

A hikki is a teenage wanker who locks himself in the bathroom for a month to avoid school.

A NEET is somebody who's unemployed and not seeking work or going to postsecondary school/religionfag-monestary/whatever

>> No.4265935

The word hikikomori brings to a pathetic, moe-obsessed waste of life who is reclusive because he cannot handle the pressures of adult society , while hermit seems to imply someone who is reclusive for spiritual reasons.

>> No.4265939

Unless you honestly have a mental illness, it's your own fault. You reap what you sow, and you deserve what you get.

>> No.4265936 [DELETED] 

A recluse is more generic. Recluses can leave their house quite often, just have minimal interactions with society.

This is the smart way to do it. Why are you confining yourself to your room?

>> No.4265950

>A recluse is more generic. Recluses can leave their house quite often, just have minimal interactions with society.

This is the smart way to do it. Why are you confining yourself to your room?

>> No.4265956

floor pee

>> No.4265960


More rather, hermits tend to think they're better than or simply do not need societal interaction.

>> No.4265963

its cozy

>> No.4265977


This. If I left my room all the pee would leak out.

>> No.4266001 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4266012

Isn't your room carpeted?

>> No.4266023

I sold my carpet for dakimakura cover money, like a true NEET.

>> No.4266042
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and then Nagisa was Her

>> No.4266048

Im a girl.

>> No.4266059

I don't hate you, I wish I could be like you, but I don't have the cash.

>> No.4266066

Protip for underage retards: Us hiki don't baaw on the internet, that's your little ronery underage normalfags. If you don't even understand that, you better kill yourself now before you bring misfortune to others around you

>> No.4266069

I don't have the cash too but you can get through life easily if you aren't one of those mind-controlled msm faggots. Get everything for free off the internet.

>> No.4266082

You wouldn't download a dinner.

>> No.4266104

What does methylsulfonylmethane have to do with anything?

>> No.4266106

Some rice doesn't cost much. Just don't except anything fancy with sauce and shit. Who fucking needs that?

>> No.4266115

But you actually need some income to afford cheap stuff. The only way around that is to eat garbage, which involves leaving the house.

>> No.4266122

MSM = Mainstream media meaning a fucking hipster that needs everything new and shiny from his respective sub-culture he's dwelling in.
Like herp mobile phone derp, or lol tablets omg or hurr graphic card durr

>> No.4266123


What about rent? What about electricity? How do you pay your bills?

>> No.4266142

I wanted to imply it won't cost much to get you somewhere under who could pay the minimum living costs for you like at home.
I'm not saying that's something to be proud of or a lifestyle with future, just that it's not impossible during times of need.

>> No.4266160

I bought a shiny, new graphic card. But that was because mine broke. ;_; That doesn't make me a msm faggot, does it?

>> No.4266188

You know what I meant, as a contrast to your average normalfag <middle-class> lifestyle. If you don't pay for stuff youtside from living costs> from your own pocket you are pretty much a faggot.

>> No.4266196
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>> No.4266212

OP, why is Nagisa dressed like Alice Margatroid?

>> No.4266222

Kyoani staff confirmed for Touhoufags.

>> No.4266240

she is wearing the uniform in kanon

>> No.4266255
File: 387 KB, 1280x1024, discuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hikkikomoris can kill their parents' spirits. Discuss.

>> No.4266266
File: 483 KB, 800x952, 50671orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want respect on the Internet, start lifting weights and never shaving. It's worked for some hikkis, pic related.

>> No.4266282

Lumberjack protagonist?

>> No.4266295


He used to fight wildfires in California if I'm not mistaken, before he became an internet-bound recluse.

I hear he occasionally ventures out to Outback for a steak with his aging parents, but brings his own butter.
