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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4234818 No.4234818 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is horrible right now, what the hell happened?

>> No.4234825

/dg/ hasn't arrived yet.

>> No.4234834


>> No.4234844


>> No.4234857

/int/ arrived, and the people inquiring about Japan or Japanese language went there.
/adv/ arrived, and the people seeking advice for their roneriness went there.
/new/ was resurrected, and athens and ISM returned there.

>> No.4234863

When /jp/ gets renamed to /dg/ in a couple of days, I'm committing suicide. Anyone else want to join my suicide pact?

>> No.4234872

No. Suicide is for weaklings.

>> No.4234874

Why would you want to do that? I'll be your friend.

>> No.4234876

Tough guys sit around shitting and pissing themselves?

>> No.4234877

It's not a bad thing, ok?
It's just a few aspies who want to dominate what content should go where.

>> No.4234879

It will be the same board, it's not worth killing yourself over.

>> No.4234880

Are you sure you will be? This anon hates Touhou and love Type-moon.

>> No.4234883

What about the idolfags? I hate their threads, but i don't want them to be homeless

>> No.4234887

I don't see any "how do I learn Japanese" threads in /int/.
Actually, I see a lot more /b/ on /int/.

>> No.4234888

They'll just go to /int/ or stay with us.
I don't either way.

>> No.4234889
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>This anon hates Touhou and love Type-moon.


>> No.4234899

You know what gives me immense personal satisfaction? The fact that all the BAW/v/MATERIALBAW trolls will keep on whining... and nothing will happen. No /dg/ board will ever arrive, and even if it does, all will remain as it has been. Nothing will ever change. Poor Jones.

>> No.4234900

Who cares? While you are at it, you might as well fell sorry about the dollfags and the kigurumi guy.

>> No.4234898

I like them both, but it's not like I even play the Touhou games I just fap to the doujins.

>> No.4234908

moot lied, people cried

>> No.4234909

/jp/ has been my home for the last 2 years. I don't have anything else. if moot renames it, I hope he will do so knowing he will have blood on his hands. touhou does't belong anywhere else.

>> No.4234920

Why was /dg/ seen as the solution? Wouldn't /touhou/ achieve the same thing? Or does moot not want to make two boards out of this?

>> No.4234926

Touhou belongs there dude, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.4234927

Touhou would go on /dg/.

>> No.4234928

>touhou does't belong anywhere

>> No.4234939

>/jp/ is horrible right now, what the hell happened?

Normalfaggotry. We of the True NEETs to stand up and send a message to the spammers, tripfags, pseudo-intellectuals and wage slaves that their kind aren't welcome on our board.

>> No.4234941

I think /jp/ would be wiped out, no split would occur in this scenario so everything will be the same without japan threads.

>> No.4234952

/dg/ isn't a solution.

/jp/ was only ever good because those of us tired of putting up with /a/'s shit had the option to leave it all behind. If moot just renames /jp/ we'll be stuck with the same crowd of shitposters.

>> No.4234954

The funniest move would be to expand the relevant topics and send banned posters from other boards to /jp/.

>> No.4234960

You should screw off IN elite, it's obvious you're anti-weaboo, anti-jp, anti-neet. Why are you even on this board?

>> No.4234990

>you're anti-weaboo
I just don't like the ones on /g/ and /a/.
I spend most of my time here and doing /jp/ related stuff.
I am one, and don't give me that NEET is legion crap.
>Why are you even on this board?
I like the subject material and I've been here since its inception.
You sound like an disgruntled /g/ poster.

>> No.4234988

Maybe we should rename the board to "/njp/ - Not Japan/General."

>> No.4234996

/jp/ - 児童ポルノ

>> No.4235003

moot stated that he hated loli.

>> No.4235004
File: 17 KB, 296x317, 1249361810679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot's a faggot who just comes around when he feels like stirring up drama

>> No.4235009

>admits to being anti-neet

Get out faggot

>> No.4235015

I'm a NEET is what I'm saying, Not in education, employment, or training.
NEET is legion crap is normalfags making fun of us.

>> No.4235035

>I'm a NEET is what I'm saying, Not in education, employment, or training.

>claims to be a true NEET
>true NEETs aren't attention whoring faggots
>posts with a tripcode

>NEET is legion crap is normalfags making fun of us.

This is what normalfags really think.

>> No.4235036

He was into loli when he was younger. But now that he's well-known he doesn't want to give normalfags the impression he only removed /l/ because of advertiser pressure back then, but that he did it because he really didn't like it and has morals and is a good Christian and all that.

>> No.4235038

>normalfags making fun of us
Please kill yourself.

>> No.4235055

Bragging about being NEET is as bad as ANON IS LEEGON XD
Circle-jerking to your failure at life, believe it or not, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FUCKING /jp/ CONTENT.

>> No.4235066

Please make sense before you post.

>> No.4235079

Both want you to acknowledge their failure as success.

>> No.4235085

This is the kind of crap I'm talking about, quit it.

>> No.4235090

Must i dumb it down further?

>> No.4235094

>Bragging about being NEET is as bad as ANON IS LEEGON XD
Circle-jerking to your failure at life, believe it or not, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FUCKING /jp/ CONTENT.
>butthurt normalfag

Go back to /r9gay/ faggot

>> No.4235098

Yeah. Youre dumb so its okay.

>> No.4235100

Also, both would rather talk about themselves than the content of the board.

>> No.4235104

> Youre dumb
Look at that baka.

>> No.4235123

>greentexting like a /v/ poster
>using normalfag unironically
This is what I'm talking about. Posters like this think they're the chosen elite of obscure japanese entertainment. They want their lifestyle to be acknowledged and praised by those around them. Isn't that what /r9k/ is for? I always assumed /jp/ was for discussing /jp/ related content, silly me.

>> No.4235130

He may have forgotten the apostrophe, but at least he used the correct homophone.

>> No.4235132


>> No.4235133

>Also, both would rather talk about themselves than the content of the board.

The 'content' of the board is what's the problem. The invasion of tripfag circlejerks, the worship of sluts in the form of idolfaggotry, the infiltration of normalfaggotry in the guise of I R GO TO NIPPON HOW I GET GIRL :((((( and /lang/ threads; of Bawwson, of Anontalk, of KoG, of KS, of /Bun/, of /a/, of /b/ and all the other banes attacking us are because we as true NEETs have not been vigilant enough in purging those who do not belong here, those who are non-NEET. We have only to eliminate those undesirables from among our ranks for the content of the board to never again be called into question.

>> No.4235171

>This is what I'm talking about. Posters like this think they're the chosen elite of obscure japanese entertainment. They want their lifestyle to be acknowledged and praised by those around them. Isn't that what /r9k/ is for? I always assumed /jp/ was for discussing /jp/ related content, silly me.

This entire post betrays that you're a normalfag. Anyone who's a true NEET knows that other true NEETs have no interest in praise or the approbation of others, and that if we're pissed at the normalfag presence in our board; it's because when you look at the front page, it's constantly full of idolfaggotry, attacks from /a/, attacks from /b/ and subjects which clearly have no place here.

In other words, you're confusing motive and consequence - we true NEETs are trying to create an environment hostile to our enemies, to normalfags; in order that we improve the content of the board in a direction favorable to all non-wage slaves. We have no mods or effective janitors on whom we can rely. We have only ourselves and that's why we need to stop these enemies of /jp/ ourselves.

>> No.4235180

Wow this thread is pretty fucking awful.

>> No.4235186

What exactly is your definition of a NEET?

>> No.4235218

Why would anyone but a normalfag need to ask this question?

>> No.4235253

You used the phrase "true NEET" therefore there must be fake NEETs. I just want to make sure you're not a fake NEET.

>> No.4235255 [DELETED] 

Wow. Now you did it yet again. You never learn, do you? Kindly STOP spamming, harassing and generally attacking the best site on the Web immediately: www. anon
. com. We DO NOT want you there. We never did. GOT IT? If you want these messages to cease, simply STOP fucking with us ENTIRELY, remove ALL lying troll articles about AT and kill all the illegal clones (using whatever method necessary). Get the domain unbanned from all the ISPs that you got it banned from. Then and only then will you never be bothered by these messages again. However, every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 1,131 more of these messages posted as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. We are not at all afraid of you chantards.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and kindly get the fuck off of our board.

>> No.4235286

Well a lot of people do like to make posts from work saying that they don't have jobs.

>> No.4235335

>we true NEETs are trying to create an environment hostile to our enemies, to normalfags; in order that we improve the content of the board in a direction favorable to all non-wage slaves

>Well a lot of people do like to make posts from work saying that they don't have jobs

A favorable direction to you is having all people who have jobs not post. That has nothing to do with the content of this board.

>> No.4235506

I can't say I identify with people who have jobs a lot, but if they can post as seasoned /jp/ers can, then there's no problem.

The sad fact is they often can't, because the only things going on in their minds are normalfag ideas ("I wanna get laid in Japan" / "I'm studying Japanese" / "Mahjong thread!" / "Morning Musume thread 648.3")
