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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4250980 No.4250980 [Reply] [Original]

What's the matter crybaby?

Need to run to the mods every time a AT thread is made?

>> No.4250983

Such delicious frustration.
The night is young.

>> No.4250982

cry some more for my amusement

>> No.4250987

hm..no spica?

>> No.4250986
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>> No.4250990

Delicious Saki
Must have more

>> No.4250994
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>> No.4250993

> Bitch about Ar Tonelico threads
> Do nothing about the Onahole thread thats been up for 2 fucking days

>> No.4250996

I see why other places hate /jp/.

>> No.4250998
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What are you talking about?

I assume this game is not /jp/ related?

>> No.4250999

>bump a troll thread
>complain about good threads

>> No.4251001
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really if other AT fans is doing this, stop it, we can try to have discussion tomorrow. let just it let it die today. if its someone else trying to give us bad name, you can go and die somewhere already.

>> No.4251002

Mods have been deleting all JRPG threads lately.

>> No.4251003

It's the guy called Anon Jones that is doing that. He did the same for Persona threads.

>> No.4251005


The OP is the same guy as the troll.

Notice how when the thread was made, there was just a slight delay before he appeared?

>> No.4251006 [DELETED] 

The guy has been doing this for days.
Considering he hasn't stopped and I'd really like to have a good AT3 discussion ongoing when enough people played it, I'm just going to persist as long as he does.
Also, if opening a thread YOU ( as in one single samefag ), counts as trolling then we're really reached the bottom.

>> No.4251011

The guy has been doing this for days.
Considering he hasn't stopped and I'd really like to have a good AT3 discussion ongoing when enough people played it, I'm just going to persist as long as he does.
Also, if opening a thread YOU ( as in one single samefag ) don't like, counts as trolling then we're really reached the bottom.

>> No.4251012

I blame all that drama in the archive.
Holy fuck, moot, you can troll us even indirectly.

>> No.4251010
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I give up I stop trying to make sense to people and go and continue watching that playtrough on niconico.

>> No.4251015

On /tg/ JRPG threads don't get saged or deleted.

You're all just a bunch of butthurt crybaby niggers honestly.

>> No.4251020

Do not misunderstand, this is not /jp/, it's a single person.

>> No.4251021

On /a/ /b/ threads don't get saged or deleted.

You're all just a bunch of butthurt crybaby niggers honestly.

>> No.4251024

Hi, I just got home from class so being accused of doing all kinds of nefarious things (reporting rulebreaking posts, being on speaking terms with team4chan, etc) while I'm away is both flattering and insulting at the same time.

>> No.4251025

Come on Suigin, we've got already enough shit on our hands without you playing troll.

>> No.4251030
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yeah, I'm going to persist too in trying to get discussion. but for today I just have reached my limits. I'm bad at withstanding trolling.

>> No.4251033
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/jp/ - Japan/General

1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.4251045
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>> No.4251061
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1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.4251063

It sad that you think that.

>> No.4251065

Please don't bump this.

>> No.4251071

You're still the person that started this. Just a quick search of the archive shows you ranting about how much you hate /v/ threads and defending your position against them. One time you even resorted to spamming them which put you in conflict with our janitor. Why are you trying to save face now?

>> No.4251075

/dg/ - Doujinsoft/Visual Novels

>> No.4251086

Prove it.

>> No.4251090
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/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.4251097
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>> No.4251101

touhou belongs in /v/ gtfo touhoudevs

>> No.4251109
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Such an accurate depiction of

/jp/ - Japan/GENERAL

1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.4251114

Isn't Ar Tonelico just an eroge without porn?

>> No.4251122

Doesn't belong here.

>> No.4251126

>eroge without porn
Think before posting.

>> No.4251135


This guy is righter than right.

Tolerant boards like /tg/ are a lush, vibrant world of life and great threads because it doesn't contain users who go out of their way to try to stomp threads they just don't like.

By comparison, intolerant boards like /jp/ are a desolate wasteland lacking any sort of content because there's at least one person who for some reason massively objects to everything you could think to post on /jp/. Only the occasional, boring tumbleweed rolls through.

The main difference is that when /jp/ hates a thread, one or two of its users sages it repeatedly, and enough users hate everything that every thread gets saged at least five times before it picks up, if it gets a chance to.

Better boards, like /tg/, take a thread whose content could be hated, and completely hijack it into a thread that becomes /tg/ related by their posts. Nobody hijacks and derails threads better than /tg/. Consequently, few boards get trolled as frequently or as hard as /tg/. And they almost never have janitors or mods. They don't need them.

>> No.4251143

>every thread gets saged at least five times before it picks up
sage my anus onee-san

>> No.4251156

Nice sockpuppetry.

Also, /tg/ is as good as /jp/.

>> No.4251169
File: 480 KB, 735x1205, 1264703690038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah Ar Tonelico is is an eroge, the H-scenes are just presented in non-adult way using metaphors.

>> No.4251171

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.4251172
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/jp/ - Japan/General

1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.4251178

Eroge without porn?
This is the greatest invention since dehydrated water.

>> No.4251185
File: 16 KB, 105x165, Minsc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying /tg/ isn't a fuckton better then /jp/

>> No.4251192

now we see how great /tg/ posters are

>> No.4251203


Just because he's too stupid to know about ADV or Galge as a term doesn't mean you should make fun of him.

>> No.4251202

Holy shit, this how you own someone. And this comes from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.4251205


Sometimes users find different ways to use things than what they were originally made for. If you hand me a shovel and tell me it's for raking up leaves, eventually I'm going to put two and two together and discover that it's much better for digging holes.

People who want to shit on a thread use sage because they can fill visual space with garbage posts nobody wants to look at and sage lets them do it without bumping the thread. The intended effect is obvious; the harder it is for posters to enjoy the thread, the less likely they will be to continue participating in it, and if the thread doesn't bump when they threadshit in it, it's much more likely to sink into the land of 404.

Sage is much better at doing what threadshitters want it to do than what its creators intended for it to be used for. At the end of the day, it's a useless function which only facilitates threadshitting. It should be removed.

But until then, it will be used almost exclusively for threadshitting. The other use will be for faggots pretending to be oldfags parroting moot about the "proper" use of the sage function.

>> No.4251213

Why don't you go back there, samefag?

>> No.4251224

/jp/ is the only 4chan board which uses sage properly, get over it.

>> No.4251230
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> Implying you can appreciate greatness

>> No.4251238


>> No.4251244

I stated it

>> No.4251245

No, I'm not Suigin. I'm not a queer.

>> No.4251250
File: 144 KB, 800x683, 4ddad112bae1063ff4624461bce19e7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all get along here if we respect each others threads and not complain in them :)

>> No.4251262
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Yeah, most of us do respect others opinion, but there are always some fucktards here to fuck up this harmony.

>> No.4251260
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Because, get this, traditional games are only among my hobbies and interests. As it stands, /jp/ is the only somewhat official VN board, but it's filled with faggots who shit it up and stomp discussion.

Normally, cross-board content jumps around on 4chan because users have multiple hobbies and interests, and they bring those interests with them across boards. Maybe today, /tg/ wants to stat spiderman. Maybe tomorrow, /a/ will want to discuss a possible anime adaptation of tsukihime.

But if everyone screamed "off topic" or "go to /some other board/" at the first opportunity, we wouldn't have some of our best crossover threads and posts. I highly doubt there are many of us who are strictly limited to one form or other of entertainment. Hell, even /v/ can't agree on whether western or eastern games belong there, and those are all goddamn video games.

>> No.4251259
File: 33 KB, 286x400, JapBomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't happen because /jp/ isn't intelligent enough to comprehend

/jp/ - Japan/General

1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.4251264

IN terms of community, /co/ is the friendliest and most honest. They also provide lots of content.

/tg/ trolls each other over edition wars, but they do a ton of oc, maybe more than any other board.

/jp/ is nothing but masturbating to touhous and umineko theory threads. It has virtually no oc except for the hatsukoi translation. There are a few continuous threads, like touhou fighting game stuff or idol threads, where people do there thing and it's cool--but make no mistake, those are literally the best threads on /jp/.

/jp/ has a self-hating insular community and too little content to discuss. I love vns and have had good discussions about them here, but the day to day content is pretty miserable.

>> No.4251270


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if one day everyone on /jp/ honestly tried to be affable and understanding.

But then I realize that /jp/ wouldn't really be /jp/ if it wasn't bathed in rage.

>> No.4251284

This is what trolls believe.


But didn't you know, Jones? You're like Jesus Christ. You can run botservers from a WiFi connection in your head and cause trolls to appear from thin air with a wrinkle of your nose.

>> No.4251287
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And what I mean to say is, it's frustrating. I love my hobbies somewhat equally. It's extremely irritating when I go to two boards on the same website focused on different hobbies of mine, and find that one is a pretty chill place with cool, creative dudes hanging about, and the other is full of a bunch of nagging, bitching assholes who make up a bunch of unspoken rules about what you're allowed to post on their board, and stick their noses up at everything, even the content that's supposedly "approved," anyway.

>> No.4251312

>the other is full of a bunch of nagging, bitching assholes who make up a bunch of unspoken rules about what you're allowed to post on their board, and stick their noses up at everything

Well, that's your fault for going to a board other than /jp/.

>> No.4251320

What the fuck are you still doing here, faggot? We are NEETs, we shit and piss on the floor, if you aren't one of us, just get out.

>> No.4251327
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Best Pairing in P4. Discuss.

>> No.4251328


>> No.4251329

Ugh, and tripfags say they aren't attention whores.

>> No.4251345


>> No.4251338


It's the truth. Nothing to discuss.

>> No.4251351

all blacks like rap

>> No.4251377
File: 185 KB, 600x800, 1235475572547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best choice for SO3 which is better then Gust games.

>> No.4251384

say it in red

>> No.4251402

My own clone. Seriously though, I feel exactly the same way.

This is what we have now: people who flaunt their NEETdom like it was the new ANON IS LEGION XD. It's pathetic.

>> No.4251408

>Unspoken rules
Isn't that actually quite understandable, considering how vague Japan/General is?
Moot created it because there were some things he didn't want on a, so he basically made /jp/ so that those things could go in here, but it would be pretty pointless to have a /a2/ animu/mango+other stuff board, so /a/ content should have stayed in /a/ or something.
Then here is the thing, /a/ content goes in /a/, /v/ content goes in /v/, sightseeing etc goes in /trv/ etc etc etc.
There are already specific boards for practically "All things Japanese" except for a select few topics.
VNs, Touhou, Doujins, Galge/Eroge are without doubt /jp/'s strongest topics, but all of it could arguably fit into another board.
Japan/General doesn't really fit in 4chan that good, but then again moot made /jp/ for certain specific topics and most likely called it Japan/General due to lack of better ideas. /jp/'s strongest topics are still what was considered to "not fit in /a/", and the topics most closely related to those topics.

>> No.4251417

You took my post seriously? I'm laughing right now.

>> No.4251438


But in practice, people playing culture janitors only create a vicious circular effect. The guy who's been shitting on these threads, for example, is apparently angry over the /dg/ possibility and people shitting on his thread.

Not to say that I agree with letting /jp/ become /tg/. I also engage in tabletop, but /tg/ is just a little bit too free. At any given time half the threads on the first page are just video games, and not even fringe ones that could be argued for like a roguelike.

Their furry infestation is also rather disturbing.

>> No.4251460

Um, but there are people who really do post like that. If you're going to act exactly like them, please forgive me for not being able to tell the difference. No need for the butthurt response.

>> No.4251462

moot should just make everyvthing cut and dry.

>> No.4251465

Words words and more words, this is reading too much into things.
No one has the right to come into a legitimate thread an mess it up because of some "unspoken rule" coming out of his sick head.
I don't like touhou threads, do I shit on them because my "unspoken rule" is that they should not be discussed ? no.
Same goes for idols, yukkuries and drawing threads.
You see, my head isn't so much up my ass that I feel the need of playing MASTER RACE ( /v/ docet ) and go around dictating what is good and what is bad.
THAT is the kind of behaviour that messes up a board.

>> No.4251477
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green = best tier
yellow = mid tier
red = shit tier

>> No.4251481

You're right, but he won't.

>> No.4251484

moot doesn't care

>> No.4251482

I guess that's sort of how I feel about this as well, but the guy that ahs been shitposting these threads still doesn't really make sense, thus I can't really think of it as anything other than trolling, even if it may in fact be his geniuine opinion.

The AT games clearly falls within the Eroge/Galge category and the thing is, if Eroge/Galge shouldn't be allowed, then A LOT of other "accepted" /jp/ content should go as well.

>> No.4251499

I may have written the post, and I claimed that it was >understandable<, I never said I approved of retarded behaviour such as mindless shitposting.

>> No.4251503

If you go to /tv/ and make a cartoon thread, they'll tell you to take it to /co/. You guys have an entire board dedicated to console games. Let us have our Touhous in peace.

>> No.4251515

This is terrible. I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.4251533

Ar Tonelico

I like both

>> No.4251549

Are you such a fucking pansy you cannot ignore a thread you don't like while the same Touhou thread can sit on the frontpage for 6 hours until it reaches image limit?

No wonder you faggots never leave your parent's basements.

>> No.4251558
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I'm surprised at how these haven't been posted yet.
Well, it's not like trolls care about anything that proves they're wrong anyway.

>> No.4251559

I don't like Ar Tonelico, don't post threads about it here or I'll sage you.

>> No.4251564

That metaphor doesn't apply at all.
It's actually like taking Wakfu to /co/. The janitor deleted the threads because they were anime style, but it's a French cartoon based on a French MMO. Any number of places that series could go.

AT is one of only a tiny handful of console dating sim/galge. Argarest is probably the only other one. /v/ has a very anti-weeabo stance, party because of reasons that arose in the creation of /jp/.

I mean, this board is so low content I'm not even sure why it matters if two more games are discussed here.

>> No.4251571
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Even though they're more related to /a/, they can still be used in this "discussion".
