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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 848x1199, smiling purple wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42447264 No.42447264 [Reply] [Original]

A thread to discuss みけねこ

Previous thread: >>42327061

>> No.42447279
File: 428 KB, 2048x1680, wife on our bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84
Nekoko Store: https://nekoko.shop/

【Original Song】drop/みけねこ: https://youtu.be/sHl2-rH6GnU

>> No.42447342
File: 1.07 MB, 759x807, 1655204946373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.42448842

I hate that I love her

>> No.42450433

it's not even region locked

>> No.42450698
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x960, 1663287178714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chu! kawaikute gomen
Umarete kichatte gomen
Chu! azatokute gomen
Ki ni nacchau yo ne? gomen
Chu! kawaikute gomen
Doryoku shichattete gomen
Chu! toutokute gomen
Joshiryoku takakute gomen
Mukatsuichau yo ne? zamaa

>> No.42454083

Mikeneko kissing pussy

>> No.42454326

what a slut

>> No.42455472

neck yourself nexcell

>> No.42457805

I love my wife Mikeneko

>> No.42457970

I love my wife Mikeneko

>> No.42459915
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>> No.42460219
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>> No.42460963

Can someone post any pics/vids i might be missing of her? Thankies!! :)

>> No.42461835

It weirds me out, in a way, to see that there are people who still draw Rushia art but who simultaneously refuse to draw any art of Mikeneko and Nazuna.
What exactly are these people thinking?

>> No.42462134

To the anons who cancelled their memberships, did her answers satisfy you in the end?

>> No.42462893

she gave answers?

>> No.42463016

Yea it’s pretty odd. Even some of her most dedicated fan artists who used to comment on all her old tweets don’t even acknowledge the existence of Mike or Nazuna. Maybe it’s some Japanese thing we don’t understand.

>> No.42463493

She went back to saying she wouldn't do them

>> No.42463719

well apparently jp gachis are dead so maybe the artists are the former gachis

>> No.42465267

There are some people who were gachis only for Rushia and not the woman behind her
This particular form of autism exists in the west but it's more common in the Asian vtuber fandom

>> No.42465290

>It weirds me out, in a way, to see that there are people who like something but not something else different
Are you really this dumb or

>> No.42466097

How about I put it a different way
Why are people putting so much effort into Rushia art nearly a full year after her last stream while simultaneously ignoring the closest thing to Rushia that still exists and will continue to exist well into the future?

>> No.42470899
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>> No.42474305


>> No.42474307


>> No.42477955


>> No.42480242


>> No.42483088

I miss her

>> No.42483119

maybe they like drawing that design more?

>> No.42487701
File: 66 KB, 840x1199, 1650807728828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42489183

Love wife

>> No.42492492


>> No.42493513

Rushia will never be forgotten

>> No.42497467 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.80 MB, 720x720, 1645813511692.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable male collab.

>> No.42503387


>> No.42504048

I could tolerate a collab with her brother, but not that far bastard of a cat

>> No.42508975


>> No.42510141 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 539x359, 1657479862527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he cute

>> No.42512563

>> No.42516876

Sir, we bump the thread by wifeposting
I love my wife Mikeneko

>> No.42521048
File: 241 KB, 976x847, FM2GJSDakAAzeDb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42523114

cute cat

>> No.42523201

Lmao she isn't your wife. Take meds you hopeless delusional schizod

>> No.42523218

Mikeneko is my wife

>> No.42523642


>> No.42527822


>> No.42527839


>> No.42530855

i know nothing about her but I want to start watching her because cat

>> No.42533670

Please watch my wife

>> No.42533950

Wife bump

>> No.42534174

Please watch my cat, I'm going to be away for a week and she needs attention and food

>> No.42541424

>> No.42542486

Love wife

>> No.42544300

How many people /here/ oshihen'd in the last few weeks, and of those, how many came back after some time had passed?

>> No.42546853

We are faithful to our cat

>> No.42547656

Hi, fruitcakes
Bye, fruitcakes

>> No.42548132

I wish she would stop with these jokes
>lol wouldn't it be funny if I cheated on you?
what is wrong with her

>> No.42548844
File: 144 KB, 389x1866, Post Elden Ring stream cute wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point, my dear anon, is that she likes seeing people getting jealous over her because it means we care and are jealous
If she got absolutely no reaction or thought that we didn't care, she'd go menhera herself. It's like how a lot of us (myself included) are actually happy when she gets clingy and needy with us (pic related)

>> No.42549066
File: 80 KB, 675x950, 1651945359843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42551172


>> No.42551281

With me. Not you

>> No.42552329

Im sort of shocked that the Rushiaschizo is still shitting up unrelated bait threads to whine about her
Suppose you know that she's still relevant when she has dedicated EOP schizos

>> No.42556055

why is she doing this

>> No.42556129

Because she wants to

>> No.42556154

I love it when my wife acts like a whore

>> No.42556155 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, 1651527590895.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Shocking News] Mikeneko showed her pussy live on stream!

>> No.42556223

>teasing us, the fans, is bad now
If you actually believe we're in a committed romantic relationship with her, you'll be fine with her being a bit ecchi with her chat on occasion.
Hell, even Shoujo manga are fine with heavily implying sex.

>> No.42556372

Eroge gaming stream where Mike slowly gets hornier and hornier until we all start masturbating...

>> No.42556455

I only masturbate to the parts of the Nazuna streams where she disappears to make dinner, so you can't even hear her voice or any of her movements
I am the gayest Nekofami

>> No.42560346

I quite like Mikeneko

>> No.42560858

that's a very weird reunion, but a welcome one.

>> No.42562291

I love her even though I'm a schizo

>> No.42565450

She should get married soon. Obviously I don't want her to because I love her but we all know she's going to anyway. It spares us the agony of waiting. There's reason to think she already has a boyfriend.

>> No.42565683

Just because your anti attempts in one thread failed, that doesn't mean you should try here
If you're going to stroke your micro penis to cuck fantasies, do them about someone else, you freak

>> No.42565861

VT jannies banned me because talking about her boyfriend is apparently "out of context"
They know she was pretending the entire time

>> No.42565939

The average /vt/ janny knows absolutely nothing
Show me your ban screenshot, by the way. I want to have a good laugh at your expense

>> No.42565955

Fuck off I know you're trying to doxx me

>> No.42565962

I can't dox you from a report screenshot if you censor it. Settle your paranoia down

>> No.42565984 [DELETED] 

Are you the guy who got assfucked by Yuru? Your keyblade is lame

>> No.42566524

our antis really are retarded

>> No.42568912

where the fuck is the rumina thread

>> No.42569026

jusst made new one

>> No.42569057

if mikeneko was born in arizona she absolutely would have been carried off by a coyote at the age of 7

>> No.42569229

My head's spinning, I don't know if I can take this anymore

>> No.42570295

Putting it here because it's technically offtopic.
Check the comment section of that clip. These are the types of "people" in Nazuna's Twitch chat. Keep that in mind

>> No.42571040

She isn't your wife. She never loved you. She never cared about you. I know you're just suffering too much that you're becoming delusional so you keep thinking she's your wife. Go seek help and take meds. Remember never to get involved with menhera women

>> No.42571168

ritual anti-posts are kimoi

>> No.42571216

Our anties are in love with us, they are just afraid to admit it.

>> No.42571721

There was a time when Mike wouldn't even think of collabing with males
I miss those days

>> No.42572732

She already said she wouldn't.
And some of her retarded ambiguity is probably being caused solely by Tamaki, which even as a unicorn, I have no issues with
And don't pretend like her chat hasn't changed for the worse.

>> No.42572859

Her chat wouldn't be as bad as it is now if she was straightforward with them for once
It's crazy to me that they run around saying shit that Mike has said bothers her before and yet she hasn't said anything about it.
I remember when people telling her to become happy by getting a boyfriend were only antis, now if you don't want to collab with males or get married or whatever you're the anti.

>> No.42572913

I don't think she egosa's as aggressively as she used to.
Also, I am very paranoid, but consider the following: after that collab, a lot of fans were telling people that she wasn't dating us. In a Twitcast a few days later, she explicitly told us that we were the boyfriend again. I don't think that's a coincidence
Her fans are worse than you think. Why are some of them still anti-unicorn posting even now if she already said she won't collab with men? Because they're pushing an actual agenda

>> No.42573006

That's why I want her to as honest and direct as possible with them, they will never stop because they're convinced for some reason that she's just playing around when she calls us her boyfriend and that she's being held back by not collabing with males.
I wouldn't be surprised if the way they act has pushed away some fans, I want to be optismistic about everything but then I go on twitter and see some of them liking tweets telling Mike to get married and to not worry about us since we're "just her viewers".
I would've thought that after everything that happened since Feb we're not "just her viewers" but apparently not.

>> No.42573076

Well, it's a hard position to be in
One of the reasons for this is that a lot of her fans have morphed into saviourfags. A bit of saviourfagging is fine, but the main issue is that they care more about "saving" her than actually loving her.
You cannot be in a romantic relationship with someone who you view, first and foremost, as someone who needs to be saved because that creates an incredibly uneven relationship dynamic that simply doesn't work
To my understanding, the anti-unicorn fags are so afraid of anyone rocking the boat that they want to pre-emptively purge them from the fanbase to prevent "incidents" from occuring.
That being said, this isn't a lost cause by any means. The main advantage these "fans" have is that they are far closer to each other than we are. They organise in Discords or through Twitter DMs while most people here mostly enjoy her in isolation, only superficially interacting with the EN side community.
But that is something that can be changed

>> No.42573287


>> No.42574488

I'm not suffering so much that I pretend to be with her, I'm suffering because I am with her.

>> No.42578481
File: 207 KB, 1000x1237, 9EB0ACE5-1AF4-44F6-9A3B-509EF575159F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42578960

She carved out my heart before my eyes

>> No.42579225

This doesn't sound romantic if it's the only way you declare your love for her, by the way

>> No.42583405


>> No.42586243


>> No.42587676

Wife Love

>> No.42587750


>> No.42588062


>> No.42588077

Haha fruit cakes

>> No.42589276

lazy cat

>> No.42591919

Cute cat

>> No.42595781

Cute wife

>> No.42599993


>> No.42601953


>> No.42604862
File: 172 KB, 1124x1330, 1656215061383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute bear

>> No.42604949

Beary cute

>> No.42605984

My hijabi wife...

>> No.42607400 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 1000x500, 104710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her

>> No.42607695

At least post good art, this one is shit.

>> No.42607706

I just lost my job because of your post

>> No.42607727 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 850x1257, c051f7423f9c79f715932307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42607755

Filter whore

>> No.42607764

meh, now it's not even showing her chest

are you even trying?

>> No.42607773 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 850x1133, 907dfe17f860161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her chest is too small

>> No.42607781


at least find good stuff if you're gonna post it you plebeian

>> No.42607802 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 850x1133, 15abc3b894ab81f409eec95be0060a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42607895

>too small
what a gay take

>> No.42608004

Thanks to the pictures I lost my job and can't buy the hoodie anymore

>> No.42612661

Wife love

>> No.42616554

I miss my wife

>> No.42616996
File: 44 KB, 690x406, 1675762927066991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her too

>> No.42617731 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 600x800, dd4d8ffcf5a24251751eddf31c803afed3e9344199c002543cefba1144dfcd81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42618380

hope she's okay and doing alright. i try to tune into new streams when i can but usually miss them due to work.

>> No.42623257

antis please die
mikeneko please love me

>> No.42625588
File: 366 KB, 1200x675, 1660535461605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42629151

Has someone made a soap NEET cat Koikatsu yet?

>> No.42629158

Kiss her feet

>> No.42632052

Can she be saved?

>> No.42632555

She's fine.

>> No.42636090

Every time there's a clip of a holomem still mentioning Rushia in some way, it's absolutely disgusting how there are people in the comments who act like "Rushia fans" but "Mikeneko antis". It's the most autistic cope ever and worse than just being a full anti because of mental gymnastics

>> No.42636506

On a lesser scale, I personally hate how some artists who used to draw a bunch of Rushia art refuse to draw Mike or Nazuna
It's as if she doesn't exist to them anymore now that she's not in the company

>> No.42637432

Even worse, some of them used to comment on literally every single Rushia tweet

>> No.42637850
File: 160 KB, 979x1280, MyWife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42642330

>"Rushia fans" but "Mikeneko antis"

>> No.42642882

There seems to be someone good in manipulating emotion and controlling crowds opinion at Cover.
It's actually quite easy.
All they have to do is give the idea by hiring a few people to larp as her fans and those coping fandeads who still want stay in Hololive will latch at it.
2 birds in 1 stone.
The fans stayed then blame her for leaving.
I'm glad that she manage to leave though.
Its full of toxic and snakes there.
And whatever they're doing behind the scene.
She can't handle it.
She's too pure for them.

>> No.42643024

Destroy cover
Destroy vshojo
Protect mikeneko

>> No.42643590

People are typically retarded and they begin to mix up their love for the Holo talents with loving the actual corporation, including the management and staff
I hate to bring up other drama, but look at that Oceane girl's termination. The other streamers outright said on stream that they were pissed with her and that she had been publishing their personal info
Now compare that to the Holo's "cold" reaction. If the Holos had an actual problem with her, they would have voiced it onstream. Instead, as more time passes, you realise that their responses were being muted by the corporate side of the business and that a lot of them were at least sympathetic to her position.
But unfortunately dramasisters went too far and they bought 100% into Cover's vague statement and now think that it's just and proper to attack Mikeneko. It's a pretty genius corporate strategy.

>> No.42644927

It's beyond that. They pulled an Apple and made diehard loyalists who seem to care more about the company than the talents. How many even know about the thing with Mel? Would they even care?

>> No.42645169

Anyone who could not even see Cover's ploy coming was either too young or too retarded to comprehend the situation.
Unfortunately, that is the majority. Cover knows their audience.

>> No.42645188

Or the manager who was spreading lies about the girl's personal lives, who wasn't fired.

>> No.42645360

The true test of this theory will have to come when Pekora or Marine leave. That will show where loyalties truly lie.

>> No.42645436

You can shit on Cover without being a Coverschizo. However, the poster above is a Coverschizo

>> No.42645560

sauce on that one?
Or Fubuki. Making herself be the canary in the coalmine was a nice checkmate against Cover.

>> No.42645790

One of the biggest parts of the whole Delta incident was that Delta's former Hololive manager was the one spreading rumours about Mike when she worked with the company, which is likely how Delta became aware of them.
That guy wasn't fired.

>> No.42645897

I don't remember any of that but okay

>> No.42645916

I appreciate you might not read all of that, but one second...
>Around a year and a half ago, while Mikeneko was still with her previous company, a manager was spreading rumors about Mikeneko and some of the other talents. Around then, Narukami contacted Mikeneko. At the time, there was a policy to report to management if contacted by Narukami, so Mikeneko recorded conversation and gave to her manager. In the audio, Narukami asked Mikeneko about two rumors: one involving changing the hair color of her live2d without permission, and one that a manager had spread about her going to host clubs, both of which she denied. When Mikeneko asked him where he heard this, Narukami said it was from Delutaya. Narukami also knew of the name of Delutaya's manager.
It's not made explicitly clear here, but the manager spreading rumours was Delutaya's manager
This info was based on Mikeneko's own testimony

>> No.42646538

Interesting. But didn't this whole thing turn out to be one giant misunderstanding (Mike vs. Delta)? Also, didn't Rushia have issues with her manager? Why would she feel that way if manager was going to bat for her over the host rumor? I actually thought that was about Matsuri since images of her at a host club were posted around that time.

>> No.42646675

>But didn't this whole thing turn out to be one giant misunderstanding (Mike vs. Delta)?
No, it's still ongoing in the background. Neither side have released a public statement about it for months
>Also, didn't Rushia have issues with her manager?
Yes. She got a new manager at some point after this, who she had the issues with. She liked her previous manager (who is presumably the one who helped her with this)
> I actually thought that was about Matsuri since images of her at a host club were posted around that time.
That's separate. Host club rumours were being spread about Mikeneko as early as Summer 2020, which is kind of funny only in the sense that she was living in the countryside at the time.
Actually, around the time of Festival's yab, someone asked Rushia about host clubs and she was uncharacteristically annoyed at the idea of being accused of going to one. Well, now we know why.

>> No.42647918

Wonder why the manager change

>> No.42648557

I hate to admit it, but the zhangs were right…

>> No.42648817

To discipline her.
The bullying and doxxing was just a ploy to lower her self-esteem and make her give in.
It doesn't look like it, but she's actually pretty strong-willed.
They can't control her.
I'm more worried about those who are left there.
No one's going to speak up for them anymore.
Threatening them with termination is more effective now.

>> No.42648847

Funny how the only two who would’ve spoken up for them are gone now…

>> No.42649409

Anyone here remembered her sponsored stream or was it TV appearance? before the termination.
The one with the bald guy.
Is the guy a big deal in japan's entertainment industry?
Did she have some kind of reaction when it was announce?
I think it was somewhere at Oct or Nov 2021.
I'm not sure because I'm not following her twitter at that time.
Its just a guess but, that might be the reason why she wants to quit Hololive.
She might've refused it but Cover accepted it.
A chan's statement afterwards makes sense if it's true.
Then why did she refused it?
This is just another guess but i think its because... she don't want to betray her fans.
I lack information so feel free to refute it.

>> No.42649456

Coverschizo is /u/Chinese_Maple

>> No.42649459

why is there a retarded ESL throwing shitty theories around

>> No.42649512

She said at some point that it was her dream as Rushia to get on TV, so no
If anything, that's a regret for her

>> No.42649733

Maybe she can still achieve that dream…

>> No.42649748

Because his life is fucking meaningless and no one loves him. I'd pity him but what he's doing is one of the six things God hates most.

>> No.42649897

The actual answer is likely that she was so good that she was rewarded with a promotion.
Dumb bureaucracy means that people who are good at their job get moved around while people who are bad get to stay

>> No.42650074

That subreddit is horrible even by reddit standards

>> No.42656826
File: 188 KB, 1600x900, 1659567593375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42659119

How customizable is the virgin killer sweater?

>> No.42659576

I'm a virgin, Mikeneko please kill me

>> No.42664231
File: 273 KB, 2048x1627, Fo8IbNCaQAEmEGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love her

>> No.42665825

Deyui, please draw more pictures of wife....

>> No.42669399


>> No.42669824

If twitcasting shut down tomorrow she would be forced to stream on youtube and twitch. Problem solved.

>> No.42673281

I miss wife

>> No.42673582

I miss mike

>> No.42673881

>thing with Mel
What happened?

>> No.42674535

stalked and harassed by someone, presumably a manager. she made a statement in may of 2020 about it. cover apologized for basically doing nothing and trying to make her stream during it, and agreed to pay for her to move. since they wouldn't do anything, she got a lawyer who screwed things up himself, but it was confirmed to be someone she knew. pretty sure she had to threaten to sue cover for them to do anything about it.

>> No.42674575

Cover released their own statement and pretty much confirmed it was one of their own guys. He used his position to force her in 1 on 1 meetings that had nothing to do with work.

>> No.42674923 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.85 MB, 668x480, 1670748261868.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Shocking News] Mikeneko refused to show her pussy live on stream!

>> No.42675111

>leaves her pussy out in the open
>covers it with her hand instead
what a slut

>> No.42677407


>> No.42677610

I don't particularly like Sakana as a person

>> No.42680675


>> No.42680895

CEO of Phase Connect

>> No.42680898

Arguably her most popular fan artist. 魚

>> No.42682042

I love Mikeneko

>> No.42682062

Haha fruitcakes

>> No.42682378

haha pancakes

>> No.42684807

I prefer caramel muffins

>> No.42689015

Wife's muffins

>> No.42691010

Wife bump

>> No.42694178

I miss her...

>> No.42699664

Love her happily.

>> No.42700840

To a lot of people, when a Vtuber graduates, it is essentially the death of the character so they will accept it as that. Obviously some people won’t, and will do their research about Rushia and eventually will come across Mikeneko, but even then not everyone will stick around knowing that she won’t be able to collaborate with the same people that they’re used to seeing.

>> No.42701231

>do their research
One of the biggest points about her drama/termination was that her "personal" persona of Mikeneko became inextricably linked with Rushia.
How many times did the fat fuck "slip up" and conflate the two? It became an open secret, far more so than it was previous.
In the case of a more normal graduation, you'd have a point, but hers was anything but normal.
Also, I'm moreso referring to people who still continue to draw Rushia to this day, but who just treat Mikeneko or Nazuna as something that doesn't exist. I'm not even asking for them to acknowledge they're the same person, but it comes across as cold.

>> No.42705800


>> No.42712133

glad shes doing better

>> No.42714972

Love wife

>> No.42715025

Love wife!

>> No.42718966

Wife love

>> No.42722117

It's over....

>> No.42725108

That cat probably weights more than her at this point. No wonder she's been losing weight. The cat eats all her food.

>> No.42727889

As much as I like the wifeposting, there really needs to be something we can actually use this thread for rather than just keeping it as a placeholder to prevent antis from making their own

>> No.42727914

Will you guys be buying a neet t-shirt

>> No.42727975

Already bought it.

>> No.42728214

Not yet, but I will at some point

>> No.42731622


>> No.42735731

There are things I’d like to properly scold her for but at the same time she pulled the stream around and was cute and normal so.

>> No.42735834

I'm thinking of at least mentioning I didn't like the totsu stuff in my post stream tweet, but I'm just going to mention it without a drop of menhera.
Frankly I don't know how to feel. Concerned is probably the main feeling.
I just don't know

>> No.42735912

You're feeling happiness.

>> No.42735955

I'll let it slide since she was manic and even seemed to realize that what she was doing made no sense during the stream
I hope she doesn't do it again though, I was very concerned and hurt there.

>> No.42736442

Stop being anti or get out

>> No.42736680

Learn English and also get out

>> No.42738835

Mike is the most entertaining vtuber.

>> No.42740796

Nice oshi you have, stupids

>> No.42742023
File: 1013 KB, 1794x1925, 20230223_150750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her design and while idm the newer two they don't hold a candle to necromancer. To me the visual appeal of a v-tuber is huge a d the primary way I am attracted to different ones.
Hell I still buy her goods, bought this just today in fact.

>> No.42743336

Nice twitcast

>> No.42745303

anti posts aside this is one of the dumbest posts i have read on any board

>> No.42746676

Why so? Try to answer without sounding like a retard who thinks they are high IQ.

>> No.42747811

NTA but most people are drawn to a VTuber due to either their personality or their content
On top of that, it's still ignoring the point. These people have completely stopped following her. It's not due to preferences over designs

>> No.42748092

It’s due to not being in Hololive if we’re going to be realistic.

>> No.42748641

some of them are posting on alts as a respect to the seperation of her incarnations.

>> No.42749876

I was offering one opinion from someone who stopped watching her is all. I found her personality and rushia were a great mix and the others just didn't have the same appeal.Not trying to speak for everyone but I know others who feel the way I do. There is still doijin content of Rushia being made and sold to this day here and she still has a fanbase so I feel there are many like me but it isn't an attack against Mikeneko etc.

>> No.42751959

>most people are drawn to a VTuber
She's not a vtuber a lot of the time so is it really that weird that people who want are drawn to vtubers would not follow her?

>> No.42752313

You're entitled to your own opinion, obviously, but it is just a bit annoying to me to see how many people casually dropped her after the termination or for the pettiest reasons.
I remember reading one guy dropped her because she pretended to not know Rushia. This was a few weeks after her termination, where she admitted that she didn't really understand how much she was allowed to allude to Rushia.

>> No.42752864 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1123x805, 1675708281285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42753153

Woah, is wife based?

>> No.42755880

Why oh why would people watching someone for a girlfriend experience drop her when they realise she was constantly chasing some guy and obsessing over him while saying how much she loved them? It’s a real mystery. The real tragedy for her is the loss of all those JP paypigs and all she has left is neet losers from the 3d world who can’t help her live the life of luxury she was accustomed to as Rushia. Fact is she’d drop you all in a hot minute to go back to being Rushia and having the adoration of JP whales that dropped her. She’d trade each and everyone of you dorks for that.

>> No.42756318


>> No.42757754

I'll put it here, but it really pisses me off that the piece of shit Vee was allowed to TL her birthday stream

>> No.42757809

I find it strange. Thought he was gone.

>> No.42757902


>> No.42757958

He saw us talking about him and decided to show up again lmao

>> No.42760495

I'm still bothered by that off hand remark she made about wanting to play with Taishi and Yura.
It's been pretty clear for a while now that she isn't as interested in avoiding male as she used to be
Hard to believe that the Rushia who acting like "that" when the Holostars schedules showed up on her stream would make an off the cuff remark like that. Also at this point, I would feel relieved if she would stop replying to that faggot on Twitter.
Treat him like the mistake like that Totsu faggot was and just blank his very existence

>> No.42764143
File: 837 KB, 2222x4096, 1651433417235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42764802

Does anyone have any of the screenshots of shit Vee said about her?

>> No.42769850


>> No.42771798
File: 21 KB, 652x240, 1666692772540700 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42771865

Seems like someone was at the very mentioning something about her behind the scenes as early as May

>> No.42774806


>> No.42774862

Death to gacha spergs

>> No.42776500
File: 75 KB, 393x307, 1648201788768316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smelly NEET pussy! (Only tru /jp/sies will remember this meme)

>> No.42779055

Can she be saved?

>> No.42779839

It's good to keep around simply because there's a high chance that she doesn't know about it

>> No.42781480

We already proved during the Delta incident that antis will make an anti general for her here if we don't make one first
The fact that we get anti posts here too proves that

>> No.42783784
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, Traitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand, he only plays Minecraft at a time that Nazuna will almost never stream at, which is fine
But on the other hand, he's doing an anime watchalong with that slimy furry faggot Vee? Does literally nobody care about the fact that the slimebag Vee hates Mike?

>> No.42784225

Didn’t he even go as far as to enter Mike’s members only Twitcast to harass her? It amazes me how he’s still around.

>> No.42784498

Is it true that her real name is Ueno Chiho?

>> No.42784508


>> No.42784540

I think it was a public stream
Told her that he'd "see her in court" and made a very passive aggressive "some people never learn" tweet sfter

>> No.42785089

Not only that but leaked her mengen casts to delta and the rest of his clique, which is a big part of the reason shit blew up in the first place

>> No.42785170

I wonder if Nazuna would finally stop replying to Koheita if she realised that he's also collabed with Vee multiple times?

>> No.42785439

That is the post number for /vt
Turns out the "she's not your wife" autist is literally THE guy posting cuck shit in the catalog constantly about her. Literally bragging about his autism.

>> No.42786160

Imagine if A-Chan went into a Canan mengen and leaked it to outsiders. I don’t think that would be tolerated.

>> No.42788365

crazy how it always works out like that

>> No.42790056

The dude literally mind broken.
When work allows it, I browse the threads that interest me, and who I stumble across in /mhg. If he sees a picture of Rushia, he'll lose his mind.

>> No.42791254

Some Monster Hunter general?

>> No.42791314


>> No.42793081

Glad to hear that he's putting his time to productive uses.
I'm sure those Monster Hunter players have very strong opinions on JP only Vtubers.

>> No.42796472

Protect her with your life or it means nothing

>> No.42798598 [DELETED] 

Ivory, if you don't dm me, I will leak the fanbox cast. Don't even try me fucker.

>> No.42799558

How can we stop her fans from leaving?

>> No.42799615

That guy will be back soon, probably

>> No.42800375
File: 2.88 MB, 608x1080, 1657529425696582.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikenyan's up to her wacky antics again.

>> No.42800382

Nice filters
Jesus this is embarrassing

>> No.42800391

no matter what filters she is using or how unflattering the picture is.. i still think she's the cutest.

>> No.42800421

What are you saying? She's clearly balancing a pencil on her face. Don't be dumb

>> No.42800673

Where’s this from?

>> No.42801673

I think it's an old Tiktok.

>> No.42803686

are we watching gura?

>> No.42803772

No thanks

>> No.42805177

No, marine being there doesn't magically make it relevant to this thread
This thread is only for Mikeneko and sometimes Towa

>> No.42806659

yes we love shork here

>> No.42806987

no we only love mikeneko here

>> No.42807886

we love mikeneko AND kuroneko here

>> No.42807963

which kuroneko? my waifu?

>> No.42807987

who is your waifu?

>> No.42808491


>> No.42808597

nah, not that one

>> No.42808777

best girl
