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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.09 MB, 2526x1800, 1264525068482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4251908 No.4251908 [Reply] [Original]

So...there was someone who was going to make a heroe's version of this one.

>> No.4251917

But then there was no reason to.

>> No.4251925

I love Miyo's, all her character in one line, which is also featured in the charasong and just gives me creeps

>> No.4251966

I know, i fucking love Nero's and Kotomine's ones too. But i prefered the Gilgamesh's old one, why was changed?

>> No.4251981

I think the heroes one needed more people and quotes to be complete. But I think it was said the the person who was doing it would post incomplete version soon. Also the villain one should also get update. The person doing this usually shows up here, so keep thread just alive and he should pop-up sooner or later.

>> No.4252016

>But i prefered the Gilgamesh's old one

>> No.4252088

what was Gil's old quote?

>> No.4252116

There is only one true quote for Gil: "the joy of every woman is to be held down and violated".

>> No.4252127

For fuck's sake STOP PUTTING THE NAME AT THE BOTTOM. When you put it there, it's right above the next row's portrait which makes it look like it belongs to THAT. Put the names at the top of each picture where they belong.

>> No.4252221

Why isn't Xavier on this list?

>> No.4252242

We got 5 Type-Moon villains? Seriously?
Weren't quite few other good ones brought up in last thread?

>> No.4252312
File: 1.49 MB, 2526x1800, VILLANOS (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old one from Gilgamesh

Yeah, and there was one guy doing it but i don't know if he manage to do something before i went out. And i would totally take out Roa's one

>> No.4252316

Name positions frustrate me.

>> No.4252321


>> No.4252334

Because Xavier is boring and standard as hell.
Although he might look quite hilarious with his quotes about how red blood of Japanese will flow.

>> No.4252399
File: 2.67 MB, 2526x1817, 1264525068482 copia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4252437

That may be so, but goddamn if he doesn't make for an awesome scene at the end of Isoroku route.

>> No.4252549


>> No.4254642

Hey guys. I'm going out for a while, but if we get lucky and I come back when this thread is still alive, I'll post the small update to the villain roster and something resembling a hero one.

You can search for some good quotes or discuss the background color for the hero roster for now or something. And don't forget to check out the previous threads on easymodo.

>> No.4254653

Fucking kids wanting to be edgy and cool.

>> No.4254769

Seriously, how dare they to have fun like that?

>> No.4256546


>> No.4256550

Why do you need to bump a thread nobody really gives a shit about?

>> No.4256557

But this thread actually has posts.

>> No.4256563
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>> No.4256575
File: 370 KB, 1024x1320, FantasyCraft_Cover_by_Inkthinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fa/tg/uy here, not sure what animus these are from, but they'd make an awesome rogues gallery of BBEGs for future campaigns.

>> No.4256590

They're from Visual Novels and Touhou games, not animu.

>> No.4256593

Every time I see this I want to remove one character and put Bern in there.

>> No.4256597

Every time I see it I wish the names were on top of the images.

>> No.4256599

I don't like Houzuki's quote. There should be something better.

>> No.4256602

He has the best quote there, completely sums up his character.

>> No.4256605
File: 162 KB, 488x900, FC_01-63_Lich_FINAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, okay. I suppose this isn't /a/ for a reason.

Which villain do you think would be most appropriate as the antagonist in a (tabletop) RPG with a medieval Europe (yes I am unoriginal) fantasy setting? You know, the kind with hippy Elves, drunkard Dwarves and power hungry wizards n shit.

>> No.4256608

Gilgamesh, definitely.

>> No.4256620

Nero and Roa are both medieval vampires with kinks, they would look pretty good. And Roa is easy as fuck to explain anyway.

>> No.4256626

Step1: Photoshop bitch

>> No.4256629

Flip a coin between Nero or Roa.

>> No.4256642

>He has the best quote there
Not that hard, really. Some of those are very silly, really. But Houzuki had so much good dialogue it shouldn't be hard to find something better.

>> No.4256652
File: 212 KB, 488x638, Art_Preview-Runewaters.preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roa is a Touhou, right? My players aren't epic level yet, so I think any attempt to emulate her powers in the game would result in their annihilation (except for the sorcerer, who would likely teleport away once the meatshield died).

Also, took me a while to figure out that by Nero you meant the Nvnswhatever guy. According to what I'm reading, it's some poor guy that wanted immortality but ended up become a churning chaotic mass of monsters. He sounds like a bit of a tragic villain, but I think it's better if there's some moral ambiguity.

>> No.4256657

>Roa is a Touhou, right? My players aren't epic level yet, so I think any attempt to emulate her powers in the game would result in their annihilation (except for the sorcerer, who would likely teleport away once the meatshield died).

>> No.4256661

Oh whoops, wrong picture

>> No.4256662

Vampiric mage, not Touhou.
Give him cool Lightning shit and make sure you stress he does NOT zip his pants.

>> No.4256663
File: 101 KB, 1199x1199, Umineko - Rosapaintnotamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roa is a Touhou, right?

>> No.4256664


This. /jp/ always say Type moon works suck dicks but they're just being tsundere about it. Having Gil and Kotomine at the same tier is just plain bullshit when Gil is just typical egolistic villain and don't have any actual depth at all.

Oh wait did I just say tsundere ? I mean hypocritic.

>> No.4256667

>Roa is a Touhou, right?
No, he's from Tsukihime, a visual novel. The same one as Nero, in fact.
>it's some poor guy that wanted immortality but ended up become a churning chaotic mass of monsters. He sounds like a bit of a tragic villain, but I think it's better if there's some moral ambiguity.
That was pretty much of his own volition though, he sought immortality by containing the lives of other beings until he became a mass of chaos. Not much tragedy there.

>> No.4256670

Both are Typemoon/Tsukihime.
Roa powers are highly depended on his current host. If he is possessing a potent mage he will have all the magic power host had plus vampire bonuses.And his hosts are not epic, since he awakens while they are still young. So they they should be around 10-14 levels max.
Plus he can go for status instead of power, so his host can be rich and influential with shitload of servants, but powerless outside of usual vampire stuff.
His servants are pretty weak too.

>> No.4256672

Gilgamesh isn't a villain.

>> No.4256674

Who is this minato hikaru?

>> No.4256676

I have trouble beliving anyone from /jp/ would willing have a hand in making a chart like this.

>> No.4256677

Gilgamesh is just a flunky. WITH ATTITUDE.

>> No.4256683

We don't have that many villains from translated games in the first place, so it's hard to fill this list with something other. Fuck, it had like 4 or 5 touhous before.

>> No.4256684

Our other villains are either not flashy(hard to have a good quote out of context) or just stupid.

>> No.4256685
File: 134 KB, 1024x510, FantasyCraft___Species_I_by_Inkthinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does NOT zip his pants.
Awesome... no zips in the setting though

So this guy can regenerate from almost anything, and even if you do kill him, he transfers his soul into a different body? And whatever form he takes is likely to be snobbish nobility? Delightful, my players will hate him.

Damnable quest for immortality is a common theme in these things, eh?

>> No.4256686
File: 78 KB, 600x339, 1256644094083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gil is not a villain

Good one.

>> No.4256689

>Damnable quest for immortality is a common theme in these things, eh?
Oh yes.

>> No.4256691

Speicifically, he does not heal.
Time reverses the body to the original setting. Under good conditions (full moom), he is rebuilt from the ankles.
He either reincarnates after death in a new baby or sometimes forcibly enters an adult host (the later makes possession harder).
Reincarnating has the drawback of him not remembering his spells/abilities(attrition of the soul), but that does not matter for a single encounter.
The most important thing is to have whatever clothes be half-open.

>> No.4256692

Actually, Nero was strictly a researcher. He was from a minor mage society (Several of those are scattered throughout Europe, probably they work on a master/pupil basis. ) and turned into what he is as a result of his studies. He knew his mind would be eventually devoured by the chaos within him (he's not true chaos yet, since there's a dominant identity in form of Nero) but he chose to study it anyway.

>> No.4256702

Not really but Nero and Roa are from the same work written by the same guy.
Gil, Nero, Kirei and Roa are all from Type-Moon and Nasu.
Only Nero and Roa sought immortality though, Gil did as well in the original myth's and he actually obtained it, lost it and died, but Nasu's version is "revived" and he has also stopped caring about immortality.

>> No.4256704 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 83087-66582-ras-al-ghul_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because wanting to kill a big part of the people of the world just because there are too many is not being a villain

>> No.4256705

>And whatever form he takes is likely to be snobbish nobility?
It's either status or power. Usually status. If the body has both, it's perfect. Host loses part of his personality though, so it won't be very snobbish nobility. More like psychotic.

>> No.4256712

>Not really but Nero and Roa are from the same work written by the same guy.
Not to mention that they are bros in the setting due to their goal and backstory.

>> No.4256716

We're actually going to, I think.

She's from Muramasa. Untranslated VNs are part of /jp/, too.

>> No.4256724

Is more like waiting to see who will be the real villain of Umineko

>> No.4256731

Stupid crazy person, silly revenger, or bored ill-defined supernatural beings who have noothing to do with the original tragedy and just stick around in meta?
I am thrilled.

>> No.4256735

He was a magus and like most magi he conducted researches, his was for immortality.
He actually succeeded in merging his body with his Reality Marble and his reality marble with a bunch of beasts and other beings. The nature of his reality marble theoretically allows him to "live" as long as it's sustained.

>> No.4256747

He was still pretty cool with dying, even after he noticed that "fuse animals into internalized RM" deal would also effectively kill him after some time.

>> No.4256765

While he himself might eventually "die" as a side effect, the chaos should "live" on as along as it manage to sustain itself.

>> No.4256780
File: 330 KB, 1031x713, FC_01-03_SpecLine02_FINAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I should play some of these VNs. Does /jp/ have a recommended list like /a/'s one at all?

>> No.4256794

/a/ has 20 lists with 100 series.
Very helpful.
Anyway, depends on what you like.

>> No.4256802
File: 2.92 MB, 1591x3133, jprecommendations_revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4256806

I disagree with Ryoko being in the final list. She's not a really villain.

>> No.4256807

yeah, say what you like, there's a list but just explain i, it's faster
do you like romance, H, mystery, action, horror, slice of life, comedy...

>> No.4256812

Why was Beatrice taken out? I approve of Houzuki being added, though.

>> No.4256818
File: 484 KB, 1024x1152, Leer &O Ver (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is the easiest recomended list

>> No.4256816 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4256825

beatrice isn't a villain, and bern's in the list already, I think
if not she should be added

>> No.4256827

Nice try, but I've seen Taimanin Asagi before.
You monster.

I suppose I'd be after action and horror ones.

>> No.4256829

saya no uta is horror and gorey, same with higurashi
tsukihime and FSN are both action oriented
Chaos head has some lements of both
use this list someone posted>>4256818, just read the descriptions

>> No.4256830

Well, try this
Except for Umineko( do NOT let it be of your first ones).
Also, Tsukihime and especially F/SN and Clannad are very fucking huge, so try the shorter ones first.

>> No.4256832

Well, since you seem so interested in Roa, Nero and the like, you might want to start with Type-Moon. It has quite a well constructed modern fantasy universe, and a lot of people start out with Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night anyway.

>> No.4256834

Sure there are some(not that many good ones though as most are just troll shit to make newfags stop spamming the board with "recommend me X")

But as a fellow fa/tg/uy I guess that you could enjoy Saya no Uta
A grimdark setting filled with lovecraft-style shit. A young man survives a car accident only to find out that the doctor that saved his life also messed with his brain, making everything come off as gory images to him. After faking his mental condition for quite a while he was eventually let out. The exception to his delusions is however a little girl that he met at the hospital called Saya.

Or Fate/Stay Night a story about a few people that are thrown into a magical war, each being given a "servant", heroes of history being summoned into the current time, serving the porpous of slaying the others in the war in order to claim the holy grail, infinite ammount magical energy and a chance to have wishes granted.
(Despite from what some might say and what it might seem like at first glance, it isn't all that much about fights even though there are a handful of them in the story)

>> No.4256838

why is umineko bad as one of your first ones?
it's linear and without H, very common for begginners

>> No.4256839

Ah, many thanks. I've got some work to do.

Polite sage for non-contribution.

>> No.4256844


what the fuck seriously

>> No.4256845

Tsukihime is ANYTHING but action oriented, seriously.
Even F/SN, whiel detailed in it's action background has much less action scenes than people may think.

Convoluted clusterfuck of story and narration after teh first couple episodes. Plus, too fucking horrible art.
Till you learn to enjoy reading VNs, you should not sit through Umineko,IMO.

>> No.4256848

we really need bern in this list
just use her killed tips in ep1 and you're served

>> No.4256852

Serious lack of Sharin no Kuni in that list.

>> No.4256853

It's pretty outdated, so yeah.

>> No.4256856

No, we don't.
Stupid arrogance is not really villainous.

>> No.4256857

Isn't there a better Roa quote?

>> No.4256860

No, I don't think that Bern is deserving of being on the villain list just yet. She seems to be switching back and forth, and it's difficult to know whether she's on our side, or not. I'm guessing she'll be redeemed in some way by the end.

Now Erika, that's who I'd put down instead. "A heart? What's that?".

>> No.4256863

recomendations for people starting, Sharin should be played after having tried some more
that's like your opinion, playing umineko soon makes you think the art isn't bad. many people who had never read any VN in /a/ picked it up during the anime, none regretted it

>> No.4256879

I'm not saying it's a bad read or you will regret, but there are easier reads to start with and the art is fucking horrible regardless.
As for whether 'none regretted it' or not, that's a tall order, besides if they were interested enough from the anime to try it, liking the VN is expected.

>> No.4256886
File: 250 KB, 650x900, 8082447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't put Bern down yet, my money is on super Hanyuu anyway.

>> No.4256892

Wait, how does Erika who's a pawn make the list but Bern who eats human entrails, describes the suffering of others as "Aged wine" and "Tea leaves" not make the list?

>> No.4256894

Bernfag, probably.

>> No.4256895

>none regretted it
Not really the case.
For one thing though, Umineko's engine sucks, and the textflow is slow etc etc. If one ignore the story for one moment the rest of it doesn't really portray VNs that good at all even though one might get used to the art, oh and the music is pretty decent though.
Either way most of the people from /a/ that started with Umineko are just
>EP 6 translation 0%
>EP 6 Editing 0%

>> No.4256900

that guy existed way before, he was tiring with ep4 already
also at least say the music is great, it has like 130 songs, and at least 1/3 is GREAT with about 20 awesom tracks
also the text flows normally, it depends on the speed you set it, 2 is just like a normal VN

>> No.4256910
File: 95 KB, 639x479, bluetruthingmaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put both Erika and Bern in one.

Though Erika goes from bitch to ruthless cunt in Episode 6, so I'd say she's more deserving.

>> No.4256909 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4256916 [DELETED] 

If you're going to add Bern heres the ep1 tea party quote for when you kill her

Since I keep on thinking,
I will have an eternity to live.
In other words, if I stop thinking,
I can die at any time.
But, if I begin to think,
I'll live again at any time.

Therefore, because I am whimsical
I am inconstant.
Living as I wish; dying as I wish;
reviving as I wish.

>> No.4256917

If you're going to add Bern heres the ep1 tea party quote for when you kill her

Since I keep on thinking,
I will have an eternity to live.
In other words, if I stop thinking,
I can die at any time.
But, if I begin to think,
I'll live again at any time.

Therefore, because I am whimsical
I am inconstant.
Living as I wish; dying as I wish;
reviving as I wish.

>> No.4256930

Really not something villainous or distinctive.
Pseudo-omnipotence boasting.

>> No.4256940 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4256950 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4256964

How about;

"I wonder what their faces will look like... as they lose all hope.
....*giggle*, I can't wait. Call for me when that happens.
I'll come watch, with some of the best black tea and dried plums."

>> No.4256969

...Villainous, but stupid.

>> No.4256974

Just get the "It is best to drink tea with fellow monsters" and "eating flesh is all you've taught me" quotes.

>> No.4256979

That's the charming part.

>> No.4256983

There's also;

"Looks like we'll be able to enjoy ourselves for a full two weeks.
...Maybe we can let them decide which ones to execute first.
Hehehe! Make sure to think up something great for the concept.
...I'd like to enjoy executions both old and new, from east and west every day."

>> No.4256987

>>EP 6 translation 0%
Check the WH's website, brah.

>> No.4256993

When were those? I can't remember.

>> No.4257047

Does Gore Screaming show have a translation?
The concept seems very interesting...

>> No.4257051

The songs might be good but the actual sound quality isn't as good.

>> No.4257058

Somebody is translating it with his Japanese teacher.

>> No.4257256

Ep6, Bern meeting AuAu.

>> No.4257333

Quite good, but there are some series I don't know

>> No.4257337

There's no hero version to make. Not unless you want to fill the whole damned thing with easily-forgettable one liners.

And yes, do you have enough swords is a one liner. Not powerful enough.

>> No.4257374

'If you claim you are the original, then I will surpass you and destroy your existence' has oomph.

>> No.4257392

No cool enough quotes for the hero side? Time for Ieyasu fanwank.

"To come to know your enemy, first you must become his friend, and once you become his friend, all his defences come down. Then you can choose the most fitting method for his demise. "

Motherfucker waited everyone else to death and got Japan for free. What a guy, that Ieyasu. He does sound like a villain in that quote, but he does get shit done.

>> No.4257396

Not enough. For one thing, and this is fagtastic of anon to say, I look at these quotes and I see some embodiment of either the villains' ideals, or something revealing about their character. I think most anons do, which is why one liners just won't work as easily.

Look at Gil's fixed line versus his original. Call him flat villain if you want, but "I'm already carrying everything in this world" is very, very representative of both his psycho villain role AND what the man was in his own epic.

For the likes of heroes, I'd expect a representation of their ideal or what makes them tick, not just their resolve and determination (unless they're out and out determinators, like Simon the Digger or some shit).

>> No.4257401

This one screamed evil bitch to me:

"Let me hear some nice screams. It's the wine you've been fermenting all this time."

>> No.4257403 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 425x565, travis_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visual novels also don't really have hero and villain roles.
Takeshi's "As long as you're living, live!" speech at the end of Tsugumi's route was definitely heroic, but who is the villain? Fucking Archimedes.
Houzuki's quote definitely deals with what it means to be a villain, but he and Kenichi seem to have more of a student-surpasses-the-master relationship.

All in all, there are no more heroes.

>> No.4257412

Stupid little dominatrix like quotes with a pretentious overtone just lack oomph.

>> No.4257413

Remilia and Yuka are kind of weak then.

>> No.4257416

That's awesome and representative, but not really...eh, fuck it. Run that thing. You quoting from Rance?

>> No.4257426

No, the actual dude.

>> No.4257427

This shows her personality very well, she's only in the game to see people suffer and crush them so this quote makes sense if you're looking into her character.

>> No.4257446

They do have memorable quotes. Not just of the Type Moon big damned heroes bit, but even a failboat like Tsuchimi Rin (Shuffle) has a few choice specs of wisdom that makes him a person and not just one of many self insertion blank-faced milquetoasts.

Yuuichi doesn't have any? Tomoya? Not expecting Ieyasu, Nobunaga, or Zhuge Liang levels of pearl-like wisdom, but something that definitely defines them as themselves. Heroes don't always need to be sword-in-hand saviors.

>> No.4257485
File: 29 KB, 504x478, Bern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Leave it to me. Splitting up the innards and dragging out all that is inside is that I do best... It's what you taught me to do."

>> No.4257523


Last thread had some discussion regarding what a hero should be and who would be good.

>> No.4257541

Shirou does have a decent monologue before he delivers the final line. The "weapons in stock" deal is just the punchline of his speech.

>> No.4257542

We need a really good picture of Bern to use.

>> No.4257545

.../jp/ isn't only about novels and Touhou games. What about putting some real heroes like some samurais? Miyamoto Musashi, Tomoe Gozen, Benkei?

>> No.4257558

Easily forgotten one-lines, how you call them, are best than a wall of text. One-line are more easily remember by the people who read them and represent in a better way the heroe/protagonist/villain/antagonists

>> No.4257559

Last thread had some discussion about them too, but as I don't know shit about them I won't comment any further.

>> No.4257561
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>> No.4257569
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>> No.4257572

Take it to int or something. Who gives a shit about japanese heroes.

>> No.4257579
File: 88 KB, 800x601, rance xavier 3434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need some Xavier!

>> No.4257586

His most noted quote is "Give me the children until they are seven and anyone may have them afterwards. "

Xavier invented lolicon.

>> No.4257592

When he explained how Kurohime was born this was pretty amazing.

>> No.4257602

...why that guy has a little monkey in his shoulder?

>> No.4257605

Because that fucking monkey is the true villain of Rance.

>> No.4257606

Monkey is the real mastermind behind everything.

>> No.4257614

The monkey on his shoulder is a parody of Toyotomi Hideyoshi whose nickname is Monkey (based on the Novel "Taiko" by Eiji Yoshikawa) because of his bad looking face. Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a follower of Oda Nobunaga who rose to power after Nobunaga's death. In Sengoku Rance, there are two monkeys that were on Nobunaga's shoulder and their names Toukichirou, Hiyoshimaru also were Hideyoshi's names (Kinoshita Toukichirou was the name before he lived as Hashiba Hideyoshi, and Hiyoshimaru was his childhood name).

>> No.4257638

I think we should add Toukichirou to the villains chart.
Here's a quote from him;

"Kyu, kyuu...
Kyaa, kyaaa."

>> No.4257703

Heroes chart should be pink with frills and happy butterflies to compensate for he grimdarkness of the villains chart.

>> No.4257720

I think black is fine.

>> No.4257728

Erika (and possibly Bern) should probably be on there. Erika for a lot of the things she says along with what she does in Episode 6.

>> No.4257730

What about white?

>> No.4257737

I'm sure she has an awesome quote from episode six that we can use.


>> No.4257741

poor erika, how about her last lines, it was her presentation, but it was cool
Bern should be there though

>> No.4257751

Poor Battler, made the game of Episode 6 without murders and she ends up causing them herself.

>> No.4257755

maybe some line with 'third-rate mystery'

>> No.4257842

What heroes do we have so far?

>> No.4257908


>> No.4257913

Check the thread on easymodo.

People who are good to go already:
TM Heroes
Historical heroes
Ichijo-Masamune duo

People who should probably be in, but don't have any quotes yet:
Battler (come on, just pick the one you like the most)
Reimu/Marisa (maybe Kaguya?)
Muv-Luv/Baldr protags?

>> No.4257932

>Battler (come on, just pick the one you like the most)

>> No.4257941
File: 21 KB, 720x408, K1_Watergun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keiichi is obligatory. He's more of a hero than Rika ever was.

>> No.4258028
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That is correct. You are a pervert. What's wrong with men being perverts? All guys are perverts to their roots. The grandness of your manhood depends on whether you can admit that or not. It is the difference between Heaven and Earth! You were honest to yourself! You can take pride in that! Be proud!!

>> No.4258035
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>> No.4258040

Why the fuck would you remove Perla from the bad guys?

>> No.4258045

Rather than make hero version, we should fix that one a bit first.
What do you say, who can go from current list, and who should be added?

Personally I'd replace Ryoko with either Saya or Fuminori.

>> No.4258050
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>> No.4258064

taht only holds for the first 4 eps
better: I'll kill you and release you, my Golden witch Beatrice

>> No.4258078

I actually liked Norose's quote. Why was it removed?

>> No.4258095

Goddamn kids wanting to be cool and edgy.

>> No.4258171

>> Saya-Fuminori

Are you serious?

>> No.4258176


You're still here?

>> No.4258231

Are you sure Battler won't turn out ot be a villain in the end though?

>> No.4258248

the odds for last boss are divided between Bern and the last to come Featherine
Lambda is neutral after all when it comes to the game and not lesbic things

>> No.4258256

a /jp/ hero one would suck horribly. /jp/'s villians are made godtier by Kotomine and Wallachia alone.

>> No.4258278

I still want to see someone like Scythe Master on there instead of Yuka, Gil, or Roa. Pimp-hat alone is enough to qualify him.

>> No.4258282


Battler has two prime directives. Save his family and Save Beato. That's not too villain like, and even if those two contradict each other, chances are he'll fuck it up instead of turning evil.


Featherine is final boss. She's the Author after all. With all the focus on fiction and truth, the characters in the story will probably end up rebelling.

>> No.4258298

Which one?

>> No.4258324

the only problem I have with featherine is that she appeared in ep6, at least bern was there since ep1, Featherine came just too late

>> No.4258390
File: 85 KB, 239x234, battler3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Battler's quote could be:


>> No.4258443

Is there any chance we might get Taichi on the heroes chart? In the end he was pretty heroic.

>> No.4258473

Get him a quote then.

>> No.4258517
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dude could be on the hero or the villian list.

>> No.4258560
File: 345 KB, 800x1300, VISUAL_RAIN_E01A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm not seeking revenge for her sake, she wouldn't have wanted me to do it. The reason I fight now is to find the truth of that tragic day when we all lost something important to us."

Kou Kadokura, pic mostly related.

>> No.4258578

Obviously on the hero one. He is justice.

>> No.4258599

We just need a quote for Rance and he's ready to go.

>> No.4258614

"Gya ha ha ha"

>> No.4258620

Taichi could have that "crossing speech" of his from the last arc.

>> No.4258633

But Wallachia is shit.

>> No.4258636

Taichi wouldn't be Taichi without perverted quote.

>> No.4258638
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>> No.4258644

Wallachia is good. All of his story quotes need context, though.

>> No.4258652

Then die.

>> No.4258657

I like the "Kill your boring selves"

>> No.4258663

We need to kick out one or two Moonies, seriously. 5 is too much.

>> No.4258673

I agree. Gil and Roa should definitely go, at least. Put Scythe Master up there.

>> No.4258700

Gil is the best. He stays.

Those touhou are boring, though.

>> No.4258708

His Gahahaha, good!

or Everything is mine!

would be fine

>> No.4258711

Lacks impact.

>> No.4258712

>Those touhou are boring, though.
At least we limited them to two. When half of the list was Touhous, it was horrible.
I would delete Remi myself. She makes a very shitty villain, especially with a quote like that.

>> No.4258713


No,fuck you and your generic gay king.Gil has to go. Put Rance up there.

>> No.4258727
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>> No.4258731

Only proper touhou on that list is Yuka.

>> No.4258734

But shouldn't Rance go to heroes? He's a dick, his motives are questionable and he's an all around beast but he does in fact do a lot of good.

>> No.4258736

I like Gil and Roa more as villains than Nero, myself.

Kotomine definitely stays however.

>> No.4258737

No Utsuho? She was after all one of the few actual Touhou who acted as a proper villain

>> No.4258749

Why should anybody be removed? We can just add another row.

>> No.4258767

>I like Gil and Roa more as villains than Nero

Nero's quote is probably the best standalone one up there. The man is poetically describing the fact that chaos itself is devouring you and making you a part of itself.

How much more directly villainous can you be?

>> No.4258772

IMHO while she's a villain and is the most villainy out of all the touhou being a canon jerk she comes off as a super powered idiot with not enough sadism.

Quality over quantity.

For the moonies and toehoes I'd say Yuka should stay and Nero and Kotomine should stay. Remove gil and Roa. Hell Gil is chaotic good by canon.

>> No.4258774


Because we want more quantity over quality ? Nope.

TMs definitely has too much villain in that chart. If any has to go I would vote Gil and Roa,they're typical boring characters seen in almost every manga and VN.

>> No.4258785

And i would stay with Kotomine, Nero and Gil

>> No.4258791


By your definition Kotomine can become a hero too since he saved teh loli and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.4258795
File: 175 KB, 550x650, 19f7bfb44b027d9383f83becfb29a765f0fb4d56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't remove someone that sexy, guys. Just add other rows. We'll have the quality AND the quantity.

>> No.4258802

i'm with this guy

>> No.4258820

I don't give a shit about which one of Gil, Roa, Wallachia or Nero you remove, but don't you dare to touch Kotomine.

>> No.4258821


Bumping a row in favor of one or two characters even though there're already 5 of TM character in that chart ?

Seriously, stop dicking around. Gil and Roa go. Leave the seat for the others.

>> No.4258828

Kotomine is the antagonist of his game, not a hero.

>> No.4258835

Let's just make another row and add 7 more characters, then.

>> No.4258842

Remove Ryoko. Fuminori and Saya are technically the villains in their story.

>> No.4258845


I know,and that's why I said "by your definition" since a hero or villain is best be judged from his action.

>> No.4258847

Then just add on next to Roa and Osaka.

I remember the other boards villain charts being a whole lot longer, we could atleast have two more spots.

>> No.4258850

No, Gil should stay.

>> No.4258864

Even better, stop bothering with this.
The good quotes need context and the ones that have immediate impact are rather generic or do not embody the character well.
Pointless and does not do the characters justice.

>> No.4258870
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Heres the mixed one.

>> No.4258886

Stop being such a party pooper.

>> No.4258900

Out of current list Remi, Roa and Gil need to go. We agree on this, yes?

>> No.4258904

But do we have anyone to replace them with?

>> No.4258909

Remi, yes. Roa, maybe. Gilgamesh, fuck no. He stays.

>> No.4258914

Weren't quite few names been brought up earlier? Well, anybody from Cross Channel would do.

>> No.4258928

Remi should be replaced with Utsuho.

I don't want to see Roa or Gil go, but if I had to choose I'd go with letting go of Roa. Gil stays.

>> No.4258934

Not Roa. And Gil may be a shitty villain but he has a good quote.

I wouldn't consider anyone in Cross Channel a real villain.

>> No.4258935

Gilgamesh goes nowhere you fucking whore.

>> No.4258938

Maybe Taichi himself?

>> No.4258941

>Well, anybody from Cross Channel would do.
Fuck yes, Sakuraba.

>> No.4258954

Kiri's speech was fucking awesome.

>> No.4258965

She's hardly a villain.

>> No.4258984

The "do you care about the gender of the fried chicken you eat?" one?

>> No.4258991

Cross Channel villains:
Kiri, Taichi

Miki, Kiri, Taichi

>> No.4258996

You are actually having fun?
It's not just with the /jp/ villains, 90% of the list is either hard to appreciate out of context, does not capture the essence of the character or just includes a bad generic quote.

>> No.4259023


Stop acting like a retarded fanboy. He might have a few shiny moments but he's nothing new compared to the others like Kotomine.

>> No.4259060

Kirei should definitely stay, but Gil isn't that bad of a character either, perhaps a bit simple but that does in no way mean that he is bad.
And he's pretty good in f/z as well, though the same could be said about Kirei but we already in agreement that he should stay.

>> No.4259077

Taichi should definitely be on the heroes list, but I'd be hesitant about putting him on the villains list. Sure, he's a monster and all, but it just wouldn't feel right.

>> No.4259097

Sakuraba's quote could be:

"Give me your full-width asterisk, Taichi."

>> No.4259133

Why does /v/ has 24 villains?

>> No.4259148
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Still less than /co/

>> No.4259155

>It's not just with the /jp/ villains, 90% of the list is either hard to appreciate out of context, does not capture the essence of the character or just includes a bad generic quote.


Almost all of the quotes are badly chosen, many of them are way too fucking LONG, the pictures, fonts, and colors are fucking garbage and for fuck's sake STOP PUTTING THE NAME AT THE BOTTOM WHERE IT'S RIGHT ABOVE THE PORTRAIT OF SOME OTHER CHARACTER.

This whole picture is worthless garbage and to fix it you need to throw it away and start over.

>> No.4259161


The /co/ version is shit too. President Apocalypse and Azula in his red armor are certainly a striking pair.

>> No.4259183
File: 110 KB, 871x713, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? See what this looks like? HINT: look at the fucking names.

>> No.4259186

Personally I think Kotomine's, Nero's and Houzuki's are pretty neat.

Yuka is utter shit, though. I say fuse her with Gore.

>> No.4259200

Agree on the names. That's really annoying.

>> No.4259312

Agreed, without context you don't even get that she's a villain. It's really bad.

>> No.4259416

Hating on .ogg aren't you?

>> No.4259511

"I'm pinning you down, right here, right now! Is that not enough for you!?" - Morita Kenichi

>> No.4259557 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4259586

Better one would be the one where Kenichi speaks Houzuki about how he should pay attention to those who exists under the wheel and their indignation. Too bad I dont have the quote right now with me and cant look for it.

>> No.4259614
File: 1.66 MB, 3545x1971, 1261090853840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more

>> No.4259620

If you search TLWiki, you can find quotes of the games with projects there.

"You know, in those sci-fi novels I read, the wheel is a form of torture device.
You should be more mindful of the humans who get stuck under that wheel of yours.
Don't take people too lightly.
You'd do well to remember that."

>> No.4259833

Perla had the best quote and you faggots removed her.

>> No.4260153


>> No.4260312


Dark Translation is going to work on MinDead Blood at some point (also by Black Cyc)

>> No.4260462

Our villains can beat up your villains.
- January, 2010.
- /co/

>> No.4260585

At this point i believe they beat almost everyone from other boards

>> No.4263186

Mother fucking kenichi is the man.
Definitely has to go on heroes to match houzuki's wheel quote.
Those two quotes are a pair.
