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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42224852 No.42224852 [Reply] [Original]

Gachi thread for new year's eve.

Will there be an IWF 2023 video? I can't find anything on it.

>> No.42224885


>> No.42224918

Aniki lives in our hearts.

I'm posting my favorite IWF (2015 - World of Aniki) :https://iwf.gay/2015/
Even if there's no IWF this year, this is always worth watching.

>> No.42224934

Have they said anything?
And also, 2019's Avengays for me

>> No.42225028
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I honestly can't find anything. I remember 2 years ago when they tweeted that there would be something but there wasn't, then they released a new on last year, but I found literally no info on this year. People aren't even asking about it on twitter

>> No.42225304
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>> No.42226257

New years' in eastern europe, Gachi bros....It's over

>> No.42226636

IWF isn't a thing any more (well maybe not entirely but they won't be doing yearly releases). At least we have this for the new year https://iwf.gay/finnotaku-gachi-15th/

>> No.42226682

Wasn't there a non-international niconico version? Is that happening this year?

>> No.42226757
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Happy new year, gentlemen

>> No.42227045

Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong door the leather-club is two blocks down

>> No.42227108
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Fuck you

>> No.42229658
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>> No.42234165


>> No.42234548

You got me mad now!

>> No.42235206

Happy gachi new year to you all.

>> No.42240728

We got New Years Dreams 2022, so at least theres something

>> No.42240956

Cookie Years Dreams

>> No.42242650

No idea, what that is

>> No.42242730

inmu general when?

>> No.42243006

Owhh, my shoulder~!

>> No.42243980
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It's over

>> No.42248309

its the annual inmu/cookie MAD

>> No.42250530

where can i watch the original gachi and inmu videos?

>> No.42250911
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Ain't happening this year, we would've announced it otherwise. As multiple people have mentioned here, it's over, for the time being at least.
Danjiri may come back next year, and there are still upcoming Chinese and Korean collabs, so there's still stuff to look forward to.

>> No.42250982

Why? Have you all suddenly become hetero?

>> No.42255930
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I see, thanks for clarifying it. I do hope it comes back in the future, but I know it must be very hard to coordinate a big international endeavor like this.
At any rate, I have nothing but respect and gratitude for the whole team.

>> No.42260276

IWF retired with the last video and I'm pretty sure the Youtube nuke made that pretty final
The cookie team still worked this year though:

>> No.42267595 [DELETED] 

I'm not on the team or have had any contact with anyone on in in many many MANY years so this is 100% speculation that you can (and likely should) pass off as just doomposting. I'd reckon a good chunk of it probably has to do with interest just naturally fading and losing creators left and right to further their own careers or explore beyond Gachimuchi, which while understandable leaves a pretty big hole due to the natural entropy that comes from old communities like these. Halcyon days and all that. Like hell, the most normalfag-reaching guy is now apparently a hyper-popular P-chan for a Bartual Bluetuber for christs sake.

Again, speculation.

>> No.42274778

I feel that gachi like many other weird niche things lost something after being exposed too much to normies.

>> No.42278172

I miss him so much.

>> No.42278319

Definitely. I avoid any Gachimuchi video with "right version" in the title for a reason. Lazy no visuals (because they just get their streamers to do song requests so why bother making them), normalfag songs you'd hear on the radio, awful pitch shifting and extremely limited use of the source with many of them just having Van say fuck throughout the whole song.

>> No.42283574


>> No.42295836
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>> No.42296395
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>> No.42297172
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>> No.42304823

does anyone have the inmu stalingrad christmas video? it was on youtube but it got taken down years ago and i've been wanting it ever since

>> No.42305418

gachi is dead

>> No.42305676

I don't know which video that is, but you should check it on bilibili, I found a lot of videos there that had been removed on YT:
And of course niconico douga. Link it here if you find it.

>> No.42308607

It lives on in my heart

>> No.42313290


>> No.42320961

And in mine as well.

>> No.42326958


>> No.42327335

I miss him so much.

>> No.42331607

I've spent a lot of time looking for it on niconico but my nipponese is extremely bad. All i remember is that it had スターリングラード in the title but it had inmu characters and cookie characters reenacting the fight so maybe it had some reference to that in there as well.
