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421958 No.421958 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/.

I'm slowly making my way through PCB. I'm up to the evil tree now.

The song that plays, border of life? Really catchy.

Are there any decent remixes or covers?

>> No.421973


>> No.421974


>> No.421978

This one is pretty catchy: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/nm2902855

>> No.421982

>I'm up to the evil tree

You can't honestly say you're losing the game at the last spell card.

>> No.421986


One of my fav.

>> No.421995


...Yep. Twice, now. It's the sword girl that eats up my continues, though.

>> No.422000


...CONTINUES?! If you're playing on easy modo, I will throw you off a cliff.

>> No.422011

>It's the sword girl that eats up my continues, though.
>the sword girl

>> No.422021

You think that's bad? I can't even beat MoF using MarisaBugged on Normal mode.

>> No.422022
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You sure do have a weird copy of PCB, mister.

>> No.422025


OP here. Isn't MoF markedly harder than the other installments.

I'm playing PCB on normal, slowdown disabled. I'll get that tree someday!

>> No.422026

Haha. Not when using MarisaBugged.

>> No.422037

>Haha. Not when using MarisaBugged.

What's 'MarisaBugged'?

>> No.422041

You're a faggot.

>> No.422045


>> No.422050


NO. U.

...That's what I would say if I was immature, like you. But I'm above the sort of thing.

>> No.422064

MoF has some hard spellcards but you don't have to capture them.

If you really use all your continues on PCB normal to die at the tree, you should really consider playing the elementary school version.

>> No.422067

Marisa B
When her power is between 3.00 and 3.95, her middle laser is too freaking powerful (when unfocused).

>> No.422080

Thank you.

>> No.422084

I dont know about you guys, but PCB was my first Touhou and i played on normal on the first run got trough the game. The others are much harder

>> No.422098

/r/ border of maximum

>> No.422101

There is no point in playing through any of the games if you use continues unless it's PoFV
