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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4259385 No.4259385 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, chill the fuck out.

Nothing is going to change.

>> No.4259403

Thank you BOOF.

>> No.4259422

I'm still holding a grudge against you BOODY

>> No.4259423
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You say that now but just you wait. There will be threads like "RAN IS LIEK NARUTO!" all over the place.

>> No.4259434

we already had that thread like 2 years ago

>> No.4259435

i can agree with boof on this

>> No.4259442 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4259446

You should know by now how that layer of the fandom works, Boof. They'll keep trying to kill themselves and spamming that until they explode.

>> No.4259455

No there won't.

They never mentioned touhou, it's not going to create any more fans. Only people who are already touhou fans will see it and make the connection with touhou because they recognize the characters in it.

At worst we just found d troll bait.

>> No.4259462

Most of the ones complaining are secondary fans. Ignore them.

>> No.4259474


>> No.4259475

somebody get YAF back here
he is the embodiment of everything that is bad with the touhou fandom

>> No.4259478

meta thread

>> No.4259489

I seriously feel as if I've stepped back into /v/ again with all these 'FFFFFF RAGE xD' reactions. It is comforting to see that at least some /jp/ers aren't complete idiots.

>> No.4259578

You're awesome BOOF

>> No.4259593

I didn't think we had that many trolls in /jp/. The way that CNN thread filled up so quickly indicated more than just 1-2 retards sameposting. But well, it is the weekend after all.

Every time there was a fuss about how the sky was falling, nothing happened, so whatever. Business as usual.

>> No.4259598

too much cock-sucking in this thread unfortunately.
