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File: 285 KB, 372x791, kanako3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
421464 No.421464 [Reply] [Original]

Name: Kanako Yasaka
Species: Goddess of Wind and Rain
Abilities: The ability to create sky

Okay. Someone explain to me how exactly do you create sky? The sky is the sky. It's not like it can get any bigger.

At least Suwako's ability to create earth makes sense.

>> No.421467

she enlarges the radius of the atmosphere surrounding the planet.

>> No.421470


So it`s moar liek "ability to create air"?

>> No.421474

I don't think creating sky is the same as creating air. If her ability was to create air then she'd just be that Russian chick from Captain Planet. Linka?

>> No.421475


Only more complicated. Just creating air wouldn't enlarge the atmosphere, you'd need to fuck with magnetic fields, gravity, and all kinds of shit to make it happen. or something

look im making this up anyway

>> No.421478

More like "The ability to create large tits" due to them stupid fanartists.

>> No.421480

>look im making this up anyway
ZUN, is that you?

>> No.421488
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Canon boobs are canon

As well as cannon

>> No.421494

>>421488 As well as cannon
Well Kanako is a gundam so yeah

>> No.421496

Probably just shitty translation again. I'd bet it should either be 'clouds' instead of 'sky' or 'change' instead of 'create'.

>> No.421506

Since I don't read moon. Ran this through babelfish and Google. Results were more or less the same.

Babelfish: 乾を創造する程度の能力 = It creates dry ability

Google: The ability to create a much dry

Take that as you will

>> No.421509

The ability to create clouds would be a pretty shitty ability for a goddess of wind and rain.

>> No.421515


I don't get the whole 'Kanako=Guncannon' thing

>> No.421517

Yeah, because clouds are totally unrelated to wind and rain. Everybody knows that it can rain without clounds in the sky.

>> No.421522
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This is why

>> No.421524

Pillar attachments on her back during boss fights = 240mm shoulder cannons

>> No.421527

Just to annoy sage

>> No.421528
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>> No.421533
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>> No.421534

Does where I live. Heck, the ground's so hot that even when it does rain, only the top half of you gets wet.

>> No.421535
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>> No.421537

the 乾 here refers to "heaven".

So, "the ability to create a heaven". Yes, I kid you not. If bentou-tan from IN can have the ability to "eat history", I don't see what's so strange with the ability to create "heavens"

>> No.421538
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>> No.421541

Sounds erasonable enough. Let's just accept this and drink another beer!

>> No.421545

The sky is often referred to as the heavens. So I guess the translation of being able to create sky/heavens is good. And no one said it was a strange ability.

The question was how does that even work? The abilities of the other characters make sense in that you can at least wrap your mind around how they work. But creating sky? Huh?

>> No.421546

Gundam Yuyuko approves.

>> No.421547


It's not so strange really. Suwako's ability is to create earth. So that gives one to the ability to create heaven/sky and the other the ability to create earth.

>> No.421549
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>Let's just accept this and drink another beer!
I am Kanako Yasaka and I approve of this message.

>> No.421553
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That's no Guncannon, boy! No Guncannon!

>> No.421555
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ITT serious discussion of a drunk pedo's brainfart.

And I heard that this side dish goes along well with beer.

>> No.421558

Just so you guys know.

Suwako > Kanako

>> No.421560

>ITT serious discussion of a drunk pedo's brainfart.
You must be new here.

Touhou. Serious Business.

>> No.421559
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>> No.421561
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>> No.421562
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>> No.421563

Suwako may be cuter but she's Kanako's bitch.

>> No.421564
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>> No.421567

I thought they were good friends?

>> No.421568

Cirno truely is the strongest.

>> No.421569

I think you're reading that wrong. It's a food chain. Kanako eats Suwako. Suwako eats Cirno.

>> No.421571
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>but she's Kanako's bitch
Pic related?

>> No.421573

Yes they are. Also if the translation on TouhouWiki is correct, then Suwako has gotten way stronger (and stronger than Kanako) since she beat her.

>> No.421574
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>> No.421576

I approve of these tits.

>> No.421580

No she hasn't. Suwako isn't the one being worshiped. Kanako is the main deity for Moriya Shrine. So it stands to reason that she receives most of the faith from the kappa and tengu. That and Sanae is her priestess.

>> No.421581
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>> No.421583
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>> No.421587
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Kanako is a pedo

>> No.421589

red shirt, cross shaped mirror on chest, black skirt


>> No.421592
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>> No.421596

Both are getting faith so they're both being worshipped, learn your touhou.

>> No.421597

This thread has awakened me to Kanako's greatness

>> No.421598

No twin tails

>> No.421599

Kanako's the best because she flies around killing you while sitting down.

Also guncannons and disco lights.

>> No.421600

Kanako is giving me that hot adult vibe that Yukari emanates. Although a bit less refined than her.

>> No.421601

That's because she drinks too much.

>> No.421605

That's how it worked in the real world when they were both worshiped as a single god known as Moriya. But when they moved to Gensokyo Kanako is the one receiving the most faith. This is why she sends Sanae out to go preach her good word to the humans and other youkai of Gensokyo as well as to tell Reimu to close up shop.

>> No.421609
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Did someone say disco?

>> No.421610

She just wants Reimu to join her because her shrine is a derelict piece of shit.

>> No.421611
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>> No.421612

Sanae was afraid of leaving the world of humans, but as a person with the power to call on miracles, the anticipation she felt for going to a world of miracles outweighed her terror.

She did not take the humans of Gensokyo seriously. She thought that if they threatened the only shrine in Gensokyo, the Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo itself would submit to their every wish. She went to deliver her ominous message to Reimu, and then was in turn defeated.

>> No.421615
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Unlimited Faith Pillar Works

>> No.421616

Well Reimu should have turned her shrine into a Hakurei Barrier Gift Shop a long time ago. I mean she gets almost no visitors that would worship the god of that shrine, thus she gets no donations. Only "people" that actually visit her are youkai and Marisa. They all come hang out nothing more than that.

>> No.421617

Went to tell Message.
Returned home
Reimu/Marisa visit mountain

>> No.421618


>> No.421619

Shit. Where do I sign up to get a piece of that raping Sanae action?

>> No.421621

Reimu: Well, anyway, it'd be bad for me if you tried to
take over our shrine, so could you please stop?

Kanako: I have no such intention. I just wish to help save your shrine. I just want to see more people gather at your shrine. I just want to free it from the clutches of the youkai.

>> No.421623

No, Sanae didn't get her shit kicked out of her face when she told the message.

>> No.421624

Kanako thought that to keep Gensokyo's balance, she must now acquire the faith of the youkai and humans beneath the mountain.

To achieve that, she must utilize the Hakurei Shrine else things won't proceed smoothly. Much remained before should would be able to regain the same amount of faith she'd had in the outside world.

>> No.421625

So the Hakurei shrine is a shithole and she wanted to make it better with her powers.

>> No.421626

Reimu is an atheist. Also does the Moriya shrine give special "services" just like the Hakurei shrine?

>> No.421629
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Not pedo

>> No.421631

But her shrine has a god in it.


Also she summons those travel gods in SSiB.

>> No.421633

Well. Anything is better than what the Hakurei Shrine is right now. Kanako basically wanted to be used as another place of worship in order for her to gather more faith.

>> No.421635


This reminds me of that Sanae bad end

>> No.421634

Moriya shrine gathers more and more faith
Hakurei shrine still doesn't gather any faith
Hakugyokurou shrine people are already dead.

hax TENGUW imbalance of power caused bad Hakurei management.

>> No.421636

>caused by

>> No.421638

Does anybody know why the Hakurei shrine collapsed in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody?

>> No.421639

Bad weather and earthquakes.

>> No.421640

Summoning the power of the Shinto gods is apparently something that all Shinto shrine maidens can do. That doesn't mean that those gods belong to that particular shrine. As I understand it every shrine has a patron/resident deity. Like how Hanyuu is the resident deity for the Furude Shrine and how Suwako and Kanako are the deities for Moriya Shrine.

>> No.421644
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>> No.421645

reimu didn't care and let it rot

>> No.421647
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>> No.421649

Thus Reimu got pissed again and decided to take her anger out on random people/youkai.

>> No.421651
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>> No.421653

What a bitch

>> No.421654

SWR isn't out yet.

Who knows, maybe she won't be part of the story at all and will spend all her time trying to hire a contractor.

>> No.421656
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Bring back Mima, ZUN! ZUUUUUUUUUN!

>> No.421657

The demo has been out since forever and Reimu is a playable character in it.

>> No.421660
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Huge Kanako is huge

>> No.421662
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>> No.421663

Touhou 1: Reimu goes on a genocidal rampage.
Touhou 2: Reimu seeks revenge for Mima's revenge for Reimu's previous rampage.
Touhou 3: Reimu interferes with academia and scientific progress.
Touhou 4: Reimu kills a youkai who tried to help her.
Touhou 5: Reimu orphans Alice and destroys an entire world for its creator's belief in free enterprise.
Touhou 6: Reimu places a little girl under house arrest.
Touhou 7: Reimu prevents an innocent girl from being revived.
CoLA: Reimu mugs a youkai for reading.
Touhou 7.5: Reimu breaks up parties.
Touhou 8: Reimu strips away Gensokyo's defenses against a Lunar invasion.
Touhou 9: Reimu attacks people for no good reason.
Touhou 10: Reimu oppresses other religions.

>> No.421664

Seeing how the Hakurei shrine is a pile of firewood, the god who lives their might wake up and be pissed.

As such, the final boss may be somebody who's known to have resided at the Hakurei shrine as a deity.

Of course, with "Scarlet" in the title, the final boss could just be Flandre after discovering waterproof sunblock.

>> No.421667

won't anyone create a patch for IN that replaces reimu with sanae, yukari with kanako and ran with suwako?

>> No.421669
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>> No.421670

but reimu is the scarlet-white now, so yeah.

>> No.421671
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>> No.421673
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>> No.421674

>waterproof sunblock
I wouldn't be surprised if Kourin selling this is how Remilia gets to fight.

>> No.421675
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>> No.421676

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody will introduce a dragon loli.

ZUN agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.421677

Remilia normally goes out with a parasol if she needs to go out during the day.

And in IaMP if any player selects her then you can't pick some of the day stages.

>> No.421679

You again with the dragon loli? It's already been established that there are no more dragons in Gensokyo. Last time one was seen was when the Hakurei Border was set up.

>> No.421683

Needs more loli.

>> No.421684
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>> No.421685
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Take that vampire!

>> No.421686

But with SWR, sunlight and rain are part of the battles.

What'll they do if there are night stages? Extreme moonlight?

>> No.421690

Then it is doubtful Remilia will be in SWR. She is unable to leave the mansion when it rains.

>> No.421692

People also knew that there were no oni in Gensokyo.

1. dragons are not lolis and have the size of an Extra Stage.
2. I don't want loli dragons,
even the remnant of the Silent Shrine would be more appropriate.

>> No.421694


>> No.421691

lol, hi.

Anyways, dragons were *last seen* in Gensokyo around the creation of the Hakurei Border, but that doesn't necessarily mean they disappeared for good. Wasn't it also thought that the Oni had permanently secluded themselves from humanity as well?

>> No.421699


They have. Why do you think they're in gensokyo?

>> No.421700

Dragons live high in the atmosphere and eat ozone.

Also, 120 years ago, a dragon use his magic powers and got the Hakurei maiden at the time pregnant, then stole the baby.

Dun dun.

>> No.421702

It's only Suika in Gensokyo though. We have no idea where the other oni ran off to.

>> No.421707


>> No.421708
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>> No.421709


>> No.421714

It is thanks to the dragons that the rain falls, the rivers flow, and that Gensokyo is forever enveloped in a verdant green.

They rarely appear, and are said to show up only in Gensokyo's greatest times of need, blocking out the sky.

When they appear, rainbows and rivers trail after them.

Gensokyo's greatest times of need = Not even Reimu can handle it

>> No.421717
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>> No.421718
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No wonder the shrine is a pile of rubble and wood now.

>> No.421719

>When they appear, rainbows and rivers trail after them.

>> No.421721

- Strange, erratic weather in the middle of summer.
- Earthquakes (that destroyed the Hakurei Shrine).

In all likelyhood, ZUN will probably introduce (or bring back?) another youkai that is responsible for the weather. The events of SWR being caused by the Scarlet Devil Mansion or the Moriya Shrine are probably more valid theories; still, I can't imagine ZUN recycling them as the main antagonists again.

>> No.421724

>Gensokyo's greatest times of need = Not even Reimu can handle it

If dragons decided to nuke Gensokyo, you know Reimu will Rambo through whatever defenses they have and give them what-for all up their asses.

>> No.421725

Any number of youkai can do that though. If it were a dragon the entire sky would be blotted out.

>> No.421726
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>> No.421731

Or it could be curses. Mima.

Of course, everybody will blame the Moriya shrine, and Kanako/Suwako will probably be the new Yukari battle.

>> No.421732
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>> No.421738

Dragons > Reimu
ZUN agreed. Don't bother him about it.

According to PMiSS: Gensokyo's highest-order gods. They are worshipped by humans and youkai alike, in fact, by all living creatures.

Their cries rend the heavens and cause thunderstorms. When they stir about mountains crumble and earthquakes occur. Who knows what would happen to Gensokyo if someone were to invoke one's wrath.

Incidentally, dragons can go anywhere, regardless of the great border. Even to the outside world, the Netherworld, or Hell.

>> No.421741
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>> No.421742
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>> No.421744
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>> No.421746
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From Google Translation of the SWR site:

>Miko will go from the mountains and経とうnearly a year.

>博麗神社の危機も免れ、何事もなくいつも通りの暑い夏が訪れている。 Rei Hiroshi shrine is immune to the crisis, as usual without incident came in the heat of summer.

>だが、巫女は日照り続きという異常気象に悩まされていた。 However, the priestess is a drought-plagued abnormal weather.
>何故か梅雨の間も、神社には殆ど雨が降らなかったのだ。 Why even during the rainy season, most of the rain降らなかったshrine.

節外れの雪……。 It is not only the continuing rain forests, Tate Hiroshi always invisible in the thick fog, snow…… untimely.

>異常気象もここまで来るともう立派な異変であった。 Abnormal weather is fine here comes another catastrophe.

>> No.421747

>異常気象の実情を把握している者は誰一人居なかった。 Abnormal weather grasp the reality is that no one居なかった.

>だが、巨視的に観察すれば誰の目にも明らかだったであろう。 However, the observed macroscopic if it was clear to everyone.

者……。 Sunny always keep around and continue down in the drizzling rain and thick fog enveloped in those…….

>そう、気象現象は個人の周りだけで起こっていたのだ。 Yes, the weather phenomenon only occurred in individuals was around.
であろう。 Clashes in various meteorological phenomena when appropriate, the real thing begins to abnormal weather.

地に響いた。垣間見たidentity of the abnormal weather, the war in resolving major catastrophe is a signal響いたearth.

>> No.421748

And then Reimu kills one because ZUN was so drunk off his ass that he forgot about that technicality.

>> No.421756

Man, Kanako is kinda hot

>> No.421759

Dragons taste like chicken.

>> No.421760
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>> No.421764
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>> No.421766


After the shrine maiden entering in the mountain, nearly one year it had been about probably to pass.

It escapes also the crisis of the Hiroshi 麗 shrine, the summer when always sort is hot many things without has visited.

But, the shrine maiden was bothered in the unusual weather, day shining continuation.
Why between rain, the rain did not fall almost in the shrine.

Is not just that, the forest which the rain continues to get off, are not visible with the always deep fog snow ...... of the Western style building and the off-season which.

When also unusual weather comes to here, already it was nice accident.
The person who grasps the actual condition of unusual weather did not stay everyone's one person.

>> No.421768
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Sanae has two mommies.

>> No.421771

Sounds like a drunk man wrote this.

>> No.421772


>> No.421773
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>> No.421778

are there any decent kanako h-doujins?
i want to worship her, if you know what i mean

>> No.421779
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>> No.421782
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>> No.421784
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>> No.421804

Not that I've seen. But it probably exists.

>> No.421808
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Isn't it sad, Sanae?

>> No.421825

I've seen porn of Sanae, Hina, Nitori, and Suwako. But not Kanako.

>> No.421896

I'm only just now realizing that's a teardrop on the photo. ;_;

>> No.421901


>> No.421913

It's actually vagina juice.

>> No.421924

You heartless bastard.

Sanae had to give up her entire life when the shrine moved to Gensokyo. Her friends, her family... ;_;

>> No.421926

i thought the girl was some kind of jellyfish priestess

>> No.421937

She gets fucked by Kanako. It's a fair trade.

>> No.421938
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>> No.421946

Where do I sign for that deal?

>> No.422490
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I believe you are possessing illegal amounts of tits, ma'am.

>> No.422509

One would argue she has the right amount. She is a goddess after all.

>> No.422541
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>> No.422544
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>> No.422551
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>> No.422558
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