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42632755 No.42632755 [Reply] [Original]

She’s right and she’s the one that’s going to win in the end. Humans and Youkai can coexist peacefully if they tried.

>> No.42635147
File: 368 KB, 1697x2005, 1661961151361004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A permanent peace begins inside a youkai's womb

>> No.42636249

im going to peacefully coexist with my youkai wife

>> No.42641977

the legal method of turning humans into youkai

>> No.42648687

they're stronger, faster, healthier, have sharper reflexes, and are nigh immortal
you'd have to be a fool to not want some youkai blood in your lineage

>> No.42656698

they'll have no choice
humanity has already outscaled youkai across the board
if the barrier goes down, Gensokyo would be occupied and annexed in a week, with all hostile elements being wiped out swiftly
Youkai are ambush predators, and modern optics and drone detection systems entirely invalidates that
can't pounce on a squad when they've had perfect knowledge of their presence long before even they knew the squad was there

>> No.42661817

Byakuren‘s coexistence involves humanity meekly accepting existence under the yoke of youkai. At no point does she ever advocate for the plight of the villagers, who are the actually oppressed group in Gensokyo.
In truth, she’s just as much a tool of the establishment as Akyuu and Keine are.
Why would anyone ever trust someone who betrayed their humanity to join the ranks of the evil monsters preying on us, anyway? She clearly only cares about youkai, being one herself, and doesn’t even bother putting an end to her own “disciples” transgressions. Trusting her would be like a flock of sheep listening to a gang of wolves for advice.
Buddhism is merely a tool to control the masses, and Byakuren’s teachings only serve to make humanity more meek and easily manipulated.

>> No.42665800

all me

>> No.42665805
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>> No.42666313
File: 273 KB, 700x700, ''...and that's why racemixing would be a disaster for Gensokyo''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans and Youkai can coexist peacefully if they tried.
They did try. They even had a child. Now why did it happen only once and never again?

>> No.42670846

Villagers are cowards

>> No.42670932

It was probably with an outsider.
And since time is fucky it could've even been a /jp/anon

>> No.42675024

want to coexist with her fluids

>> No.42675175

yeah me

>> No.42675259

who said it only happened once?
he's just the most prominent one since he has actual powers and owns a business

>> No.42677418


>> No.42681547


>> No.42681838

If you're implying it happened many times, then that means humans and youkai get along just fine and Byakuren's crusade is useless.

>> No.42682044

Many is a relative term, and the villagers are by and large barely civilized animals
"Many" over centuries dilutes the amount a lot, even less when you add attrition

>> No.42682107
File: 850 KB, 1064x1500, bighijiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Hijiri-sama!

>> No.42683782

This artist draws vore

>> No.42687251


>> No.42689897

The artist is Utopia

>> No.42692323


>> No.42694383
File: 162 KB, 740x463, 2516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants to be eaten after sex. No one wants to be a single mother either.

>> No.42694721

>Humans and Youkai can coexist peacefully if they tried.
No they cannot and no they will not.

>> No.42701051

Who says the ones inclined to take mates would kill that mate

>> No.42701154

The same can be said about niggers

>> No.42701699
File: 1.38 MB, 868x1228, 102069849_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built for breast impregnation

>> No.42708508
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>> No.42709849

Youkai are also barely civilized animals
If they can't integrate they should be wiped out

>> No.42711007

Powerful youkai can create civilizations and villages lol you're wrong, take a look at the society of tengu and kappa on the mountain, the mansion of the vampires, and the village of the onis underground

>> No.42711030
File: 201 KB, 664x850, el hermano de byakuren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.42714603

We never did get a mentioned of her brother again.

>> No.42714639
File: 259 KB, 1046x1513, halfheartedly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a look at the society of tengu and kappa on the mountain
Ran says this is because they only halfheartedly imitate the Outside World aka the humans
>the mansion of the vampires
Just an imitation of the mansions, wealth, and concept of "snobbish aristocracy" invented by humans
>the village of the onis underground
Alright I'll concede this one

>> No.42714798

Oh no... Futo is being coopted!

>> No.42718857
File: 454 KB, 771x1161, __hijiri_myouren_touhou_drawn_by_naozi__b7da2114e618743aed953d7df882e97c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just too cool for Touhou.
I bet that if Myouren was around, the temple would be the most respectable institution in all of Gensokyo, all the members would be devoted Buddhists providing guidance to everyone, and incidents would cease to exist, as all would come to follow Buddha's path.

>> No.42721554

give youkai their own internet connection and they'll never be a problem again

>> No.42726738

as long as i get the manko

>> No.42730571

Which hus would be chained down by Factorio?

>> No.42738726


>> No.42742281

You won't.
