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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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419894 No.419894 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.419908


I'm actually feeling alright tonight.

>> No.419922


same, im still girlfriendless but im doing pretty damn fine tonight. How about the rest of anon?

>> No.419935

Keeping myself busy just so I don't have to think about how ronery I am.

>> No.419934

wasn't that guy from last night supposed to show up?

>> No.419941

I have the flu. Too sick to think about roneriness.

>> No.419952

what guy?

>> No.419965

the guy with the hot younger sister

>> No.419981

Come join our ronery thread on /a/ anon

>> No.419995
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>> No.419997

Oh ho, so ronery thread once again resides on /a/.

>> No.420000


what a clever disguise

>> No.420003


Can't invoke ronery on /jp/ anymore out of fear for personal blog bans.

>> No.420014


fuck... i was just feeling pretty good tonight with my ronery brethren on /jp/ and then you went and made me feel really fucking ronery with that thread.

The worst posts in every thread are the ones by girls because it's just so irritating how EASILY they get laid.


>> No.420018

/jp/ was fucking designed for ronery threads

moot wanted that shit out of /a/

>> No.420027


No, what moot seems to have wanted was to kill ronery threads completely. Say to take em to /jp/, and then come up with something to kill them over here.

In the end, things went back to status quo.

>> No.420036

bah, /jp/ ronery threads are better than /a/'s anyway...

when they get off the ground that is.

>> No.420042

like this one for example.

>> No.420038


Did you mean

>> No.420039

Problem? rarely do they get off, but rather they crash and burn... at the hangar.

>> No.420052

Let's turn this into a misogyny thread then.

What's the most misogynistic thing you've ever thought /jp/?

For me I laugh when slutty girls in their late teens get raped. I hope a rapist attacks my college.

>> No.420058

I don't think these kind of things because I am not a dick.

>> No.420060

lol I cant even begin to list that... I think misogynistic thoughts 30 hours per day

>> No.420065

>>I think misogynistic thoughts 30 hours per day
>>30 hours per day

How does that work out for ya?

>> No.420070

I manipulate time.

>> No.420084

with misogynism

>> No.420088

Of course random otakus are ronery

>> No.420100

I never feel the desire to want something bad to happen to someone.

>> No.420108


Are you sure you're in the right place?

>> No.420109

what is and is not bad is totally subjective

some women fantasize about surprise sex and want it to happen to them, a survey in japan a while back confirmed that, something like 70% of women surveyed had fantasies about being raped

>> No.420117

I agree with this somewhat.

Women have rape fantasies, studies have shown a lot of them actually derive sexual satisfaction from rape.

>> No.420122

This is the place where ronery men who never go outside gather right?

>> No.420123

it comes from a very primal part of our evolution

>> No.420124

That made me randomly think of Invisible Man.

>> No.420149

I love the way /jp/ talks, also diseased sluts with their diseased holes, wanting cock to plug up their gaping, nasty orifice.

Wanting PENIS to fill them up, to fill the void left by daddy's absent love. Slobbering on that knob, gobbling on that knob, spreading their cunt-rot to men and corrupting their fine masculine spirits.

Nasty dripping slimeboxes, full of poison. Nothing but wellsprings of emptiness and woe.

Fucking sluts. They all need to die.

>> No.420158
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>> No.420171

>>420158 is a butthurt girl. I can tell because she has nothing witty to say, just a pic she found somewhere.

>> No.420200
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>> No.420204


>> No.420210


Obviously 11881949098.jpg

>> No.420212

today i visited to the girl i like, she gave her favorite book for me to read it... i asked her to watch a movie at my place, but she told me she had to help her dad at something i dont remember, maybe other day.

>> No.420220


Don't fall for it guys! She's summoning her persona!

>> No.420226

What the fuck is her persona going to be? LOL PIXIE?

>> No.420232


>> No.420264


Of course, I gave my Pixie Megidolaon out of boredom. Kickass.

>> No.420275



There were no updates so far?

>> No.420277

I didn't bother with anything too ridiculously fancy, sadly.

>> No.420287

wasnt he on around 2:00am est?

>> No.420293

I'm here, lol thought you guys had forgotten about me.

>> No.420301
File: 40 KB, 700x525, 1207718755881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, Anonymous, still ronery?

>> No.420299


So, did you ask to borrow Koi Kaze from her?

>> No.420300

oh ho, so there you are.

>> No.420302

It took me about half an hour to get, but it was worth it.

I'm aiming to have an Orpheus only playthrough one of these days.

>> No.420308

Yeh sup.

What's up with your imouto then? What's she doing right now?

>> No.420343

>Ronery threads like this was what /jp/ was originally created for, but moot ruined it when he said the evil word "Touhou." Nobody here wants to have a ronery conversation with those touhoufags because they fail harder than Gaiafags. A few days ago they were rioting over the fact that they couldn't roleplay as their favorite weeaboo characters and that they could no longer create fanfiction. The sad thing about this post is that I'm not kidding.

>> No.420352


This pasta always makes me laugh at the irony.

>> No.420354

I'm jealous of you Gerhardt...your sister sounds incredibly sweet.

Besides being my own imouto's first kiss (that was awhile ago, though)...I'm pretty sure nothing will develop out of it. While your sister sounds sweet, thoughtful, clingy...mine can be those at times, but can also be incredibly selfish and annoying, unfortunately.

>> No.420371


then you must be a pussy

>> No.420390


>> No.420397

my imouto's annoying as hell, a total bitch, and completely paranoid

i would NOT want to tap that

>> No.420405

what is this from? it doesn't look like a model from zero

>> No.420407


Since she's you're imouto you still might be able to influence her, but it might be too difficult/not worth it.

>> No.420438

sorry for not responding guys, had to help my sister with a problem that she was having with her laptop

>> No.420452


Really? She's still up? What time is it where you are?

>> No.420454


yeah, she should be sleeping... but we are both night owls.

>> No.420460

You should ask to borrow Koi Kaze and see what her reaction is :D

>> No.420472


So, how close is the relationship you have with her? You mentioned she falls asleep on your shoulders, but do you two fall asleep on the couch etc. together sometimes?

Anyway, yeah borrow Koi Kaze from her, it's a good start.

>> No.420468



>> No.420469

lol, I might do that tomorrow after I get back from classes. How can I do it without being totally obvious though?

>> No.420474

tell her you heard about it here and you wanted to read it

>> No.420482

Well, usually she falls asleep and I dont want to wake her so I end up falling asleep too.

yeah but I dont read any mangas, it would be weird to just ask for that out of the blue.

>> No.420481

baka... (-_-)

she will know about 4chan and our wicked ways.

>> No.420488

yeah, thankfully she hasn't discovered 4chan, or any of the *chans for that matter.

>> No.420495

is it in japanese, or english?

>> No.420493



>> No.420494

>baka... (-_-)


>> No.420499


Just say that some friends recommended you try out manga, and they wanted to start you off with Koi Kaze.

Or, since you said she enjoys manga, just tell her you want to take part in things she enjoys more.

>> No.420500

lol, theres that too... she reads all her manga in japanese, something that I can't do.

>> No.420511


Get her to help you out with it. It should be fun...*especially* if it's Koi Kaze.

>> No.420505

Simple. Ask for it as if you'd ask for anything else. If she brings up anything, look defensive and quickly say "I just heard it was a good romance, that's all" as if you're trying to hide something.

>> No.420507

>Or, since you said she enjoys manga, just tell her you want to take part in things she enjoys more.


Also, go over her shelves after you've said it and say 'how about this?' with some seemingly innocuous one and then say 'how about this?' with Koi Kaze next.
