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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2 KB, 416x57, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4199119 No.4199119 [Reply] [Original]

Janitor squad, blast off at the speed of light!

>> No.4199123 [DELETED] 

I'm wondering why the fuck they didn't do anything sooner.

>> No.4199140

Hi, I'm the /v/ mod. I just popped into /jp/ for my daily dose of weeaboo after a bout of playing MHFU, so I cleared all the spam.
Now denying their appeals.
Delicious tears.

>> No.4199142

Shhhh! He's just kidding God! Please forgive him!

>> No.4199144
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>> No.4199148


>> No.4199149
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>> No.4199150


>> No.4199152

so are there any janitors on /jp/? Or are other board janitors the only ones monitoring it?

>> No.4199154

Ouch... That was deliberate.

>> No.4199155

Hey, thanks for the help.

If you're still around, are any of the moderators or m00t aware of the "king of games" guy that's basically been picking threads and flooding them with Al Gore in /jp/ for the past week or so? He used to pull the same thing in /a/.

>> No.4199157

Thanks man you saved us.

>> No.4199158
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>> No.4199159

what are appeals usually like anyway? I'm curious and can't imagine many are legitimate.

>> No.4199162

Thanks mod.

But speaking of which, does /jp/ have a dedicated mod?

>> No.4199164

From the flooding in /jp/ for the last three weeks, that question answers itself with a resounding "NO"

>> No.4199166


No. We have, like, two janitors at best and one (incompetent) janitor at worst.

>> No.4199170
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Thank you sir.

>> No.4199172

-Plz unban me i was a newfag :(
-lolmod usuk brb restarting router
-Legitimate appeal


No I wasn't.

Idk, mods are all global but we have our own "preferred" boards.

>> No.4199173

/jp/ only has admins and mods who come by and cleanup stuff whenever fags try to flood, or something illegal is posted.

There is actually no janitor, we just have attention from staff because of how much stuff that has been happening lately.

>> No.4199174

We have a maid, but she seems to sleep on the job a bit too much.

>> No.4199175
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>> No.4199177

Case in point

>> No.4199178

thanks mod-sama

>> No.4199179
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>> No.4199182
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mods=gods etc

>> No.4199183

Thank you for your magnificent work.

>> No.4199185

Thank you.

>> No.4199186
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>> No.4199188

Well, he's probably laying low right now for obvious reasons, but he's been a real menace in both /a/ and /jp/ (though most have him filtered by now). Guy needs a full subnet ban.

>> No.4199190

Thank you.

>> No.4199191

Does 4chan even do subnet bans?

>> No.4199194
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>Delicious tears.
i bet they taste like happiness.

>> No.4199196


>> No.4199198

More like salty, wet copper coins.

>> No.4199199

Remember Hong Meiling, the tripfag who is always posting links to doujins and actually contributing to this board? His full subnet got banned for some reason. I think it was due to another user, but the moderators/m00t said they couldn't/wouldn't make an exception in the subnet ban for his IP, he's been forced to use proxies since.

Roundabout way of saying "yes, they do"

>> No.4199212
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Japanese janitors not taking a break.

>> No.4199215

Looks like a few stragglers and ban evaders are still here.

>> No.4199223

looks like KOG shit is back

>> No.4199226
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More like a roundabout way of bringing that up when a mod has read the thread.

>> No.4199230


They have a new thread, mod-san.

>> No.4199240
File: 394 KB, 800x600, 7dfc0d06237923ad105ee6db0c707ece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just come back a few hours from now and everything will be back to normal. It's nice to see a Mod from another board pop up here to help for a bit. You've got my gratitude, Anonymous Mod.

>> No.4199241
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Not anymore, apparently.

Nice speed.

>> No.4199259

Well, looks like that Mod-dono got bored quick.

>> No.4199260

as soon as i clicked that link the thread was gone. wow, that was fast. great work.

>> No.4199266

Well it was nice having a mod for a couple of minutes.

>> No.4199269


Fifteen minutes of heaven, eh?

>> No.4199270

new one

>> No.4199281

gone already

>> No.4199282

/bun/ has mods all the time..

>> No.4199285

yteah, they're getting erased

>> No.4199286

Bun can die in a fire too.

>> No.4199296

That place is way to slow to warrant an actual replacement for /jp/

>> No.4199309

new one

>> No.4199310


>> No.4199315

That's because so few of us have made the shift.
If more do, we can finally be free of this mess.

>> No.4199324


>> No.4199350

Give me a reason at least, sheesh.
Do you enjoy being raided like this?

>> No.4199369

(1)Bunbunmaru is full of faggots and elitist.

>> No.4199373

/bun/ is too restrictive, /jp/ has practically no janitor work. Both sound bad, but if you can deal with the bullcrap on /jp/ it will be more fun than /bun/.

>> No.4199375


>> No.4199377
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>> No.4199385

Raided? This is 4chan. THE ENTIRE SITE. Not just /b/. We don't get fucking raided. We don't care about being raided. No one gives a flying fuck. You can raid all you want and we'll have our silly little topics at the same time. It doesn't matter for shit and it doesn't troll anyone. Keep "raiding" or whatever the fuck you please. I'll keep not even noticing the posts that are not relevant to my interests just like I do every single day on 4chan.

>> No.4199393

You fell for the Bunbunmaru elite troll too? None of us look down at /jp/ posters - Hell, we all came from here, and we all still post here.

It's not running away, it's taking matters into our own hands. We could have our own mods! Not just hope some guy from /v/ passes by. Can't you see how glorious this is?

>> No.4199396

How is /bun/ 'too restrictive'?
You can post anything there.

>> No.4199397

Your site is shit and fail.

>> No.4199404

>/bun/ is too restrictive
What? It has a wider range of topics than /jp/.

>> No.4199415

Nooooo Derek, you can't leave us for /bun/. What are we gonna do without you? ;_;

>> No.4199419

He posts here too.
And no, he's not a mod, no matter how much trolls keeps saying that.

>> No.4199429

/bun/ is too slow, and I assure you, it will NEVER get any better, no matter how much begging you do on here.

>> No.4199432

LOL Bunnunmaru is all mods. Its a mod circle jerk.

>> No.4199433

Bunbunmaru works great. There are no shitposters at all. (:

>> No.4199436 [DELETED] 

Who fucking cares, its the same goddamn shit.

>> No.4199458

Monster hunter fuck year


>> No.4199461

Alright, so I'm stuck here.
Just have to become like this guy >>4199385
I suppose.

>> No.4199463

I "trust" U Derek.

>> No.4199499

Wow, somebody still believes that there's a mod watching this board!

>> No.4199547 [DELETED] 

For about 5 min there was.
I invasion link on /b/ keeps getting deleted :|

>> No.4199556

Key word: still

>> No.4199565

I am using the report button but report doesn't do shit, ever.

>> No.4199590

The faggot is just spamming this board to speed up his little GET, it'll settle down soon.

>> No.4199596

He gave up gets.

>> No.4199602


For /a/.

>> No.4199609

Didn't he claim he retired like an year ago?

>> No.4199612

What fucking get is he shooting for? I don't see one.

>> No.4199615


4200000, the druggie get.

Or 4199999 because it has nines.

>> No.4199619

Wow, whoever it is pretending mods are actually going to do something, please stop. You're making fools out of all of us.

>> No.4199625
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Some fag in my dorm got me permabanned months ago and the staff refuses to give us a new IP. I imagine subnet bans feel the same.

I just use Opera Turbo's proxy network to post here now. The bad part? I have to use Opera.

>> No.4199624 [DELETED] 

modz are asleep.

>> No.4199627

400posts to go.

Hey image spammers, this is a good chance for you guys to do your job. Go spam whatever you want till 4200000

>> No.4199638
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>> No.4199640

If you don't report you are not one of us. Go take up residence at bunbunmaru with the rest of the pussies that can't be assed to stand up for themselves. I bet you got beat down in school too.

>> No.4199648

We should trash KoGs online presence.

>> No.4199662

Actually, /bun/ are the ones who were brave enough and smart enough to leave their shelter.

Enjoy your KoG spam, peon. Us /bun/ Elites are laughing it up.

>> No.4199688

I'm the guy who was made all those posts about us moving to /bun/. I'm also one of the guys who posted in #4chan asking for the mods to come help us.
We don't want /jp/ to be shit, no matter what you think of us.

Fuck you.

>> No.4199692

bun fags are bunch of cry babies about how no one visits their slow as hell POS site.

>> No.4199711

I have corn chip heart burn (T_T)

>> No.4199712

To the one who asked why /bun/ is restrictive and retarded

They won't allow drawfags to call themselves drawfags, they demand that you call yourself a "drawer" or simply an artist

Come on now, that's retarded.

I'd sooner just filter KoG shit and play TF2 during /b/ floods than go to that awful place.

>> No.4199727

I have to unfilter to even see KxG.

>> No.4199712,1 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ and /v/ have (dedicated) mods but not /jp/. All we have is a useless meido that's only good for her sex appeal.

>> No.4199735

What's with you guys trying to spread FUD about /bun/?
It was fine last time I went, though I haven't been there since halloween...

>> No.4199742

>I'd rather we didn't use the "-fag" suffix here at all, but "drawers" already means something else.
>You could just call yourselves artists, I guess.
I don't see how that's a demand.

>> No.4199746

The post using the term "drawfag" was deleted

>> No.4199753

I don't get why anon hates on /bun/ so much. Wasn't it created by /jp/ so we have a backup board to go to in case shit happens? Also I think pretty much all /bun/ posters come from /jp/ if there are any active ones.

Then again, it's probably just newfriends trying to act all elitist and hating random things to look cool.

>> No.4199763

Back when you ere bunbunmaru elite?

>> No.4199768

What's wrong with the -fag suffix? It's a lot less annoying than -friend.

>> No.4199775


>> No.4199784

newniggers, drawniggers, touhouniggers.

>> No.4199789

Some of them are actually gay and they are offended by the fag suffix is my guess.

>> No.4199792

Sounds good to me

>> No.4199812

Lets pay Bunbunmaru a "visit" via pingflood.

>> No.4199815

Seems like mods are moving in again?

>> No.4199824

Yes, lets resort to /b/ level tactics. Faggot.

>> No.4199825

>hurr we are being raided by /b/tards
>/bun/? Let's flood them!

You're a retard.

>> No.4199829

Get out bun devs

>> No.4199833

Get out /b/tard

>> No.4199837

hurr I won't resort to /b/ level xD invasions, i must be from bunbunmaru.


>> No.4199849

bun dev

>> No.4199885 [DELETED] 

How come batards can't spell weeaboo?

>> No.4199895

>How come batards can't spell weeaboo?

>> No.4199915


You expect basic intelligence from a /b/tard?

>> No.4199917

I hate this spam. What's the point of GETs on such a small board anyway.

>> No.4199946
File: 304 KB, 1462x483, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this has anything to do with a get. Its just a raid organized by someone that wants there to be no /jp/

>> No.4199968

True story, everytime a board raids /jp/.

All of the content in this board spreads out over the other ones.

>> No.4199989

Well there is no going back to /a/ so don't think that will work.

>> No.4200001
File: 135 KB, 397x331, mikumikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well aren't we the laughing stock.

>> No.4200002


>> No.4200006

stay here

>> No.4200008

The point is all of the images and things condensed in /jp/ are saturating over time in other boards.

A good example is the Remelia Bat pictures flooding into /b/ a few weeks ago.

>> No.4200093

If the board disappears you will not be staying here.

>> No.4200101

What the fuck? Why would that happen?

>> No.4200107

moot removing the board because 'its too much hassle."

>> No.4200122

No i'm saying how /jp/ affects all the other boards.

This board isn't going anywhere since its not a trial board, its a final board derp

>> No.4200126

Final boards have got missing before.

>> No.4200132

Has moot made any statements about this board since he said it "lacks direction" in that one thread?

>> No.4200138

and then /a/ would return to how it was before the split, regardless of he wants

Touhou has always been on /tg/, but it sometimes pops up on /v/

>> No.4200140

He said "Why did you have to remind me that /jp/ exists?" in an /a/ thread.

>> No.4200142

I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to the guy who said the Remilia bat spread over to /b/.

>> No.4200145

/a/ has mods and you would be banned in a heartbeat.

>> No.4200148

Moot doesn't care about a lot of the boards.
There are a few that would sooner disappear before /jp/

>> No.4200150

That was quite a while ago dude.
It'll be even worse from the backlash of people who have been there all summer

>> No.4200161

Why does moot like /a/ so much?

>> No.4200162


>> No.4200165

Its relevant to his current interests, and isn't just a board made for something he feels needs a place or would be nice.

>> No.4200171

/a/ was originally /b/

>> No.4200174

Wasn't that bat a meme on /b/ before it got used as Remilia?

>> No.4200175
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>> No.4200189
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>> No.4200192

Do you actually think if moot removed /jp/ they wouldn't be watching /a/ like a hawk and banning anyone posting /jp/ topics?

You must be really new here. moot does not want this stuff in /a/.

>> No.4200202

no, but it would flood on to other boards and the people flooding /jp/ will just go back to flooding /a/ again

also /a/ is already shit anyway. Try making a thread about an anime that isn't shit like Code geass and watch it get image flooded.

>> No.4200204

Do you actually think that would stop people from posting them anyway?

>> No.4200208

Its hard to post when you are banned.

Sounds like you are one of those fags that want to merge back and be on a board where a topic lasts about an hour and then it dies by bumping off the board.

>> No.4200214

Oh wait, -now- I get what all the spam was all about.

>> No.4200215

It's not hard to use a proxy or reset your router.

>> No.4200218

ok, take /n/ as an example. moot deleted it because it was full of shitty threads made by ignorant rednecks/trolls and remade it into travel. He then had to change the name to /trv/ because people were ignoring the apparent rule change and still posting political threads. After banning a shitload of idiots, the rest migrated to other shitty boards like /k/ and /r9k/ and started making shitty politics threads there. I gurantee that if you click /k/ right now one will be about how Obama is a muslim/communist/some bullshit.

>> No.4200223

At some point you will be IP limited unless you live in a huge place.

>> No.4200227

and then it takes a 5 minute call to your ISP to get a new range

>> No.4200229

/n/ transportation is still there. Go there and see what "no mods" really looks like.

>> No.4200232

Maybe, maybe not. They might just tell you "enjoy your ban" since they know whats up and you have been violating their TOS.

>> No.4200236

ah, my bad, I couldn't see /n/ on the upper board display because my font setting is so tiny

point remains that /n/ was a utter shitstorm when it was remade

>> No.4200245

The truth was moot didn't want his man Obama derided by racists anymore.

>> No.4200260

dumb racists at that

seriously, just before it died I shall a few threads regarding Obama and it was utterly retarded. It seemed (I might have been trolled) that they were completely serious about the bullshit they were talking about. It was like watching fox new in imageboard form.

>> No.4200266

It was pretty lulz going both directions.

I believe ISM killed /n/.

>> No.4200269

Yes, but that does not tell the way to have to say what the more is to.

>> No.4200273

The only people who didn't like /n/ were people with real level headed opinions.
It was great, I miss it for the reason that it gathered most of the political trolling on 4cham.

>> No.4200284

The Stormfront racists have gravitated towards /k/ which is too bad. I can't stand racism or anti semitism. I am however not socially liberal on lots of matters.

>> No.4200331

It is too bad.
I like guns and military equipment and whatnot but I hate most people who own guns or are in the military.

>> No.4200347

Well fuck you too.

>> No.4200348
File: 32 KB, 846x296, guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guranteed 200+ replies on /k/

>> No.4200353
File: 519 KB, 1450x950, PixivFantasiaType8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guaranteed 200+ replies on /k/.

Ashitaba Type 8 Sniper Rifle
Mass-production top-break revolver rifle. Full length 145cm; much lighter than it appears due to the frame's 60% wood construction. Fully disassembles into 78 parts with 1 internally housed spare barrel. Two types of ammunition are available; a standard round and an armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS) design. Ammunition capacity is 8 rounds. The APFSDS rounds require caution as they generate nearly 8 times as much energy as a standard round and require a barrel change after 3 shots. Effective range of 600m, maximum range of 1800m. Scope is a meager 6x model.

>> No.4200354

>>4200284 here
I have weapons coming out of my ears and hit /k/ a bunch, I ignore the troll shit.

>> No.4200365

Looks like we're similar.

I wish that /k/ was more about hardware than gun law debates, liberal bashing, and 'lol slavshit'.
