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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4228537 No.4228537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel terrible, /jp/, I turned into a real pervert today. ;_; I was in a very crowded bus, and I used that chance to feel up a girl.

I started by pressing my hand against her butt. After standing with my hand pushing against her for a while, I squeezed her butt a little. Then I squeezed it harder. Then when the bus turned, I pretended to fall, put my hand between her legs, and pressed it against her crotch. That's when she finally got embarrassed and moved to the other side of the bus.

>> No.4228549

I molested a relative in her sleep.
Beat that.

>> No.4228548

I wish i had your courage.

>> No.4228550

Cool story, pervert

>> No.4228553
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No worry Anon, practice makes perfect.

>> No.4228554

I molested my little sister in her sleep, twice.

The first time an index finger went in her vagina; the second time I missed and it went in her anus.

>> No.4228555

What's your name and address so I can send you thanks?

>> No.4228557

I refuse to believe.

>> No.4228558

pix or it never happened

>> No.4228564
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>>4228554 the second time I missed and it went in her anus.

>> No.4228570
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>> No.4228571

I always sit next to the same girl on the bus, she is really pretty and lets me fall asleep on her. I wish I could ask her name.

>> No.4228573

I gave sleeping pills to my niece, and then molested her. I couldn't' bring my self to penetrate her tough, i love her to much to even think of hurting her.

>> No.4228580

Squeezing a girl's ass on a bus is as far as I ever went.

>> No.4228582

When it comes to molesting people, I draw the line at penetration.

>> No.4228584
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>this entire thread

>> No.4228585

Bukkake is alright?

>> No.4228595

>I gave sleeping pills to my niece
>i love her to much to even think of hurting her
Does not compute.

>> No.4228599

Bukkake is A-okay as long as you don't violently ejaculate. You need to be gentle.
Or they wake up.

>> No.4228600

Posting in an FBI thread.

>> No.4228605
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>> No.4228606

I have personally fucked and killed over 800 children

>> No.4228608

You have no dignity.

>> No.4228607 [DELETED] 

Now you did it once again. You never learn, do you? Kindly STOP spamming, harassing and generally attacking the best site on the Web: www. anon
. com, please. We DO NOT want you there. We never did. GOT IT? If you want these messages to stop, simply STOP fucking with us, remove all lying troll articles about AT and kill all the illegal clones (using whatever method necessary). Then you will never be bothered again. Every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 4,503 more of these messages as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. Seriously.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

>> No.4228616
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>no dignity

>> No.4228619

Does anyone else here have any?

>> No.4228630

/jp/ - Sexual Offenders

>> No.4228632

Would you feel up a Rika on a bus if she was Santa?

>> No.4228643

I'd never do such a thing.
Because I'd be afraid to.

>> No.4228656

More Orin.

>> No.4228647

Dignity and fair play is what losers invoke when someone asks they why they never get anything.

>> No.4228646

You should DIE THE DEATH! OP, you did a terrible thing. If you have the courage to do something like this, then you should go already and get someone who would love you

>> No.4228650


>> No.4228658

Is this your first time to /jp/?

>> No.4228661
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>> No.4228662

This is why I don't want the board to change.

>> No.4228665

I'm no loser.
I molested my sister.

>> No.4228668

Seriously, it's like a real-life scrub.

>> No.4228671
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>> No.4228673
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>> No.4228678
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>this thread

>> No.4228683
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>> No.4228685

No fisical harm since he didn't do anythign but touch her, and no psychological damage since she was sleeping, and has no memories of that event.
I understand you and support you man, i wish my uncle was such a moral and concerned person.

>> No.4228686

Mind uploading all your Orin pictures? I lost my folder.

>> No.4228692

I'm going to create a new field called "Ethical Molestation".
Do you want to write a book with me ?

>> No.4228688

No, I'm just holding a small piece of faith and hope inside of me about the real world

>> No.4228695

You should leave that in the locker before you come here. You can get it back on your way out.

>> No.4228693
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I have a pair of shota-like friends and i'm always harassing them.

Beat that

>> No.4228697


Sleeping pills huh? So are they reliable?

>> No.4228699

That's a reasonable expectation. But many of the users already here are beyond something even that simple, unfortunately.

>> No.4228700

Way to go, Anon!

>> No.4228696

Morning rush + bus full of people + meander road + crotch situated behind a girl's ass.
This was the closest interaction between my penis and a girl I have ever experienced. I felt really bad after it, but fuck it, I was horny and couldn't masturbate for days because of my stupid sublet.

>> No.4228704

>no fiscal harm

>> No.4228702

That. Or at least the actual true stories, if there really are any.

>> No.4228708


Everyone's happy as long as they keep their money.

>> No.4228707

The last time I had those was when I read Les Miserables. I was 9.

>> No.4228709

Its true, its not he spent her money on the sleeping pills.

>> No.4228716

It's not like she lost anything.

>> No.4228714

Once a girl masturbated using my knees on the bus. I was sitting, she was standing and the bus was crowded.
She was reading Twilight though.
