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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42194038 No.42194038 [Reply] [Original]

13 hours to go.

>> No.42194079
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>> No.42194247
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>> No.42194365
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Not sure if he's gonna make it. Waiting for him and Chinchintei.

>> No.42195208
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>> No.42195385
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With Japan reopened now, did any anons actually bother to go?

>> No.42195461

call of doody is otaku culture?!

>> No.42195574
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>> No.42195858

I'm thinking of visiting Japan in August next year, any tips for attending Comiket? And maybe Koshien too

>> No.42195949
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>have good shoes lots of standing and walking
>bring a power bank
>keep in mind tickets/passes are required now for the forseeable futrue so get them first
>dress properly if not use to 90F/80% humidity(aka light clothing nothing that absorbs sunlight)
>food/water a bit low during the event stick some bottles of water or booze in your backpack
>cash only, atms usually run out keep bills and coins on hand for purchases
>have a good backpack or two for buying merch

Probably a few more, meetup at red site for this year still?

Also 2hu maid cafe open till the 5th

>> No.42195981

Red* saw

>> No.42195991

ive never read a doujin in my life, i just like watching anime. What am I supposed to do there to make the most of my time?

>> No.42195996

Is there a gaijin version of this? I am going but have no idea what’s actually there

>> No.42196004

Also this >>42195991

>> No.42196101

Thanks. How much are tickets? What time do doors typically open and do I have to get there super early to line up? Are there any shops or restaurants nearby?

If I do go I'm not really planning on autistically figuring out what I want to buy, at least not at my first Comiket. I mainly want to go for the experience, and just walk around and maybe buy whatever catches my eye.

>> No.42196109
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red saw is the normal meet place, pic related. At worst look for the Madoka wearing lidil shoes walking around and probably lifting a few people up for photos. Happy to point you in a direction of some stuff but this event is massive and crazy, so I can't exactly handhold.

>What am I supposed to do there to make the most of my time?
If you don't have the book I would suggest hitting up melonbooks or something like bookoff for a last minute Comiket 101 guide or use the online guide. Look for shows you like and walk down the vendor hall alleys for things. Things may have changed since covid but plenty of cosplay around as well.

>> No.42196146

if you dont have a ticket it's too late i think

>> No.42196164

What, even for next year?

>> No.42196238

I got one spare ticket for day 2, but it most likely requires some social engineering as they claims to check names on ID.

Buying tickets from e+ weren't that bad. While their website did crash during first half hour (and that's how I ended up with total 3 tickets on my cart), nothing got instantly sold out.
Just note that they are selling worst time slots for gaijins, so it would good to have Japanese phone number.

>> No.42196245
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Tickets are sold out they were online early, and will be for the forseeable future

You will have a time slot for foreigners to get there this year it is 11 or 1130 AM, generally you would get the first train in to grab a good spot. The lines are generally huge, pic related in 2019 there was still lines even by 2019.

You can walk around AFAIK with the cosplay/food trucks/etc but can't go to the vendor hall. IMO if you don't have a ticket or aren't staying very close my like at Toyosu... Don't really try to bother

This year AKA tomorrow are sold out, Next year for AUG aren't announced yet. It is going to QR codes + validation of ID/passport/drivers license, different from 2019

>> No.42196285

I just meant is there a list of booths and exhibits in English? I can pick places to go, but I can’t read Japanese

>> No.42196328

How much do tickets cost?

>> No.42196458
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Not really, the market for english is too small. google translate works well, best to just check authors and artists you know for their booth #
Nope, it's mostly a vendor hall at the core of it. If you don't know the booth # of the artist or whatever you want then you are boned. Generally each day has a theme, 2hu is saturday fate is tomorrow, again google translate at worst.

2000 yen this year, not sure what cosplay fees are but I will just pay it onsite for cirno or madoka

>> No.42196481
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a group of my friends went and are getting me goods

>> No.42196543

I guess I’ll just wander around. Similar to the other anon, I’m really into anime, but not particularly into specific doujins

Still worth going?

>> No.42196547

Is it better to take the first train even if your an hour away or just stay overnight near the area?

>> No.42196617

Eh probably the outside can be really fun, meetup is usually at the red saw around 4PM, bunch of anons meeting up to go get drunk and shop around places in tokyo.

What time is your ticket entry valid for?

>> No.42196649


>> No.42196656

and my day 2 is 10:30

>> No.42196688

Get there 2hrs before at least the trains are okay

>> No.42196902
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>13 hours to go.
I can't wait

>> No.42196916

why do so many people need to own a physical copy of a comic? why cant you just look online? I don't understand why this is such a big event.

>> No.42196962

anon a good 70% or more of the ones you're looking at online are scans of the physical ones from the event

>> No.42196972

oh, well bless you all

>> No.42196990
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>> No.42197321

Very charming and worksafe-looking. Will surely buy one!

>> No.42197323

>Still worth going?

You can only really know the answer by experiencing it for yourself.

Keep in mind that the doujin works that make it to the West are a tiny fraction (and almost all porn).

Doujin encompasses a wide variety of media including fanwork manga, novels, music, indie games, handmade crafts, travel guides, tutorials on how yo brick your computer with Linux, and many others.

Comiket being the biggest doujin event will have a bit of everything in every genre. If you are starting with zero background and want to explore the different subcultures then it is a good place to start. There's no shame in just walking around and browsing. Just ask and you can sample the work from any booth for free.

>> No.42197347

Where would be a good start to find popular doujins related to an anime/game I like? Maybe I can find a few artists ahead of time and just go see their booths.

>> No.42197439
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>> No.42198839
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3D Ahegao >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2D Ahegao

>> No.42198886
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Plenty of doujin AV at comiket too, like these Minori Natsume ones today.

>> No.42198912

Genuinely curious because I am completely ignorant: what kind of merchandise is even available at Comiket? Is it functionally equivalent to conventions in the United States (i.e. a mix of official/industry booths with artist/hand-made booths)?

>> No.42198980
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>> No.42199319

I almost forgot about Comiket...again
>doujin AV
I feel like I should be surprised but I'm not, kinda feels tacky though

>> No.42199331

Those ones are ryona videos where she gets beat up and drown, they're good.

>> No.42199348

Seek help

>> No.42199479

No, it's good:

>> No.42200225

Go on Exhentai and look for doujinshi of works you like, then note down the artist name. Go visit them at Comiket if they are attending and purchase their works. Or just browse around the hall and see what people are selling (keeping in mind some days are only specific series)

>> No.42200237
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Good morning Ariake!

>> No.42200267

Powerbank: charged.
Cash: on hand.
Map: hand-drawn.
Hotel: booked.

Yep, it’s comike time.

>> No.42200276


>> No.42200297

First comiket! Super excited to finally go
My gaijin ticket is for 11am, but does everyone line up beforehand? Wondering if I should get in by 10

>> No.42200322

Yes, get to big sight at least 30 minutes early. The orgs will sort the people out.

>> No.42200328

>Wondering if I should get in by 10

>> No.42200347

Thanks, 9 seems intense but from the restaurant lines I've hit so far, I believe it

>> No.42200443

Any pictures of the line?

>> No.42200658

any live stream up?

>> No.42200669

The youtube stream linked here
won't start for about 2 hours

>> No.42200952

I feel sorry for Anons just getting into this now who never got to experience the chaos of pre-corona comike. Hopefully we can go back to that someday.

>> No.42200977

gaijin here. showed up to the midnight line in summer comike 2013. most i ever spent in a con

>> No.42200981
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Lined up at kantoku now.

>> No.42201009

Haven't seen any lines on my end. My registration is at E7 and they're only open A-D so far. Waiting at some park across the street until they announce

>> No.42201024

Bro E is lining up already. I’m E and we’re moving towards Big Sight atm.

>> No.42201058

I know nothing about comiket, are you at the very start of the line?

>> No.42201076

Oh shit thanks

>> No.42201130

Circle ticket users deserve the rope.

>> No.42201144
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>Waiting area before the time on the ticket
Got turned away to go here. My ticket is 11am, maybe 10am ticket holders here too

>> No.42201160
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Here’s a taste. Line to enter the hall, so just after ticket check.

>> No.42201170

holy shit

>> No.42201183

If my entry time is 11am, I can't go into the covid screening area (old corporate area) until 11? How are so many people lined up past that area already?

>> No.42201196
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Another angle

>> No.42201237

The bocchi author got moved outside.

It's gonna be bad.

>> No.42201244

because of the public?

>> No.42201259
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Likely because huge demand.
They were a center circle.

>> No.42201272

You can. Listen to orgs, they start lining people up earlier than 受付 time begins.

>> No.42201288

Wait where is it? 東4?

>> No.42201344

See >>42201130

>> No.42201350
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Hope you brought something to sit on. We’re gonna be here for a while.

>> No.42201351

>he thinks that's long

>> No.42201363

Is that for gaining line?

>> No.42201396

Same place as >>42201160
They are splitting people into groups and will be sending one group after another with short intervals.
These are for East halls btw, I expect West/South to have just as many people if not more.

>> No.42201409


God I wish I was there

>> No.42201546

They are calling out letters like "F" or "G" but I don't have a letter as far as I know.

>> No.42201549

Surprisingly west lines weren't that bad I'm already sitting inside.
It's my first comiket though so I'm kinda clueless beyond having a shitty route planned

>> No.42201559
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Is the early ticket being diverted to gaijin access point at East hall 7?
Why are there so many people coming from the main access point.

>> No.42201562


>> No.42201570
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>> No.42201578

It’s printed on the ticket next to reception time.

>> No.42201601

I have one of those shitty 11am international tickets that just come with a QR code email

>> No.42201645

No point in bothering with that one at this point huh

>> No.42201658

how's the security? any chance of sneaking in?

>> No.42201667

The other people in line will beat you to death long before security can save you.

>> No.42201706

yo, i'm in this pic. have a safe day 1 anons.

>> No.42201708

who cosplaying here

>> No.42201726

Of course all the milsim guys love this shit

>> No.42201759

who crossplaying here

>> No.42201760
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>Tiny pile.
Yep it's over.

>> No.42201843

Any statistics on which IP dominating the Comiket space for C101

>> No.42201859

I mean it's probably going to be vtubers right?

>> No.42201894

I've seen a couple but I think that's mostly day 2 this time from the all the CJD I follow on twitter.

>> No.42201895

vtubers had the most signups but it's still a question of whether holo or niji will have the most rep

>> No.42201927
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Clappy is a lewd girl!
I will not be cumming until her doujin gets uploaded

>> No.42201963

Ranking by signups goes
Vtubers, imas, fate, uma musume, kancolle, 2hu

>> No.42201971
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Have fun!

>> No.42201972

stream finally started

>> No.42202222

who kigurumiing here?

>> No.42202223

>past 11
>still sitting out here
I miss old comiket...

>> No.42202253

What do you guys do when you meet up at the red saw? I've always wanted to know.

>> No.42202281

You should know that around 70-90% of doujins sold there are never scanned or uploaded online. Besides, what's better than being able to meet an artist you like and support them in their endeavors?

>> No.42202299

>stand around awkward as awkward as nerds at a high school dance
>talk/show about what people bought
>maybe chat about stuff to do in japan
>discuss if anyone wants to go out for drinks/food/event
Mostly a location for anyone looking for a bit of socializing, other than that not much.

Precovid most people would discuss anything to go look for in akihabara that could have been missed/sold out, go for karaoke, or drink.

>> No.42202317

This anon is correct. Proper scans often result in destroying the spine of the work(s) stuff you get at comiket or Japan in general can never be uploaded or only uploaded after literal years after the series is done.

The amount of doujinshi works here is insane, CD's will be usually ripped but the comics+doodles+comiket specific shit will never make it to the internet properly.

>> No.42202370

I fucked up and failed to get a ticket but I'm in Japan anyway for study

>> No.42202373
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That's normal, anon

>> No.42202376

I was planning to go to animejapan in march but remembered they do lotteries and events get packed . Did I dodge a bullet?

>> No.42202391

Gay sex in 2hu/bote crossplay

>> No.42202413
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>> No.42202421
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Is this comiket also blessed or is it still too early to tell?

>> No.42202435 [DELETED] 
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Would you say this looks blessed? I'd say so.

>> No.42202476

>bocci stickers already sold out by the time im in
Fucking hell

>> No.42202565

what are the chances that something sold out pops up on melonbook later?

>> No.42202581

Like 1 out of 100
Sometimes an amount of merch is sold to melonbooks and other places such as book-off but those often are selling out right now

>> No.42202589

Does anyone have pictures of namgoreng’s booth or her? I miss her so much

>> No.42202593

what if it was previously on pre-order on melonbook?

>> No.42202748

I'm can't stop spending there are too many artists I like

>> No.42202761

Do you still need a JP address to apply to comiket? I want to try selling there before I die

>> No.42202785

they look like ants

>> No.42202809

>You will have a time slot for foreigners to get there this year it is 11 or 1130 AM
What? Really?

>> No.42202856

anal rape

>> No.42202891

I don't think so, I knew a guy who always flew over here from some SEA country twice a year to sell stuff pre-corona.

>> No.42203173

dont go on a tourist visa because you cant 'work' aka sell shit under that

>> No.42203506
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>> No.42203627

yes, they made a portal/website to allow foreigners to buy the ticket but included only those two timeframes. Not that it really matters; from what I could understand you can enter anytime after the assigned timeslot.
So you can even arrive in the afternoon.
The issue is if you would like to enter sooner, which you can't.

>> No.42203659
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I like cod don't get me wrong but I wouldn't really say it's a milsim, maybe something more like squad or arma

>> No.42203722

>nobody at the saw yet
welp time to go home maybe tomorrow

>> No.42203735

>lost 3 year old kid
every fucking time

>> No.42203742

gura got lost again

>> No.42203798

Gameplay couldn't be further from sim but the last two modern warfare games have had a more Milsim aesthetic, lots of nice attention to detail in the animations and models.

>> No.42203805


Maybe it's because i'm not really an otaku, but no way i'm gonna wait hours in the cold to buy some stuff. It's almost 2023, just sell it on the net damn it.

>> No.42203885

Melonbooks is convenient for a lot of stuff.
Still, I would really like to go once. I imagine it'd be really awkward and not very fun, but life has become too convenient, so you gotta go out of your comfort zone once in a while to live life fully.

>> No.42203891

yoooo the ninja babe!

>> No.42203892

You're supposed to go at closing time.

>> No.42203949

Where it is even?

>> No.42204006

Yeah I know, I didn't feel like sticking around that long though.
It's on the lawn down in front of the upside down triangle, between the bus rotary and the street. Big red saw, pretty hard to miss it.

>> No.42204269

How many people aalre at the saw?

>> No.42204302

Well that sucks. What if you have an insider? Do they actually do ID checks?

>> No.42204337

At the saw.
Let's see if other people come.

>> No.42204388

People usually fuck off before 4 these days.

>> No.42204722

I haven't really kept up with comiket procedures since covid but from what I've read from the thread most gaijins are alloted 11/11:30AM tickets, does this mean we can't actually race to get in as earliest as possible anymore by doing first train from now until the foreseeable future?

>> No.42204754

No, gaijins get the scraps. Better setup a JP number and get a friend to pay for you.

>> No.42204799

That's unfortunate, a lot of the fun was racing with other weebs and getting in early rushing to a circle. Sad to hear I'll have to give up on the rush next time I head back over, guess it will be casual browsing. Thanks anyway, hope people who went today or go tomorrow have some fun.

>> No.42204803

Even with a jp number it's a crapshoot, I failed 4 raffles this year.

>> No.42204805

First timer with gaijin tickets so entry starts at 11:30 for me tomorrow.
What time should I reach the site to start lining up?
Also what should I do to maximize time efficiency? Visit corporate booths or artist booths first?

>> No.42204821

Always doujin circles, most industry stuff can be found in stores in akiba later but in the end it's up to your interests.

>> No.42204856

Just get to the location you're supposed to line up at slightly before the time printed on the ticket, they do a good job of not giving campers an advantage since corona. Also with a ticket that late there is no "first", whichever you pick you'll be lucky to get what you want, and the other will be sold out when you're done, unless you're after some niche shit. Personally I suggest doujin because it has more "sovl" as they say.

>> No.42204864
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Looks like Okuu Nitori and Marisa

>> No.42204884

the rabbit piece looks very fuji-choko tier

>> No.42204896

Thanks, think I'll hit up the lesser known artists first, and buy the rest at akiba/melonbooks

>> No.42205021
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Did the /a/ thread get nuked?

>> No.42205027

Studying what? I want to chill in Japan studying a few years

>> No.42205034


>> No.42205041

that /gbfg/ poster probably reported it after getting btfo'd

>> No.42205048

Yeah. I hope it picks up tomorrow but the fact that the thread struggled to stay active genuinely made me sad.

>> No.42205070

Between the schizoautist that greentexts any mention of doujins and how C100's threads fared, it's probably a good thing it wasn't that active. So much shitposting.

/a/ is in a pitiful state these days. I was the anon who posted a lot of pictures of the booths last time.

>> No.42205071

I'm here for part of my phd

>> No.42205095

Came here when the /a/ thread got nuked. Wtf happened?

>> No.42205117

More like because comiket is filled with this trash now >>42201963

>> No.42205124

Pretty much rushing has been under control way before COVID.

>> No.42205163

is considered unpolite if I contact an author and ask him if its work will be available elsewhere since I cannot make it tomorrow?

>> No.42205173

How many people are in the actual halls now with the ticketing? I assume it's not as packed anymore apart from wall booths lines?

>> No.42205177


only if you dont ask him in japanase

>> No.42205196

shit, I could get the meaning across but I can't do the whole formal/polite thing

>> No.42205223


he's not confucius, casual writing is probably more than enough.

>> No.42205256

Not really, there were unofficial 整理券 fags and overnighters up through the first few alphabet letters at east, and first train stampeding right up until corona. I'm afraid they'll never bring back the old system not out of greed even but just because the new system is so much more orderly and free of the looming threat of moral panic and legal trouble as soon as more than a few people die in the same place at the same time.

>> No.42205267

>tfw confucius' new goods set sold out

>> No.42205269

Eh, honestly it's to be expected. The vibe I get is that most of the people left just treat Comiket as either a dickwaving contest to validate your choice in franchise to follow or a bi-annual porn dump. Felt like there's very little interest in what's going on at the event itself nowadays.

>> No.42205276

How's the uni life if you care to share?

>> No.42205309

can I have the source for that? Just because they usually have the overall amounts - or is that usually posted after the event?

>> No.42205332

The summer comiket was pretty packed in discussions over there so i'm even more confused on the lack of enthusiasm this time.

>> No.42205344

I'd say pretty chill, although I think it might be my specific case. In the lab at the university that's hosting me, I hang out with the post-docs and the researchers. It's just three people and only one of them is actually Japanese, the other two are foreigners from other parts of Asia. That probably makes it easier since they speak a bit of English. They're more sociable, probably because the language barrier is smaller
Other than that not much to say, the Master students and below are either shy or private, and always extremely polite. Most of them understand English but none of them so far speak it fluently.

>> No.42205392
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It's been a while since I was this excited for a new music release, hopefully it'll be good

>> No.42205455

I blame crossboarders and such for that. Between /vt/ and /vg/ there's a whole lot of dickwaving going on. The last thread I tried to post a lot of the pictures of the circles booths and some cosplays.

For me, I don't really care about Day 1 since predominantly it's focused on VTubers and such by the circles I follow. I really can't exert much enthusiasm at all even though most of my favorite artists have converted to drawing them almost exclusively. Also, this time around I'm more focused on just getting the stuff I want so I don't miss out.

Now for Day 2, most of the circles I follow are pretty varied in terms of content.

Maybe with Corona likely to be finally reclassified on the same level as the flu early next year in Japan, Comiket won't be limited to 2 days, because a good chunk of the artists I follow didn't participate.

>> No.42205583

What does day2 bring?

>> No.42205591


>> No.42205790


>> No.42205822

bobs and vagene mostly.

>> No.42206266
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pic related

>> No.42206283

I sure hope they get rid of it, I am not a fan. I only buy goods, so without overnighting or taxiing I end up paying double to scalpers.

Might as well not even pay for the tickets at that point.

>> No.42206303

Aww come on Anon, where's your sense of adventure

>> No.42206315

>history and literature

socrates and futanari, side by side

>> No.42206327

My sense of adventure is overnighting senpai, not getting in late and getting 2 shutters before they all close.

>> No.42206442
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>> No.42207504

Oh jesus fuck thanks for this post. I checked their site like a month or two ago and saw no updates so figured they wouldn't be releasing anything this cket either.
Thankfully it's still available on melonbooks.

>> No.42207600

is there any way without the guidebook to see the most popular artists at day 2?

>> No.42207621

I think the officcial comiket twitter posted the list.
Day 2 looks so empty
>But the porn
There was hardcore loli porn and rape shit in Day 1, so the porn is not the big attraction here.
And Day 1 had the current stars such a Bocchi's author and Lycoreco's character designer.
But since mobage stuff and vtubers are not there but 2hu, guess oldfags will take day 2 over 1.

>> No.42207672

I wonder if people were equally upset with 2hu half way taking over cket for a long while the same way people are upset about chuubas and gachashit doing so now.
It does make me kinda sad when I see artists I followed for 2hu stuff switch to chuubas, even though I also enjoy chuubas.

>> No.42207679

3D looks so retarded it gives me the impression she's insulting me by making that expression

>> No.42207712

Wouldn't be surprised,Touhous basically pony tier in terms of fanbase insanity and loudness
At least Touhou has Reitaisai to contain itself

>> No.42207825

Why did they do this?

>> No.42207858

Were there any properties before 2hu that had a disproportionately large showing at Comiket? My knowledge of earlier Comikets is pretty weak, so I can only guess something like Vocaloids or Fate might have experienced similar.

>> No.42207982

My knowledge of older cket is also lacking since I only got into weebshit around 2008/2009. Touhou has been around longer than both though. Windows 2hu started with EOSD in 2002, and I know some of the older well known music circles have been around since 2003 or 2004, such as Beatmario's circle COOL&CREATE. Not sure if it the PC98 games amassed a noticeable following, and am not sure of a good way to check.
I think Vocaloid took off mostly with Vocaloid2 in 2007.
Fate/Stay Night was 2004 and, once again, I have no idea when it hit its boom, but I can't imagine it was until F/GO.

>> No.42208126

Touhou is way older than both Fate and Vocaloid. Touhou was first released in 1996.

And no, I'm pretty sure there isn't a series like that before Touhou. Touhou still also holds the most insane powergap between circles in series. I remember Touhou back then having something like 4000 circles and second place having something like 800.

>> No.42208148
File: 847 KB, 1080x1331, 1672403625536489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of yours, Kereno.

>> No.42208351

Did anyone get in without pre purchased ticket? I didn‘t think I could go but now I can and don‘t have a ticket.

>> No.42208353

Are you enjoying your time in Japan? You're there for what, 1-2 years for the PhD? Oh ya what region is it

>> No.42208395
File: 74 KB, 1002x885, chrome_QE4pzW67rL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I found one from 2010.

>> No.42208406

Damn, next year they will probably have even more vtuber booths

>> No.42208531

I could only get Day 2 afternoon tickets because the Day 1 tickets sold out so quickly. My first time going to Comiket.

Looking forward to seeing the Touhou circles.

>> No.42208553

The first touhou sure is old but the series wasnt that popular right off the bat
I think maybe around 2002 or 2003 when EoSD came out that it started to become a cultural hit
Along with other stuff at the same period

>> No.42208568

Looks like I‘m fucked.
Guess ill just go to akiba

>> No.42208593

where are the stats for this year? c99 had the stats like 7 weeks early

>> No.42208601
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>> No.42208660

wait it's only 2 days? when are they gonna start going back to 3?

>> No.42208688

oh i found it

>> No.42208758

baza, dzięiki

>> No.42208799
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>> No.42209280
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>> No.42210339

Oh, sorry I somehow managed to misread your post and thought you meant you wanted the new system to stay. Yes I agree with you.

>> No.42210379

>I wonder if people were equally upset with 2hu half way taking over cket
Yes, oh yes people were angry. Touhou was seen as the annoying new trend for casuals by lots of comike goers back when it first got popular.
>Were there any properties before 2hu that had a disproportionately large showing at Comiket?
Yes, typemoon. Also leaf/key I believe, although by the time I started going to comike that had already shrunk to like half a hall so I'm not sure if it ever dominated the whole event, but the existence of a dedicated genre code and 2ch board makes me think it did.
Yes but Touhou wasn't popular until after EoSD, it started gaining popularity just before niconico blew up.

>> No.42210829
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Good morning Ariake!

>> No.42211401
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>> No.42211696

no, I'm here as a guest for a part of it. I'm going back home in three months. I'm in Kanagawa, I could have gotten to Comiket in less than a hour

>> No.42211733

Yo Im gonna be leaving for comiket in a half hour, any way to easily print a map of all the shit I need to hit up from the circles website? I did buy the gold memmbership

>> No.42211808

Uhh the only reason to get the gold is the print the map so how do you not know?

Look for 印刷.

>> No.42211888
File: 1.88 MB, 4582x3200, west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, but wish I had known that instead of hacking up my own map.

>> No.42212100

I made a list of circles for day 2 and even a map but have no idea who to prioritize.
I expect the circles on the outer side of east hall to sell out fast but they are also the kind of authors to rerelease their stuff later to sell in doujin shops.

>> No.42212103

A good hacked map is honestly better than the circlems auto generated one.

I usually have too many circles close to each other to make it readable though.

>> No.42212120

Is the line near east 4 of only circle ticket holders for the lycoreco staff book line? I couldn't get a look at the sign from outside the venue.

>> No.42212161

>Kanimura Ebio
holy based

>> No.42212216
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>> No.42212576

do circle members get extra browsing time if they finish setting up early?

>> No.42212605


>> No.42212692



>> No.42212748

I appreciate their affort but isn't it hard to stream Comiket without getting banned?

>> No.42212763

I think he was told to not film people's face
now he is looking at the ground just like the virgin nip

>> No.42212784


>> No.42212787
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sad times, the whole live will be looking at the ground

>> No.42212818

There's cunny everywhere, Susan and Jeff will be upset if that's streamed.

>> No.42212987

i'm watching https://www.twitch.tv/agctv and somehow everyone knows japanese/english/mandarin/cantonese
how the fuck

>> No.42213032

japanese and chinese plus some english is a pretty common combo

>> No.42213046

0.1 seconds of cunny and you can say goodbye to your channel.

>> No.42213065

Is honey otaku culture?

>> No.42213083
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mr koro

>> No.42213127
File: 2.72 MB, 498x387, 1668428896705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no
from C100
how 2 cope

>> No.42213490

Meetup happening today right?

>> No.42213614

I listened to the XFD and screamed like a fangirl when I heard Flight of the Bamboo Cutter being a part of the album. If all the songs are as great as this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYa7zWcNF-U , which is a part of the album too, then you know it'll be good.

>> No.42213627

Japanese/Chinese/English are used in the JR railway announcements in Osaka

>> No.42213898
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>> No.42213921

>tfw the last pokémon game I played was gold and now I'm completely out of the loop.
Is she supposed to be a pokémon or a trainer that dresses like their favorite pet?

>> No.42213963

anyone else catch the saudi guys and their security near all the erodoujins?

>> No.42213964

electric gym leader. those giant hairclips just look like magnemites

>> No.42213971

She's also a vtuber that got released a bit before the game was for publicity.

>> No.42214116

Gotcha, well hope you enjoy the rest of your stay there boss

>> No.42214171

yknow her design somehow works better irl than in 2d

>> No.42214247

I think its not that far behind, maybe somewhere between 2010 ~ 2013.

Yet, not so many franchises got the regularity level Touhou does had all over these years, and even so, it has its very own event to go full crazy.

(I mean, EoSD just became 20 years old, and the earliest fanmade stuff i found its AT LEAST from 2003, i think its impossible to found any other fanbase older on Comiket without being anything made by CLAMP)

>> No.42214314

I ended up dm'in him on twitter, no reply so far, but the doujinshi sold out. Is that a good sign for a potential reprint?

>> No.42214693

How are koreans so fucking fast at translating shit

>> No.42214774
File: 670 KB, 576x768, 00403-1415352112-best quality, masterpiece,_(1girl_1), (photorealistic_0.8), (realistic style_0.8), ultra detailed,_(female cosplayer outside at.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you faggots in akiba yet

>> No.42215396

>that right arm

>> No.42216458

No, just a regular streamer, she looks like that when you meet her instead of using a virtual avatar.

>> No.42216911

>Buying tickets from e+ weren't that bad.
Most people don't have a JP SMS, and ever since ID check was implemented for SIM purchases, you can't get a SIM that receives SMS overseas anymore. This isn't an option for most now sadly.

>> No.42216963

How was it this year? Thinking of going next Comiket, but the 2 days instead of 3 is putting me off. Used to go for porn, but these days more for janky indie games and passion projects in esoteric topics, the kind of stuff that I'd expect to be first cut.

>> No.42217017
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I only started putting it together after day 1 once I experienced firsthand how important planning a route is (first time), and scuffed as it was I'm glad I did. Every circle I was interested in had stock when I got to them (except ke-ta, but I expected as much), despite having an international entry time slot. If I ever go again in future I'll probably do some more research beforehand on more circles (going to just the ones I knew about left me with a lot of free time spent wandering), as well as what I specifically plan to buy from each group if they've posted a catalogue beforehand.
Overall though, pretty great experience.

>> No.42218120

I got my touhou music. Which was all I wanted

>> No.42219034

Anyone doing anying cool for new years in Tokyo?

>> No.42219045

>forgot buying ticket for this comiket as well
Not that anon, but yeah I'm enjoying my time a lot. I'm technically still a student, so there are many international student communities that are available to me to socialize with. You can meet Japanese as well in that communities, though most of people there are overseas students.
Still, usually the one that feel lonely is a worker who can't find any communities to join in.

>> No.42219608

Any drama this time?

>> No.42219856

Rengoku got arrested if that's anything

>> No.42219934

He sold out before I even walked in the building, fuck these international tickets.

>> No.42222534

Not having the good old pre-covid Day 1 to commit to just Corporate booths because it was always BL day really fucking sucks. My circles were evenly spread among day 1 and 2 so I didn't have time.
Also, I miss lining up at 5am. 11am entry really fucking sucks and I missed a bunch of shit before even walking into the building. I probably won't do comiket again until they do away with the tickets, or at least let gaijin buy the early ones.

>> No.42222744

Has Demetori's new album been uploaded yet?

>> No.42223002


>> No.42223014


>> No.42223159

So like, did you guys buy anything cool?

>> No.42223356
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I bought what seems like a lot for me over the the course of the event, but the coolest thing I didnt expect to run into were these Space Battleship Yamato Ilistration books

>> No.42223496

what are the doujin games/RPGs/shmups worth checking out? they were the best part along with the porn when i went to comiket

>> No.42223511

Damn, looks great. What about manga?

>> No.42223663
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I didn't get much manga besides this and a few others, I mostly picked up art books

>> No.42223710

Was it expensive? Post art books too if you don't mind. I guess it's all exclusive right?

>> No.42223719
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Great batch this winter. Happy new year /jp/.


>> No.42223830


damn, there's a lot of good stuff. i hope it'll be uploaded for us poorfags, sooner or later.

>> No.42223887
File: 2.75 MB, 3000x3571, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Per book its typaclly 500 or 1000 yen, i ran out of money at some point and had to find an atm ,but here are the 2hu artbooks I got.

>> No.42223933
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everything in this pic looks so gemmy except for genshin books. will you be scanning any of them?

>> No.42223988

>i ran out of money at some point
lol. That's nice, I hope I'll visit it one day

>> No.42223989
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Also I got a bunch of music in addition if you can make out some through the glare

>> No.42224053

Yeah man you should go if you can swing it, its a blast, this my first year and I was taken aback with how organized it was with the amount of people. The current 11:30 entry intl. ticket time is kinda rough but I was able to have a friend buy me early tickets as a proxy

>> No.42224129

Need me that Splatoon book.

>> No.42224280

>uma musume
I thought any lewds were forbidden by yakuza?

>> No.42224534

The yakuza are just protecting their monopoly on supplying horsegirl porn, as any legitimate businessmen would.

>> No.42225671

Wow, nice to hear that you have a bunch of communities. When I worked in Japan I would have been pretty lonely without my fellow expats at the company for sure

>> No.42225689

2023 is for killing myself finally

>> No.42225867

What are the top right, bottom left, and bottom right? They all look very interesting

>> No.42226208


>> No.42226349

Is that Kuro doujin any good?

>> No.42226478

purple hair under nanoha fate doujin
tell me more

>> No.42226697

Voice Works Ahegao >>>>>> Visual Ahegao

>> No.42227687
File: 1.10 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230101_094440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my R18 hauls:
Day 1: https://files.catbox.moe/q9rztw.jpg
Day 2: https://files.catbox.moe/6g3p5o.jpg

Also thanks for anon who told that Tokyo Big Sight sells alcohol.

>> No.42227770
File: 54 KB, 226x234, unknown(55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those Miyu doujinshi
mi negro

>> No.42227916

>Even now Strike Witches love is alive and well

>> No.42228081

Got to the airport from day 2 with two hours to spare, overall had a pretty good time at comiket for my first .

Anyone have any prefered sleeves for storage? I tried the silver age BCW Sleeves and they dont fit anything

>> No.42228234

Toranoana and Melonbooks sell doujinshi sized sleeves, for both A5 and B5 sizes, I've been using those for years.

>> No.42228898

artist for the black miyu book?

>> No.42229015

I think it's because we're still students that we still have communities for us to join. I think outside the Academia bubble, most of them require you to speak decent Japanese, I guess? Well, unless you attend International Church and the like probably?

>> No.42229672

I wanted to visit some of the really weird church organizations (Even met a guy whose parents are leaders of one by accident) but i didn't do it, now i regret it lol could have been fun

>> No.42236148

Touhou started falling when Kantai Collection popularity rose and suddenly Touhou music circles started making arrangements for it, it made me upset

>> No.42236242

Her name's Porno and she's from an AliceSoft game called Dohna Dohna.

>> No.42236355

What's A6, A8, C4, C10, D11, E2

>> No.42236448

game looks interesting

>> No.42236609

Its fun but gets a bit repetitive, solid h though.

>> No.42238102

That looks like a great haul.
Glad to see that Colonel Aki is still at it.

>> No.42238148

are the videos in the first post from the girl in the second? goddamn that video made me feel weird the first time i saw it

>> No.42238186

what are the chances of Xenoblade 3 doujins..

>> No.42238413

so what's the deal with gaijin tickets now? if everything goes according to keikaku i'll be in japan for the august comiket, when do the gaijin tickets go on sale? i don't mind only entering at 11ish or whatever it was as long as i can get in at all.
also what's the % that i'll die from a heatstroke in japan in august?

>> No.42238563
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There's a bunch announced, but I'm not sure if they're getting scanned. It's always a gamble when a doujin isn't released digitally.

>> No.42238578

I just had their international twitter throw me notifications when they tweeted. About 2 months before the event they will throw up a "We are selling at this website we will let you know when" and then a month before they tell you when/where and it was First come first Served. Tickets didnt sell out till a few days in afair, but the 11 ones were out within 2 hours.

any links/names to search? the websites are hell to navigate

>> No.42238700

>any links/names to search?
I've purchased them in the past and even so were hard to find.


This is the most my search-fy can do for now.
They also sell storage cases, which I purchase each event. Also, I prefer bags instead of sleeves, you have to tape the bag to seal it but imo it preserves the doujinshi even better.

>> No.42238709

Anyone remember what table that Nue cosplayer was set up at? I regret not looking at her book when I had the chance...

>> No.42238963
File: 1.33 MB, 1278x722, minori horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she's also a vtuber.

>> No.42239040


>> No.42239143

Do they also have the bags? Sorry for the trouble, thats what I meant originally. I play TCGs so the first word to use for these types of things is sleeves

>> No.42240349


A6 夏に帰るのは姪のため(red miso soup)
A8 うみにいこう。(はましま薫夫)
C4 後輩の彼女、つまみ食い(秘密結社うさぎ)
C10 例えばこんなミリオンシアター vol.9(忘らるる手紙)
D11 あの頃、(カウンタック)
E2 妹とパパと僕の複雑な家庭事情(YU)

>> No.42240532

Is there any good collection of doujin music other than doujinstyle out on the open internet these days? I've missed the last 4 years of Comiket, effectively. /jp/ music threads and spreadsheets used to be the go to.

>> No.42240677
File: 764 KB, 4032x3024, FlR5I6qaEAIaL-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone else bring their 3ds?

>> No.42240836

RIP Streetpass. Is there any homebrew like it, or duplicating the functionality?

>> No.42240875
File: 164 KB, 724x1023, __priest_and_acolyte_ragnarok_online_drawn_by_fumotono_mikoto__aa25fe3b854019b22628de83aaa31253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only now im realizing how many of those ragnarok online doujins will never be scanned

>> No.42241510
File: 267 KB, 985x2080, FlS5qaOaYAYIsWK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still works?

>> No.42242366

I didn't go because it seemed like a pain in the ass with the gaijin tickets but I got everything I wanted at melonbooks anyway which was nice, even a rayearth one which I didn't expect.

Any advice for packing these for the way back? I'm just putting them underneath all my clothes and gunpla

>> No.42242495
File: 1.59 MB, 1609x577, Kaguya eirin problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so some other anon was talking about it, if its just regular porn and not loli stuff the best bet is is to just tastefully leave them in a mid layer of your stuff.
If its loli stuff it'd be best to just ship it to your home or a P.O box depending on the nation you live.
If you're American theres a decent chance that people wouldn't care as its not a crime but shipping it would still be your best best as the TSA will likely bust your ass if they see it but not a single state actually bans loli content so its not really a problem unless your state has obscenity laws.
If you're a Euro or something then 100% ship it and hope customs doesn't surprise inspect it.

>> No.42242685


>> No.42244914


>> No.42245597

i better activate notifications for that account then. did they only take credit card or paypal too? and were you able to purchase tickets for both days in the same order?

>> No.42245657

Thank you cunnychad
