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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 78 KB, 810x861, this is 2hu now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42229812 No.42229812 [Reply] [Original]

2hu is now overtaken by a soulless gacha at comiket. their reign has ended.

>> No.42229835

genshin was always better anyway

>> No.42229877
File: 238 KB, 850x1200, 1650325060463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou is dead in Japan
There are Touhou conventions dedicated to specific characters each month here. Hell, here's one for fucking Seiran and Ringo coming soon. These characters are able to get an entire convention to themselves here. And these aren't small, there are several massive Touhou cons every year, not including Reitaisai. Touhou works have additionally only been growing, especially with younger people as of late here.

Comiket selling out on a homegrown doujin series for a shitty gacha that'll be dead in a year or so isn't a sign of a decline of Touhou, it's a sign that comiket is going to shit and filled with mostly garbage like vtuber shit.

>> No.42229887
File: 1019 KB, 720x1264, 1672399042652993.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buruaka is SOVL tho desu ngl

>> No.42229961

japan shock. china rock

>> No.42230986

Is that a Mika cosplayer? Holy shit.

>> No.42231103

Ummmm, touhou xisters???

>> No.42231282

Funny, considering how ZUN sold his own passion project to five (if not more) different gachas in the past two years. He clearly doesn't give a shit anymore, so why should we?

>> No.42231447

Only braindead trend chasers care about what is "popular"

>> No.42232087

I live in the wrong dimension.

>> No.42232350

probably paid out of their corporate pocket
sasuga nihon

>> No.42232690


>> No.42239506

There's nothing wrong with reclining and taking it easy

>> No.42239558

Blue Archive is Korean so that must sting.

>> No.42240276
File: 735 KB, 4081x2777, 'chive 2hu bunes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em *puts on bunny ears*

>> No.42240312
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1632886625269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen to /jp/ once Zun finally croaks of liver failure?

>> No.42240462

Wasn't another IP also did those booklets? I remember seeing ones with FGO and Kancolle

>> No.42240464

Thank god.
Now can /jp/ move on as well?

>> No.42240479

ZUN will probably make 2hu public domain in his will, so /jp/ will probably proceed to lose their collective shit and break down even further into factions.

>> No.42240638

God I want to go to a Yukari convention with a Greatsword, kill everyone there and drive a truck full of merch home

>> No.42240747

Call me when 2hu doesn't have hundreds more circles participating than BA and also doesn't have numerous 2hu exclusive cons with more circles than it has at comiket anyway.

>> No.42240866

This entire thread existed because people believe a booklet is one page from, what I'm assuming, is a fucking Facebook text.
In case you were wondering; this. This is what will happen.

>> No.42241490

I find it hilarious how both deal with religiosity.

>> No.42242008

What was in the comiket introduction booklet in 2006?

>> No.42245990
File: 692 KB, 2400x2400, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu long lived fans will carry over what ZUN made.

Basically what this guy says.

Touhou is so big by this point (big taking into account that has not big money from any company) that fans won't stop anywhere soon.

>> No.42246023

Don't give me hope, you're lying

>> No.42246055

Tripfag has no taste, shocker.

>> No.42247950

You say that as if you're not a cock leech who's read all my dream threads with delicate study.

>> No.42248100

That doesn't mean shit, those fucking gooks just paid to have that spot. If you really cared about 2hu's presence at Comiket, just look at the amount of circles that 2hu had this year, like we always had. Sure, it wasn't top 3, but it sure as hell still blew out BA with ease.

>> No.42248176

this thread reeks of /v/irgin

>> No.42248628

Not even /v/ has retarded tripfags these days so I'd say it's even lower.

>> No.42248896

This is just bullshit in case anyone's curious.
2013: Kancolle https://twitter.com/comiketofficial/status/416768401931911168
2015: Kancolle https://twitter.com/comiketofficial/status/681316271745466368
2016: Osomatsu-kun https://twitter.com/comiketofficial/status/763582219017269248
2016: Shin Godzilla https://twitter.com/comiketofficial/status/813922499381510144?lang=ja
2017: FGO https://twitter.com/comiketofficial/status/895468719207358464
2018: Deremasu https://twitter.com/comiketofficial/status/946195943023460352
2022: Horses https://twitter.com/comiketofficial/status/1557962420135415809

>> No.42248919

Korea did a uno reverse card to Japan fr fr no cap

Revenge for all those years of Japanese occupation and war crimes

>> No.42249461

But you don't, because you are a yapping candy-ass loser that doesn't get anything done.

>> No.42249684

Ok chud dog.

>> No.42250030

I am fairly sure he won't, which will be quite a shame. Would be nice but the normal thing to do is just leave it to the family

>> No.42250082
File: 365 KB, 449x478, 1665777318229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Touhou didn't have to be copyrighted so an artist I like can accept my weird request :(

>> No.42250142

This is what cope looks like

>> No.42251412

It's real cope to latch on misguided/clickbait post

>> No.42251526

You shut your filthy mouth

>> No.42252765

Kill yourself twitter teen

>> No.42253584

> Leddit said so, it must be true!
Touhou is not a hot shit since like 2010 and consistently is not appealing as main element of Comiket since at least C93 partially because "hundreds of cute anime girls" is not unique to Touhou anymore and partly because all the 2hufags fucked away to participate in Reitaisai.

>> No.42253678

Will not happen.
At best Touhou will stay at limbo and weather away, at worst wife, kids and friends from Tasofro etc will get their hands on all trademark and will start zapping away all the doujin works for money.

>> No.42256877

Blue Archive doesn't even have gameplay, its just sitting in the main menu and waiting for the next pulls to spend your shitload of free gems on

>> No.42257233
File: 165 KB, 777x1087, 1658098984843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao do the research yourself

>> No.42260437

blue archive is korean

>> No.42260501

2hus was obviously not going to last forever but why did so much cancer have to replace it..

>> No.42260593
File: 986 KB, 994x627, 1656521996593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no yassy Clussy
its over

>> No.42261307

Either public domain or their family inherits the IP and fucks everything up.

>> No.42262837 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 512x468, 1672774382159828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ tourist here, wtf is touhou? is a game right? I've seen countless of images about it but until now I didn't notice it had such a cult following.

No, I don't want to look for it on the internet, I want the human interaction, I wanna hear directly from (you) guys.

explain explain

>Blue Archive is Korean

>> No.42264108

It's the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.42265469

>/jp/ tourist here
Welcome, keep in mind that frogposting is severely frown at here.

>wtf is touhou?
It's a series of bullet hell games with an avalanche of cute girls and character designs that the creator lets you run wild with, and even make money off of, as long as you follow some simple rules as a doujin creator. Came just at the right time as nip internet was really coming into its own in the 2000s which helped it spread greatly through word of mouth.

>> No.42265513

どのゲーム?ZUN は不滅です

>> No.42267839


>> No.42269899

Dumb frogposter

>> No.42270761

>frogposting is severely frown at here.
but why?

>> No.42270812

It's simply something that's never used by anyone, and there's no reason for anyone to post them. They're also usually posted by people from /pol/ or /r9k/, so whenever someone posts one here it's an easy signal that person is a tourist who doesn't care about lurking and learning about the board's culture.

>> No.42270846

interesting lot you guys are, thanks for the reply

>> No.42272977

>especially with younger people as of late here.
I remember saw some years ago something about it (rise between middle schoolers) but I cannot find it anymore, if you have some artitles please post it

>> No.42274374

Just take a look at the results of the latest toho vote, especially the section about the respondents' age

>> No.42278136

No it isn’t.

>> No.42282677

rest well sweet prince
