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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42238886 No.42238886 [Reply] [Original]

do you would like be born in a specific era for enjoy the otaku/geek/technology in that moment?

>> No.42239015

I enjoyed PS2 to the fullest so I'm fine, but I would have liked to be well off and in the right location for arcades. My experience with arcades is very limited and based off how many quarters I happened to have as a student.

>> No.42239125
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I saw Yamato on TV when it debuted in the US as Star Blazers and remember Kaiju films as a double feature every weekend. I remember when Anime was simply called "Japanese cartoons" and later "Japanimation" and were played every weekday in the US for a before and after school timeslot. I also remember when NASA hosted the first fileservers (FTP and others) for anime content. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

>> No.42239156

I would've really liked to be financially stable enough to enjoy BBS/IRC/"dialing in" to websites.

>> No.42239228

>be 20
>Gamest is in print
>Konami, Capcom, SNK, Sega, Cave all putting out one excellent game after another (plenty of misses from them too but the highlights are still among the best games ever made to date)
>had the free time and spare money available to enjoy it all

Sometimes I feel like I was born at the exact right time.

>> No.42239318

I would want to fully experience late 90s- mid 2000s. I was born in 97 but I didn't have internet access at home until late 2008 so I missed out on a lot. At least I had ps2 and enjoyed the fuck out of it.

>> No.42239457

Yeah this at least mikado noticed that audience and still does regular tourneys. You will never live the 90s VF2 craze though.

>> No.42239486

I'm with >>42239318 though I was born in '94 to a poor family in the third world and never got to enjoy any of these things in their prime. Late 90s and 2000s Japan evokes a massive feeling of longing to me and I would have loved to have been reborn there with the right wealth to experience that era to the fullest as it happened, if given the opportunity.

>> No.42239495

In case you wondering what Im talking about

>> No.42239504

If I got to go and had half the drive those early kids had, I'd be a hundred thousandener who was just happy to have a TV that was linked to a laptop

>> No.42239528

It's not really that good. Akiba is incredibly tiny and it's all pet themed cafes today. You'd probably find the kinds of people in there to be insufferable kids.

>> No.42239546

The people, yes I agree, but I'm a fan of cats. It would be a nice life.

>> No.42239866

i'm glad i got to enjoy the early 2000s era of doujin games but i wish i was in an area where LAN parties were more of a thing
or at least had someone else around me to enjoy pofv and other multiplayer doujin games
it was lonely

>> No.42239953

the PS2 was great, i miss those old times, no micro transactions, no dlcs, you just got the game, and it was just you and the game.

>> No.42240328

VF when it was popular was something else man. Although i prefer the VF4 era since that's when I got into the series and I enjoy that iteration more than every other version of VF. I get so much nostalgia and hype watching VF4 tournaments footage.

>> No.42240440

Who are you quoting?

>> No.42240864 [DELETED] 

thank you very much for the all answers!

>> No.42240981

Nah was born 92 and got to experience all the major 90's-00's stuff and some 80's stuff that was still kicking around then so i'm pretty content. My mom did tag sales and would haul tons of stuff home for me and no I wasn't rich the stuff was practically free and plentiful as nobody wanted their old SNES when they had a N64. I only regret throwing all my old stuff away in the early 00's when I went full into PC gaming and figured the old crap was worthless (it was) and wouldn't appreciate in value (it did).

>> No.42258752
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I already enjoyed that era and the one before it.
I'd like to fast forward another 200 years just to see how things progressed. Ah, if only I could be immortal, doubt my body can handle another 30.

>> No.42258803
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>do you would like be born
jesus christ almighty

>> No.42258871

The magic of the internet/emulation allows anyone to experience or re-experience almost any content they want, the only thing that can't be restored is the people/culture/"scene". In that regard, for me... it's hard to miss what you never had.

Represents my only regret, I really didn't have anyone to play with, for anything, though this comes from more of a place of being a loser/living in the middle of nowhere than a generational thing.

>> No.42268723


>> No.42277809

brings me back
