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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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423644 No.423644 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys do for your Japanese club? Any good ideas?

My college is starting one one soon and I'm going to suggest playing some 2D fighters, but I could use a back-up plan.

>> No.423654

>I could use a back-up plan.


>> No.423660
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>Japanese club

>> No.423666

When I think Japan, I think 2D fighters.

>> No.423669

Tea ceremony? Tea is delicious. You can even bring scones!

>> No.423680
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>Japanese Club

>> No.423690

The only things that come from Japan are video games, cartoons, and comics.

>> No.423702

japanese club ?
make it like /jp/ then: touhou, vn, figya, gensokyo and touhou.
oh, and touhou.

>> No.423705

/jp/ is a Japanese Club, in a morbid sort of way

>> No.423708


I think 0 fighters.

>> No.423718

/jp/ is what I wished my university's anime club had been like.

>> No.423721
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>> No.423728
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>Japanese Club

>> No.423730

Non-japanese trying to act japanese isn't fun.

Now, taking japanese guys to a totally-nude titty bar and buying them a lap dance is hilarious.

>> No.423724


>> No.423741


The general attitude of this place taking place IRL would piss me off to no ends. Pass.

>> No.423749

Holy shit, the smash bros. logo is just a japanese flag draped over a window! Quick, someone alert Kotaku!

>> No.423752

Would it piss you off as much as fat lesbians talking to their creepy dolls?

>> No.423754



>> No.423764
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It is as creepy as sumo-sized Caucasian women cosplaying as anime characters.

>> No.423766
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or become dolls

>> No.423777


>> No.423786

maybe sailing on some NICE BOATS?

>> No.423792

btw lol Japanese club.

I crack up just by the sound of that. lol


>> No.423798

These things never work because they're full of faggots.

>> No.423836

The fuck?
Really now...
Op here. Some help you've been...
I'm going to make this work damnit
lastly, get a life, at least I'm doing things with my life.

>> No.423854

lol gg

I might try that stripper idea after the meeting.

>> No.423853
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>get a life, at least I'm doing things with my life

>Japanese club

>> No.424018

My school has tried this and it just became a anime club basically because everyone just wanted to watch anime.

>> No.424408

Anime is the thing that makes japan worthy of existing

>> No.424442
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>> No.424438

OP, you are a faggot.
But congratulations on doing something.
You're still a faggot though.
Go do something else.

>> No.424456


Try connecting all the capital letters in the post.

>> No.424462


well, except for the last line.

>> No.424463

>>your Japanese club?


>> No.424467

I've never been in a Japanese club, but my German club goes into other club meetings, beats the shit out of them, takes their lunch money, then blows the money on beer. Once in awhile we build model tanks.

I would think that if you made a Japanese club, it should be one that actual Japanese people wouldn't be ashamed to be a part of and not just a club for you anime-loving faggots to make friends.

>> No.424486

What the fuck? I was in the Polish club at my school and the faggot ass German club did that every week. What school did you go to nigger? I will find you and extract my revenge.

>> No.424484

I wish my German club did shit like that

>> No.424511

>back-up plan

Japanese 101

>> No.424521

Troil? The fuck is a troil?

>> No.424528


Sorry, there weren't any niggers in the German club. You're either thinking of the Zimbabwe club or it's a different school.

>> No.424574
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>Japanese Club
>/jp/ - Japan/General
>このサイトについて - 翻訳

>> No.424592

Invade the Chinese club.

>> No.424604

Just bring in some hentai and have a circle jerk.

>> No.424623
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* Get them all playing Majong and Go.
* Organize a public viewing of Akihabara@Deep, with commentary afterward about the conventions of Japanese TV land.
* Kanji drinking contest: go 'round the table drawing cards. When someone gets one wrong, they drink. When they get one right, everyone else drinks.
* Locate an America/English club in Japan using the power of INTERNET. Teach each other how to curse. Always hard to master curse levels when people are always being polite to you

>> No.424638
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>Invade the Chinese club.

>> No.424760
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>> No.424969


How is the Super Smash Bros. logo related to Japanese club?

>> No.424974



>> No.424980

Kanji drinking contest eh? I think I know what I'm going to propose to my classmates during my summer studies. . .

>> No.424986


>> No.425006

Eh... We cook food, have chopstick races, learn random vocab, watch subbed anime, read books... But then again, our club is regulated by staff so...

>> No.425021


first thing I thought when I saw the thumbnail.

>> No.425029
File: 29 KB, 449x337, 1207805383455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of weeaboo are you /jp/?

Are you someone who appriciates and is intrigued by Japanese culture and do what normal japanese people do, or are you an ANIME EXPERT basement dwelling NEET who does nothing buy play touhou all day and your erogames?

Who has the higher power level?

Describe yourself.
