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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 34 KB, 300x348, 1063430-front_cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4222854 No.4222854 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, is this game worth buying?
I've been thinking about importing the PAL version, but I haven't really seen much discussion about it.

>> No.4222860

/v/ thread.

>> No.4222859

ps3 pal version? what?

>> No.4222863

No one knows anything about the actual quality of the game's story/characters/music/etc. We just know it's fappable.

>> No.4222865

It's a VN with mandatory SRPG battles.

>> No.4222867

Yes, completely a /v/ thread.
Except for the part where there would be 0 actual responses, and 100+ posts simply saying "JRPG SUCK GTFO"

If AT posts are fine here, I don't see why this shouldn't be.

>> No.4222872

AT posts AREN'T fine here.

The kids just ignore board rules so much that people give up trying to push them out.

Also, /v/ is not that bad.

>> No.4222873

>implying /v/ doesn't talk about jrpg

How naive are you. Do you cry when a few people come in and diss your games in /v/ ?

/v/ talk about everything and cry about everything.

>> No.4222874

>Yes, completely a /v/ thread.
Yes, completely a /v/ thread.

>> No.4222876

So how is this different from Rance and why doesn't Rance belong in /v/?

>> No.4222883

get out newfag.

>> No.4222886

Rance belongs in /v/ too.
People just accept it here because of all the sex in it.
I don't care either way where you post this, by the way.

>> No.4222890

I've lurked /v/ long enough to realize that at least 50% of the posts in JRPG threads are trolls (Unless, of course, that JRPG happens to be Persona.) The AT threads that I've seen in /jp/ tend to have significantly less trolling in them than JRPG threads in /v/ have.

Regardless... if anyone has an opinion on the game, please post them. Otherwise, just let the thread die. I have no interest in having a drawn-out argument over whether or not the material does or does not belong in /jp/

>> No.4222891

Belongs by default since a TL group nabbed it.

>> No.4222893

Eroge = /jp/ material

>> No.4222895

Ask yourself--if it is a videogame, was it officially localized by an American or European company? If the answer is yes, then it belongs in /v/.

Rance was simply translated by the fine folks at Yandere Translations. It doesn't have an official Western release.

>> No.4222896


>> No.4222901


Fuck, I guess we can't talk about any of JAST or Mangagamer's shenanigans anymore.

>> No.4222902
File: 71 KB, 415x730, 2007-10-26-77396..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story is average.

Art is fucking awesome.

Characters aren't fleshed out nearly enough, lots of characters who have absolutely no impact on the story.

Music is great.

Honestly I couldn't put the game down during the first 2-3 generations. From that point on regular battles became a huge hassle and boss battle strategies consist of dying (which is very easy to do as almost every boss eventually starts to AOE and 1 shot everyone around him) to build up SP so that you can overkill the boss from full HP.

I'm on the 5th generation now and I can't be assed to fight 3~ battles to get a short VN scene then back to more battling.

>> No.4222903

/v/ anti JRPG crusade gets pretty crazy at times. Sometimes you get maybe 1 or 2 shit posters, others it's a constant stream of trolling so that it becomes disruptive to the discussion where you have to sift through posts.

>> No.4222906

...Except they do pure VNs.

>> No.4222907

>im a retard

>> No.4222909


JAST does pure eroge.

In case you forget, That's an abbreviation for Erotic Game.

And yes, some of them have had (shitty) gameplay.

>> No.4222912

you are full of wrong assumptions

>> No.4222913

/v/ garbage.

>> No.4222917

How so?

His post is pretty fair in describing /jp/.

>> No.4222919

Godamnit when did newfags find out about /jp/.

I miss the days where you could have a non trolling persona threads.

>> No.4222938

You are the only newfag here.

>> No.4222949

from rules:
1. All things Japanese welcome!

JRPGs originated from japan so they are fine by rules standard.

>> No.4222988
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>> No.4222993

fucking newfags

>> No.4222995
File: 352 KB, 1920x1276, 2008-11-21-125813..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agarest OST

>> No.4223004


Oh nice, I haven't heard this yet.

>> No.4223008

This does not belong here.

Why do you continue to ignore the rules?

>> No.4223019



>> No.4223023

The art does seem nice. And that character needs more doujinshi porns.

>> No.4223029

We all know this is a big pile of bullshit. Why do you even bother?

>> No.4223030



>> No.4224893

US ps3 version is coming along, delayed for a xbox360 port. I think it's going to be downloadware? Whatever, it's probably not work importing. Aksys has a really good localization record, don't know about how the PAL version went.

>> No.4224909

Yeah, I read up a little more last night. My biggest issue with the upcoming US PS3 release is the lack of a physical disk. But since they plan on having an actual retail copy on the Xbox360 (or so I read), I'll probably just wait and get it for that.

>> No.4224918

anyone got a .rar with the cg set?
im interested in the prison scene with that tied up girl

>> No.4224949

Why the fuck did you bump this /v/ shit?

>> No.4224951

I am extremely fine with no disc, especially if its cheap.

>> No.4224963

JRPGs don't go here.

>> No.4224980

>implying I'm your personal army
>implying this is not as VN related as rance, raidy, and Utawarerumono because it was released on a console
>Implying that, right now, on the front page, there isn't a thread about pokemon, a thread about cigarettes, a thread about japan's princess(that goes in /int/, a thread about star trek, and a thread about railgun, all of which are actually rulebreaking.

>> No.4224986

You don't belong here, for so many reasons regarding your post. Return to /v/, shithead.

>> No.4224989

I saw a thread about this on /v/ a few days ago.

A whole thread did not have a single LOL JRPG SHIT post. Looked interesting enough. Apparently the tripfag that made the thread couldn't wait for a localization and just bought it to play. Looked pretty good.

>> No.4224990
File: 49 KB, 480x720, 18038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Things will be different once /dg/ arrives.

>> No.4224993


Now stop thinking you kids are so special and take this shit to /v/.

>> No.4225003

You guys are too stupid to realize that videogames are /v/.

>> No.4225008
File: 332 KB, 805x603, UMAD?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, are you really going to get mad over this thread and not the other seven on the front page? Really?

>> No.4225014

They know their threads are shit and do not belong here.

You guys don't.

>> No.4225016

They are shit. Yours is shit. I reject all of them. Go away.

>> No.4225017

It won't.

They'll probably just do shit like say all JRPGs are VNs and gameplay and nothing will change.

>> No.4225044

You guys are too stupid to realise /jp/ is for discussion of ANYTHING Japanese.

>> No.4225054
File: 175 KB, 429x500, 3482606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My problem is with the other threads the guy mentioned. You know which ones, too. It'd be a huge improvement if dealing with "JRPGs are VNs" is one of the only things we, as a board, had to worry about.

>> No.4225051

Nice late rebuttal with a tried argument.

>> No.4225058
File: 131 KB, 600x337, ps3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thread ruined by 3 losers.

It's just like /v/, except instead of 50 losers shitting on a thread, it's just a handful of self-righteous idiots who can't stand anything other than Japanese bird cooking pasta.

Shitposters should leave 4chan.

>> No.4225059

This is what faggots and obvious trolls believe.

They should start filtering out once the meido sobers up and deletes their threads. Now that there's a bunch of other new boards to "claim" they belong on, we should see less.

>> No.4225067


Also, /v/ is no where as bad as you kids think.

>> No.4225074
File: 20 KB, 400x300, 1243296723245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the meido

I liked it more when he was called 'janitor-kun'.

>> No.4225092

What next? Banning idolmaster threads?
Banning Ar Tonelico threads?

Seriously, newfags.

>> No.4225103

You're so obvious you're not even worth replying to non-seriously.

>> No.4225108

You must be new here, newfag.

>> No.4225101

Ar Tonelico NEVER belong here.

Grow up and stop using "newfag."

>> No.4225111



Now that you mention it...

>> No.4225112



Let's see how can you justify Idolm@ster, Death Smiles, Mushihimesama and etc.

>> No.4225119

I forgot to mention Dream C Club, princess maker, kimikiss, amagami.

>> No.4225122

I found with Ar Tonelico that as long as you ignore the first few trolls they eventually give up. There was a AT thread from wednesday to sunday and the mods did not even touch it.

Honestly, I blame moot for not making it clear what goes here and what doesn't. He only made it to divert Type-moon and touhou from /a/, so I see why it has no direction. It would help if a mod posted or something.

>> No.4225123


>Death Smiles, Mushihimesama

I've seen a few threads on /v/. 100+ posts and next-to-no trolls. You'll survive.

>> No.4225125

Why would I need to justify anything to you? Does a man justify his existence to a maggot?

>> No.4225131

10/10 would fuck you're mom again.

Just. Stop. Posting.
