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File: 12 KB, 384x348, 2a2d0d2298ac3c81da3b38e4c808278f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4240134 No.4240134 [Reply] [Original]

Out of bump >>4225806

Hostan from EU:

Suwako > everything else tier

I'll be up for perhaps one hour. Maybe less, maybe more.

>> No.4240207

>I'll keep playing if I keep winning
>if you're better than me I'm just going to leave

>> No.4240224

Sounds like every arcade ever.

>> No.4240670


>> No.4240675

>Will I take the next hour train
>or will I take the later train

>> No.4240684

GGs, Orin. I'd love to stay and chat, but gotta run!

>> No.4240706

take this back to /v/

>> No.4240943

Bitch, this shit never belonged to /v/. This. Is. Touhou. etc.

>> No.4241154
File: 563 KB, 1000x965, 8435002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this just being posted and I thought of you guys.

>> No.4241196

whos on?

>> No.4241713


>> No.4241841

this guy reminds me of the classical burocrat


>> No.4241919
File: 264 KB, 1470x1650, 8a992fa006e2e1ce30e7ecb843aac87f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for a few matches?

>> No.4241942

I remember something like this in Asterix.

>> No.4242010

Doujinsoft in /v/? Yeah, try again. And bring moot with you. I won't listen otherwise.

>> No.4242054

V used to talk about touhou back when it was just about the shooters. Good luck with that today, though.

>> No.4242129

any us hosts?

>> No.4242227

GGs Destrowig.

Looks like I'm still shit with anyone else than Youmu. With Meiling I can win some matches but even then I only get to land a few hits at a time, and the matches take an eternity.

Also, I feel like an idiot running into your Okuu's 3A:s all the time, even though I know it can't be blocked in air. I guess I'm too used to Youmu's speed, since with her I could usually hit you before you hit me.

>> No.4242296

Everyone hates Utsuho's 3A, trust me.

Anyway, GGs.

>> No.4242303

i think it was in one of the 12 jobs of asterix

>> No.4242470
waiting on my carry out to get here tier

>> No.4242857

>> No.4242918

...and he solved it by requesting a form that didn't exist, so the whole place turned on itself.
Successful Gaul is successful.

>> No.4243309

Oh god, I watched this movie hundreds of times when I was a kid.

"Tu es un sanglier!"
"Je suis un sanglier!"

Fucking hilarious shit.

Also bump.

>> No.4243416

Are you oddly romanizing Touhou to get past filters, or do you really spell it that way?

>> No.4243460

Filters? Filtering Touhou in /jp/?

What are you, a page 10 lurker?

>> No.4243483

I'd play you guys but my back hurts so much

>> No.4243505
File: 252 KB, 929x961, obelix vs. reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asterix, in a /jp/ thread?

I am pleased.

>> No.4243512
File: 192 KB, 784x803, obelix vs. reimu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4243525

Is LIVE-A-CIRNO an actual game? Because I totally loved LIVE-A-LIVE

>> No.4243737

it's just a video edit.

Needs more hosts.

>> No.4243755

>I can't believe this guy isn't bored yet after perfecting me 15 times in a row
>Well, I'm not bored yet either

>> No.4243854
File: 46 KB, 512x512, rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey what's going on in here? Looking for host. Suika tier.

>> No.4243856

>eu player
>not satsu

>> No.4243991

Baka tier.

>> No.4244206

What game is this?
What genre is it?
Where can I get it?

>> No.4244256

-Fighting batracians
-Video game store

>> No.4244259


>> No.4244288

Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4244309

give general location dumbshit

>> No.4244335

Connect unable. You are open?

Host is America this is East.
I am poor of play, practice with me?

>> No.4244387


>> No.4244629


GGs. Looks like we both have phone issues.

>> No.4244692

Anyone hosting?

>> No.4244719

Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4245338

Thanks for the games, but I have to head off to bed now.
I'm really bad, haha. Hopefully I'll improve sometime.

>> No.4245352


GGs. You appear to already know the mechanics of the game. You only need to improve on your blockings, keep playing, you are doing fine.

>> No.4245372

Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4245605


Bump for players.

>> No.4245791 wc new tier

>> No.4245869
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x960, Nazrin in SWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4245992


>> No.4246033

those ears ;_;

>> No.4246042

GGs, overstated-name guy

Anyone who knows how to airdash that well can't be that terribad. Those combos and predictability.... ehhh. Anyway, thanks for the matches. If you want it, best advice I can give you is block on wake-ups and try to do different modes of attack to throw your opponent off, especially with Sakuya (I, for one, hate to see a good Sakuya go bad...). midscreen 5Bj.5B's just won't cut it. Well, it did against Sanae, her 5C cancels out a lot of attacks, but leaves her wide open against bullet spreads. But that's more likely me being stupid and not hjc. after them.

Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4246140

So little activity lately ;_;

>> No.4246161


GGs Claus. We have played for almost 1:30 hours. I have to say you have to work in your defence. If you are far and you aren't grazing you must be blocking. Cirno's proyectiles can be very fast and will catch you by surprise. I will usually play tricks to distract your attention from an upcoming katamari/icecar, be careful when grazing from close distance, it may be a trap. And careful with those icetraps, you have to remember where I put one when you are moving on screen. Don't forget about them, they do very decent damage.

>> No.4246182

Thanks for the practice. I only recently started and Reisen is the only character I know how to use.

Her effective projectiles have such slow startup. I wonder if I should practice ultrared eye. It seems like it'd be a little op.

>> No.4246258

Good games, was fun. Thanks for the advice, it's always appreciated. I know I badly need some kind of strategy when I play. Patchouli gave me a lot of bad habits since you can get somewhat decent return on her by just spamming and annoying your opponent with her 5c. I could have done a bit better (not to say I would have won) but lost a lot of my motivation early, I know at least enough to not mash on wake up like that so much. I just really wanted to punch you, I guess. :P

>> No.4246268
File: 148 KB, 640x480, 1214879453037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needed add on characters for next update
EoSD 5/7 characters - we get it they're popular we don't really need rumia and flan since flan would basically be 2P remi.
PCB 4/8 - Letty, Chen, Ran and the Prismriver sisters, would be nice to see Chen and Ran would be nice but can be easily add onto Yukarin's deck.
IN 1/7 - really? need more erin, kaguya, keine and mokou, and don't give me that immortal shit the other finals got in, hell Yuyuko is already dead.
PoFV 1/4 - Yuka would be really over powered but hell we have Tenshi to take the beating, no one cares about medicine and a Sikieiki would be fine, can't really see her fighting besides wacking and throwing them judgement tablets.
MoF 3/7- add Nitori with a water gun and im fine.
SA 1/7 - Yuugi, Rin and Koishi would be nice.
UFO - Since they did it for SA, I guess only Byakuren would join in. Shou and Nue would likey join in as well.
Cirno is the only S2 boss, Alice and China are S3, everyone is S4<, so unless this game was just made for canon then I don't see a reason for Zun not to add the other finals and EX bosses.

>> No.4246280



Why do people like her?

>> No.4246304

>need more erin, kaguya, keine and mokou

...no. Just Wriggle.

>> No.4246309

shes lovely

>> No.4246317

Wriggle Kick would be overpowered and you know it.

>> No.4246328

Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4246415 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 1000x1000, 1264405895958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Central

Mad salty, like Chicken flavored Ramen noodles tier

>> No.4246451

Not working for me.

>> No.4246561
File: 279 KB, 800x1032, 1256443811266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4246580

Not working

>> No.4246592

doesn't work

>> No.4246632

is kermit having his soul drained by a ghost?

>> No.4246633


GGs Rabbit box. I come from a game where my inputs worked seamlessly and I got spoiled. Sorry for the bad matches.

>> No.4246636

try again, I posted this then realized I accidentally closed the folder and had to dig through tons of shit to get back into it.

>> No.4246654

I'm right here, why'd you close out of it?

>> No.4246658

Good games Nipah, they were some pretty close matches regardless. Wow, does Ice car ever have a huge range now, and I thought it clever how you would corner trap with various Cirno skill cards.

>> No.4246660


Erm... We already played for a while. Or do you want more Cirno matches?

>> No.4246671

Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4246706
File: 237 KB, 880x700, 1229317258003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretend I wrote something clever here.

>> No.4246799

>pic of E-MAN, Guy, Nipah, and Tree having fun


>> No.4246811

if by Tree you mean a Stage 2 nameless Mid Boss then yes. Also I thought you mained Suika?

>> No.4246856

I don't think I've ever seen E-MAN play Suika

>> No.4246865
File: 289 KB, 600x775, 1213996381281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking cirno, what the fuck?
btw , im from argentina 1 sec delay, but nevermind
really hate that crystal ball...
gg nipah

>> No.4246873


LOL, you're funny.

>> No.4246875


GGs Bodega. I had a lot of trouble to keep up with your constant pressure. Against Reisen, luckily I could find a hole in your string, from there I was able to escape everytime.

>> No.4246888


Heh, I am from Perú, there shouldn't be that much of delay. At least I didn't feel anything.

Earlier I played against USA and I kept mashing buttons to the frustrating point.

>> No.4246901
File: 562 KB, 953x750, 3602f9bc8b7758f526c26d7f0037a104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets play!
you host right?

>> No.4246907

You're pretty good E-man.

What's the E stand for?

>> No.4246916



Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4246921

No, he knows how to play Suika. She and about three quarters of the cast at minimum.

>> No.4246934

Good games, MVRC. You have great timing with your DPs, but you use them just a bit too often.


>> No.4246935

GGs, Claus

I apologize if I was too hard on you there. You graze pretty well, so I figured you were at least use to the game, but bro, you've REALLY got to learn to block on wake-ups. When I can walking up and just knock you back down again without cross-ups and mindgaemus, it's time to re-evaluate some things...

>> No.4247081


GGs again. Fun games. I hope I haven't bored you with my Cirno, I tried changing strategies often.

>> No.4247084

Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4247090
File: 16 KB, 220x190, 1242886037603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im tired of that ball, really tired
phys damage with no knockback counter
anyway gg, i must practise more...
by the way, thanks for the cards

>> No.4247098


Actually, katamari is punisheable if not released at the right time. Sometimes I fail and I am punished.

I release the katamari ball just before hitting the wall. That way, Cirno bounces and can escape most counter attacks except for Komachi. But then... against smart Komachi players I have no idea what to do now.

>> No.4247100

With a very fast character, you can block the ball and punish with melee. Otherwise, you might have to rely on high density or large quantities of bullets to pierce the ball.

>> No.4247116
File: 35 KB, 673x505, 1227149479489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4247132

Good games, E-Man. I'm gonna take a break now, while lamenting the fact that while the 4-card Tiger's Strength spellcard is now better, it's still very hard to use effectively against anyone who's good.

>> No.4247137

Rehosting. >>4243991

>> No.4247138

GGs Guy

DAT FUCKIN' GRAZAN! It was about time we quit, I was starting to see China's after-images... Ironically, it took one of the slowest bovine characters in the game to slow you down enough for me to steal one set off of you. Well, bro, welcome to that next level you were looking for.

>> No.4247146

Haha, can Guy be considered High tier now with China?

>> No.4247148

>dat fuckin' grazan

Oh, you mean all those times I graze right into melee? Hahaha, I still have a ways to go yet! By the by, does anyone know what this song is from: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9506191

>> No.4247150

Guy has always been the high tier with her. No one else wants to play with her. Isn't it sad, China-san? ;_;

>> No.4247166

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one around with newfound trouble against Meiling.

>> No.4247171

I play her but only because I want to 2AAAAAAAAAAAa.a. all day.

>> No.4247187

Tasofro ruined my flowchart Meiling, a.a. Isn't it sad? ;_;

>> No.4247193
File: 104 KB, 384x384, 1262243193321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, now that I'm back from class and still feeling pretty shitty about my already shitty Sakuya feeling even lower tier than she already felt, any tips for her for a beginner? Deck suggestions? Etc. Thanks

Also, tell me her 214 is really, really good, even if it isn't, because I always forget to use it. :/

>> No.4247196
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, sanaeflowchart-revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this!

>> No.4247218

214 is good for zoning purpose, ending a couple of combos, and attacking people who like flying up into the corner. As far as deck suggestions go, well, he default 236 is pretty good, as is her default 623 and 214; the spellcards you take are up to you, but Killing Doll, Luna Dial, Soul Sculpture, and Phantasmic Killer are all pretty good, and Sakuya's Special Stopwatch and Sakuya's World can be really good if you can capitalize on them properly. I'm not a really good Sakuya player, though, so hopefully someone else'll give some input too.

Get a feel for the skills and spellcards you like, though, and face people online to get better.

You monster. ;_;

>> No.4247239

Rely only her awkward dashing hitboxes, knife spam, and trickery. She really only has 3 ways to effective kill anyone (knife spam, precognative melee execution, and unpredictability), but after 1 or 2 matches, even the most newbish of newbs will catch on, then she's fucked. Trickster style includes
- Teleporting (everyone knows it's useless as a getaway, it's the follow up attack that makes it worthwhile. Ex: Towards>Dial-A, Away-6C236C)
- 623ing out of air combos/tech traps (very unsuspecting)
- Perfect Maid, especially in air with enemy charging you down.

Just to name a few.

>> No.4247241

>Also, tell me her 214 is really, really good
It is. I use 214B mainly for oki though. Personally, I like putting in Perfect Maid since her default 22 teleport has rather limited use (not much I can think of besides crossup gimmicks or a situational way of escaping some spellcards.)

The Time Sign "Private Square" spellcard (basically time slow) is extremely useful. I'd definitely recommend putting in four of those.

For general strategy, you might consider highjumping up, using j.5C, and then flying down. If your opponent blocks, you can advance and try again until you're in position to stick them in a corner blockstring. If they try to graze the knives, you can attempt to punish their movement.

That's the basic strategy some guy playing Sakuya used to win the biggest SWR tournament a few years ago. It can be effective.

>> No.4247259

Go back to /v/

>> No.4247266

So, I decided to give SWR 1.06 a go to see how things have changed since 1.10. Oh god, Youmu is now Slowmu, and her pillar has been nerfed like crazy. I weep a little on the inside.

>> No.4247269


Rabbit-Box would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4247278

Haha, I am Rabbit-Box though. It looks like little things like graze speed and backdash speed have been reduced (although I don't backdash and graze only short distances. Didn't notice it before)

>> No.4247286

anyone playing? west coast

new tier

>> No.4247288

>graze only short distances
>I toss out a projectile to start zoning and you run all the way across the screen at me


>> No.4247295

actually going to spectate a friend for a bit, if anyone wants to play i'll host again

>> No.4247296

Ahaha, I suppose I should clarify: Air graze

>> No.4247303

Please someone connect to help me to test if my port is working, It apparently stopped for some random reason, but it may be just my dumb friends

>> No.4247304

>I jump in the air and throw out Meiling's j.5C
>you fly all the way across the screen towards me


>> No.4247309

Not working.

>> No.4247311

It's not working.

>> No.4247314


crap, thanks tough

>> No.4247326

I air graze for short bursts from high locations to gain momentum and land beside you, which is why I eat those rainbow circles so much.

I swear, Guy! Honest!

>> No.4247362


GGs Larfleeze, nice Meiling you have there. Careful with the traps. I noticed you kepf falling for them.

I am exhausted, this is all for today.

Good night /jp/.

>> No.4247541
File: 465 KB, 1074x1517, 1261736472942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life Elixir "Kokushi Musou Elixir": Decreased buff, will now provides a 5% attack and defense buff instead of a 15% attack buff and a 10% defense buff.

Time to take life elixer off my Reisen decks.

>> No.4247623

Seems crappy, why not just use the system cards instead?

>> No.4247757
File: 423 KB, 600x526, 1252635568311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehostan. Anyone still up for some games?

>> No.4247814
File: 195 KB, 429x600, cirno you fuckwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>3 point spellcard
>+5% bonus to attack and defense


On an unrelated note, it looks like he might have changed Meiling's 2 card True Radiant Rainbow Fist spellcard. The wiki says the spellcard pushes you away from the enemy when you use it, but I've been trying it out vs comp and it seems like you can get a dial A + True Radiant Rainbow Fist combo for about 2.4k. Pretty nice for a 2 point spellcard, I guess

>> No.4247855

>you can get a dial A + True Radiant Rainbow Fist combo for about 2.4k. Pretty nice for a 2 point spellcard, I guess
Komachi's dial-A + Boat Ride is 2.7k for 1 cost spellcard.

Just playing with you. Not terribly familiar with the Rainbow Sign spellcard, but Earth and Sky Dragon Kick on the other hand, that's pretty awesome for a 3-cost card.

>> No.4247919


Dial A into Earth and Sky Dragon Kick does about 2.8 damage. That, combined with the low-high attack combination, make it pretty awesome. I was just surprised at how decent True Radiant Rainbow Fist is now, since anyone who knows anything about Meiling already knows how awesome E&SDK is

>> No.4248054
File: 918 KB, 800x600, Free Boat Ride for 3!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, oh fuck, I completely forgot that 5 card is air-unblockable. Jesus that hurt. Good games, Nipah, you do a pretty decent job of stuffing jump-ins with your 5C. Your 66C seems less prevalent than I remember, too.

Can't you get upwards of 3k with it if you use it in a corner combo? The boat ride, that is.

Don't forget that the kick is air-unblockable. I love that aspect of it.

>> No.4248057


OH YES, A VICTORY. FEELS GOOD MAN. Only one of 10 ;_;

After so many rounds where I leave you with so little HP... It seems that when you start to do your strings I can't stop you, the only thing I can do is to prevent falling into your strings. Just after I figured how to escape your constant Meiling pressure you change to Tenshi hehe. Very very fun battles, this kind of battles are the most fun of all, even if I keep losing. If I weren't this sleepy I may be able to give more battle.

Great games Guy.

>> No.4248072


I still do 66C as often as I can, but you are special Guy, you don't fall for silly little tricks like 66C, you were dodging the icetraps like nothing. I must resort to more complicated traps using icesword and icecar, notice that without that combination I wasn't able to do anything but defend myself.

>> No.4248089

>you don't fall for silly little tricks like 66C

Yeah, I just eat full-screen ice cars and watch the 623 sword cross me up multiple times, hahaha.

>> No.4248360

bump, anyone playing? i can host, join, whatever. us west. spectating atm though so don't want to waste my time if noone is up. ;;

>> No.4248383

Dang, if it were earlier in the day then I would have taken you up on your offer.

>> No.4248400 EU

Let's see if anyone else is up before noon. Feel free to join even if you are not anywhere near, at least we can rage together how impossible to input anything. I usually get decent delay with EC though

>> No.4248466


Rehost plz, wanna challange you.

>> No.4248636

Good games.
I usually stay as far away from EU players as I can but the lag wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

>> No.4248640

>>4248400 here
All right, thanks for joining Duckator. I felt a bit bad about picking two characters only, I hope they weren't boring. I have yet to make my Alice deck, I forgot that I am supposed to practice with her too. Seeing how great these bubbles are when I played with Su, I stole the idea but I used them for the first time, so I had very little idea how was I supposed to use them at first.

About Suwako: I have yet to make her a few more deck as well... but why am I always saying this and never doing it?! Anyway, it was fun on my side, it was nice to see a lot of characters

I was playing around with my half-complete Patchy decks in the end, funnily enough what I call "complete" is just a bunch of skillcards

>> No.4248911

>By the by, does anyone know what this song is from: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9506191

Are you asking seriously?
That's the pre-battle music from Meiling's final stage in story mode, "ぼくらの非想天則" or "Our Hisou Tensoku".

>> No.4248984

I actually was, sadly enough. Thanks, though, I recognized the music but for some reason I just couldn't remember what it was from; man, it's been forever since I've played story mode.

>> No.4249132

Glad I could convert someone to the bubble side of the force. My newest thing is the swords alt. It's brilliant when you get the hang of it, but it takes shitloads of time to activate, and you can't cancle out of it, so it's still just an experiment.

>> No.4249137

any hosts? us

>> No.4249206

Early morning hosting.
US Midwest

>> No.4249236


I'll do anything to make my poor clueless opponents feel uneasy. Achieving ragequits is still far away but my mission is on track! Now, let's see those level 4 fireballs...

>> No.4249238 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4249309
File: 792 KB, 1814x1361, b82cbd51ba6b5a5299d2dca207762ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overhead Flower-Pruning Slash-spam -tier.

>> No.4249373

Good games, ductator. Seems like Sakuya got quite a few buffs.

>> No.4249388

Good games Anon. I'm still trying to get used to using border escapes but the way you play makes the timing difficult. I don't know if that's what you were going for but it sure threw me off.

>> No.4249408 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4249410 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4249411

You don't need to border escape since it's a guaranteed punish on block now. They work better midscreen to avoid getting in the corner in the first place. You want to be on a blocked b midscreen or else it pushes you straight into the corner. To get out of the corner, do hj8.

>> No.4249606


Good games, and my apologies for forgetting to indicate that it would be the last game.

And sheesh, you'd think that after so many matches I'd get it to my head to not to do melee when those bubbles are nearby, but nope. Way to go self. Ah well, was fun enough, hopefully my day 3 Reisen wasn't too annoying.

>> No.4249640

>>4249236 here
Thank you for joining arfw... arf... a something, I -of course- have absolutely no idea how could I be such a failure against your Reisen. I find it really interesting how you are trying to be out of range and unpredictable at the same time, maybe that's why I have a strange feeling every time I've played against your rabbit

But those bubbles most of the time are better cancels than the fireball. I must get a new habit of pressing 22B instead of 236C

>> No.4249675

No-no, I'm quite used to Reisen's bullets and graze attacks. If it were annoying I'd just disappear for a few day/week/month, then would came back because playing fighting game on /jp/ does is good for my heart

I'd like to see girls in frilly clothes more often

>> No.4249696

-1x does/is after the /jp/

>> No.4249769
File: 684 KB, 300x169, yukari IT'S TRAIN TIME.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd like to see girls in frilly clothes more often

Does this qualify?

>> No.4249787


>> No.4249820

What's the matter, too MANLY for you?

>> No.4249846
File: 148 KB, 600x567, 1263736433751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even say that I'm sure which gender is correct

Not like it matters though

>> No.4249855

Sure, GGs, but allow me to draw the line for you. It'll help you understand the norms around here.

>> No.4249864
File: 360 KB, 870x694, yukari IT'S TRAIN TIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if you're implying the person cosplaying Yukari is a man, or if her summoning her train is manly. I'd like to think it's not the former, but it probably is ::C

>> No.4249869

GGs, but what do you mean with that?

>> No.4249893

As in loliballing all over. I've explained plenty of times that it's not necessarily about winning for me, but when the gameplay gets monotonous, I'm out. Just a friendly notifier.

>> No.4249906


>> No.4249907

Ah, sorry, I thought you meant something with my playing in general.

Yeah, sorry about that. I usually don't play Suika, so I have no idea what to do, so I mostly just loliball'd around. As for why I chose to play Suika then, I got pretty tired of playing Youmu all the time.

>> No.4249913

No, it's trolls like you that make me rage.

Why not try out different Youmu styles?

>> No.4249916 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4249940

I noticed during our games that I lack proper decks to combat characters that are heavily based on projectiles. As you might have noticed, you could pretty easily counter my Overhead Flower-Pruning Slash by having a single projectile between us. I think I'll try out putting some default 236 reflector cards in a deck since it actually helped me somewhat during our games.

>> No.4249950

How the hell did you manage to be in trouble, with the loliball nerf? Loliball isn't what it was before 1.10. It's just an average grazing attack, now. Punishable with anything.

>> No.4249962
File: 167 KB, 536x489, reisenbaaaaaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>214 Illusionary Blast: Increased startup
>Life Elixir "Kokushi Musou Elixir": Decreased buff, will now provides a 5% attack and defense buff instead of a 15% attack buff and a 10% defense buff.

>> No.4249970

>No, I'm fucking serious

>> No.4249976

>not about winning
>gameplay gets monotonous
I understand this can be hard to understand for certain minds among us. There's nothing left to do than just leaving it at that.

>> No.4250016

Hey, I was just asking you a question, no need to be so cocky, bro. I genuinely wanted to know what was frustrating/monotonous. If he really just "spammed" loliball and the match didn't end with two perfects for you, maybe you should find another game. Now, if he did that for two, three games in a row, well, you still are dumb for not beating him, but he's at least as dumb as you for doing it.

>> No.4250043
File: 67 KB, 638x478, tehreisen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows if the winning quotes are the same as SWR?

>> No.4250074



>> No.4250426

I don't know why people keep crying. She was never bad in the first place; people just suck using her. If anything, you should cry about the suika yukari and aya nerfs.

>> No.4250445

>cry about Suika nerfs

Why would I do that? Aya nerfs I can understand, as she's been constantly eating them, but I feel no sympathy for Suika at all.

>> No.4250465

Don't make me remeber that, my precious 66C ;_;

>> No.4250486

needs more hosts

>> No.4250511
File: 253 KB, 1117x1000, preview0faafa1167ed37811516a04b2037f12c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly trying out various Youmu decks.

>> No.4250542
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Agreed. Suika can go suck a dick. She's still extremely strong

Meiling mostly suffers from requiring very intricate combos just to approach the damage most other characters can do with half the effort, on top of having poor bullets and melee range. Sure, when she manages to corner you she can rape the shit out of you, but half the battle is getting your enemy in that corner

I just have a hard time agreeing with Tasofro's Sky Dragon Kick nerfs. I get that it was a bit too strong compared to her other 22BC skills, but if he wants people to look at her other 22BC skills, he needs to make them truly viable alternatives. 22BC Earth Dragon Wave is pretty good for helping Meiling with ranged fights and giving her ground cover while she moves in, but it simply doesn't give the damage potential that Sky Dragon Kick does.. or did, I guess

Default 22BC (Yellow Tremor Kick) still sucks shit though, and I have no idea why it hasn't been buffed

>> No.4250570
File: 25 KB, 417x427, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I feel no sympathy for Suika at all
>Agreed. Suika can go suck a dick.

Are you frustrated?

>> No.4250571

That was pretty short, GGs.


>> No.4250595

Hosting EU

>> No.4250602


My apologies, computer crashed.

>> No.4250606

Default 22 is just funny because it does shitty damage, is hard to hit except as a ground-combo ender, and you can't even combo after you land it. The only reason to run the skill is if you feel like handicapping yourself, but there are better ways to do that with only system cards.

SDK still has high damage potential, you just have to pray that you get to max level before it's the last match and you both have low health. Earth Dragon Wave is a decent alternative though, if you don't like relying on SDK now.


>> No.4250674
File: 316 KB, 838x600, suika smashed_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really, Tasofro just needs to figure out what he's doing with the concept of skill levels. In my mind, levels 2 and 4 should represent major upgrades to a skill, while 1 and 3 should represent minor boosts (or defaults for the alt skillcards, of course). A good example of that kind of game design is in 214BC Descending Flower Slam, where it becomes air usable on level 2. Likewise, SDK should have its 1.03 patch comboability at level 2. For that matter, buff 214BC Spiral Light Step so it gets its step-hit at level 2 instead of level 3

It just feels like asking people to put three and four cards towards making a skill good is unreasonable. Skill cards already have a hard time competing for deck room between spell cards and system cards trying to get space, too ::/


Yes ;_;

>> No.4250681

>Default 22BC (Yellow Tremor Kick) sucks shit
>complaining about dragon kick
Maybe if you knew how to use her, you'd know why they did it

>> No.4250708

I'm sorry, I'm horrible with Meiling. Please enlighten me.

>> No.4250715
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>I get that it was a bit too strong compared to her other 22BC skills, but if he wants people to look at her other 22BC skills, he needs to make them truly viable alternatives.

Might wanna read the entire post next time, bro

I get that it was strong. But asking people to invest 4 fucking cards towards bringing its functionality back is way, way too much, especially with this randomized deck system leading to an inability to control which cards you get first

>> No.4250725


>> No.4250733


Rehosting again.

>> No.4250800

SDK has no graze frames, no invulnerability frames, a slightly laggy start-up, and you have to be around a certain area midscreen in order to combo after dial-A SDK. The higher damage combos required either a CH SDK or a second skill (Descending Flower Slam) to up the damage, which would eliminate her only (halfway decent) grazing attack. So, essentially, they nerfed a move that is only safe if you combo into it and that can only be followed up with moves if you combo into it in a very certain area on the screen.

Sure, it could do upwards of 3k damage in combos if you either level it up or end up taking DFS, but Tenshi has combos of similar damage that she can do from anywhere without using any skillcards, not to mention some other characters.

So, I must be missing something when it comes to the SDK, because I'm not seeing why that other person is arguing that the nerf is justified. I'm not all that good with Meiling, so I really hope he explains it so I can understand her better.

>> No.4250821

Why can't I update my GAME?

Something about : / ? * pop up.

>> No.4250860


>> No.4250882

A common problem about folder names that's asked every time in these threads. Possible solution, if you're running the patch with japanese locale:

>Change your computer back to English locale to install it or manually put in the \ (I couldn't for whatever reason). It won't read the yen symbols of the directory it's installing to.

>> No.4250932
File: 29 KB, 453x466, cirno informative_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ran into that problem too, bro. Switch your non-unicode language to English. The game updater, for some reason, thinks that the yen symbol is equal to a \ or some shit, but updating with my non-unicode language in English worked for me


Let me make something clear. I agree that SDK should have been tapped with the nerf bat to preserve intra-skill balance. In other words, a player should be able to look at ALL Meiling's 22BC skills and think "Oh wow, these are all pretty good. Which one will support my play style the best?"

I just think that Tasofro hit Meiling with the nerf sledgehammer rather than the nerf bat. I mean, jesus, she basically NEEDS level 2 Descending Flower Slam as it is, just to have some truly hard hitting combos. Requiring a level 4 skill to get back most of her old mid-level combo options is just ridiculous

>> No.4250959

Good games. I tried some new stuff, didn't look too bad. Really fun.
You can't mash out between Alice 5aaa 5b anymore, bawwww.

>> No.4250964

I really need to work on my defense, and choose less retarded times to jump out. Also it (sadly) seems that Alice works better when playing less aggressively.

>> No.4251007

Because combos are all that matters.

>> No.4251136
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Yeah, combos ARE all that matter. What are you, new to fighting games?

Considering her other options for 214BC skills are Spiral Light Step (punishable on block, too slow to be used as a reaction to an enemy's attack, has no usage in combos until level 3, but gives graze, big whoop) and Radiant Rainbow Fist (IS there even a use for this skill?), yeah, the combo potential Meiling gets from level 2 Descending Flower Slam is all that matters. Its the best of her three options at the moment. Maybe if RRF was worth a damn and SLS was buffed slightly (maybe make it safe on block from level 3 onwards, move its stomp hit to level 2), they'd be legitimate contenders for her 214BC slot

22BC has slightly more fair options. Earth Dragon Wave and Sky Dragon Kick were both legitimate options in 1.03, with SDK edging out EDW simply because it was THAT good

If SDK had its 1.03 combo potential at level 2, it would still require a decent card investment, and you'd probably want 4 cards in your deck anyway just to ensure you can get Level 2 SDK as quickly as possible. EDW is great at level 1. Leveling doesn't really help it much, which I'd like to see changed, but oh well

>> No.4251242

Spiral Light Step isn't punishable on block if you judge your distance correctly before throwing it out. It also has combo usage before level 3, not to mention the fact that it's air-unblockable and sets up great counter-hit options. I still don't agree with what they did to SDK, but SLS is still very much a viable skill; the only problem is it's slightly less viable as DFS becomes more tempting to take in an effort to squeeze out the damage Meiling lost in the 1.03 -> 1.10 transition.

>> No.4251332


>> No.4251360

Well, that was a bit boring. I think I fell asleep somewhere in the middle and I lost my motivation somewhere along the way. I can't use these skillcards at all, these bubbles are just aren't made for me. All right Su, you can keep them. Pumping cards into the 214B/C is completely unnecessary for me as well, I'm not using those

But those swords... they may have potential for me. Let's see what can I do with them~

>> No.4251366

high level spout > bubbles

>> No.4251383

GGs. I must say, I really hate those bubbles, always forcing me to retreat. Those swords look like they'd be useful against slower characters, but Youmu is usually fast enough to attack you while you're still conjuring the swords.

Also, may I ask, why do you only have skillcards and book system cards in your deck?

>> No.4251396

Skill/system only decks aren't too bad, actually. Getting high-level skills and being able to get them quickly (say, using Suika's gourd), can really up the momentum a character generates, in addition for making some incredibly painful hit-confirms and punishes. anonymous showed me this to great effect, I'd say.

>> No.4251412

Any host around here?

>> No.4251415

Because I don't really know when I am supposed to use spellcards with Patchy. Sometimes I use Satellite Sunflower but that's all. Books for faster regeneration, spam bullets everywhere (and you graze them but hey, I can make pretty long assaults)

Swords are slow before they show up, but I can shoot them whenever I want after that. The purpose for both of them is the same: make the enemy cautious and feel uneasy about approaching. I want to use either the swords or bubbles, but since I prefer the original 22B/C more, and I don't like the 214B/C, I may go with the swords.

I hope my shitty keyboard can accept me holding down 5 buttons at once

>> No.4251425 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4251439

Screen length icecar tier.

>> No.4251495

You should throw in a few of Yuyuko's spirit cards for epic danmaku spam.

>> No.4251508

Bump for hosts

>> No.4251514


GGs Akagi. Very short game.

>> No.4251520

GGs Nipah, I lol'd with the double KO. Sorry for the laggy games, I'll let you fight someone who's closer to you than me, it'll be more enjoyable.

>> No.4251537

Alright, one last time for tonight:

>> No.4251592

bnb extenders: deluge, elmo
pressure tools: gears, selena, flare (emerald is not a reversal, it has no invul)
situational: phlogistic (lit dp-spell, 66b-spell)
crap: everything else

>> No.4251639

I'll decode this message as soon as I've got some sleep. Let's see, I'm sure this is some kind attempt to help me, or to be more exact, an attempt to give me hints...

...I should learn the basic terms already. Thanks anyway

>> No.4251778

new thread?

>> No.4251784

If this one isn't bumping anymore, yeah, that'd be a good idea.

>> No.4251798

This one hasn't hit the bump limit yet.

>> No.4251803

Would someone host, please? ;_;

>> No.4251834
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 1241316205056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4251834 wc

newb (and drunk) tier

>> No.4251919
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Alright, I have to ask: what combos can you possibly do with pre-level 3 SLS? I have yet to see a single combo for it in the wiki or in personal experimentation

>> No.4251949

>>4251537 here,
GGs. Sorry for leaving, but I think 9 hours total of SWR is enough for me. I'm obviously too tired to learn from my mistakes as well, since I happily kept rushing to most of your attacks. Your Alice is as deadly as ever, I have no idea how to approach her.

>> No.4251952

Looks like its safer to finish Youmu's 214b than to stop after 1 hit in 1.10, even with 2c cover. Also, you never really push your attack, no matter how much I block. Is there any reason for that? I actually wanted to practice getting out of youmu's pressure.

>> No.4251998

>Also, you never really push your attack, no matter how much I block.
Making mistakes with my inputs due to being tired usually results in me accidentally retreating and letting the opponent escape. Also, I still have problems since after my 6/3A:s I often leave an opening for the opponent, and they can either escape or beat me. I still need to practise that.

>> No.4252039 [DELETED] 

GGs Rabbit box. That youmu invulnerable spell card is so goddamed annoying.

At least I got some victories.

>> No.4252058

Good games Nipah! Thats quite the difficult Cirno to approach. My trouble is that with your 5C to Ice car/66C/Katamari/Spinning sword means that I have to risk my life bar every time I want to get into melee range. Eventually I learned to keep a pillar ready and watch for your attack animation. I had quite a lot of fun and hand to pull out all the combos and crush strings I knew.

>> No.4252063

GGs Rabbit box. That youmu invulnerable spell card is so goddamed annoying. Apparently the first round is a race for me to get icecar. Without it I am really powerless against pushy Youmus. Sword works but it leaves you too much time vulnerable to counter attacks.

I couldn't land a single 5 card hammer on you... ;_; I guess you are already really adept at reading oponent spell cards. I was too busy dodging you to notice which final card was it.

At least I got some victories.

>> No.4252067


Rehosting for a morale raise.

>> No.4252085

5A 3A 6C 214C. 2152 damage, limits.
5AAA 2B 214C. 1919 damage, forces the opponent towards the corner even if performed from slightly beyond midscreen. Good if you're not confident about landing 5AAA 2B hjc9 j.5A j.6A j.6C against a character.

Near corner:

6A 6C 214C. 1600 damage, limits. Typically hits if your opponent expects the 3A after the f.5A and begins to jump out, only to get hit by the air-unblockable 6A. May want to do 6A 214C if they actually manage to get a bit into the air.

CH 214B/C f.5A 5C hjc9 j.5A j.6A j.5C. 2738 damage, 95% limit. Great damage for a move that will CH a surprising number of times, also sets up tech punishes.

Those are a few, there are others, but they're not quite as efficient as the other combos so I didn't list them.

>> No.4252109

Haha, believe it or not Pillar was nerfed for 1.10. I keep a lot on hand and used them on reaction whenever I heard your spell card go off, rather than watching for what cards you had in stock. I thought for a while that I could punish Icecar on block, but it didn't seem to be the case in the following rounds. The toughest matches for me were when you started to icecar and 66C everything on my landing, so I had to retool accordingly.

>> No.4252124
File: 163 KB, 364x534, CHARIS-MA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
EU, Remi only, casual.

>> No.4252155

Nah. I think anonymous' insistence on skillcard/systemcard decks is holding him back from being a better player (considering how good he already is, that's a scary thought). Very few characters should rely on pumping up skills or passive upgrades, with the possible exception of Tenshi (since her combos already deal crazy amounts of damage).

When I observed the top Japanese players, they rarely bothered leveling up skills more than once. Their decks are mainly bombs/Iku's system card (reversal) and spellcards.

>> No.4252194
File: 435 KB, 900x1250, 1261027234187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5A 3A 6C 214C
This is supposed to be f.5A.

Also, forgot to mention that either Descending Flower Slam or Spiral Light Step can be used to finish Youhou combos/hits.

Anyways, hostan:
Knows just enough about combos to drop them.

>> No.4252215


When do you plan to move to the East Coast, Guy?

>> No.4252237

Oh you. I actually like it over here, WA is pretty nice if you don't spend very much time in the actual cities (Seattle, Olympia, etc.).

>> No.4252244

KamiG won the last soku tournament with a skill and system only Marisa. Asdf and the other tourneyfags came up with the same setup when soku was released. Spellcards may be nice, but what happens when you can't get them off? Even so, the damage is negligible a) for smaller cards when most chars have combos that do damage equal to them, and b) if the opponent runs 4 shield cards, which was a free 30% damage reduction (now nerfed to 20% in 1.10)

>> No.4252269

I spectated your matches.


>> No.4252292

You got me. I didn't watch many top-level Soku matches, I was going from SWR experience, in which leveling up skills wasn't as good since they required knockdowns to be safe (and pretty much gave away momentum).

Still, I figured that even with the addition of new systemcards, they wouldn't be that useful unless a match dragged out for a long time. Anyway, I suppose it boils down to which character you use. I do think Yukari's four-cost purple border spellcard is too useful to pass up.

>> No.4252313

Don't forget now that in Soku using skill cards will trigger the skill to fire. You can use skill cards as part of combos or even as reversals.

>> No.4252327


I'm actually surprised. Those are very useful combos indeed. The prospect of being able to toss an opponent into the corner practically at will is quite tempting. Thank you

I retract my statement about SLS, then. I don't suppose you've found anything usable with Radiant Rainbow Fist as well?

>> No.4252347

uh, I forgot your name already. I've always been really bad at names, so don't take it personally. It's not like I don't like you or anything.

anyways, that was really fun and some great practice for my sakuya. one thing I noticed is that a lot of the time you rushed in at me without using much cover, so I was free to (attempt to...) counter you without much worry.


>> No.4252353

>will trigger the skill to fire
Except when it doesn't trigger it and leaves you defenseless for like 3 seconds. Man I hate when that happens unintentionally.

>> No.4252359

Other than as a sort of graze trap, no. The combos that you can use RRF with aren't any better than her other combos, and are mostly done just to look flashy. The skill itself does decent damage, but in the end if you want you go with Descending Flower Slam, since you can bait CHs on the ground and finish up combos with nice +damage and limit in the air. I've yet to see any sort of advantage gained from having RRF in a deck.

The same goes for the 236 skills, as well. Shui Xing Tai Ji Quan has its uses, but the other two are hardly ever worth using. Shui is mostly good for flashy combos and maybe taking your enemy off guard; it still feels more like a gimmick that'll net you some damage in the short run, rather than something that will continue to help you out.

For me, it's like you have to make three main skill choices in your deck: SDK vs EDW, SLS vs DFS, and Red Cannon vs One-Inch Punch. The other skills just don't feel worthwhile, though I still need more testing with the Tai Ji Quan skill.

>> No.4252373

Yeah, GGs. I really don't know how to approach Sakuya or any character for that matter. It's really late here, so I was kind of running into your attacks haphazardly. Thanks for the games though, was fun.

>> No.4252377

>It's not like I don't like you or anything.

R-R-Reverse tsundere?!

>> No.4252402

Still hostan. All out of love, so lost without you, etc.

>> No.4252414

No wonder people hate default 22 now. It got nerfed. Now it only takes an orb on wrongblock, where previously it took an orb on right and two on wrong. THEN AGAIN...
>Yeah, combos ARE all that matter. What are you, new to fighting games?

>> No.4252420

I'd join, but you know how it is with us Eurofriends.

>> No.4252424

Hey guy, how exactly did you get good with Meiling? Did you just fight a lot and naturally get better?

>> No.4252426

I thought that was the case, but I forgot to check in-game to make sure, so I didn't say anything. 5AAA stagger f.5A 6A 22B were fun for surprise crushes; everyone expects Meiling to go low.

>> No.4252464

I think he's just naturally good at playing offensively in fighting games (probably from previous experience with other fighting games). It didn't take him long to climb the ranks. I still remember the first time I spec'ced one of his matches he was playing against Umaicake's Tenshi/Utsuho, and the movement was absolutely beautiful. Back then I had a very slight edge if I played my mains against him, but now it's like 30-70 in his favor.

>> No.4252506


On one of my Meiling decks I take Colorful Rain in addition to SDK because CR is decent oki, and without being able to charge EDW, I don't feel like I have any decent options for fucking with an enemy that techs a lot

I haven't really messed with Shui Xing Tai Ji Quan, honestly. Strikes me as even more worthless than Colorful Rain, which is really saying something


>Implying Yellow Tremor Kick is not only used as a combo finisher
>Implying that trying to guard break an opponent is not a goal of combos
>Implying any of this somehow invalidates my comment

Fixan typo gaems

>> No.4252552

I thought the point of trolls were to cause grief, not laughter.

>> No.4252616

I don't think I've ever seen such a fast Komachi, it's ...beautiful. God speed moon runes

>> No.4252754

Poor Guy, it looks like your reputation has earned you a visit from true high tier players. You need to practice and represent /jp/ tier for us.

After watching your Meiling vs Komachi games, it looks like you need to invest in some spell or skill card with invincibility frames to punish boat ride. In your opinion would one inch punch be a feasable counter if timed correctly?

Brb stealing the Komachi deck design.

>> No.4252774

Not spectating, but I assume it must be Magister. He's the best Western Komachi player, if not one of the best Western SWR/Soku players period.

What's his deck? Boat ride alt. skillcard is actually good now? I figured the alt. 214 life drain was pretty buffed, but I haven't gotten around to fixing my Komachi decks for v1.10 yet.

>> No.4252787

It's some moon runes guy. One deck is heavy on boat riding and circular scythe slash cards, while the one he's using now is some kind of wisp launcher mixed with system buff and basic spell cards.

>> No.4252838

Time for new thread

>> No.4252856

GGs. Nipah.

>> No.4252859

>It's some moon runes guy.
It's mag

>> No.4252883


GGs Remilia. Very hard to avoid that attack where Remilia swings from side to side with the lag. I assume icecar was also hard to avoid. I felt it was pretty even. I noticed you fall back even when you have me cornered and you rely more on confusing your oponent instead of pressuring to death, it forces me to play very agressive even though my Cirno is usually more of the counter attack type.

Thanks for the games.

>> No.4252968

Ah, I see. Well my best guess for his deck composition is:

4x Boat of the Sanzu
4x Scythe of the Reaper
3x Deep Fog
2x Narrow Avici
3x Tenshi Reversal
2x Magic Potion
2x Komachi Coin

>> No.4252977

Good games, Magister. I hope I didn't bore you too much. That was pretty interesting for me at least, I don't fight very many Komachis, let alone ones as fast as yours felt; cross-ups everywhere, goddamn. You were high jumping out when I was baiting the graze, grazing out when I was trying to peg your high jump; goddamn, get out of my head.

Any input from you after those matches would be helpful.

>> No.4253002

I-am-not-good-with-names. Thanks anyway, guess it's time to hit the Wiki. Also, new thread where?

Not that it matters, I haven't port forwarded my new router so I can't host yet.

>> No.4253066

No, not at all. They destroyed some things Komachi had to stop jumpins(2B, 623B), so I was trying different decks, come up with something new, etc., but my head hurts from trying to compromise so much.

The deck with the 214 alt seemed so good in theory: I make souls, they float aimlessly, stage becomes a minefield that I can also absorb to regen. Then I get in a real fight, have no more wisp waves, and realize "man, this shit doesn't work at all!", so I'm scrapping that deck. The one with boatride...haha, that alt is pretty dumb. Making it graze was just a bit too good. I can't get rid of alt236 in any deck I really use, and 623 is so bad that I figured I could give it a shot, but I didn't expect it would be so simple to use in a real match, because you can't really do anything complicated with it like you can alt214. Guess that goes to show you can't beat actual match exp, even if it's netplay.

I said it before, but you favor dashout over jumpout 9 to 1, so boatride really beat you up bad. I felt bad closing the distance with boatride -every- single time, because China can't really do anything but let her finish riding. That one string you do, 5AAA 6B 6C, the blockstun on that is so weird that I tap 28 at the gap between 6B 6C and nothing happened. I cried at the number of times I failed to graze that, so I started holding 8D, but then it kept shifting into fly and I got free feet in my face. That's pretty neat, though. Let's fight again soon, hopefully I can figure out a stable deck by then.

>> No.4253119
US Central
Fusion tier

>> No.4253137

Hahaha, I was torn Magister, I really was: I'm aware that I tend to dash out a lot, but it seriously felt like every time I went to jump out you had a f.5A or 3A just waiting to nail me. As for that boat ride, well, I had no idea it grazed. Blocking it out seems like it's what I'll have to do, and then play the 50/50 game where I either 6D 2AAAA or hj9 j.5A. Maybe in the future I'll mess around with trying to bait you into the boat ride and hitting you with a low-altitude j.2A, though I'm not sure how that'll work.

I almost felt like I had more problems concerning dashing into your 6[A] than dashing into your boat ride, though. You're seriously hard for me to pressure in the air, though, you know that?

>> No.4253146

New thread >>4253145
