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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42481248 No.42481248 [Reply] [Original]

What are some youkai/creatures/Japanese-centered occupations you'd want to see zun turn into a touhou? I'm surprised there isn't a ninja or futakuchi girl yet

>> No.42481294

A samurai girl
Meira doesn't count because she's a pc98hu and garbage.

>> No.42481309


>> No.42481316

that's a gardenerhu

>> No.42481322

a yomotsu shikome, and i need her to be ugly

>> No.42481330


>> No.42481363

There's already an ugly oni and that's Yuugi

>> No.42481537

??? yuugi is cute

>> No.42481575

ZUN hates ninjas so adding in one seems unlikely

>> No.42481692

The giant skeleton one.

>> No.42481728
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When did ZUN ever say he hated ninjas?

>> No.42481807


>> No.42481838


>> No.42481850

Shen and Bakekujira are my favorites.

>> No.42482236

I would like another Parsee please

Yes, yes, I know we have a Parsee, but I'd like a second one.

>> No.42482309

He literally says there "I love ninja but not female ones", not that he hates them lol
Also it's HRtP student ZUN, it was literally 25 fucking years after that. People change a lot in such time, and we see it in touhou too, Zun reneged on his own statements multiple times at this point.
Though honestly fuck ninja in touhou, most stupid of all japanese tropes. Only way it fits in touhou is that how much of ninja image is pure mythology

>> No.42482996

shinzo abe

>> No.42486744

This image is weird. Her one-piece goes to her crotch in the front, so where does it disappear to in the back?

>> No.42486796

We need some human villians, likes wraiths and vengeful spirits. Mizuchi shows that with Hell being in crisis, beings like her can start escaping into Gensokyo.
We need a break from god antagonists.

>> No.42488339


>> No.42488430
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dunno if he could top the fandom one though

>> No.42488639

Mayumi is simultaneously pre-samurai warrior and post-samurai soldier, not samurai in any way
We have Youmu really, that's enough

>> No.42488732


Look up "Freutoy" and you'll find your answer.

>> No.42489262

No way we'll get more actually human villains. Best we can hope for is more youkai girls

>> No.42492605

why does she like cock so much?

>> No.42493059

>half skeletonhu
>power is that she just grows fucking massive and her danmaku just get fuckheug

>> No.42500010


>> No.42500062
File: 16 KB, 222x227, shirime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most famous japanese monster/youkai
The Shirime aka butthole youkai

>> No.42500136

Reimu is a shirime in disguise

>> No.42500849

kek i'd love to see him try to make her as not sexual as possible
either way the fandom would blow up with butthole art

>> No.42502884

I think thats exactly why he avoided making one.
Imagine the anal only exhibitionism doujins though

>> No.42508330

>Other than its very startling behavior, shirime does not do anything harmful. It appears to thrive solely on the joy of scaring people.
Kogasa's new best friend?!

>> No.42508833

this is now my fetish.

>> No.42512046
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Apparently, it's not the only pic depicting Yuyuko in that particular getup:


>> No.42512224

There's only one way to know for sure...

>> No.42512337
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, EJINbX1WkAAwZWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresno nightcrawler
Bat Boy (from weekly world news)
>Japanese-centered occupations
Traffic cop
Filipino nurse
Those people who give you tissues with ads on them
Olympic skateboarding medalist
Juice man

I think they can fit all into the same game. Incident of the century.

>> No.42512418

im surprised there is no art of kogasa hiding a fourth eye

>> No.42518323

Why would Midwest and Southern cryptids end up in Gensokyo?

>> No.42518343

They're in western Gensokyo
I.e Texas

>> No.42519266
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Gensokyo could actually exist in the same dimension as the setting of Ugly Americans. They just exist in different geographic locations.

>> No.42519434
File: 658 KB, 992x1440, touhou-forbidden-scrollery-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did a snake from India end up in Gensokyo?

>> No.42520054

I think the four corners region or New Mexico would be fitting for a western Gensokyo equivalent. Pockets of civilization separated by miles of desolate desert full of stories relating to aliens, cryptids, native mythos, occult practices and nuclear testing.

>> No.42520345

the western "gensokyo" is definitely in europe, probably central europe

>> No.42520398

Nah, American cryptids are more interesting
Northern/Northeastern Europe is ok though

>> No.42521806

ants, i'd like more bughus

>> No.42523346

why not

>> No.42523361

Forbidden scrollery looks so cool

>> No.42523558

... Remilia has a chupacabra.

>> No.42523850
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It is. Hermit and the current zashiki warashi bartender one are pretty dope too.

>> No.42524292

Trows and Selkies from Shetland folk-lore. Trows are imp-like creatures that cause mischief. Selkies are seals that take the shape of men and they come from the sea-kingdom to lure women and drag them down to the sea kingdom, drowning them in the process.

Shetland had a lot of folk-lore and it is a shame I have never heard folk-lore like it anywhere else I've lived.

>> No.42528533
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TBF that's more of a pet, explained by her 'connections'
Queen Ant/Queen Bee stage 6 touhou
Now that you mention it, there are a ton of sea-based youkai (obviously since Japan is an island) but there's really none in Gensokyo. The kappa and Wakasagihime exist but they're more river/lake focused. A koi touhou could be nice and pretty.

>> No.42528600

All the youkai and gods powerful enough to make a barrier left Europe cause its fucking gay

>> No.42529528

>there are a ton of sea-based youkai (obviously since Japan is an island) but there's really none in Gensokyo.
There's no sea in Gensokyo. It's a landlocked region that doesn't really have much that isn't forest or mountain or both.

>> No.42530216

That's what I'm saying, anon. I didn't mean it as a question, it's just kind of a shame because of how many ocean youkai there are

>> No.42530256

could introduce a new otherworld that is sea-based, thats how concepts that don't fit gensokyo are handled. maybe another region of the moon, since it's linked to the sea? or a game set deep in the sanzu river or another watery afterlife?

>> No.42530332

I don't know if there is a youkai for this but I think a memory stealer would be cool
Like, the more you know her, the more of yourself you lose until you don't know how old you are, whether you're in the past or present, or how you came to be in the first place

>> No.42531735
File: 864 KB, 2032x1457, 1643782223974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Scottish folklore, does /jp/ read Ancient Magus' Bride? It's got pretty gorgeous art and goes quite a lot into old school european folklore and its magical creatures.

>> No.42532362 [DELETED] 


>> No.42532421

No it's in the Americas fuck off

>> No.42532779
File: 373 KB, 869x1254, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari got the hobgoblins from Europe.

>> No.42533755

isnt that just miyoi

>> No.42533783

>le american cryptids
retarded memes made to get in the trend. there is a name for that shit, "urban legends", pale imitations of youkai.
a realm of fantasy would be in south america if anywhere in the new world

>> No.42536711

>pale imitations of youkai
nigga what
every land has "urban legends" as you call them, mystical creatures are a staple of storytelling. you really think people who had no idea about japan stole the idea of youkai? lol

>> No.42536881

urban legends are a separate kind of entity in touhou

>> No.42537237

Ok, but a good chunk creature-like "cryptids" fall more into a western youkai-like category

>> No.42537344

Urban legends and cryptids are entirely separate things from urban legend, and youkai as well for that matter
Youkai are explanations for the mundane and specifically lost power as things were explained with reason not superstition.
Cryptids are usually animals, demonic like beings, or seeming forces of nature that defy explanations entirely.

>> No.42537600

>Ok, but a good chunk creature-like "cryptids" fall more into a western youkai-like category
no, its not a matter of how much "creature-like" they are. hasshaku-sama is a person and yet she is a urban legend.
>Cryptids are usually animals, demonic like beings, or seeming forces of nature that defy explanations entirely.
no, that's more similar to urban legends. youkai are scary stories to explain natural phenomena, while urban legends are scary stories that don't explain anything but still serve as an outlet for fear. they don't need to stay in a separate world to exist, since they can still exist in the modern world. they also arent coherent enough to do something like that

>> No.42539137
File: 350 KB, 600x624, 91ef9gv3e8e46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youkai are scary stories to explain natural phenomena
Blatantly false, many are but that's not all youkai. Explain how >>42500062 (and other youkai like Kogasa, who exist just to startle) is a natural phenomena.
Spew your "um akshually" unfun autism somewhere else

>> No.42539326

>Blatantly false, many are but that's not all youkai.
hey, thats the same thing that anon said. anyway you are right, youkai arent necessarly the explanation for phenomena, but they are things people generally belive (believed) in. not all creatures classified as "youkai" in irl folklore are true youkai in the touhou universe, for example okiku is an ancient urban legend: she's just a character from a stage play, not an actual vengeful spirit. people were scared of her but didnt really belive in her existence. same for the modern urban legends. youkai have a more concrete basis and indipendent existence, they need fear but arent completely defined by it. urban legends are basically direct manifestations of fear and are very one-note

>> No.42542607
File: 1.71 MB, 2480x3507, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Tanamo-no-Mae, the nine-tailed fox demon said to have been imprisoned in the rock Sessho-seki that split open last March.

>> No.42549991
File: 253 KB, 849x1200, __yakumo_ran_and_kudamaki_tsukasa_touhou_drawn_by_deetamu__4262c4fb0bb5f0c8bc804cb7a2211619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would ZUN really go for adding a third fox?

>> No.42550039

yamata no orochi
cute sadako girl

>> No.42550108

Bigfoot/the Yeti is probably a youkai that can still sustain itself in the outside world due to its fame, like Nessie. I imagine western cryptids and stuff that are lesser known (regionally, but not world famous), like a lot of Scottish folklore creatures probably end up in some kind of European Gensokyo.

It begs the question how Remi ended up in Gensokyo but I think she's just an asshole and thought itd be fun to show up and wreck shit until the sages and Reimu made her stop.

>> No.42550509

paul bunyan 2hu when

>> No.42551430
File: 118 KB, 800x677, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vengeful spirit of a samurai, like that of Taira no Masakado who was in the news a few years ago.

>> No.42551575
File: 146 KB, 850x601, paul_bunyan_fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate already turned paul bunyan into a giant loli.

>> No.42555588
File: 219 KB, 900x1200, 1636742139515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There already is a third foxy lady, anon
I know Patchouli teleported the SDM there, maybe she found info on Gensokyo in an ancient book? It's clear that Remi still has connections to the outside world because of Forbidden Scrollery, the Hakurei Barrier really just fluctuates when it feels like it it seems

>> No.42560701

Another vote for shirime. Seriously, how drunk was the guy originally responsible for that one at the time?

>> No.42564205


>> No.42569457

getting a good ol' onryo (a la Sadako and Kayako) would be neat mostly for even more fat titty stringy hair ghost chick porn
>implying there aren't a bunch of "western" Gensokyos
there's probably one for the US (and I guess Canada), one for Central and South America, one for Australia, and one for every region of Europe

>> No.42569528

>one for Australia
There isn't one. The drop bears and Yowies continue to spread terror in the outbacks.

>> No.42569573
File: 126 KB, 800x800, 1521713212850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're already in Gensokyo and we've captured your precious mistress

>> No.42575038


>> No.42575125

It's actually right here.
45°52'06.8"N 7°10'01.0"E

>> No.42575129

That's just Switzerland anon

>> No.42575133


>> No.42578892

>It's clear that Remi still has connections to the outside world
Here's a doujin idea: It's a tradition for vampires to host "reunion parties" where vampires from all over the world join a high status social reunion each century or so and it's Remilia's turn to host the next Vampire reunion at her mansion.
Just imagine the other snob vapires low key criticizing every aspect of Remilia, from how "low class" the SDM looks compared to their lair to how Remilia "disgraces the proud vampire race" by communing with lowly creatures like humans, and all that stuff. It doesn't help that Remilia lied about the scarlet mist incident, implying that she defeated Reimu and removed the mist out of her own good will after taking over Gensokyo and she is doing her best to keep the lie, that is, until the other Yokai show up at the mansion after hearing about the party from Aya, also, Flandre is reluctant to attend the party because she was locked at the basement during every other reunion and isn't interested in spending time with "snob idiots that are snobier than how the members of the SDM, including her, already are", only to show up at the last minute looking gorgeous and stealing the spotlight wearing a beautiful scarlet dress, more shenanigans ensues.
What else could be done with this scenario? could it be plausible in-canon?

>> No.42585148
File: 275 KB, 1280x940, yoshitoshi-ghost_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A painting that animates into a yokai would be appropriate.

>> No.42585815

if you actually played SA you would know that there already is a second one

>> No.42585925 [DELETED] 


>> No.42587783

My theory is someone took a story about some loon running around and flashing his brown eye at people literally.

>> No.42595351

Give her back you hoppy bastards!
