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42401603 No.42401603 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about them? They have quite a grim interpretation of Gensokyo but still pretty fun to read

>> No.42405091

I think I've only seen the one where Sanae disappears? That one was pretty good.

>She doesn't even realize...!
She does realize, Villager #88, it's just that she doesn't really give a shit.

>> No.42405102

zounose is a faggot and so are his comics

>> No.42406083

Nice, decent art, tryhard, inconsistent writing. And I'm a fan of appropriately grim Gensokyo. But Zounose shits on his own stories and throws consistency out the window for a cheap gore shot or some other "shocking" visual.

It's shameful.

>> No.42406476

i think his newer works are less edgy and more character interaction focused instead of grimsokyo lore
i like the rumia and shou one

>> No.42406727

Zounose's works fill me with a massive desire to exterminate every last youkai and behead reimu for not doing her work.

>> No.42408403

He tries too hard.

>> No.42410717

same desu

>> No.42413410

they're based

>> No.42413637

i'm not a big fan of his art, it looks kind of bad
his plots also get old quick

>> No.42415501
File: 337 KB, 1201x728, sakuya what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly into gag doujin but I like Zounose. I like his art and especially the expressions. I was surprised how much humor there is throughout his works. Hearing complaints about him led me to expect his stuff to be some super edge all-serious grimdarkness type. I appreciate the sense of world-building his works evoke and that they follow a continuity.
I also really like the ditzy elegance he writes Sakuya with. It seems a lot of artists forget she's a bit of an...airhead? I can't think of a better word right now. Because she's not dumb but she has some off-kilter moments.

>> No.42415517

Zounose is a king, a winner and a Chad. You know you made it when ZUN! himself not only plugs your comics on his stream but also picks you to make art for his gachas. That's right, he made art for more than one of them.

>> No.42415590

>his gachas
You're laying it a bit thick, shitposter-kun.

>> No.42416257

i respect any man who remembers that fact about sakuya
instant doujin filter for me most of the time

>> No.42416584

Doujins aren't required to be consistent as if it's set in its own universe. You're supposed to make whatever you want.
If you force some kind of rule or boundaries then might as well become mangaka.

>> No.42416601

ZUN doesn't have any say with the gachas other than permission.

>> No.42419928

They're close to canon

>> No.42421436


>> No.42422927

They are not as edgy as people make it out to be, especially when shit like Stripe Pattern works exist

>> No.42423151

absolutely this, and here is some evidence:
>Reimu allowing human meat consumption in her own temple in a festival
>Sumireko obiously disgusted by it, kasen didn't give a shit, Komachi chastising sumi for being "self Righteous"
>Tengus making a human sacrifice for a social event
>Kanako an Suwako forcing Sanae to eat human flesh for saving face with the tengus
>momiji also was encourage by kanako to eat a human even when she was trying to resist it for honor and discipline value
>the same with shou, and by kanako and suwako
>Youmu having conflict with doing last rites to a human she killed (forgetting that she and yuyuko are under eikis autority and are of a sect of pure land buddhism and should not have problems with the ritual)
>komachi again being a moral relativistic ass with youmu (she is suposed to be a buddhist agent, makes you think she is the self insert of Zonouse)
>reddit atheist Sakuya "funeral rites are placebo for the living"
>retard Sakuya, putting condiments in herself to trick meiling to feed on her. she also chops inocent outsiders for meat 100% confirm
>SDM makes upholstery with human Skin
>Remilia Maiming sakuya legs for food and to send a message
>clownpiece knows some human recipies from hell which implies she is tricking the faires in its consuption.
>yukari eating the last yokai hunter of the village.
he is the king of Grimderpsokyo for a reason.

>> No.42423391

Couldn't agree more

>> No.42424022

>Doujins aren't required to be consistent
They aren't supposed to be consistent or compliant with canon, true. But I expect any story to be consistent within itself. When a story says A, it can't say B in total contradiction a few pages later because the author had a change of mind and was too lazy to go back and revise.

If a story establishes Sekibanki's body as being the "main" part, while the heads are numerous and disposable, the last thing I expect is to hear her talk about how easy it is to find a replacement... for the body? No, "I wanted to draw a bloody neck stump!" isn't enough of a justification. It's inconsistent, pure and simple. It's bad writing.

>> No.42431853


>> No.42432099

pure unadulterated grimderp
zounose is a good artist but he throws out consistency for a "shocking" moment

it's like having a guy show you something that should be horrible but said horror is ruined because he repeatedly stops and yells at you "isn't it horrible????"

>> No.42432445


>> No.42433076
File: 383 KB, 967x1000, __nazrin_touhou_drawn_by_dairi__875d22995a8a383f38f08523805f45ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doujin is an outlet for artist to express their thoughts without quality filter like publisher and editor so things like this is pretty much average in the scene. Zounose is hardly the worst offender when there are stuff out there made of pure edge as if the author's mental illness and horrible circumstances are seeping through them that makes Zounose just seems gimmicky but otherwise a healthy individual in comparison.
People only talk about Zounose because he has good distinctive artstyle, good production rate and, perhaps ironically, is relatively tame as he's capable of making non-grimderp stuff so people could still check his work. There are lots of stuff that's just hard to look at either from sheer edginess or shit artwork and even those are pretty prevalent in doujin scene.

>> No.42436986


>> No.42440827

they're cool

>> No.42441214

I've seen much worse attempts at being dark. So I'm not too bothered by it.

>> No.42442933


>> No.42443432

>ZUN doesn't have any say with the gachas other than permission.
lolno, that's not how it works. Good Smile Company is not a lone indie game dev on his mom's basement, if you don't think ZUN is directly involved with their gacha scams and getting a big paycheck too you're delusional.

>> No.42443540
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I prefer the ones from Ichimi

>> No.42445021

Nice, decent art, tryhard, inconsistent writing. And I'm a fan of appropriately grim Gensokyo. But Zounose shits on his own stories and throws consistency out the window for a cheap gore shot or some other "shocking" visual.

It's shameful.

>> No.42445030

His are a little to tryhard and contrived for my tastes, like the one you posted as just entirely silly plotwise and in character motivation. The grimderp felt too out of place after the rather happy intro

>> No.42445383

Dude forces grim shit because its his fetish

>> No.42445402

>SDM makes upholstery with human Skin
Thats the one that makes less sense, remilia has good taste, she would never do this, stuff made with human skin don't really look good.

>> No.42448168


>> No.42450256

Can you say the name of the doujin, i wan to read it

>> No.42450270

Grimsokyo threads are so tiny that they need people like us

>> No.42450326

Why is Grimsokyo so fucking dead? Do they need KKHTA 2 for stay alive or is because it is to autistic?

>> No.42450401

grimsokyo is canon, but you see anon, this board is a special case because it is infested with countless cutesokyofags and simps who coom to their waifus daily without paying much attention to the lore, that's why grimsokyo threads are rare nowadays

>> No.42450418

I maked a lore thread time ago and it died without reach literaly nothing, lore is dead too?

>> No.42450524

What, zun knows about zounouse? So, Does he knows about Sentakobune too?

>> No.42450875

yeah i guess, people are much more focused on degeneracy and coom than actual lore talk

>> No.42450886

Finally, i feel alone

The last good lore thread i made reached 351 replies, so i don't know what to do

>> No.42450902

Why can't people just discuss in a seriously manner what if more canon? If grimsokyo or cutesokyo

>> No.42450925

it's like i said before, most people who come on this board are degenerate touhou coomers and simps, they aren't interested in talking about in-depth touhou lore and stuff

also, you're not alone, few other people want to talk about grimsokyo too but they're vastly ignored from threads

>> No.42450951


Do i should to create another lore thread?

>> No.42451016

Every time you post this tripe about grimsokyo being canon and how all youkai are evilbad monsters who murder everyone on sight you get btfo'd every single time. I don't know why you keep doing so. Is it autism?
There has been discussion, about once every month or two and it all comes back to the same conclusion of "yes there are plenty of youkai that eat humans, outsiders can survive fairly often but feral maneaters like to hang out near the barrier and village at night, the village is indeed a fear farm, youkai attacks are almost non-existent however according to most sources and its entirely possible to be friends with them as demonstrated by every single one of the humans that is friends with them.

>> No.42451090

I think the discussion is ridiculous in what it is, because is obvious that gensokyo is in the middle of cutesokyo and grimsokyo, everything else is fanfiction

>> No.42451125

We need KKHTA 2

>> No.42451128

kkhta part 19 didn't even come out, it's cancelled

>> No.42451148

We need something to make grimsokyo grow up, what happened with Igyoukio?

>> No.42451169

>We need something to make grimsokyo grow up
Its called touhou canon, which is the most nuanced take on it

>> No.42451177

Yeah, touhou lore in a world of secondaries that have never seen a touhou game dialoge or manga

>> No.42451279
File: 68 KB, 451x449, wowee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, yeah. I just love it all the more for it; I'm a total sucker for melodramatic bullshit it seems

>> No.42451705

you're dumb

>> No.42452648

Anon ZUN getting paycheck doesn't mean he makes or decide anything about the game. The point is he doesn't pick or make shit for the gacha.
Yes he gives an ok and get money but that's ALL he does, enjoying the revenue while he keep only his own thang.

>> No.42452657

*only doing

>> No.42453063

Make another lore thread anon. I've been waiting for one since the last one in October/November

>> No.42453639
File: 88 KB, 716x679, cutesokyo faggot meltsdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, cutesokyofags REALLY don't like canon because it shits on their delusions.

>> No.42454154

>Nothing in Touhou is really canon
This is cope.
>but least they don't need fucking complicated character backstories
He doesn't know about the omake txt's that come with every game detailing the game's extra story and profiles for the characters? Every game also has a prologue written by ZUN. Dumb secondary.

>> No.42454234
File: 167 KB, 513x733, slav mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one redditor is just particularly stupid and delusional
I'm sure even cutefags and any regular fans called him out on his misinformation and that's why it's deleted

>> No.42454245

One thing he does that's lame is permanently kill fairy characters for shock value. Wouldn't it be grimmer if they died and came back as per ZUN's word and nobody cares, encouraging senseless violence against them over slight infractions?

>> No.42454249


>> No.42454272

>It seems a lot of artists forget she's a bit of an...airhead? I can't think of a better word right now. Because she's not dumb but she has some off-kilter moments.
Sakuya learned how to kill people really good in those years she should had learned other things.

>> No.42455779

KKHTA seems to be a special case in which its not only humans who suffer at the hands of youkai, but youkai themselves get completely genocided by the lunarians. In the vast majority of grimsokyo doujins, its just the same old "evil youkai eat human, the end", but KKHTA is more interesting for making youkai suffer and die too. (I also like to see them suffer because youkai and reimu deserve it)

>> No.42456698
File: 3.41 MB, 1280x1799, img000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suwako vs Space Suwako is his best doujin.

>> No.42457083

Anon, the author of KKHTA either doesn't know or care about the actual Touhou setting. For that reason, KKHTA's Lunarians ARE youkai. Moreover, they end up subjugating not only Gensokyo but humanity at large.

You're applauding complete youkai domination of the human race.

>> No.42457464

only the watatsuki were shown to be satori IIRC

>> No.42457525

Anomalocarisuwako is so cute

>> No.42457780

What yook things do the Lunarians do?

>> No.42457810

Did you really just post a reddit screencap in a vain attempt to prove your grimserpsokyo headcanon?
You fags are really desperate aren't you?

>> No.42459134

W-well... the lunarians may have enslaved the human race for eternity, but atleast they are still alive, unlike gensokyo's filthy youkai!

>> No.42460260


>> No.42460892

I maded that thread, ok, im gonna make another touhou lore thread, i don't care if it dies with replies

>> No.42461623

i can see your ip, you're not op

>> No.42465306

saving the zounose thread

>> No.42466742

What thread? The thread i am talking about died time ago, im not talking about this thread

>> No.42471464

i like them

>> No.42479049


>> No.42483099

>what happened with Igyoukyo?
On hiatus while the creator works on his Alice in Wonderland soulslike

>> No.42483193

He is fine if you are an edgy teen. Otherwise his comics unbearably stupid. Might as well go watch Elfen Lied and listen to Linkin' Park.

>> No.42483218

i don't think it's fair to compare a series with an unironic abdl character and cousin incest to zounoses works

>> No.42483266

Some of you are really blowing things up
Go look up Stripe Pattern if you want pure, unadultered cringe edge

>> No.42483656

Didn't zounose publish at least 2 doujins with cannibalism? One of them where they eat a number of young children too (never fucking mind that these rites didn't happen in shinto),

Too ow the edge for me, my dude.

>> No.42487777

Take that back!

>> No.42488202

Be not unhappy, child of Bosnia.

Also, nice 7777. You must be a lucky one.

>> No.42492764

