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4228206 No.4228206 [Reply] [Original]

alright, what the fuck just happened.

>> No.4228211

a fire?

>> No.4228214

I did Chie's and kawashima's routes first.

why the sudden baww ending?

>> No.4228216

Death, get used to it.

>> No.4228215

so hot

>> No.4228217

Those are some accurately placed dressings

>> No.4228231

badump ch

>> No.4228235

Why does she need bandages if she's blind?

>> No.4228334

Who cares, Chie's route is the only one that really happens.

>> No.4228337

Aki in the last chapter is worth going through Kirari.

>> No.4228363

How does Aki end up in Happy Cycle Mania in the true end if Maejima isn't in it?

>> No.4228409

True end?

what true end?

is there a route after the 3? (3 girls i mean)

>> No.4228421


>> No.4228424

After completing Kirari, Chie, and Kashiwara routes, if you play Kirari's route again and get all of the Band flags, you will go to the True route.

>> No.4228430

But I hate Kirari, why would I want to go through her route AGAIN?

>> No.4228441

because she's saved and all, if you don't like her, read another VN, I just read Chie and Sarina's routes

>> No.4228442

fuck yeah.

this is like...Christmas in January for me.
and not in a depressing way

>> No.4228453

Kirari True is kinda lame when compared to her Normal ending.

>> No.4228467
File: 101 KB, 800x600, fuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? Oh sorry, just being the best couple ever, over here.

>> No.4228476


>> No.4228479

With all my love.
To this fucking world.

Kirari's normal ending is the greatest ending ever.

>> No.4228481

Can you guys spoil Kirari's true ending for me?

>> No.4228487


One of the best, for sure.

>> No.4228499

Kirari survives, her dad dies and rest of the family gets out of debt, Kirari gets very succesful career as a musician and Shikanosuke becomes a salaryman.

>> No.4228507

Kirari's true ending lacked impact and seemed trite and cheap when played after her normal ending.

>> No.4228504


That's lame. I don't even want to touch Curtain Call now.

>> No.4228515

Hey, Curtain Call features Murakami's band from Kirari's normal ending(without Shikanosuke) and another story with Shikanosuke's sister. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.4228516

If it makes you feel better, it focuses on a different group of characters. I think Maejima's sister is one of them.

>> No.4228517


Guilty by association.

>> No.4228520


Yeah, that does sound kind of lame.

>> No.4228527

well, generally, sadder things have more impact than happier things.

>> No.4228536

depends on the quality of the writing.

>> No.4228538

That's like refusing to watch Up because Cars was horrible.

>> No.4228562

Curtain call better have some fucking chie.

>> No.4228568

I hated how this game forced Kirari down your throat, and if you chose one of the other girls you got a shitty and abrupt ending.

>> No.4228578


Maybe the other girls weren't that great, either.

>> No.4228583

that's why I hate games with 'main' heroine, they're usually the worst one

>> No.4228588

A Song for

>> No.4228590

They were both far better than Kirari.

>> No.4228594
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That's not much of an accomplishment, now is it?

>> No.4228603

hmm, i thought the endings for the two girls were pretty good.

although, a more for chie would have been nice.

>> No.4228614

reason why true route is worth playing: because Kirari's father deserves to die.

>> No.4228640

Chie route should have ended with her getting pregnant.

>> No.4228654


>> No.4228706

You see, if that happened, her son/daughter would grow up together with her little half-brother. It would work.

>> No.4228715

i have no idea what you're talking about.

half brother?

>> No.4228727

You know, Chie's dad was going to have a kid with that other woman.

>> No.4228732

oh, right.


>> No.4228756

Quit meh-ing. Maternal Chie is best Chie.

>> No.4228810

Chie deserved her own sequel/spinoff. Unfortunately, that will probably never happen.

>> No.4228880

Problem with the true ending is theres not really much closure into the relationship between MC and kirari beyond "yes, we are on talking terms again"

>> No.4228893

Just finished true end.

yeah, as much as i hate to admit it, the normal end definitely had more substance.

but then again, i like true end because Kirari survived, and the thing with Kirari's family was interesting, esp the thoughts of MC when everything was falling into the shits.



>> No.4228901



How is this even possible?

You're lying.

>> No.4228909


>> No.4228922

well, even though i said that, i still think all the routes were good, even true being last is misleading, i also thought it was good.

although, all the endings besides normal were a little lackluster towards the end, an epilogue for additonal closure would have made things perfect.

there are a number of VNs where you play the routes without interest, just to unlock stuff or get 100% completion (im looking at you G-senjou)

but specifically in regards to Chie, i just found appeal in her route, and given the personalities of the characters, Chie route seems more natural/logical than the other ones (Kawashima was fairly adrupt i think, with the confession of love and all that i mean)

so yeah.

>> No.4228928

Her's was the best you mentally retarded aspie

>> No.4228936

First of all, he was talking about the character herself.

Second of all, NO.

>> No.4228942


But it was.

>> No.4228949

Well that's just like, your opinion, man.

>> No.4228952

is this from curtain call?

where can i get this song? its pretty sugoi aniki

>> No.4228956

No it's not. Japan and Overdrive agreed. Time to cure your bad taste disease, buddy

>> No.4228959

Japan has shit taste, this is common knowledge.

And Overdrive gave Ran 4 h-scenes in Edelweiss. They have shit taste too.

>> No.4228980

Ran > Kirari

>> No.4228990

>If someone's opinion is different than mine, they have shit taste!

And you people call yourselves superior to /a/ and /v/.

>> No.4229002

no one said that. everyone knows jp is the worst of shitholes

>> No.4229003

All irrelevant

Chie > everything (except planetes)

>> No.4229010

The Japanese don't know how to think for themselves, so they almost always prefer the main heroines.

>> No.4229023

Who wants to bet if all endings were the same, but Kirari wasn't the main heroine and someone else was, you would be fapping your dicks to her instead of hating her?

>> No.4229024

The band is from the true ending.

>> No.4229025

but that changes everything, if chie was the main, they would have done her route differently.

maybe she would have died instead?

so in essence, yours is a meaningless sentiment.

>> No.4229041


Admittedly I haven't played it yet, but I have noticed a tendency in /a/, /v/, and /jp/ to hate the main heroine for seemingly no reason than because she's the main (they almost never specifically state why they hate her) while they fap to the side characters, leading me to believe if the main was a side character and a side character was the main, their opinions would do a 180 on them both.

>> No.4229048


This would also explain why the girls who have no routes are liked so much.

>> No.4229091

Kirari was the best, anyone who disagrees has shit taste

Unless you choose chie, then you have good taste too.

>> No.4229164
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>This thread

>> No.4229177

I still don't get how anyone can not love her.

>> No.4229248

Fuck you anti-Sarina fag

>> No.4229295

I have played it (it sucks) and you're pretty much correct. There's nothing wrong with Kirari. At the very least she's a lot better than Sarina.

>> No.4229334

I hate her because she's extremely annoying and very unattractive.

>> No.4229358

What's the suggested order of routes? I asked one time before but now I forget. I know that people suggested going through the heroine that has the sad end first.

>> No.4229369

Looking at the OP's picture you should be able to guess which one has the sad end.

>> No.4229376

It doesn't really matter. Just do the one you like the most.
