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File: 278 KB, 921x414, the_future_of_touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4217419 No.4217419 [Reply] [Original]

Since wide screen resolutions are now the most common, shouldn't the next Touhou game be horizontal?

>> No.4217429
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I'd touhou horizontal... if you know what I mean.

>> No.4217431

No, because vertical shooters look a lot better - especially for Touhou, since nearly everything is based on how pretty the patterns are.

Plus, with vertical shooters you have more space.

>> No.4217426


>> No.4217441

Even Story of Eastern Wonderland, the proto-Touhou, was vertical.

>> No.4217443


>> No.4217451

>since nearly everything is based on how pretty the patterns are.
And you can't have pretty patterns in a horizontal game, right?

>> No.4217462

You realise you can turn the screen sideways?

>> No.4217463

Sure you can. But they're prettier in vertical.

>> No.4217486

I love DeathSmiles, but I don't see a widescreen Touhou in the near future. Not everyone can afford upgrading their computers.

>> No.4217494
File: 20 KB, 769x700, haters_gonna_hate_reimu32690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone can afford upgrading their computers.
UFO requires a DirectX 9 card

>> No.4217496

Vertical is inherently superior to horizontal due to how the human brain processes images.

>> No.4217526

just like >>4217496
You play chess/checkers vertically, don't you?
>implying your not like my brother, who plays such games 'spectating' - from the side... The fucker is better at horizontal games (fightings) but i beat him in old skool tanks any day

>> No.4217529

Most every GFX card these days is DirectX9 compatible, whereas widescreen monitors aren't universal.

>> No.4217531

No, it doesn't.

It requires DX9. It doesn't need to be hardware accelerated.

>> No.4217803

Actually, horizontal shooters are getting more and more rare. Vertical shmups have become far more common nowadays because the lack of environmental obstacles and higher maneuverability lend themselves better to the frantic pace and bullet hell approach of the latest titles.

>> No.4217809

What ZUN needs to do is add higher resolutions even if it remains yoko, because the current settings are just upscaling 640x which is pretty blurry. Tate would be ideal but it probably won't happen. I bet ZUN will eventually make his games in a higher resolution.

>> No.4217817
File: 4 KB, 210x168, 1262465724316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4218749

I never liked the horizontal shooters that much.

Probably because all of them were of the unforgivable type that lets you lose everything when you die and then rape you with bullets everywhere and gigantic hit boxes.

>> No.4218786

>lets you lose everything when you die

The only ones that do it are the same where you can reach full power after four of five power-ups. Games like Darius, where you have to work your way up to the top level by collecting dozens of different power-ups throughout the game, only downgrade you of one level when you die.

>> No.4218802


Gradius would be the first title I was thinking about when writing that. Nothing quite like losing 4 options, missiles and lasers and having to start all over.

>> No.4218803

A horizontal touhou would be an interesting experiment. However I think vertical is more suited for bullet hell games, even tough I really enjoy Death Smiles. It's usage of solid structures in level design makes it so much more fun coupled with the item system, this would be impossible or at least awkward to do with a vertical shooter.

>> No.4218815

Play Pro Gear and stop whinning

>> No.4218820

ZUN should add V-sync and AA support to Touhou. I want to make use of my 9600's SLI'd together.

>> No.4218824

>implying Japs have ever had state-of-the-art PCs
