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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4235052 No.4235052 [Reply] [Original]

What is this?

/jp/ has started on a project to translate the visual novel Hatsukoi, one of the highest rated according to the Japanese.

Are you in need of translators?

Of course! Anyone with knowledge of Japanese (and English) is welcome to join in and start translating with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

Are you in need of editors?

Definitely. You don't even need to know Japanese to help improve the English text, so your participation is encouraged.

What is the length/progress/ETA?

The total length of the content is approximately 32k lines. We are slightly over 40% as of this post. At our current rate of ~??? lines a week, we'll finish... sometime. But the more translators we have, the faster everyone can enjoy the results!

Translator interface

Old threads
(Just follow the linked list from there, I'm not going to put the whole thread history here.)

Official site


Lite Version
Hacked exe for Lite Version and Normal Version

Pre-Alpha Release (~40%)

>> No.4235072

A different OP pic?

I'm scared of change! *shiver*

>> No.4235075 [DELETED] 

Wow. Now you did it yet again. You never learn, do you? Kindly STOP spamming, harassing and generally attacking the best site on the Web immediately: www. anon
. com. We DO NOT want you there. We never did. GOT IT? If you want these messages to cease, simply STOP fucking with us ENTIRELY, remove ALL lying troll articles about AT and kill all the illegal clones (using whatever method necessary). Get the domain unbanned from all the ISPs that you got it banned from. Then and only then will you never be bothered by these messages again. However, every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 4,564 more of these messages posted as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. We are not at all afraid of you chantards.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and kindly get the fuck off of our board.

>> No.4235084

>one of the highest rated according to the Japanese.

Yeah, but the nips have terrible taste.

>> No.4235091

And what happened to lolita?

>> No.4235110

Cudder is apparently taking over management of the project as anon and translators were getting fed up with lolita.

>> No.4235115


Of this one AND the editing project?

>> No.4235117
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1237859346781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235118

why'd you delete the thread you just made last night?

>> No.4235120

Read the last thread if you really want to know. I'll be the manager for now.

What would you write instead of that?

>> No.4235126


I'd just not include that. However, it's not my project so my opinion is irrelevant.

I do appreciate your efforts, though. Please continue to do your best.

>> No.4235140

I didn't delete it, it fell off the board.

I need to work now. Keep this from 404'ing.

>> No.4235158

Anzu looks so cute there its criminal. I hope everyone does their best to continue this translation, I would love to be able to play this game in English.

>> No.4235170

So did the translation project lose any translators after last night's shitfest between anon and lolita?

>> No.4235230

That's not Anzu, it's Komomo.

>> No.4235249

Oh, my mistake. Which one is your blood related sister then, is that Anzu?

>> No.4235264

yeah, that's Anzu. Anzu's the one with little pigtails on top.

>> No.4235285

how do we play the pre-alpha release? I opened it up but it's only script files, and I don't see any script files in the actual game folder.

>> No.4235333

Speaking of Anzu, the translations in her file are horrid; I pointed that out two threads before.

You really should consider going over that file again and at least correct the larger mistakes.

>> No.4235731

Rename your existing scenario.xp to something else, create a directory named scenario.xp and extract the files into it.

>> No.4235865

thanks! worked.

after seeing the text ingame, i really have to say the full-width characters look terrible. It's hard to read. Cudder, can you fix that?

>> No.4236641

It's in my queue, and will be done at or before the completion of the translation.

>> No.4236679

well if you're going to even release a pre-alpha of the game, shouldn't you at least fix this glaringly obvious problem in a timely manner?

>> No.4236695

Is it my translations suck or my language skills suck? If the translations are all horrible then I'm sorry only thing to do is erase and restart, if my English sucks but the translations aren't bad then I can redo it.

>> No.4236771

The English was fine, the translations though...

As was said in the previous thread, you seem to put in something random when you don't know what it means or ignore certain words. If you don't know what something means, or don't know why a certain word is being included in a sentence, you shouldn't ignore the part of a sentence you don't understand and simply translate it like that.

>> No.4237060

Then the only thing to do is burn it all and start over. Since you know more Japanese than me would translate it?

>> No.4237085

You don't understand the language. You only think you do. You have been doing everything wrong since the beginning

>> No.4237099

That's fair, again, would you be willing to translate? We need people who know the language to fix the mistakes of those of us who don't.

>> No.4238961

Good evening, Hatsukoi Translation Thread. How are you holding up? Are you still trying to do your best?

>> No.4239184

I hope we can all pull together.

>> No.4239971


Queue? This text width problem has been asked to been fixed since November/December. I'm not sure what exactly you're working on right now but surely it's about time this got looked at?

>> No.4240555

Bumping through troll faggotry.

>> No.4240572

Belongs in /v/.

>> No.4241219

Bump for great justice.

>> No.4241282

Hatsukoi Translation Thread do their best and are now preparing. Please watch warmly.

>> No.4241896


>> No.4242553

IRL > Editorashi > Hatsukoi

As long as it gets done when the translation's done.

>> No.4242636


Your priorities are ass.

>> No.4242639

I think people in general would appreciate Hatsukoi progress more than Higurashi editing.

>> No.4242694


>Editorashi > Hatsukoi

And this is partially why people are getting annoyed with this project. Higurashi editing didn't even start until December or something, that's well over 2 months for you to even just look at the text width problem and yet there's been no word other than "hurr I think it looks fine, we're too busy with Higurashi".

>> No.4242720

so you're expecting people to care about this project even though it's been completely shafted in your list of priorities?

>> No.4242721

Everybody already finished higurashi, this whole thing is pointless. The only thing many of us would appreciate is finding a way to add the voices, so we could play Kai with them.

>> No.4242740

By "this" I was referring to the other thread.

>> No.4243785

I'll see if I can continue translating random lines. Though I'm probably as useless as >>4236695

The ambiguity of some sentences really confuse me, but hopefully someone who has a clue can correct such things during editing.

>> No.4243994

I am a lot more busy IRL than your previous manager. Editorashi is scheduled to release mid-February; this was to be done by April, but I don't even know if that will happen now. I *will* get around to changing the text width when the time comes.

Of course, I am not preventing anyone else who knows how to and has more time from doing it.

>> No.4244128

well the previous manager did jack shit anyways so it's not really a change

>> No.4245258

Let's keep doing our best, Hatsukoi Translation Thread.

>> No.4247252

when the time comes? what does that mean?

neither you nor lolita have any skill at managing a project and I'm starting to doubt you even know the meaning when you say "manager", since all you seem to equate it to is "being able to boss other people around".

>> No.4247439 [DELETED] 


>> No.4247533


>I am a lot more busy IRL

I can understand that but how exactly does that justify over 2 months of what I imagine to be a simple fix for a glaringly obvious problem that is putting off many users?

>> No.4248117

If you can't make the translated text be displayed properly you really shouldn't be spamming the whole thing to the front page all the time until this is fixed. This surely isn't helping the already low popularity of the project.

>> No.4248573

I did my best today, Hatsukoi Translation Thread, how about you?

>> No.4248593

Just say, "Bump." Asking a question like that will embarrass them!

>> No.4248972
File: 113 KB, 389x377, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hacking a game meant to display Japanese characters so that it utilises a variable width English font isn’t simply done…

Furthermore what’s with all the trolling and rampart bashing in this thread. If you don’t want to support, contribute to or take an interest in this project you don’t have to view it, read it or post rude comments in the hope of ruining yet another thread. Do something else.

My congrats to the translators for what’s been achieved so far, it’s pretty impressive to see the translation at 40% complete; thankyou for your efforts. Also well done to the new management for not responding to the trolling that has been occurring. Hopefully we’ll end up seeing the first translation project completed by /jp sometime in the future.

Best of luck to those involved in the project, I hope it endures. To the rude trolls kindly leave these threads to those who are interested in this project.

>> No.4248993
File: 51 KB, 552x391, Konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job Hatsukoi translators!

Looking forward to the game

>> No.4249049

>Hacking a game meant to display Japanese characters so that it utilises a variable width English font isn’t simply done…

just because YOU are unable to doesn't mean it's that big of a problem. Every freaking fan translation out there somehow managed just fine.

>Hopefully we’ll end up seeing the first translation project completed by /jp sometime in the future.

If you keep the current level of quality with the translation I really, really do not want to be associated with it in any way.

>To the rude trolls kindly leave these threads to those who are interested in this project.

People who critize the project aren't necessarily trolls. Maybe you should consider if the criticism isn't justified in a way or another. There simply aren't many people left who are interested in the project (pretty apparent if you feel the need to pose as one yourself) and that's at least in part your own fault.

>> No.4249271

Since you know Japanese you have the power to fix the translation, but you don't, why?

From the beginning we felt that translation with mistakes was better than no translation at all, all of us hoped people with more Japanese knowledge would help out but in their absence we believed that pressing forward with the skill we had was better, the story is still understandable and can be enjoyed even though we know there are mistakes. We'd much rather have no mistakes and an accurate translation. You know the Japanese is wrong, you can fix it, but you don't, please help. There is no reason why someone should say 'the accuracy of the translation makes me want to avoid the project' since those people can step in and fix the translation there should be no issues with accuracy if they help.

>> No.4249969

I'm not the person who said that, but I can understand the reason he said it.

The reason lack of accuracy would make someone want to avoid a project is because it's sloppy. It shows a lack of care or attention towards a project, and judging by how the "managers" won't even fix basic things that should have been fixed right near the beginning it shows a lack of effort on their part as well.

There is no standardization to the project and it looks really bad. The managers do nothing to organize people or set rules for translating and are doing a really half ass job, and on top of that they don't even have the game itself working right.

What I think, looking at this is, "even if I were to translate this game, with this lack of effort it would turn out badly no matter what."

>> No.4250771

It's called scheduling. This "problem" you are all complaining about is only a minor cosmetic issue that will be fixed before the final release.

>The managers do nothing to organize people or set rules for translating
That's what the last one tried to do, and look what happened with that. If you read the previous threads, there were rules established. It seems the translators just don't want to be told what to do. I'll only be looking after the site for now.

>> No.4250891


this, basically. It's the lack of organization and the whole "if you know just a little japanese you can translate even if most of your lines will be wrong" attitude. If you'd leave the lines you are unsure about untranslated I'd have no problem with doing some a day of those but I just can't/ don't want to proofread the entire damn thing.

>> No.4250934

Wow, I remember this project starting months ago...like many months ago. Really too bad to see everyone splintered recently. Good luck guys, I hope you can all work past naysayers and lame internet drama. Anyone who provides content is a winner in my book, so thanks for all your efforts, even if it never comes to anything.

>> No.4251221

I read the previous threads and I translated the entire Yusumi route previously.

It doesn't seem as though you or Lolita want to contribute anything to the project yet expect everyone else to put in 100%. That is not a good way to manage a project. The point of a manager is not to be an omnipotent leader, it's to get everyone together as a TEAM and smooth out any snags there may be in the course of the project. A manager is not a leader in a project like this, he is nothing more than a member of the team and as such is expected to contribute as much as anyone else is, and is thought of as an equal, not a superior.

Now please tell me, what are you contributing to this project?

>> No.4251808

Fine. If I delete all of Anzu will you start translating?

>> No.4251886

Hey, thanks for helping out the FHA translation, bro.

>> No.4251959


like I said if I were to contribute at all I'd rather just help people with lines they have trouble with rather than doing an entire 5000+ lines text file on my own. If I'd do the whole route I'd have to play it first (I can't translate lines like the 振られたのかな? ――振ったのかな? one properly without context) and stuff, and then I'd really want it to be worth the effort. The Yusumi route looked fine so far but I don't even know how good the other files are/ will be. And with the displaying problem and the whole project sort of having come to a halt right now it seems to likely that it's all going to be a wasted effort.

>> No.4252310


VWF (Variable Width Font):
Japanese Kanji are always square and of the same size. Latin characters though are of different sizes (e.g.: “w” and “i”). This produces 2 problems: First it just looks bad to have words displayed like “wi zar d.”. The other problem is that you waste a lot of space. Only a limited amount of letters can be displayed per line and in sentences with lots of “i”s and “l”s you’ll run out of space even though you could display a lot more. To get around these problems ROM hackers implement a so-called variable width font. They alter the text drawing code so small characters take only the space they really need. This is a complex hack that requires profound assembly skills.


>> No.4252403


You're taking this off a place that deals with old-ass cartridge based games where the developers had to integrate their own character set for each game, that is something very different than some text-only game using windows fonts and file formats that make inserting line breaks and extra text boxes at will very easy. Like I said there is a shitload of translated windows-based text-only games that all managed using variable width fonts with no major problems.

I'm no newbie to fan translations and I've never even seen a project where the translation of text was begun with before the hackers made it possible to reinsert it properly.

>> No.4252602

If it's "very easy" I challenge you to upload a working VWF hack for Hatsukoi. After all someone who says things are "very easy" and is no "newbie" to fan translation should be able to put something together.

Until you prove your point, I'm afraid your argument is'nt worth the time it took to read.

>> No.4252661


>> No.4252705

He said it's easy, meaning for someone who has hacking skills.

Have you ever seen a project that doesn't completely fix those problems before they reach even 25% translation? It's one of the first things that should be fixed, and if Cudder wants to be manager he should at least do that before anything else is completed. It feels like we're wasting our time on something that even the people organizing it aren't putting energy into.

>> No.4252758
File: 55 KB, 470x396, pw123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Easy" for someone who has hacking skills. I'm sorry but that does not compute. Anything is "easy" for someone who has the skills. If hacking games was so “easy” there would not be so many translators looking for hackers to insert text into their games. I could be a nuclear physicist if I had the skills your argument is nonsensical.

>> No.4252827

Hey, Hatsukoi-thread.

I'm the guy that did Komomo 300 to 1400ish. I don't think I'll be able to do much translation for a bit due to irl school/work(unrelated to drama since I wasn't really reading the thread). I might drop in once in a while but don't expect much.

>> No.4253392

In case you haven't noticed, I'm the one who extracted the scripts and put them up on the site. I maintain the site now.

>> No.4253509

Yeah, you uploaded the scripts. And?
What exactly are you doing to maintain the site? Do you have to spend many hours each day making sure it doesn't somehow magically crash? I think not.
What are you contributing?

>> No.4253554

stop spamming /jp/ please

>> No.4254844

Bump. Even if the vn isn't entertaining the drama around it is.

>> No.4254948

Nuclear physicist here, you're a fucking retard. Nobody but you wants variable width (which really is a chore), all everybody wants is half-width characters instead of just fullwidth, which is quite doable.
Note that pretty much every other VN engine out there has been hacked to allow half-width, because fullwidth looks terrible and in many cases won't fit text on the screen.

>> No.4255071

Reported for illegal content.

>> No.4255588

Actually, I had to do exactly that for Editorashi when the previous host went down. Also, weekly backups, checking the activity logs, reporting, etc.

Think of it as tech support: you won't realize it's important until you need it.

>> No.4255603

Game looks hella boring.

>> No.4255636

Do Youre best Hatsukoi translation guys. I cant wait to fuck youre waifus.

>> No.4255820


I didn't say it's "very easy" to have variable width fonts in Hatsukoi; you fail at reading.

Your way of arguing is pretty flawed. I'm doing the translation part in these projects, that's what I'm good at and I always put a lot of effort into it. You can't expect everyone to be able to do every part of the project. That's the reason why you don't do this kind of thing alone. It does not mean I can't tell if other people are doing their respective jobs badly just because I won't do their job myself.

I challenge you back. You find one single person who has any experience working on VN translations as a hacker who will say that it's impossible to have variable width fonts in Hatsukoi.

>> No.4255996

>At our current rate of 0 lines a week, we'll finish never.

>> No.4256185

At least 100 lines added to KOMOMO this week.... giving an ETA sometime in September of 2013.

>> No.4256509

Within my lifetime, hooray!
