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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 634x393, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4261038 No.4261038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


God damn. Fuck you, Japan. You fuckers declared war on us and now WE'RE the mean ones for keeping a couple of bases in your country. Maybe we should've extended you ingrates the same courtesy you extended the Chinese and the rest of the Pacific islands during the first half of the 20th century. As far as I'm concerned, you fuckers don't deserve a say in the matter.

And holy shit, I'm sorry that a little thing like keeping a military presence just off of the burgeoning and VERY AGGRESSIVE superpower that is China is causing you so much grief and anguish due to NOISE POLLUTION and having to bear the DISGRACE of having dirty dirty foreigners on your sacred island.

World War 2. Rape of Nanking. Seriously, go fuck yourself Japan.

>> No.4261059

Take it to /news/

>> No.4261055


>> No.4261061

Ungrateful Nips.

>> No.4261064

Everyone in Japan today is responsible for the crimes of Japan in the past

>> No.4261065

Shouldn't have stopped at two.

>> No.4261070


>> No.4261075

Now that /new/ is back you can post these in there. You'll probably get more responses too.

>> No.4261076

>Maybe we should've extended you ingrates the same courtesy you extended the Chinese and the rest of the Pacific islands during the first half of the 20th century.
What? We rape their people plenty

>> No.4261087

It's like you really don't get what
>Shouldn't have stopped at two.

>> No.4261088

Yeah, this is an important front for fighting US military presence. I agree with Japan.

yeah no. get the fuck out of south america first you goddamn imperialists

>> No.4261098

for the thousand that protest there are dble the amount that want the US to stay because they don't want Japan to grow their military and are afraid of China and N. Korea.

Japan's debt is already double of their ecnomic output. If they pony up more money to strengthen their military their country will be even more of third world country in less than a year.

Japanese are retarded. I know, I live here in Osaka.

>> No.4261105

God damn. Fuck you, America. You fuckers elected Obama president and now HE'S the mean one for doing exactly what he was elected to do. Maybe we should've elected McCain, and let him do what he wanted to do- fuck up everything and make life richer for the rich, like Bush did first. As far as I'm concerned, you fuckers don't deserve a say in what he does.

And holy shit, I'm sorry that a little thing like trying to give health care to people so that we don't ALL DIE opposed to paying the RIDICULOUS fees that insurance companies charge and having to choose what part of your body is most important after a crash.

War on Drugs, Terror, Crime, etc. Seriously, go fuck yourselves, America.

>> No.4261111

Too bad japan, protest all you want but you're not going to get the bases out.

>> No.4261123


Japanese military can't grow.
Treaties with NATO.
They're only allowed a limited defense force.

>> No.4261124

Back to >>>/new/ you Americunt.

>> No.4261126

So we're just bringing out all of the /news/ copy pasta now eh?

>> No.4261132

Filthy jap. Still butthurt about getting your ass handed to you in Vietnam, huh?

>> No.4261143

Wow. Worst choice of insults ever.
I was amused...

>> No.4261147

Go back to /new/

>> No.4261149

as soon as they even create a proper army, they're going to get pack raped by everyone surrounding them

>> No.4261152

Take this shit back to /v/ where it belongs

>> No.4261158

Back to /v/ you monster.

>> No.4261167

Yeah, being spoon fed lots of guilt in school like in Germany is much better than accepting the past and moving on.

>> No.4261171

It was fifty fucking years ago, I idiot. Do you think that Germany should go back to being divided for their past crimes?

>> No.4261174

Back to >>>/new/

>> No.4261178


Don't you mean /new/?

>> No.4261180

I think we should leave. Japan is strapped enough as it is, I'd like to see them after they have to cut out an ACTUAL defense budget.


>> No.4261182

Should set up the replacement base in the middle of tokyo.

The UK pays for the privilege of being a US airbase, I don't see what the nips issue is.

>> No.4261181


>> No.4261189

No, this is /v/ shit. take it back

>> No.4261190


>> No.4261191

Why is this thread here. I thought /new/s material belonged on /new/?

>> No.4261192

The Democrats' true objective is to create the United States of Asia

>> No.4261195


>> No.4261202

Please take this back to /new/talk/.com/

>> No.4261206

I root for Japs
Amerifags have no right to be here.
In before USA used WII for money making and the only real victums are Europe.
Actually this bases not for Japs control but for world domination. And aggressive politic of USA is very annoying.
So, fuck America, all your bases should be wiped.

>> No.4261208


>> No.4261213

/new/ - News

>> No.4261215

Go to /v/.

>> No.4261218

What is this /v/ shit doing here? Fuck off.

>> No.4261221

>You fuckers declared war on us and now WE'RE the mean ones for keeping a couple of bases in your country.

Are you the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe?

Also fuck off /new/fags.

>> No.4261223

/jp/ - News/General

>> No.4261227

You aren't wanted here. /v/ is better for this discussion.

>> No.4261234


>> No.4261239

Sure, let's get rid of our bases in Japan. We only have three Air Force bases.

It would be great, they would be BAWWWWWWWing over China and North Korea raping them in their collective assholes within one years time. Especially if they had to fight with their androgynous ladyboys, they would be pleading for us to come back on hands and knees.

>> No.4261242


Wasn't aware Poland/Baltics declared war on the soviets.

And hey, Romania only ended up in the Axis because it was afraid of a soviet invasion.

>> No.4261246

you're cr4ppy
_on_ /new/talk/.com/

>> No.4261253

U mad?
My interpretation of your post is like this:
"I'm retarded elite-fag who cant stand reality and arguments so the only choice for me is to proclaim Go to /v"
Don't be butthurted so much.

>> No.4261254

America single handedly won WW2. The soviet union's contributions to the war were insignificant as fuck.

>> No.4261257

Nice thread bump op. This picture is for your eyes only. It's definitely not a Kogasa picture by any chance.

>> No.4261269


>> No.4261270

It's not kogasa, the eye colours isn't right. That's for sure.

>> No.4261276 [SPOILER] 
File: 291 KB, 480x600, 8466101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one really is a Kogasa picure. You can trust Anonymous.

>> No.4261282


Fuck you

>> No.4261289 [SPOILER] 
File: 362 KB, 650x550, 8480932_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm detecting extreme lack of trust here. This saddens me.

>> No.4261296 [SPOILER] 
File: 266 KB, 579x673, 1264902649640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4261298

Do anyone really think that this pics still disturbing nowadays?
Seems thread full of newfags
