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4232909 No.4232909 [Reply] [Original]

When did you find out that Shirou is a certain Servant?

>> No.4232926

What? Which Servant?

>> No.4232923
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I pooped alittle when I learned that he was gilgamesh.

>> No.4232949

But it did make a lot of sense, they both really love swords.

>> No.4232963
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Got spoiled by a Youtube comment before I even played the VN, but I didn't really believe it until UBW.

On a side note, I think I prefer this Archer.

>> No.4232972


>> No.4232976
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>> No.4232982



Speaking of Archer, is there any torrents up for the movie yet? Or are the Japs holding out on us?

>> No.4232996

Early on in UBW.

>> No.4232997

Not even a shitty camrip.

>> No.4233003


I actually thought Type Moon was kind of clever in taking something on the level of "GRIMMJOW JAGGERJAQUES IS TOSHIROU'S FATHER/BROTHER/MISSING HALF" fanfiction, and using it alongside the necessary acceptance of minor differences to distinguish between characters (that would all look the same if we shaved their heads) to trick us.

But now it kind of seems like an asshole move.

>> No.4233010
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Sword Dancers Archerko is awesome... being taught by Rin in the art of loving little girls.

>> No.4233022
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>> No.4233028
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>> No.4233029
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She doesn't mind more mature girls, either.

>> No.4233042

This is the protagonist I want, goddamn.

>> No.4233056
File: 199 KB, 987x1400, sword_dancers_011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's awesome.

>> No.4233061

wake up and smell the jackhammer.

>> No.4233065
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>> No.4233071
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yeah, yurifags never get a break

>> No.4233076
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>> No.4233082

Holy fuck, Rin's face....

>> No.4233083
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This would have been an interesting Grail War to see....

>> No.4233084
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Can we please get back on topic? >>4232909

>> No.4233087
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>> No.4233091
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>> No.4233112
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>> No.4233116
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>> No.4233117
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>> No.4233122
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>> No.4233124
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>> No.4233128
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>> No.4233131
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>> No.4233134

>When did you find out that Shirou is a certain Servant?

Years before I actually read F/SN, at 4chan.

>> No.4233133
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>> No.4233137

When waiting for the UBW patch

>> No.4233359

When some idiot on /jp/ spoiled it for me.

>> No.4233367

I have this amazing power to forget spoilers. I played F/SN loooong after the /a/ /jp/ split, so I already knew everything, but I managed to forget it all. I didn't know which hero Saber was or who Archer was.

>> No.4233395

By the time I'd played F/SN both /a/ and /jp/ had spoiled me on Saber's and Archer's indentities, probably about a year before I could be bothered to play it.

>> No.4233493

Dark Schneider from Bastard!!

>> No.4233503

Dark schnieder can't be the protagonist of anything but bastard without ruining it.

I mean look at the current chapters of negima.

>> No.4233507

Gary Stus are not protagonists

>> No.4233514

works great for Rance.

>> No.4235181

i wouldnt

>> No.4235209

After the anime first aired I kinda suspected it. Then I got spoiled on some shitty forum.

>> No.4235216

Just now.
Fuck, use spoiler tags.

>> No.4235229
File: 85 KB, 1188x525, BREAKING NEWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some amazing foreshadowing in the UBW movie. The eyebrows man, the eyebrows.

>> No.4235258

Jesus those eyebrows are so stupid.

>> No.4235266

Holy shit, Archer is Phoenix Wright!

>> No.4235278 [DELETED] 

Wow. Now you did it yet again. You never learn, do you? Kindly STOP spamming, harassing and generally attacking the best site on the Web immediately: www. anon
. com. We DO NOT want you there. We never did. GOT IT? If you want these messages to cease, simply STOP fucking with us ENTIRELY, remove ALL lying troll articles about AT and kill all the illegal clones (using whatever method necessary). Get the domain unbanned from all the ISPs that you got it banned from. Then and only then will you never be bothered by these messages again. However, every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 8,245 more of these messages posted as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. We are not at all afraid of you chantards.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and kindly get the fuck off of our board.

>> No.4235284 [DELETED] 

Wow. Now you did it yet again. You never learn, do you? Kindly STOP spamming, harassing and generally attacking the best site on the Web immediately: www. anon
. com. We DO NOT want you there. We never did. GOT IT? If you want these messages to cease, simply STOP fucking with us ENTIRELY, remove ALL lying troll articles about AT and kill all the illegal clones (using whatever method necessary). Get the domain unbanned from all the ISPs that you got it banned from. Then and only then will you never be bothered by these messages again. However, every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 8,775 more of these messages posted as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. We are not at all afraid of you chantards.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and kindly get the fuck off of our board.

>> No.4235291

I was only spoiled for Archer thanks to Wikipedia, but not for any other servants.

>> No.4235334

I found when he started to fighting with Archer's forms against Saber. I thought it was an awesome plot twist.

And, up to the moment where she yelled ESKKALIBAHHHHHHH I thought Saber was Joan of Arc.

How was I suppossed to know that genderbending was fair game?

>> No.4235394

Oh shit I thought of drawing this myself actually

>> No.4235416

>And, up to the moment where she yelled ESKKALIBAHHHHHHH I thought Saber was Joan of Arc.
Regarding Archer being Shirou, I picked up on that midway through Fate.

>> No.4235440


>> No.4236201
File: 150 KB, 400x516, 1261872557888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, Saber canonically looks exactly like the Nasuverse Joan of Arc. In Fate/zero, the 4th-war Caster thinks that's who Saber is, and iirc tries to stalk her or something because of it. And because of that, it's entirely possible that the Fate/EXTRA Saber is indeed Joan of Arc, as her VA is Sakura Tange rather than Ayako Kawasumi (and the other characters who come from the original Fate/stay night have their original VAs; Lancer, for example, is most likely still Cu Chulainn, despite his outfit change).

>> No.4236209

You mean Tron.

>> No.4236215

The game takes place partly in a Tronlike world to begin with, so it's not like that sort of outfit is very out of place there.

>> No.4236226

I just thought of something. isn't extra!Lancer's glowy arm thing on the same spot that Rin's magic crest would be? And it even looks kind of like it...

>> No.4236289

Rin = Lancer

>> No.4236408

Why do they look exactly the same? That doesn't really make sense.

>> No.4236417

By actually playing the game.

>> No.4236424


>> No.4236451

Maybe they're related.

Or maybe they're the same person, somehow.

>> No.4236459

Shirou is Saber

>> No.4236476

DID hero complex?
