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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4238429 No.4238429 [Reply] [Original]

>Australia has banned mainstream pornography from showing women with A-cup breasts, apparently on the grounds that they encourage paedophilia, and in spite of the fact this is a normal breast size for many adult women.

>Presumably small breasted women taking photographs of themselves will now be guilty of creating simulated child pornography, to say nothing of the message this sends to women with modestly sized chests or those who favour them.

>Australia has also banned pornographic depictions of female ejaculation



>> No.4238451

Grass grows, sun shines, the sky is blue, Australia is a shitty country.

Get over it.

>> No.4238454



>> No.4238457

Nothing of value here.

>> No.4238458
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>> No.4238459

if you haven't already moved out of australia in the past 15 years, you're dumb enough to deserve it.

>> No.4238467

I knew Australia was backwards and shitty, but never like this.

Once prisoners, always prisoners.

This is what happens when you have a country that's mostly white Christians.

>> No.4238477
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>Presumably small breasted women taking photographs of themselves will now be guilty of creating simulated child pornography.

>> No.4238478
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>> No.4238487
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Missing the message and shooting the messenger

>> No.4238500

As with all countries, laws tighten and lax with successive regimes. Wait a few years, if the next person in charge decides he has better things to enforce, the illegal activities will not be actively hunted down.

Also, sankaku.

>> No.4238508

>Australia has also banned pornographic depictions of female ejaculation

I personally find this the more WTF ban

>> No.4238520

>wait a few years

That's what they've been doing. Several election terms later, and it's only getting worse.

You're an idiot

>> No.4238531

Is there any reason you chose to quote and link sankaku instead of the source article? Of course there is, you want the traffic.

>> No.4238546

get out sankaku devs

>> No.4238952

"Australia First in FAIL"
Should be their new national motto.

>> No.4238962

No wonder they drink so much.

>> No.4239006
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Here's the real article since the site was laggy as hell. 1/3

>> No.4239009
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>> No.4239010

Fucking wow.

>> No.4239013
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>> No.4239015

Works fine for me.


>> No.4239016

As someone who like petite breasts on adult women,

What? Seriously? Are they going to ban cross dressing homosexuals who look too female because they have small breasts too? This is all kinds of retard.

>> No.4239019

>How can this be happening
Why did I think of Taiko and laugh?

>> No.4239029

>This is all kinds of retard.

Don't forget, their Internet there is capped like hell. Ridiculous Internet bandwidth caps, no loli, no DFC.

Australia: pretty much the worst country in the world.

>> No.4239037

holy fuck, you would have to be brain dead to stay in that country

>> No.4239039

Implant manufacturers and plastic surgeons are gonna make millions.

>> No.4239045

I don't understand...is this a government ban or a ban by the porn people?

>> No.4239055

>Australia: the worst country in the world
at least 3rd world nations have freedom to do what ever the fuck you want

>> No.4239060


>> No.4239062
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>> No.4239065

enjoy your kangaroo nipples

>> No.4239067

Why can't I find a more valid source? Something like CNN or BBC?

>> No.4239068

Does Australia realize close to every single female athlete without breast augmentation is about an A-B?

>> No.4239071

I think I have a new fetish.

>> No.4239074


hahaha, enjoy your "only tell the public what they want to hear" news sources

>> No.4239076

Australia is a shitty country. Nothing to see here mov elong.

>> No.4239084

I hope they don't ban small penises. /jp/ Aussies would be fucked.

>> No.4239094

>suggesting every single female athlete without breast augmentation does porn

>> No.4239098

Now not a single one can...

>> No.4239103

And I thought America was terrible.

>> No.4239105

What if I get turned on by watching women's volleyball? All those women are flat as a board. What will they do, pixelate their chests to make them an ambiguous size?

>> No.4239106

Athletic women are now a sick and disgusting fetish you should feel bad for having. Eat cheeseburgers and become a fatty if you want to do porn.

>> No.4239109

You watch volleyball for things other than dat ass?

>> No.4239111

Terrible. I remember just a few years ago I applauded Australia for standing up and saying that they would not be forced to put up "other religions decorations" during the holidays.

>> No.4239115

Next step will be mandatory weight for women, just you guys watch.

>> No.4239129


>> No.4239166


That's already happened in Japan

>> No.4239185
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Illegal in Australia

>> No.4239195


>> No.4239199

I chuckled.

>> No.4239208

This is Australia's round about way of putting economic sanctions on Japanese porn for killing their whales.

>> No.4239213

Ha! Japanese porn is all but banned, isn't it?

>> No.4239222

Take that flat chested Asia.

>> No.4239230
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>> No.4239238



>> No.4239239
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This ban could actually work, if the government sponsors breast augmentation for everyone with under B-sized cups. Of course, this applies to "cute" guys, too, because you wouldn't want someone mistaking a guy at the beach for a flat-chested girl with no swim top.

>> No.4239243

This is sexism.

Banning flat chested women from porn while allowing flat chested guys to be in it is nothing but sexism.

>> No.4239246

Slippery slope indeed.

>> No.4239253

>"President Austrailia, someone committed a crime!"

>> No.4239258

As a fan of both flat and healthy chests, I was outraged as soon as I heard about this. Rest assured I was on the internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout the entire world.

>> No.4239272


>> No.4239273

A cup isn't even completely flat. It's still a bra size. From the sounds of it they're not just going after A's either if they're shutting down hustler content, anything questionable.

>> No.4239290

This doesn't effect lawmakers and government officials as they can always hire hookers and get the real thing. No skin off their ass if its banned.

>> No.4239322

I can have sex with a girl with a petite body but I can't fap to her?


>> No.4239336

America: The shining bastion of freedom amongst English speaking countries.

>> No.4239339

Its "for the children." Any outrage against liberty is OK as long as the people behind it say "its for the children." The NAZI party used this to great effect too. Regular assaults on freedom in the USA use this ploy quite often. If you dare oppose it you are obviously at child molester. QED.

>> No.4239351

I can have sex with a 16 year old but I can't look at naked pictures of her. Such a thing is hardly new.

>> No.4239352

Hey, at least it's not illegal to possess such pornography.

In the UK, however...

>> No.4239360
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>> No.4239406

Isn't it sad?

>> No.4239418

This is why I don't like humans. No matter how much we progress, there's still a bunch of dumbasses controlling stuff.

>> No.4239426

Its like we have our very own Taliban.

>> No.4239449

>This is why I don't like humans. No matter how much we progress
I can't stand you subhumans either.

>> No.4239508
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Sucks to not be in the bestest country in the world

>> No.4239536

Better than being in Niggerstan or whatever bumfuck country that flag is from.

>> No.4239578

so what's next banning guys with a dick 5in and smaller because it looks like a little boys penis? meh I blast the united states every day for doing stupid shit but this is even beyond what the states would do.....

>> No.4239579

Are you Australian?
Are you on /jp/?



Also, I hear your internet filter is coming soon, so don't feel too bad. Soon you won't be here victimizing imaginary children.

>> No.4239600

probably what started all this was some feminist that made a complaint.
like 99% of all bans and laws that are passed; it all comes from one complaint from 1% of the minority group.
like when they banned rape genre games and manga because fem groups thought it encourages that behaviour.
or how burger king changed its ice cream labels because one muslim dude complained.
i personally like small breasts and tits, but A is the lowest i'll go.

>> No.4239603

Er, what?

>> No.4239610

well thats what happens when you let labour and liberals go too far.
basically the same; not interested in the public, just themselves.
that and the lack of australian "bill of rights"

>> No.4239617

Even with a bill of rights all they have to claim is its for the children and if you oppose them you are labeled a child molester and pervert.

>> No.4239623

The only line in this article that matters is the very last one.

>> No.4239628

It's like I'm really living in the 50s.

Except Communists are pedophiles now.

>> No.4239631

Soon parents cannot touch their children or they will be labelled as child molesters.
Then children cannot touch themselves or each other or they will be labelled as child molesters.

>> No.4239634

Already the case in the UK and in some states in the USA.

>> No.4239635

>Soon parents cannot touch their children or they will be labelled as child molesters.
You already can't or you're an abusive parent.

>> No.4239647
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>Sponsor a disadvantaged Aussie child today

>> No.4239650

So how do children clean themselves?

>> No.4239656


>> No.4239676

I have a thing for flat women but I find all children to be disgusting parasitic cock drippings.

What do?

>> No.4239684

Being a parent puts you at risk of being arrested for being a parent doing normal parent stuff. Don't question the sanity of this. The people enforcing this shit don't care. This is all about controlling you.

>> No.4239698

Fap to children in spite of them.

>> No.4239699

The people enforcing it just care about arrests and looking good, not about controlling you.

>> No.4239714


But I don't want to be arrested :(

>> No.4239717

It's not illegal unless it's a picture, a video, or they can see you.

>> No.4239752

So what if they keep making stupid laws? The only people I see on the news who get arrested due to these laws are the innocent ones. So the solution is to be a real criminal. They won't arrest you if you hide your activities better than innocent people.

>> No.4239780

Suppose I'm a single dad who has to teach his daughter how to use a tampon because my wife is dead, do I get in trouble?

>> No.4239787

The law makers and the law enforcers are whores for control. Its always about control.

>> No.4239791

make her us a pad instead

>> No.4239795

Only if they find out.

>> No.4239796

Yes you get jail time.

>> No.4239799



Fucking criminal how could you even think of that?

>> No.4239800

Alright, that's the last goddamn straw.
Fuck this country, I'm moving to Canada.

>> No.4239810
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you get your sister to do it

>> No.4239815

I have some bad news for you.

>> No.4239833

And that would be what, exactly?

>> No.4239899

Loli porn is illegal.

>> No.4239903


The problem is that if bullshit laws stay in the books, they will not be used for their original intent, but to jail someone whom a celebrity, politician, wealthy person, or lawyer wants to punish for any or no reason. All they have to do is dig out any bullshit law that got passed and forgotten after someone they hate falls into their crosshairs.

>> No.4239913

What is this? Certainly not a Nendoroid.

>> No.4239915

Don't worry, America lets everyone in. You can live here.

>> No.4239932


It's actually becoming pretty hard to become a US citizen these days. Granted, it's still easier than any other first world country, as long as you're white and healthy.

It's easy to get a visa though.

>> No.4239942

This is how these laws are used. A common criminal becomes a terrorist. A assault becomes a hate crime because the victim is the race dejour.

>> No.4239958


But my sister lives in another state. So the situation is this, my daughter is bleeding all over the floor and worried that she's dying and I have a box of tampons left over from my late wife and I have no female friends that could do it and all of my neighbors are male. Is it still illegal?

>> No.4239989

My uncle almost had his child taken away because of a retard police officer. His son wanted a ride on his motorcycle for his 5th birthday, so he took him on a drive. They drove up the street at 20mph with his wife following with her hazards on. He got a ticket for child neglect, and it didnt get dropped in coart, he had to appeal it. After a year and a shit ton of money, he finally got it dropped. He is now a lawyer and fucks shit up on the daily.

If you live in a suburban area, watch out for the cops, even if you are a law abaiding citizen.

>> No.4239999


You bet.

Off to jail with you, motherfucker.

>> No.4240013

Yes you are a pervert to the law enforcers. You would be expected to take her to a medical professional to have it dealt with. Stupid isn't it.

>> No.4240014


Cops are the worst.

>> No.4240016

If you have a degree of any kind it shouldn't be.

>> No.4240021

>implying that YOU know how to put a tampon in

>> No.4240065


>> No.4240073
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>Rainy night, driving over a bridge.
>See vehicle stuck in rapidly flowing river.
>See young girl struggling in the water.
>Dive in and pull her out.
>Convicted for being a child molester.

>> No.4240088
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Well I'm sure there's directions on the box.

>> No.4240150

so... are they going to start banning pictures of short girls too because they're the same height as the average young adolescent?

>> No.4240164

They just need boobs.

>> No.4240193

I still can't find the source for this, anon.

>> No.4240202


kodomo no battletoads.

>> No.4240213

yes, but adolescent girls can have fair sized boobs nowadays too

>> No.4240217

I don't believe this happened in the manga.
gibi porn

>> No.4240223


It did


>> No.4240236

It's not child pornography then

>> No.4240277

>yes, but adolescent girls can have fair sized boobs nowadays too
So do boys. It's because they're fat.

>> No.4240288

great, there goes my midget porn.

>> No.4240966


Have a slightly more reputable source.

>> No.4240978

This made me die a little inside.

>> No.4241022

some fag didn't see this tthread because they didn't bother to look

>> No.4241525

I think it's pretty clear without a constitution you can't have nice things

>> No.4241535

British guy here.

I am disappoint.

>> No.4241553

well fuck your shit, your only a little better

>> No.4241590

Another Britfag here.

The problem is, I can see our government doing the same thing. The paedophile witch hunt is getting out of hand.

>> No.4241711

We have to castrate you as a preventive measure "for the children."

>> No.4241726
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Italyfag here, nothing ever gets banned in my country

>> No.4241732

sigh...once I get enough money I'm moving to America.
fucking hate this country.

>> No.4241748

If I'm not mistaken there have been clampdowns on both live and online poker in italy.

>> No.4241777


Not that I know of.

>> No.4241785

It always comforts me to know that despite how shitty America is, it's still the best fucking country in the world.

>> No.4241799


If you want to reproduce, you can go fill out a form at the sperm bank to use your sperm that you sent in before castration.

>> No.4241909

Well, technically, yeah. I've never seen anyone arrested here solely on charges of lolicon, though. It's always used for additional jailtime for actual pedos.

That said, I still don't recommend moving here. Shit sucks.

>> No.4241913
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Get... Get me out of here, SOMEBODY PLEASE!

>> No.4241944

>It always comforts me to know that despite how shitty America is, it's still the best english speaking country in the world.
fix'd it for you.

>> No.4241946

This is what everyone forgets.

People arrested for lolicon end up getting charged for the actual CP that they have. Even the Simpsons porn guy, the problem was that he had a past offense of CP.

>> No.4241973
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>Australia has also banned pornographic depictions of female ejaculation

<-- Illegal in Australia.

>> No.4241983

cool story bro, whatever lets you sleep at night

>> No.4241984

>I've never seen anyone arrested here solely on charges of lolicon

Even though he didn't go to jail he still got registered.

>> No.4241989

So? You are saying your only defense is being so uninteresting that nobody thinks to investigate you? What happens when they start peeking into the lives of people who isolate themselves and stay at home all the time? I wouldn't put it past any western government.

>> No.4242001

I wouldn't put it past them to require ISPs to report illegal activity (I'm pretty sure the UK and Canada are already walking this path), and maybe even retroactively convict people based on records preceding the legislation (not really a huge leap).

>> No.4242006

He was nailed for importation, though. Didn't that happen to some guy in America, too? Handley or something?

Five years on the registry here is nothing, especially considering the public isn't allowed to access said registry, only the RCMP.

Not that I'm attempting to claim that wasn't completely bullshit and stupid, mind you.

>> No.4242009
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I hate what this place is becoming

>> No.4242020

You mean, what it always has been?

>> No.4242027

I'll help one of you with citizenship if us yanks figure this faggot marriage thing out.

>> No.4242070


>oh look. the faggot that thinks he knows Canada. Canada hardly persecutes anyone of loli-porn posession unless someone rats you out for making money off it. key word is money.
