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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 488x476, 1217684105413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4257003 No.4257003 [Reply] [Original]

You all seem to like to complain about how Western countries are so stringently anti-loli, but really, which do you honestly think of as more of an annoyance: The West's intolerance and crackdown against sexual depictions of minors, or the fact that Japan still censors everything?

I say we get a pretty good trade off.

>> No.4257010

I think they are both very bad :(

>> No.4257009

Somalia is best.

>> No.4257014

I don't like looking at genitals so mosaics are more than fine by me.

>> No.4257011

Censor turns me on more than raw. If I want raw I'll just do the real thing and sex up 3D woman.

>> No.4257019

I think it's a matter of Chinese food.

>> No.4257025

Why would you want to look at penis?

>> No.4257026

Mosaics seem to mean that there's more a focus on the whole sexual act. If you look at European 2D porn, for example, you'll notice that it's mostly 18 pages of a penis going into a vagina.

>> No.4257027

>which do you honestly think of as more of an annoyance: The West's intolerance and crackdown against sexual depictions of minors, or the fact that Japan still censors everything?
Let's see
- No loli at all
- Censored lli

>> No.4257036

It seems we have a dreamer here.

>> No.4257038


Would you like to get paid $2 an hour, or not get paid at all?

>> No.4257048

That tiny black bar annoys you?

>> No.4257049


I'd rather not work.

>> No.4257050
File: 57 KB, 778x99, king of the normalfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. The normalfaggoty of being so stubbornly anti-loli, to the point of illegalizing mere drawings, is unbearable.

>> No.4257065 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 900x482, dmMMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, who wants to look at these? Black bar or mozaic is better, since everything looks desirable using active imagination.

Another case point: it's impossible to enjoy freezing Cirno onahole if you can't delude yourself to a certain level.

>> No.4257070
File: 57 KB, 412x371, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you have no choice, would you rather be paid a pittance or nothing?

>> No.4257067
File: 228 KB, 906x1272, natuirosyoujo_0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but this does.

You tell me what's happening in this picture.

>> No.4257074


She's firing a laser out of her mouth

>> No.4257079
File: 18 KB, 331x323, 6901061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I refuse to play by your rules. I'd rather not work.

I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, I'm just being silly

>> No.4257080

>I say we get a pretty good trade off.
Uncensored porn in Japan can result in a minor fine, Loli content in the west can end you up in jail, 4xlifetimes worth of income in fines and a wrecked life in general as you will be labeled as a dangerous pedophile.

>> No.4257084

Most censorship isn't that bad. Cool cherrypicking bro.

>> No.4257089


>> No.4257102

Japan is also anti-loli, but Japan is a country that doesn't care about things you keep to yourself and won't punish you unless you do something wrong.

Also America is hardly anti-loli, they just want to keep up face while they pressure everyone else. Hell America has as much schoolgirl fetish as japan.
Sailor = Catholic
Buruma = Cheerleader/Volleyball
Swimsuit = Leotard
Backpack = Pigtails

Think about that. Japan just made short bloomers that look like panties. We invented a demi-sport where the whole point is to kick up high and show off the panties. Though now it's evolved to some sort of "How hard can your loli hump the air" contest.

America doesn't even have problems with depictions of stuff in the media as long as it isn't sexual, something the Japan can't understand because "cute" and "young" are completely integrated with "sexy" there.

Japan is the way it is because they do sexualize little girl at every chance. As well as putting sexual stuff everywhere, thus they need a blanket censor to cover it. America at least tries to keep it in its place, and so you can enjoy it properly.

Now I speak of America because you speak of Japan and not the East. When it comes down to East and West, I'll take America's "15yo is a little girl", Canada's loli ban, and UK's paedophile obsession over GREAT FIREWALL OF CHINA, mosaic over all things Japanese, and Australia's "Flat chicks don't need love too."

>> No.4257103

Except in the US where people can draw whatever they want (but watermelon breast fetishism is popular, so loli is rare).

>> No.4257108

So, why do eroge use mosaics if manga can get away with the tiny black bars?

>> No.4257111
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>> No.4257114

>Except in the US where people can draw whatever they want...
Only in certain states

>> No.4257122

I forgot to mention, Japan goes overboard in ways the west doesn't really. Loli is one thing, 100 little blond girls being raped by baboons is another thing, but crawling into someone's home at night to rape their child to death, then raping the mother, then coming back in 3 years to rape the other child to death, and then the mother to death is something uniquely Japanese. Not because They're the only ones who'd think of it, but rather because they're the ones with a viable unregulated market for it.

Because of this it's more fair to say the West is anti-manga, since it's Japanese porn that's mostly the issue, that one Simpson guy exempt.

>> No.4257125
File: 26 KB, 488x314, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying censorship wasn't forced on the Japanese by American moralists

>> No.4257124

bawww I can't draw my own Simpson porn.

>> No.4257132

Bill of Rights supersedes state law. Just don't draw in public.

>> No.4257136

I forgot to mention earlier that Japan deserves it.

>> No.4257140
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>> No.4257141
File: 81 KB, 338x414, 1261592411935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>crawling into someone's home at night to rape their child to death, then raping the mother, then coming back in 3 years to rape the other child to death, and then the mother to death

>> No.4257142

It wasn't, they did it to be on the safe side.

>> No.4257145
File: 100 KB, 350x300, -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can watch easter loli and fap to western porn, the internet is awesome.

>> No.4257146

>implying it was, since it was put in place in 1907 and all.

>> No.4257147
File: 221 KB, 849x1199, sample-986b15217fbbf6071b53d09e96bc8ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copypasta'd from another thread
It is extraordinary how blind one may be to the faults and crimes of his own people, and how reluctant to admit them. We sing heroic soldier-songs with energy and enthusiasm, and are amazed to find number in a Japanese audience disapproving, because of the bloody deeds celebrated in such an exultant way.
We read daily in our papers and on the news the details of the most blood curdling crimes, and often of the most abhorrent and unnatural ones; and yet we make no special reflections on the conditions of society where such things are possible, or put ourselves much out of the way to arouse the people to a due sense of the degradation and stain on the community at large because of such things.
But we go to another country like Japan and perhaps find a new species of vice; its novelty at once arrests our attention, and forthwith we howl at the enormity of the crime and the degradation of the nation in which such a crime could originate, send home the most exaggerated accounts, malign the people without stint, and then prate to them about our Christian morality

>> No.4257149
File: 42 KB, 384x480, 1263656783704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4257152

wait since when is australia an eastern country? sure they might be over in the east but i'm pretty sure they still count as a western country.

>> No.4257156

What the fuck is that picture?

Also is it like eko to issho?

>> No.4257168

I don't give a fuck if it's full of white people. It's on the East side of the world, so Aussies are as bad as the Chinese. And Russians are Asian. And Japan is influenced by the West more than enough anyway, you might as well say everything is Western.

If you mean Oriental, say Oriental.

>> No.4257172

As someone who still likes his real porn a bit more than cartoon porn, I don't really care about the lack of little girls I can watch get fucked at full force in the vagina mouth and ass, and will happily take my disgusting uncensored western porn between consenting adults.

But sometimes the censoring Japanese AVs isn't too terrible. It'll at times just make things look a little blurry, no big deal.

>> No.4257177
File: 78 KB, 800x600, shuffle160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They find AVs and eroges more harmful than comics, therefore mosaic.

Since limitations breed imagination, mosaic can be fuckhot while uncensored stuff in American releases looks just plain weird(Shuffle being a good example), possibly because it's redrawn by a different artist, and since you can't show them why bother detailing them in the first place? In fact, because of this limitation, the depiction of the genital connection is often the least important aspect in a sex scene.

>> No.4257180


Yes, let's ignore the fact that Japan has some of the lowest amount of rape in the world.

>> No.4257182

I only count three

>> No.4257187

Reported rape, Anon. Reported rape.

>> No.4257189

>reported rape
Crime stats are stupid. And train/classroom molestations probably don't usually count as rape.

>> No.4257194

So I imagine it gets reported when it's serious as opposed to when it's 'shit, I got drunk and had sex with my boyfriend's best friend, cry rape!'

>> No.4257196

>"Flat chick don't need love too."

Wasn't real bro. Aus is still fucking retarded censorship laws though ;_;

>> No.4257207


>train molestations

It's not. And considering the crowdneess of trains, it's not that difficult for accidents.

And yes, I'm sure that Japan is low in basically other violent crime too because of "lack of reports".

Have you ever been to Japan? Those people simply don't have it in them to be violent against another person.

>> No.4257218
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1158400749619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not that difficult for accidents.
Yeah, that's the one I used, too. wwww

>> No.4257223

You seem to have delusions when it comes to japanese crimes. Sure, it might not be as bad as in America but Japan sure has crimes.

>> No.4257230

>Those people simply don't have it in them to be violent against another person.
lol'd so hard.

Also violent crime is another stupid stat. Silent crime is worse. Don't tell me Japan isn't infested with Yakuza.

>> No.4257237


I'm not deluded. Japanese people in general are simply no where near as confrontational as the general American.

>> No.4257244

Yeah, look how many niggers America has.

>> No.4257245


Every country has gangs. They aren't representative of the general population or general crime.

>> No.4257248

