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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 264x400, SongofSaya03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4193348 No.4193348 [Reply] [Original]

Based on the Japanese smash-hit PC game, in this stunning and heartbreaking conclusion, Josh and Saya track down the rogue doctors performing barbaric, experimental surgeries on human subjects... all in a quest to gain access to Saya's world. Josh and Saya's pledge to put a stop to it all culminates in a blood-soaked, mind-blowing finale in which they both pay the ultimate price.

>> No.4193370
File: 44 KB, 263x400, SongofSaya02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on the Japanese smash-hit PC game, the story continues with Josh's crippling pain held at bay by Saya's touch. He now seeks answers to both of their questions: What is the nightmarish world that threatens to overcome Josh's sanity? Once Josh discovers the horrifying conspiracy he's been embroiled in, he realizes it may already be too late...

>> No.4193366

I'm still disappointed they didn't name her Sarah.

>> No.4193376

>it all culminates in a blood-soaked, mind-blowing finale in which they both pay the ultimate price.
I fucking hate it when the blurb tells me which characters die.

>> No.4193374
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>> No.4193384

It's like they didn't even read the actual VN before they made this.

>> No.4193394

is someone going to notify nitro+ about this shit or what

>> No.4193407


Forgot the link

>> No.4193424

welcome to last month

>> No.4193438

>IDW's April Books!
>Tuesday, Jan 19th, 2010

When it came out 2 days ago? Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.4193490

...what the fuck? Did nitro+ let this happen or do they have no clue?

>> No.4193503
File: 735 KB, 1591x2338, N 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already know about it, and are actually pretty damn happy.

You know, looking at these new covers made me realize that the first one wasn't that bad.

>> No.4193527
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>> No.4193525

But uh..

>Josh and Saya track down the rogue doctors performing barbaric, experimental surgeries on human subjects
>Josh and Saya's pledge to put a stop to it all

When did "Josh" and Saya become moral in this story?

>> No.4193540

the moment it was licensed, did you really expect an end with Josh transforming mankind of his own free will?

>> No.4193546

It'd be a fun twist if this Saya was an entirely different Mythos critter (like Race of Yith who obviously have no difficulty blending in) and the real Saya and Fuminori crash this "rogue doctor hunting" party.

>> No.4193566

I don't see why they couldn't leave everything as it was but change Saya's body frame. Everything gets dumbed down for gaijins

>> No.4193580

I guess Nitroplus wanted to make a new story and not just repeat things. A questionable choice, indeed.

Still, I can't wait for the scans and shoops that will follow. Just imagine Josh and Friends.

>> No.4193581

I have good expectations actually, since it's almost as if the writers are trolling us.

>> No.4193588

Oh man. Nitro+ is really trying to make a break for western market... I wish they'd do it in better way, Saya is a great story that can hook lots of people when presented in right way.

>> No.4193613

That kind of thing was the whole point of saya no uta...what else would I expect?

>> No.4193615

no really wtf
those bastards should have kept the original plot
ok, no loli saya, i understand that, no one wants to go to prison
but really, the world should be destroyed
and the plot should take place in 2012

>> No.4193627

Josh and Saya killing the bad doctor and Fuminori going back to normal, then in a dranmatic climax, Saya leaves to her own planet/dimension

>> No.4193641




>> No.4193660

Couldn't they just say that Saya was a midget if people had problems with her frame?

>> No.4193673

and rika is older than you but mob psychology does not work that way

>> No.4193689

Great. I just wake up and the first thing I see is Saya being raped by the filthy gajin cocks of western writers, figuratively speaking. What a terrible way to start the day.

>> No.4193719

So much worse than being raped by a filthy neighbour cock, am I right?

>> No.4193744


Yes, because at least the neighbour was hacked to tiny little bits and then eaten. I don't think thats too likely in this case.

>> No.4193754

saya is not real, i don't care what happens to her, its a bad end either way
the story is real, and pure, and is not even 10 years old and it is allready being raped like this. can't they keep the original plot, at least until the story ages a little?

>> No.4193760

Unless /jp/ has a say of it. I'd recommend pitchforks and torches, but that'd require going outside and finding the writer's house.

>> No.4193779 [DELETED] 

I ordered it from my local comic shop, and it will be in next week. If somebody has a copy before I get a hand on mine, scan it so we can have a verdict.

>> No.4193779,1 [INTERNAL] 

Scan it and then burn your copy. Take pictures of the flames and we'll see if we can find a loli alien in them.

>> No.4193976

I...I just cried a little inside.

>> No.4194127
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>> No.4194143
File: 146 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Saya is pig disgusting!

>> No.4195411

Why do they give away the ending in the preview?

>> No.4195428

Wait, this is actually true?

>> No.4195464

>Japanese smash-hit PC game>Japanese smash-hit PC game
>Japanese smash-hit PC game
>Japanese smash-hit PC game
>Japanese smash-hit PC game
>Japanese smash-hit PC game

>> No.4195467
File: 53 KB, 552x700, 1264043681499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By Wōden's beard, why did you have to remind me of this?

>> No.4195475


>> No.4195476

So adorable.

>> No.4195574

You think you guys are mad, you should see 2chans reaction.

>> No.4195580

I'd actually like to know, but lack the moon reading abilities.

>> No.4195582


>> No.4195581

They love it I guess.

>> No.4195595
File: 28 KB, 170x306, poochie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saya leaves to her own planet/dimension

>> No.4195603

That description is unsatisfying.

>> No.4195599

Translate some of the better comments for us, please?

>> No.4195612

Link to some 2chan threads

>> No.4195633

That was my immediate thought upon reading that when it was first posted, but I didn't remember the name of Poochie so I couldn't google for images of him.

>> No.4195649
File: 53 KB, 796x598, Ryouko3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4195898

I just finished it again

Makes this thread even worse, fuck

>> No.4196108

I downloaded the game and will buy this, does that count as supporting Nitroplus?
I mean, they must get some money for this, surely?

>> No.4196279

>Support developers deserving of your money.
>Pay money for a bastardization of something you enjoyed.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't my good friend.

>> No.4196329

Jesus christ, my heart sank after seeing this.

>> No.4196335 [DELETED] 

The only reason I would own this is if it came with a localized copy.

>> No.4196338

The only reason I would own this is if it came with a localized copy of the VN.

>> No.4196346

I am disappoint.

>> No.4196349

Localized as in translated, or localized as in Josh?

>> No.4196352

Translated, without the Josh.

>> No.4196354
File: 133 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta_072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just buy the official release whenever Jast decides to release it.

>> No.4196366

>whenever Jast decides to release it.
In other words, never.

>> No.4196367

I appreciate someone doing fanwork... but gaijin cocks all over something like this.... do not want. At all.

>> No.4196377
File: 120 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta_084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.4196429

I would be curious to see what 2chans comments are. I have been unable to find much.

>> No.4197017

I don't hate the art, but it's FUMINORI you fucks, JOSH sounds retarded.

>> No.4197074
File: 287 KB, 327x1024, s220101601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4197108

Josh = Joshua = Yoshua = Yeshua = Jesus
Josh sacrifices himself to save humanity.
It's DEEP, motherfucker.

>> No.4197155

who this bitch be?

>> No.4197161

I swear to god, if I see anyone reading this, I'm going to punch them.

>> No.4197198
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1230126656371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Universal pressuring Del Toro to put a love story and happy ending in the At the Mountains of Madness movie.

>> No.4197233

Can we organize a book burning?

Steal all the copies of course.

>> No.4197236

So im guessing Josh is some sensitive faggot...and not a cool calm bro like Fuminori is...

>> No.4197248

You mean to tell me that Josh and Fuminori aren't the same person?

>> No.4197257

Well his name is Josh.

>> No.4197256

Not in terms of personality no...

>> No.4197268

>Can we organize

>> No.4197275

Why the fuck is Saya flying?

>> No.4197285

Eh, I find this a lot more amusing than upsetting.

>> No.4197287

We could make it happen.

>> No.4197294

I'd read it

>> No.4197295

She wants to get the hell away from this abomination of a comic.

>> No.4197306

>Saya no Uta


>> No.4197312

bastards bitch when chaos;head was being translated but not when shit like this appears.

>> No.4197505

What the fuck.
That's really fucking ugly.
Are the Nitro+ people blind?
