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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4199979 No.4199979 [Reply] [Original]

[ ] Fight using projection.
[ ] Run out from the shed.
[ ] Give her the answer to the previous question.

>> No.4200000

Can't I just hug her?

>> No.4199993

[x] Kill Sakura

>> No.4200012


inb4 a flood of faggots calling this a GET

>> No.4200015
File: 648 KB, 1024x1152, ev226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Lift my skirt, proceed to rape.

>> No.4200019

[X]Use harden

>> No.4200021

[x} Full force in the ass cunt and mouth.

>> No.4200022

Failget is fail

>> No.4200024

Rider hug get.

>> No.4200025


Can we regain some semblance of normality now, regardless of how shit that may be?

>> No.4200026

/b/ can't count zeros.

>> No.4200027


>> No.4200036
File: 75 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug Rider too.

>> No.4200041


>> No.4200054

[x] Sleep with Rider

>> No.4200067
File: 256 KB, 986x615, kiddo of GET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This moron spams for hours and doesn't even get it. GET faggotry aside, he might be the first mentally ill person on 4chan. I've called Bawson and Arc retards before but I never really meant it. But this guy...

>> No.4200075

You are an idiot.

>> No.4200076

The funny part is that they're mistaking 4.2M for 42M.

Non-get in slow board at 7 AM? Really?

>> No.4200080

>inb4 a flood of faggots calling this a GET
u mad KoG? I hate to tell you this but on /jp/ we don't care about such things. How did it feel wasting your whole night trying (and failing) to get something that we don't even acknowledge.

>> No.4200089

As long as things can get back to normal.

>> No.4200111

Hey bunbunmaru elite whats up?

>> No.4200123

Why must you assume that little old me is as intelligent and good looking as bunbunmaru elite?

>> No.4200129

[X] Fight using projection

You insulted me far too much and now you're gonna pay.

>> No.4200146

[x] Rape the Gorgon

>> No.4200166

Is that you KoG? Why are you so mad about this? We wouldn't have cared even if you succeeded at getting it. How many times do we have to tell you "we don't care about GETs." Do you think we're being sarcastic or something? The following is 3 reasons why you just wasted hours out of your life:

1) Reason number one, we don't care about GETs. Though knowing you, you probably only try to get GETs in order to be able to brag about them to your fellow preteens on your myspace page (or whatever you call that shitty website).
2) Even if we did care about GETs (which we don't) getting a GET on /jp/ is like taking candy away from a mentally ill baby. You'd be better off trying to get these on a board where the userbase cares about them. /a/ misses you.
3) Spamming the board for a few hours prior to the GET only makes us hate them more. /jp/ != a collection of manchildren. You might enjoy playing flash games on nonoba that were created for toddlers, but we have more important things to do like fap. I really hope you are underaged. Because if you're an adult that's going around treating your own life like a game it would be beyond pathetic (even by /jp/ standards).

This message was for someone. Please continue the ops discussion after this post. Everything that was needed to be said about this user has been said. Hopefully he'll learn to take a hint.

>> No.4200184

>Doesn't care about GETs
>Types up a huge post saying so, and explaining why.
Y'know, if you really didn't care, you aren't showing it very well.

>> No.4200190


It's pretty sad when you take this much time just to call someone out on something even you consider trivial. Especially when you don't even know for sure if it's the same guy.

>> No.4200210

>Y'know, if you really didn't care, you aren't showing it very well.
You misunderstood the point of my post. I'm trying to let him know that he's better off on /a/. If I had the power to stage GETs I would allow said user to get every GET on /jp/ and /a/ as long as he promises not to spam and/or talk too much about it. As far as I'm concerned he can keep them. I don't think there's a single user among us that cares about them.

But what I DO care about is quality posters.

>> No.4200322 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 400x563, danbooru_unf-p-114516442297801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KoG sent me
