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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 400x395, soku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4210357 No.4210357 [Reply] [Original]

New thread...

>> No.4210372
File: 421 KB, 918x800, 1264053414357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.10 weather patch is out.


>> No.4210401 us west (stay away you eurofags!)

just started playing/623 is really hard tier

>> No.4210402
File: 11 KB, 405x188, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows what this says? I'm having trouble installing the 1.10 patch.

>> No.4210410

I think it's saying the directory you're using has invalid symbols.

>> No.4210437

Change your computer back to English locale to install it or manually put in the \ (I couldn't for whatever reason). It won't read the yen symbols of the directory it's installing to.

>> No.4210474

do what i do and do 2626 if you are using a keyboard, 626 works some times.

>> No.4210494

>Observer of Transformation: C version now places a red eyegap. This gap fires if the enemy blocks.


>> No.4210503

>for half an orb

>> No.4210514

That's somewhat a relief, but dealing with Yukari, even half an orb matters!

>> No.4210563
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words are necessary just yet, but you know they'll be coming.
US Central

>> No.4210590

US West.

Whatever tier. Don't use Utsuho, she makes my game crash.

>> No.4210591

Eat PSI Danmaku, vile tree!

>> No.4210608

how do i forward ports? default doesn't seem to work.

>> No.4210617

Google is a good place to start.

>> No.4210618
File: 10 KB, 320x240, Touhoumother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related

>> No.4210627

Hmm. Integrated graphics card?

>> No.4210630

Thanks for the help. Now to learn new iku

>> No.4210636

Aye, just checking in on the oak. Not such a fine nesting place for use froggies, so I'll be minding my frog business some other places. See you around.

>> No.4210641

I cried during that. A lot.

>quitting after one match

Hurrr. Good show though, Su; I don't think I'd played you since Mizuumi #hiso, not that I think about it. Suwako really is buffed to shit now, so much so she can even stand up to her archnemesis Cirno.
Here I was thinking she got nothing but a bunch of speed buffs, but alt 236 air-usable? Yikes.


>> No.4210653



>> No.4210677
File: 262 KB, 803x600, ab8496e98a942bcdf126b8d96a032828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna be 1.10 Alice Tier

>> No.4210686

your in US right? have no idea why i was getting 30 frps but what ever.
Sanae hop is moe. I don't like saber cirno fucking spins everywheres.

>> No.4210693

Noobish Reimu and Marisa player here. You destroyed me. Good game.

>> No.4210698

Thank you for posting that kind anon, I was trying to remember what it was but couldn't, hurrp.

>quitting after one match again

Derp, I'm a magnet for this today. Though this time I don't blame you because that was some silly lag; I'd been having lag against some people today and none against others, it's really weird especially when you consider those I'd been lagging against are people I regularly play with no lag.
Well, whatever, Sanae has some cool tricks now. Keep working on those, bro, and someday you may become a headstomp champion.

Reeeehostan, probably for the last time today.

>> No.4210718
File: 184 KB, 1360x1024, what2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where does it say limit in the config file? Do I just copy and paste that line in?

>> No.4210721 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 418x467, 1263782039496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when Air Sword
>my face when Sanae 3[A] has range
>my face when Head Stomp

>> No.4210732

I don't need to mention the latency, but whatever hurrs your durr. So many useless alt. skills are noe usable, I can make several playable decks now!

>> No.4210741


Still lag. Seems like we won't be able to play anytime soon.

Strange since I get good latency with other people in US central.

>> No.4210755

I am 12 and what is this tier.

>> No.4210784

Is 1.10 a new update for the game? I've been a bit out of it lately but try and keep it up to date if I ever want to get my ass kicked online.

>> No.4210791


It's a meme, ignore it. Just host here and we will play you.

>> No.4210792

Yes. Go to the wiki or tasofro's site for the link and the English Weather patch for it.

>> No.4210829


GGs. Sorry for being too rough, was testing a new deck.

>> No.4210865


GGs Alice player. I am terrible when playing in lag.

>> No.4210870

rehosting >>4210755

>> No.4210892

gg ryus i feel bad now
i hate that string, even when i BE i couldnt get out, maybe i should of BE up, think it would of worked?

>> No.4210893

Earthbound was the first RPG I ever beat, when I was 7 years old.
Those trees fucking terrified me.

>> No.4210906

I'm not too sure myself.


>> No.4210950

Good games, Tree. Dat delay.

It sure would've been nice if Meiling would've gotten nifty new skill effects like the other characters, but she was already too top tier, amirite?

>> No.4210963
File: 7 KB, 268x269, 1253491144717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face at Alice actually being good

Anyway GGs Guy, love, but we're lagging and desyncing like fuck. Let's play again sometime and hope it's better, 'kay?

Pretend what's inside these spoilertags is a treeagraph.

Aaand dehosting for today, you scrubs enjoy your 1.10. It's like an entirely new game with all the new tricks they added, goddamn.
But Nitori ;_;

>> No.4210970

you? 12? liar. i feel bad again, brb uninstalling.

>> No.4210989


GGs Daze. Was expecting more Marisa ze~

Icecar 214C = love (invulnerable frames + the whole screen dash)
Icetrap 236B = love (faster than 236C and sends oponent a larger distance upwards, perfect to time with a lot of attacks)

I feel Cirno can be the strongest fairy in 1.10.

>> No.4211001

Rehosting >>4210755

>> No.4211072



>> No.4211140
File: 105 KB, 314x361, 1259984790048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4211237

Oh my God, are the tourney boys going to have fun with Sanae. She's V.Akiha in corners now!!

>> No.4211288

any host or everyone off for dinner?

>> No.4211300
File: 56 KB, 600x600, Meiling17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey guys, it seems like we have a bunch of really low tier characters."
"Uh, I guess we should make some changes in 1.10 then."
"Alright, it's finally done! Let's release it! Hah, let's see them try to complain about Sanae now!"
"But what about Meiling?"

Why the hell would you nerf the Sky Dragon Kick midscreen BnB? Why?

>> No.4211301

Good games, you seem to know the basics.
Learn some combos, pick up a main character, play more often and you'll improve.

>> No.4211326

thanks for the tips! good games

>> No.4211330

Looks like I'll have to find a new low tier character to focus on. I kid, of course. My only goal had been to be the best Sanae main on /jp/ (not counting the primarily IRC players), but she seems so much improved that doubtless other good players will try using her seriously. Time to fix up my flowchart.

I was busy so I didn't have time today to figure out what else was changed for her, but Wind Tunnel's duration seems to be a lot shorter, or it can't be manipulated by wind as easily. I never really liked that alt. skill anyway.

>> No.4211336


Sorry for leaving quick. I had something to do. GGs.

>> No.4211344

I doubt there is anyone from Europe up at this hour, but I'll try anyway

>> No.4211404

Good games. Honestly, I didn't expect you to be so good. Got my ass handed to me, haha.
Need to practice more ;_;

>> No.4211418

Good games, Da Ze. Rehostan.

>> No.4211426

yep im still no match for you Guy, i wasn't going to let you take my dignity with that last match.
well uninstalling like the fist of the north star. Would like tips such as GTFO, or quit life, etc.

>> No.4211496
File: 2.11 MB, 220x176, 1256967924179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was once a point where I would never wish such a fate upon another human being, but it sounds like you're desperate enough that you might just want to try it out:

1. Go to #hisouten on irc.rizon.net
2. Ask to play Shy
3. ???

If you're really lucky you can catch him when he's not busy playing DFO, but Shy's like Contra 4.
Losing to him enough will make you a man.

>> No.4211553

so is he really bad or will he teach me how to love? anyways if i wanted to fight bad players I'll just fight my IRL friends who refuse to graze, even when I tell them

>> No.4211558

I'm really sorry to cut it so short, Saje, but dinner got here faster than I thought! I'll host more later if you want, or just post your IP whenever (I always keep an eye out for it).

Good games!

>> No.4211578

"Huh... The wind is starting to pick up... Wonder what that mea... MASH A, MASH A, MASH A, MASH A, MASH A, MASH A, FFFFFFFFFF!" Also, don't mind me, just going to mindlessly whiff every Emerald City I go for and completely suck at abusing Jellyfish Princess! Hate to be happy about a nerf to a character that needs buffs, but I'm glad to see China's Dial-A to five card super take a damage hit. 6.5k was a bit much in my opinion. Sorry about your Sky Dragon Kick. GGs, Guy. Always fun.

>> No.4211579
File: 32 KB, 272x368, 1240613950889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you say such a thing? Why would you post such a gif? Why here? Why? Please, just please. Don't be a fagoot.

>> No.4211599
File: 49 KB, 470x570, 1261872986978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latter. He's probably the single best player in the entire western community, and he's also the greatest sandbagger so you'll learn shit without being completely raped. He'll still use Fantasy Heaven on you though. Multiple times.


>> No.4211600

Shy will... "toughen you up", so to speak. Quickest why to get better is to take a nose dive straight into the shit pile and climb your way up. Shy will just get you there quicker, and play him enough to survive will just teach you to levitate.

>> No.4211611

If you really have to be 'that special little snowflake,' you can always main alice.

>> No.4211638

Tell to that Shy guy to come here and play with /jp/. I need to train.

>> No.4211643

>He'll still use Fantasy Heaven on you though.
Will he at least let me win a round so we can get badass FATAL K.O. music?

>> No.4211649

Alice actually feels pretty good now, though. I guess he could always switch over to Meiling.

You exaggerate. You caught me over-aggressively crowding your space without any sort of bullet control and pegged me with some well-placed Emerald Cities. The problem was that you used it a bit to often, so I ended up baiting it later. The 6.5k damage was because of the weather, I'm pretty sure.

Don't really have any tips. Play more, lose, learn by watching and experiencing.

>> No.4211650

Haha, Shy Guy. I found that funny. I'll tell him you said so.

>> No.4211652

Usually mentioning his name summons him, so who knows, he may already be here. Lurking.

>> No.4211662
Low tier EC Canada

>> No.4211674

If Soku Alice played remotely similar to IaMP Alice I'd have picked her up a long time ago. Alas, the differences are just too much to overcome.

I'll just keep working on being as good at Sanae as I can. I have no fear playing against her because I usually know more about her than my opponents.

>> No.4211689

>Alice actually feels pretty good now

>> No.4211715
File: 69 KB, 759x530, FUCK YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah; Sanae is kicking ass, Iku got hit with the nerfbat, but it's all good.

I'm loving the changes Yukari and Yuyuko got.

And is it just me, or did Reimu put on a few? She feels a bit...heavier.

>> No.4211734

>Iku got hit with the nerfbat, but it's all good.

What nerfbat? 1.10 = is 1.03 iku with somewhat usable dp and visible hitboxes.

>> No.4211740
US central
⑥ tier

>> No.4211752

( 'v' ) Heiho

>> No.4211757

What the hell? It's finally out?

US Midwest.

>> No.4211805

Emojis make me feel special. I call them shymotes ('v')

Please tell me to kill myself for being a reverse troll of dimensions ('~')

>> No.4211826


>> No.4211839

Krad beats Shy, now let's go back to being anonymous. It feels too IRC in here. Zomb, magister, and whatnot; isn't IRC big enough for your egos put together. Well, of course not.

>> No.4211843
File: 938 KB, 1420x2000, 1256915874386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm completely new to netplay.

Once I select netplay there are five options all in moonspeak. Do I change the second or third option to an isp listed here?

>> No.4211859

I'd play with you guys if I could figure out how to play through my double router setup.

>> No.4211871

US East Coast
lolwat tier

>> No.4211876


To join someone else, copy their IP and choose option 5. Otherwise to host, choose option 1.

>> No.4211881


I'll host if I could ever figure out how to play this game

>> No.4211888
File: 110 KB, 640x480, 1.10alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something is wrong with my patch.

>> No.4211889

( '.' ) Krad loses to Shy

>> No.4211890

hosting, WC

>> No.4211896

Nerf Alice.

>> No.4211904

well shy showed me a thing or two...never won a match...well i never won against you either but yea i feel like I can take it easy if it's far range

>> No.4211909

Anyone trying to get through? No one seems to be coming to my game.

>> No.4211912

Prove it.

>> No.4211915

ill join after i eat my taro cakes.
its taro. chocolate potatos.

>> No.4211920

My two favorite spellcards got nerfed

>> No.4211924

GGs E-Man.
As you can see, my brain just went on autopilot.

>> No.4211953

Yeah, you did that one wrong. That's your internal IP.


After you know your IP, go to portforward.com if you're behind a router.

I dunno man, I'd have a hard time beating Shy, much less Krad.

>> No.4211962


HOLY SHIT, Iku 6A is awesome now! Not only does the wind effects make her ever cooler lookin, but the 6A has range now on it too! After I saw you slap me around with it, I just thought they changed her DP, but this is even better! Too bad her 66B is still shitty, and I know I'm praising her now, but I'll be crying once beats gets ahold to her...

Headstomping Sanae's going to become dangerous once I tame her, but until then, Aya is the true Headstomp champion! Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4211980

Oops. Never thought of that. Haven't hosted before so here goes:
US East Coast

>> No.4211984
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 1257441390104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, canada west

>> No.4211988

Goddammit! Here's the full one, sorry.

>> No.4212000

cant join in, did you forward your port?

>> No.4212003

Not working.

1. Be sure your ports are forwarded. Also, it helps to post ":10800" to the end of your IP for others to connect.
2. Be sure you've updated your UNL to 1.10. You'll see it at the top of your UNL window it's version number. If not, go to the SWR wiki and download it.

>> No.4212014

I finally understand why i cant forward my ports.
>type in
>enter username and password
>cannot remember
yep either I get a new router or i lurk for host forever.

>> No.4212018
Is Alice good or bad now tier?

>> No.4212030

buff tier

>> No.4212068

Uhh, updated 1.10 already. When port forwarding this, what are the port numbers?

>> No.4212088

Anyone have some general Patchouli tips for a newbie? Maybe even some deck suggestions? My biggest weakness seems to be keeping aggressive players at bay. I usually just get raped into a corner, and then raped some more.

>> No.4212097

If you're using the default port, then it'd be 10800, but really it just depends on what port you choose to listen on while you're setting up your host.

If you use a Linksys router I can guide you through port forwarding, but otherwise you'll need to do some Googling.

>> No.4212102


The most common one for this is 10800.

>> No.4212106

buffed but still not good enough to make her acceptable.

I guess it goes with her not ever fighting to her full ability. It's sad too because Alice is my favorite touhou.

At least Reisen is good.

>> No.4212114

Did you even set a username and password for your router? Honestly, there's absolutely no reason to do so unless for some reason you're allowing remote connections to your router. Since it's local based, the default password for most routers is suffice.

Try leaving the username field blank, and admin for the password.

>> No.4212135

Cross my fingers this works now.
US East Coast

>> No.4212139

Also, some routers have a small button somewhere on them which you can only push in using a pin or something. If you push it on and hold it for ten seconds, some routers will revert to default configuration and reset the web interface login.

>> No.4212168

I messed up again, didn't I?

>> No.4212228

Wait a minute...what's the application name for Touhou 12.3? I'm using a d-link router so I may need a specific name for the application. I know I had to do it for uTorrent.

>> No.4212273

No, a port is a port, that's all there is to it. The application name is just there for show. The router only reads incoming data, it doesn't really care what application it is. Are you sure you're forwarding it to the right local IP? like 192.168.101 might be your laptop, while 192.168.102 could be your desktop that you play the game on, etc..

>> No.4212292

Rehosting >>4210755

Beware. Cirno only.

>> No.4212296
File: 500 KB, 1102x1080, Utsuho3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games nameless guy

>> No.4212303

I've never done this before, I hope I'm doin' it right.

>> No.4212305
Hostan Canadia

>> No.4212307

So the IP address I should use to port forward would be my internal, not the public one right? Ok, one more attempt. Please, please, someone goes through.

>> No.4212308

Good games, I love Cirno's new icicle sword.

>> No.4212310

You sure aren't

>> No.4212336
File: 97 KB, 721x785, MyPortForwarding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have for hosting with a DLink

>> No.4212374

This'll be my first time, anyone wanna humor me to test--seeing if it works.

>> No.4212387

I can't seem to connect, but I can't be sure if it's not me

>> No.4212389

US West

Just started playing tier, don't mind getting raped though.

>> No.4212395

Mine is a slightly different model WBR-2310 so interface is a little different, other than that it's the same. Tried forwarding this time through virtual server.

Anyone willing to try my ip from hell again?

>> No.4212409

Not getting through for me.

>> No.4212422

Lots of new people today

>> No.4212426

Port scan results for:
10800 Closed or Filtered

Your 10800 still isn't accepting connections. Along with opening it on your router, it has to be open on any firewall software you're running. Might want to disable Windows Firewall (it's completely fucking useless unless, imho), etc..

>> No.4212432

Im not sure if I'm at fault and my settings are not working correctly, but I cant join. Could you join the IP at >>4212305
for a sec and report if it works?

>> No.4212438
File: 94 KB, 683x706, Just in case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4212449

Still looking for someone.

>> No.4212463

Good games Saje.
So much has changed that I don't know what works and what doesn't anymore. Not to mention Suwako, She plays completely different now.

US Midwest.

>> No.4212465

GGs, Duck. Would've liked to have put on a better showing, considering how long it's been since we fought, but it seems our ~50/50 days of yore are past. The random function really had a thing for Suika/Sakuya on my side, heh. Always find it funny when I get Sakuya/Aya. I'll look at the cards and have absolutely no clue what they do. That's what led to that one game I threw away from tossing out the blue delay knives, I thought it was the blue slashy slashy card. Goes to show how much I use her, though she was surprisingly effective against your Patchy. I just remember Sakuya's 5B being a pain in the ass when I play as Patchy, because only 236B/C will get through it, so I thought I'd abuse the ever loving shit out of it. GGs, nice playing you again.

>> No.4212498


gg, games lagging now.

>> No.4212501
File: 202 KB, 837x646, My firewallsettings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

I'm a little paranoid taking down my firewall ever since I got a trojan when I had to do something a while back...Eh, never hurts to try.

>> No.4212503


GGs Harlown. It took some time for me to get used to the lag, got raped by your Yuyuko at the beginning.

Very laggy game. GGs nonetheless.

>> No.4212513

Rehosting >>4210755

Cirno only tier.

>> No.4212531


The only reason you got raped was because you were smashing I would assume but you did stop towards the ends.

I need to stop running into your attacks over and over again though.

>> No.4212581



>> No.4212612

thread on auto sage?

>> No.4212627

hosting, west, average

>> No.4212630


>> No.4212635

The post bump limit is 250, newbie.

>> No.4212659


>> No.4212752

fixed, rehosting.

>> No.4212761 [DELETED] 

>66C: Reduced graze frames.
That's it I'm quitting soku forever. Goodbye /jp/. ;_;

[spoilers]Gonna host later after I look through the entire changelog and am done eating. How's 1.10 so far though?[/spoilers]

>> No.4212771

>66C: Reduced graze frames.
That's it I'm quitting soku forever. Goodbye /jp/. ;_;

Gonna host later after I look through the entire changelog and am done eating. How's 1.10 so far though?

>> No.4212795
File: 769 KB, 1024x768, Utsuho15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main has been buffed
feels good man

>> No.4212818
File: 11 KB, 134x244, sanaeglasses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4212818 EC

>> No.4212835
File: 68 KB, 350x300, Chen yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4212840

GG again Nipah. Was trying to practice Sanae there and my other alt 421 with Youmu. Sorry about the lag.

>> No.4212847

GGs Sea

All the changes seem to be awesome!
- Headstomp Sanae plus many other great things
- Iku being the cool oarfish she is
- Air Sword Cirno (Air Car need leveling...)
- Air Frog Suwako
- China getting double the danmaku during Colorful Dance
- Can't put my finger on it, but Sakuya seems... faster now.
- FUCK YEAH, IaMP Air [Hover Forever] Yukari gaps are back!
- No changes to Reisen or Patchi it seems (thank God)

Alice seems the same except for the Rainbow bullets spreads. I wasn't paying attention, but did the Sticky Bombs happen after one level up? I do not like Suika Babies need leveling now for air use, but whatever, she needed a nerf, however minuscule it may be.

1. What the hell are the wisps after Yuyuko lands a successful Kiss? Those things are creepy.
2. WTF@ Komachi getting an extra j.8A hit after her Boat alt... Didn't notice any changes to ther 214 alt you did, but it seemed the ghosts seem to linger after it.
3. Reimu's 66C? Either they nerfed her height (can't really complain, even as a Reimu user, that shit was pure evil), or she DID put on some extra pounds or something!!

Been fun, but I'm going to go practice with V. Sanae for a bit. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4212859


GG, Judi.

>> No.4212867


GG's. Good job with the Suwako, that string; I can't escape it! Button mashing doesn't help either.

>> No.4212898

bump for v1.10 hosts

>> No.4212903

GGs Lolimew. First time I see those Sanae attacks. DAT LINE SPELLCARD, how does it work?

I am in love with the improved Cirno sword attack, it can even be casted in midair for superior confusion. Too bad trying to push 623 in the keyboard is a such a nuisance, 3 of 4 attempts go wrong.

I like the new icecar, whole screen dash ftw. I caught you many times by surprise with it. I kept trying to make it in midair but apparently I can't pull it in lag. GGs Lolimew.

>> No.4212908

Even though I didn't win a single round, still GG man. You're really good.

>> No.4212919


> Air Car need leveling

Oh... So that's why...

Rehosting! >>4210755

Cirno only tier.

>> No.4212931

East Coast host:

>> No.4212934

>DAT LINE SPELLCARD, how does it work?

She gets the super-est of super armor during that card, so you need to plow through her with a multi-hitting attack (beams or SCs), a grab, or just get away from her and block (running won't save you, you need all the spirit you can get to survive what's next). That's all you CAN do until one of the lines die out giving you some breathing room.

>> No.4212951

Sanae summons a bunch of lines while having invincible frames. They hit a lot of damage and keeps you stunned, sorta like Remilia's bats, but the line eventually fades away, so I gotta push you onto another line.

I seriously hate 623 on the keyboard, you do not realize how many times I was trying to do Kanako Tackle while playing against you. The amount of times I messed up that 66C -> MAGICAL SUN LIGHT OF DEATH screwed me up so much times too.

Cirno's new ice car is nice. Many of her improvements makes me wanna try her out.

>> No.4213095

Good games Profile1P! If this is your first time with SWR I think you're a natural with Patchy. It's like you're completely different when you play her, as I noticed you fill up a lot more space with bullets and even corner pressure with her. You should make sure to pick a screen name for us to remember.

>> No.4213139

GG Sage. Almost got ya there during the Cirno vs. Suwako match.

>> No.4213141

Seems the game froze, whatever. GGs, the games were starting to get really laggy towards the end there.

>> No.4213165


Looks like internet crashed on your side Raymoo. Anyway GGs. I have no idea what to do against Yuyukos now, I used to spam iceberg + katamari but now that iceberg has been nerfed to uselessness I have been left without the surprise element against slow characters.

Against the fast ones, improved icecar is pure gold.

>> No.4213180

GGs, Rudder. You need more basics. Your attacks are in the middle of nowhere and are more fishing than planned. Read over the SWR wiki, look up some combos, and fish for combos instead of random hits. It's a better starting point to learn from. Reimu and Marisa have some fairly difficult basic combos unless you decide to use alt skill cards (Youkai Buster for Reimu and Busky Sweeper for Marisa), but you seem to prefer spellcards. Your Cirno needs to use a lot less 6As and 5Cs. 6A is very unsafe midscreen and 5C should only be used to hit people when they're trying to get in on you. Hope you had some fun and learned a little something.


>> No.4213190

Good games to you too! I agree about Patchy, I'm really considering her as a main. Any tips for her? You seemed to pretty good while playing her.

>> No.4213241

Hostan from EU, early in the morning.

>> No.4213275 West Coast
Oh hey, Sanae got buffed! Now I have no excuse for when I lose with her because I suck. ;_;

>> No.4213301


Gg's man, also your name was sweet. I couldn't beat that Utsuho; totally dominated me each time.

>> No.4213303

I mostly use Patchy through flooding and reversals. I'm not the best with her but I can give you some advice to start out. Her regular fireball 5C is amazing, as you can fire them off on the ground, jump into the air and immediately fire a second set. Defensively, her flight characteristics let her stay in the air for a really long time, so if you stay up there and rain down B and C you can do well against most players. If you learn her whole moveset, it's easy to chain a lot of bullets together to fill up the screen and combo with. Finally, if the opponent learns to graze through all your bullets, you can start using reversals like the emerald city and silent selene cards to punish those who come in close for melee.

>> No.4213313

The wisps act wacky and damage your opponents while they're in hitstun apparently

>> No.4213326
File: 112 KB, 992x640, Iku18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games. The name is also misleading considering I'm much better with Okuu than Iku ;_;

>> No.4213372

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I actually have all the default decks for everyone so I had no idea what I was using when I was wasting all those cards, haha. I'll check the wiki out and try to get a decent deck for her going.

Take care, got some dinner to munch on. :)

>> No.4213378

Looks like that lag spike isn't going to disappear this time. Managed to get plenty of games in before it showed up, so I guess that's alright. GGs Claus.

>> No.4213393

Does it lag when people spectate your games?

It went up and down randomly. Our first five or so matches had essentially no lag, but ended terribly.

>> No.4213405

Rudder here. Thanks for the tips. Just starting so forgive my noobish button mashes.The moonspeak also has something to do with my suckiness to heh.

>> No.4213416

Good games.
My hand is starting to cramp up so I'm taking a break.

>> No.4213418


>> No.4213424

Have you read the wiki? It explains in quite a lot of detail just about every characteristic of the game and has guidelines for each character.


>> No.4213440

Good games, Duck.

>> No.4213469
File: 992 KB, 1600x1200, 1191109410484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My connection isn't that great, but I can tell when it is me; that would be constant lag. It started so well though, so I don't know what was causing that. Speccing shouldn't create any lag, as far as I know. Not that I am really good enough to be giving advice, but two things I noticed: You don't tech out of corners, and you like to spend an awful lot of time fullscreen; you should pressure occassionally.

>> No.4213518

US East
Seeing if i can host...

>> No.4213579

GGs, Claus. You gotta block on wakeup more, man. You lost a lotta health that way.

>> No.4213617


At least I could host, however horrible the connection; gg's anyway.

>> No.4213643


GGs Saje, thanks for the games. I had fun. I have issues when I play against Komachi, I have no idea what to do.

Careful with katamari, you kept falling for it way too many times and it deals decent damage even if you block at higher levels.

>> No.4213672

>- No changes to Reisen or Patchi it seems (thank God)
Autumn Edge (Default 214B/C) - Entirely new graphics. New mechanics. B version, very center focused blades, C version, blades angled very high and low, none in middle. The first upgrade turns the blades into homing, instead of having to wait to max.

That's a great buff.

>> No.4213674

ggs E-MAN.

>Sanae being able to guardcrush
>Sanae being able to pressure people
>Sanae being awesome
Everything I have ever known was a LIE! Oh well, I've been needing a new secondary anyway.

Also Yukari's 66C was pretty much butchered (less recovery, doesn't immediatly graze, which made me get hit a couple times), but oh well, it was to be expected anyway. At least Bewitching Bait got buffed some more and Zen Temple now looks incredibly awesome at levels 3+.

Also, what was Tasofro smoking when they decided to do... THAT to Iku? I could see why they'd consider giving her a few buffs, but geeze. Do they just pick a random character out of a hat every version and attempt to make said character amazingly good? Though after a while she'll probably be less overwhelming.

Shame they didn't alter typhoon, though.

One more thing: Is it just me or was spirit regenerating faster? It seemed to when I was playing as Sanae, at least.

>> No.4213677

GGs, Lunker!

I hate her so much, but Sanae is so much fun to play with now, don't you agree? And when the hell did you pick up such a fast Okuu!? Better yet, when did you pick up Okuu in the first place!??

BTW... has you're name always been Lunker? Why have you allowed me to call you Lurker all this damn time! Damn my eyes and Japanese locale's tiny fonts...

>> No.4213699

>BTW... has you're name always been Lunker?
No, it's a nickname. Blame Lim. (Is he even still around? I kind of miss playing against him)

My Okuu is really bad, but now that she's faster I'm a bit more comfortable with her. Can't play slow character at all.

And yes, 1.10 Sanae is great. Was attempting to pick her up (and failing) before the update, now that's she's buffed I'm definitely gonna use her some more.

>> No.4213703

GGs, Nipah. I've seen you around, but I think this is the first time we've fought before. Your Cirno's not too bad. Kept some of my better characters on their toes. A lot of that is my own fault though. I eat rolling orbs like they're going out of style. Nothing like a good snow cone. Seriously, how many of those did I think I could jump over to get to your other side? You also abuse 66C a fair bit too much. A lot of my characters I have no clue how to properly punish either of those moves, but against better opponents, you'll find that your reliance on those is a hindrance. Well, thanks for the games, but must be hitting the hay.

Hey, we all start somewhere, Rudder. Feel free to hit me up any time if you're up for it. I always do my best to try to match my opponent.

>> No.4213710

If I may throw in my hat as a Patchy main... A lot of how your Patchy will play will depends on which alt skills and spell cards you choose to go with. She's got some amazing tools at her disposal, but a lot of them are redundant. See for example Static Green and Emerald City. Both are alt-skill, grazeable anti-airs. Pick one or the other, not both. Similarly, Emerald Megalopolis and Silent Selene are both 4 card grazeable reversals, but there's really no choice there, Silent Selene is the better by far. Probably the most important choice you'll make is between Fireball and Flame Sword. Fireball you should already be familiar with, but Flame Sword is, in my opinion, an excellent alternative since it's your only melee special attack. Setting up a nice bullet wall and then smacking your opponent with Flame Sword as they try to graze through is very, very satisfying a very easy after level 3 when its range doubles. You'll still need to dig out Fireball against certain opponents like Utsuhou who have ridiculously dense projectiles.

If you find that you're very good on the offense with corner pressure and destroying your opponents orbs, pick up a lot of Noachian Deluges, Saint Elmo's Pillar, and Royal Flares. Deluge and Pillar are an instant 2.5-3.5k damage any time you crush an orb. Royal Flare (IF you can use it right) is guaranteed damage if you cast it when your opponent has less than 3 orbs remaining.

If you find that you're very good at abusing your projectiles, pick up Dew Spears, Spouts, Patchy books, and maybe some reversals (Silent Selene, Static Green, Iku Scarves, etc.). The reversals are to keep your opponent off of your ass so you can continue to setup difficult to navigate projectile traps. If you go this route, be sure to learn how to use j.6A and j.2[A] well as they will be important tools in punishing graze attempts.

>> No.4213716

Iku was always considered at least third from the top in every version(by the Japanese, anyway, if you want to get snippy about it). Her hitboxes were also always that big in SWR, just...you can see them now. And they're really stupidly large. But yeah, Iku still seems very good, especially considering how hard they slammed Suika and Youmu.

>> No.4213737

>- Headstomp Sanae plus many other great things
Curiously, I dislike that change. Even though all I do with Aya is Tengu Drum all day! The original j.2A was great, not least because of crossup potential as well as a knockdown finisher. Everything else is good.

>> No.4213768

How hard did they nerf Youmu in your opinion?

Personally, I'm liking the changes to her since I never really used rekka, and I love how you can shoot bullets while in the air with alt myon card. Im not sure if you could do this before but now she is a lot faster in the air and you can do silly things like a rising youmu elbow into 2B. Also, it feels like j.2A was sped up so you can do ground cancels with it again, and j.8A feels like it has a wider hitbox or better timing. You can also 2C very quickly, which can get people on counterhit now.

>> No.4213812


>> No.4213820

Hilarious new ways to go from air to ground? Cancel C doesn't make it stop? A low guard crush?

Suwako makes me jizz my pants.

>> No.4213864

But it still has it's cross-up potential outside of corners (in the hands of the pros, mind you), but you gain combo potential in corners as well. j.2A > bullets (not airtight but j.2C, alt236 or alt66 cards work) > 66 > j.2A, you can delay it and land it really low on the opponents hitbox as a surprise, slight delay and nail runners with another j.2A or preferably j.6A (it should stop jumpouts at that range as well) WHICH ALSO chains to another j.2A>whatever. I think I tested if the opponent jumps after blocking a j.2A, the pop-up from it can net you another j.2A at the height of the pop-up, even 44 nets you a nice j.2B to smack the opponent with, then chased with a 66 j.5/6A attack to stop run outs. Hell, if your fingers are fast enough, you can j.2A >( 623alt)> what-the-fuck-ever!

So many possibilities from one simple attack. You couldn't get anything of the sort with her old j.2A, so I'm in love with the new change!

Oh, and the new f.5A, the new 3A... it's... just beautiful.

>> No.4213871
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1263623879488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4213871 WC/EC ONLY

Casual Advanced. Pic is what I've felt so far in these nerfs.

>> No.4213917

>A low guard crush

OMG, the range.... I think I need a cigarette...

>> No.4213936


>> No.4213939

Care to host for half an hour?

>> No.4213942

Typical Suwako main. GGs.

>>4212818 Rehosting

>> No.4213948

Hmm, yes, I am starting to see what you mean after I did some experimenting in the meantime. There are some bizarre delayed j.2A strategies that get opened up (plus I love how it's possible to do the frivolous dial-A j.2A as a "combo" in the corner). It just doesn't combo too well into anything when it hits high. I was worried about the 2A 3A 5C hjc9 j.5A j.2A combo in the corner, but discovered that 2A 3A 5C hjc9 j.5A j.6A j.5B now works and limits, so that relieves some of my initial j.2A disappointment.

>Oh, and the new f.5A, the new 3A... it's... just beautiful.
Tell me about it! Almost brings a tear to my eye, Christmas has come late. But you didn't mention the new 6A--I can finally use it during blockstrings to actually punish people from constantly dashing forward (extremely crucial against a certain "Guy").

>> No.4213961

Guess I could.

>> No.4214031

MAN moves more. PUSSY moves less. Patchy is a MAN!

>> No.4214060
File: 527 KB, 655x900, 7302927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest
Perfect and elegant tier.

>> No.4214090

Thanks for the early hosting, Suwako really did become easier to play with.But then I noticed that I hadn't updated my deck, oh well, it's not like I can use her well. And Patchy's 214B/C Is actually useful now! The Patchy mirrors were a bit intense

I'm glad about the unchanged fireballs

>> No.4214145

I feel that the gameplay have easened up in this patch, allround. I can play Patchy more like I want. I don't like that the stone frog alt. can be activated from air, because of misinputs, so guess I'll skip that one for now. There's so much to like about the new patch; I even put the curse pool 22 alt in 2 of my decks. I'll see if I'll do some regulations with the Patch decks. Oh, that's right - GGs!

>> No.4214257

GGs Rabbit

Dat Patchi... Don't know where you get the extra graze frames from or the extra spirit from(I swear, about 2 times you were on your last orb and pulled out 3 different attack during and after it), but it's a pain to bring down every time! Also, seems the awesomeness of V.Sanae can't bring down the SOFTEST. Oh well.

Thanks for the matches. I'm outtie.

>> No.4214266

Ahh, good games E-MAN! Sorry to leave after half an hour but school bids me to continue working. It looks like I've fixed my net connection at the cost of being unable to host, so I'm glad to play you again. I definately noticed your new Sanae, and she seems very strong in melee with her ranges and Suwako attack. Also, I think I've found a new favorite Patchy to abuse.

>> No.4214571


Good closure games, whoever you are. Eyes are too tired to go on. Couldn't grasp the play, almost as Beat's Iku. Welp, see ya later.

>> No.4214617

Good games, playing you made me realize I need some Iku's system reversal cards in my deck. How many do you hold in a deck?

>> No.4214647

>Christmas has come late

I have to wonder what Meiling did to deserve coal in her stocking.

>> No.4214694


Four, or course. But I tend to not add that whenever I have 2 skillcards with 4x each of em because it'll run the balance of spell, skill, and reversal so yeah. It's just me though.

>> No.4214782

I didn't get a chance to try out Sakuya's new stuff, so when you used them on me, I'm like oh shi-wat. They look pretty cool.

I apologize for many of those retadred games. I've only configured 2 decks and they are both experimental decks on my Yuyuko while the rest are skillcard decks used to try out what all the new additions were. I was also doing a lot of stupid shit towards the end there so I'm gonna end it there before I rage anymore. GGs.

>> No.4214792

Great games Raymoo.
I'm dead as soon as I get stuck in the corner. Usually I'd try to 66C out but since there're less graze frames now that's almost impossible. I guess I should just try to border escape more.

>> No.4215271

WC. Half-awake tier.

>> No.4216240


>> No.4216461

Hosts where?

>> No.4216479

Not so good tier.

>> No.4216528
File: 237 KB, 1000x988, 595ec102bb9ec99cb3e3c9b6bb0c3c39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tons of stuff I should be doing instead of this -tier.

>> No.4216818
File: 623 KB, 1800x1500, db146ceed0a4e932a1764f02e42036b54b181ef5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck am I doing tier

>> No.4216924

Good games, resident.

>> No.4216949
File: 347 KB, 750x900, 5195117bce1187f4b16106b4327a6554b590c58b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs anonymous.


>> No.4216978

im bored tier

>> No.4217010
File: 151 KB, 600x503, Yukkuribath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4217037

no current hosting tier

>> No.4217088

Good games, disco.
It was more fun when you used Iku, who doesn't reward bad habits like press a at all times and hope I land a 3k dial a.

>> No.4217101

Good games anonymous
>it was more fun when you got massacred every time
for you, maybe

anyway, I had to do something quickly
I'm rehosting, so you can join again if you want

>> No.4217128
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Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I grabbed the 1.10 update from the Hisoutensoku wiki, but trying to install it gives me this error

My install path is C:\Program Files\tasofro\th123, my language for non-unicode programs and such is set to Japanese, and yet it still seems to be having an issue with the : symbol at the C drive. I'm kind of drawing a blank on what to do. Could anyone explain what I ought to do?

>> No.4217160

Now, I don't know Japanese, but it looks a lot like it's trying to tell you about the characters you can't have in a filename... Did you try copying the message and running it through a translator?

>> No.4217166


Set your applocal to Japanese fucking retard.

>> No.4217168
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I don't know Jap either, but I'm basically positive that's what it's telling me. I'm guessing it's getting pissy because my install path involves the : symbol, but I can't really figure out how to get around that issue

I guess I could try seeing if a translator would shed any more light on the problem, though

>> No.4217181
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Very thrilling games Idler, it was a pleasure to fight you. Your Youmu is really something.

>> No.4217198

Actually it's getting pissy because you have the yen symbol. Change your language back to English.

>> No.4217207
File: 422 KB, 640x480, th123 2010-01-24 18-50-38-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Akagi.
Sorry for leaving, I would've played more but
>I have tons of stuff I should be doing instead of this -tier.
so yeah.

It took a while to get used to slower cancels with Youmu, but it's not that bad. Several alt skills got buffed too, Overhead Flower-Pruning Slash hitting from behind combined with the 2000 or so damage on max level is troll -tier, although it's still pretty situational and even useless against some projectile-based characters.

You should keep an eye on your opponent's cards, activating Missing Purple Power when you have 1/10 health left and I have a 'Enlightened Sword "Rise from Delusion"' ready is a pretty bad idea.

Also, getting hit 4 times in a row by Suika's alt 236 - Foot Bellows feels pretty bad. It took a while to recover from my laughing at that point.

>> No.4217215


Samefag here. Taking a tip from >>4210437 , I tried setting my non-unicode language back to English and then installed it. Worked like a charm

>> No.4217214 [DELETED] 

Hey. Go suck a dick.

>> No.4217233
File: 447 KB, 640x480, th123 2010-01-24 19-15-15-76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and also
>4000 damage from 214[B] 214[B] on counter-hit that can be followed with at least j5A j6A for a 4500 total.
Too bad I didn't have a chance to test this out.

>> No.4217268
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>> No.4217284

I didn't follow the changes due to Blaze Blue PC leak.
Did they change anything with Reisen or Suika?
I don't know how first one is popular on net but I think she would need some buff to aerials.

>> No.4217325

Good games. disco.
Don't let utsuho's high damage fool you. You really are better with Iku than her. You just have some bad habits that hold you back. The higher Iku is in the air, the worse she is, so air teching alot gets you. Instead of doing j2a from really high, do a normal jump, fly back, then do j2a. If if hits, you can follow it up; it if doesn't, you're back on the ground and safe.
To get out of staggers do 623c or hj8.

>> No.4217353
File: 303 KB, 906x532, Iku and Tenshi yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games anonymous

>> No.4217357

New chapter of footsies handbook http://sonichurricane.com/?p=1123

>> No.4217379

Good stuff for chars with hoverdashes like iku and yukari; yukari 66b, aya alt 22, suika j2a, etc.

>> No.4217424
File: 297 KB, 1500x872, 1261806994206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should all start a list of changes we find

Here's the changes I've found so far for Alice

General bullet and default move changes:
All bullets have a new pattern. C bullets "fan out" in a style similar to Yukari's B bullets, rather than the fairly random distribution they had before. B bullets now do not go across the entire screen. They are limited to a short range in front of Alice, similar to the range of her 6A. However, now 5B does not wiff when point blank

66C has a new animation

6A is now chargeable

Special move changes:

Default 236C now does not travel as high

Default 214B dolls appear to be stationed slightly higher than before before they swing at the enemy

Ambush Dolls 236BC has been changed: They now hide BEHIND the background when summoned, rather than just standing in place and getting destroyed by bullets. They also attack in a different pattern. They will stay in place for as long as you hold the button down rather than attacking automatically after a certain point

New move: 4C. This move throws a doll directly behind Alice.

Still investigating to see what other new Alice changes have been made, but that's what I've found so far

>> No.4217437

Put it on the wiki.
Otherwise you're just being redundant. People keep "discovering" the same things.

>> No.4217459

Don't get too exited. The cancel period is so late that most chars can shoot you on reaction. The bullets also have the shortest range of the c's, and it won't fire at all if the doll goes offscreen. You can stop dash-ins with alt 214 spear and maybe stop some bullets with alt 236 yoyo. People just aren't used to it yet.

>> No.4217482

At worst, it has uses for oki setups. It's like I'm really doing 5C 214A in IaMP again!

Sanae: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/4206274#p4208045

>> No.4217592

Bump for hosts

>> No.4217600

Post bump limit already, friend.

>> No.4217653

Made a new thread >>4217644
