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4191087 No.4191087 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4191094

That tier list seems to be upside down.

>> No.4191098
File: 12 KB, 300x252, 2002avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd actually put American-Chinese food on top, Mexican in second, Italian in 3rd, American in 4th, and Japanese in last, but that's just me.

>> No.4191103

Wait how the FUCK do you rank the concept of an entire culture's food?

There's god tier all of those and shit tier all of those.


>> No.4191115

ramen is god tier
sushi is shit tier

>> No.4191118

why would you sage your own thread?

>> No.4191120

american chinese food is best?
you mean those noodle in a box take aways?
are you serious?

>> No.4191122

>Japanese Food
>God tier

Haha oh wow

>> No.4191127

I agree completely.

>> No.4191132

I'm thinking more along the lines of General Tso's Chicken.

>> No.4191142

European food > Asian Food > American Food


>> No.4191144

I disagree wholeheartedly.

>> No.4191146

Korean food is the best.

>> No.4191147

I completely agree on American Food being Meh tier, but the rest are on even scales for me. There's times when I feel hungry as shit for Chinese food, other times it would be Italian, Mexican, Japanese, etc.

>> No.4191153


Pretty much this.

>> No.4191160


Though if we talking about an In-N-Out burger, I'll stick American on top tier anyday.

>> No.4191164

European food is great, I agree. But I would suffer without rice. Combine both and I'll be very happy.

>> No.4191166



Fucking tasty Spanish shit right there.

>> No.4191168


>> No.4191174

Paella is meh

>> No.4191178


Paella with fresh fish and spices found locally is TEH SEX.

>> No.4191180

I had that once. Never ordering it again. It tastes so.. heavy. Aftertaste was horrible for me too.

It's the red thing put in there that I'm not used to.

>> No.4191185

I can't help but prefer good old American. Not necessarily burgers, but I love fried chicken like a nigger.

And our soups. Every type of land-animal you can think of is something we've killed and made a soup and/or stew out of, and they're all great. My favorite meal in the world is buffalo stew.

Of course, this is nearly impossible to obtain, being a NEET.

>> No.4191187
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In-N-Out? They have the blandest food ever.

>> No.4191189


Red thing? Peppers? Chilli? Tomatos?

>> No.4191190
File: 33 KB, 400x350, 1257902869635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by your examples, I can't take this thread seriously.
So, >>4191103:

>> No.4191200
File: 28 KB, 135x135, 1258110100612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to visit Mcdonalds today.

Big tasty + french fries + nuggets


>> No.4191202

the thing that makes the rice red orange, it's some sort of spice

>> No.4191208

I know it has a horrible sterotype, but British food can be very very fucking tasty. Get yourself to northern England and have yourself a rustic meal. Traditional game meat like pheasant, duck and Venison. Herbs everywhere with chipped sweet potatoes or a lovely spiced mash.

>> No.4191210

Er.. the rice is meant to be yellow

>> No.4191211

>i cant eat anything but grease-laden fast food

>> No.4191212

Offtopic junkpost.
Also, OP completely glossed over French food and should thus not be taken seriously as he's likely an Anglo-Saxon who thinks nasty britfag "tea" and burnt, cold toast in the morning is GRRRRREAT. Spotted Dick and all that.

>> No.4191213


Cumin, paprika?

>> No.4191215 [DELETED] 

You know what I like about Korean food? THE FUCKING SIDE DISH.

>> No.4191219


See >>4191208

Not all British food is bad.

>> No.4191221

Homemade chinese food is fucking delicious.

The restaurant shit is disgusting though.

>> No.4191227

ALL FOOD - GOD TIER except indian food, indian/durka food they taste like ass and smell like it too.

>> No.4191228

I'm not especially fond of shrimp antennae and limbs everywhere.. Sure you can eat some great paella at some places, but that's true of every food listed above

>> No.4191233
File: 160 KB, 800x600, 800px-Red_paella_with_mussels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow orange i guess
maybe i suck at naming colors
but this is how the color of the rice looked like

>> No.4191238


Cumin I imagine.

>> No.4191239



>> No.4191241

That paella looks horrible though, like something you'd find in a tourist ghetto

>> No.4191243

You are eating In-N-Out dip. It is grease food. And I generally dislike American food, nor do I eat fast food very often, but In-N-Out is the most overrated fast food place I've ever eaten from. It's just cheaper than most other places, nothing special.

>> No.4191248

and paprika

>> No.4191249

I've never heard of that spice,, so it's probabaly that. I eat food with paprika just fine.

>> No.4191250

shut up faglord

>> No.4191253

Make me, fat sack of Amerishit.

>> No.4191255

Don't try to troll, newbro. I know ED makes it sound like all you'd have to do is just say shit and some poor slob'd put that stuff in his mouth and it'd be HILARIOUS, but that's not actually a realistic expectation. They're just saying shit like that on the web to have something to put on their site.

>> No.4191265

You should choose the Japanese foods if you want to live long.

>> No.4191268

now seriously, the best food I've ever tasted is cambodian food, vietnamese food is also good

>> No.4191270
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Err...what? Your post is rage filled yet lacking in sense and meaning.

Please clarify what you are getting at.

>> No.4191277

Now I want a gazpacho.

>> No.4191283

Only thing good about Vietnamese food is Pho everything else is shit tier.

>> No.4191287

steamed and boiled food are fine too
they are my specialty and my favorite food to eat

steamed chicken with mushroom
boiled dumplings
steamed meat buns
boiled greens with oyster dip
clear noodle soup with white chicken

not only is it healthy, it's light on the pocket and easy to cook too. and it tastes complimentary with good tea, as opposed to, say, roasted duck.

>> No.4191290

Fuck ranking cultures. Food quality is determined by the chef's skill.

>> No.4191296

well ok, but steamed dog shit is still steamed dog shit no matter who the chef is

>> No.4191305
File: 136 KB, 640x480, Korean food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese food tastes "boring", Korean food is where it's at.

>> No.4191309

"the chef's skill" is that the highest country is Japan.

>> No.4191314

...you know anything called "In and Out" is sorta a joke, right? Kinda like British food, you'd have to be naive to eat it and nobody seriously expects you to.

Learn to use the correct copy-pasta for the situation.

I mean, you're going to find that internet trolling is an unfulfilling waste of your time anyway, but get it right.

>> No.4191320

yes, korean restaurants are criminally awesome
everything except the main dishes and drinks can be refilled for free
so that's 17 out of 20 in that picture that is unlimited refill

>> No.4191321

At first Korea should learn how to use tableware.
It is not a prison.

>> No.4191324


Dude what the fuck are you talking about? Are you sure my post was the one you are refering to?

Why all the asspain?

>> No.4191332


Wait... what?

>> No.4191333

Not really. You can make a perfect "haggis" but it's still nothing but a health code violation.

>> No.4191337


You need to fix your troll detector bub, better yet get off /jp/. Your kind of shit posting is an eyesore. Keep that shit in /a/.

>> No.4191342

>At first Korea should learn how to use tableware.
Typo, typo, lol.

>> No.4191349

america has become the new motherland of hamburger even though its origins are from germany

kind of like tempura originating from portugal but is now associated with glorious nippon

>> No.4191360

Mexican corn salad.
peking pork - with rice.
Barbecue/oven ribs - if you want to get all picky about "origins" and "whose is better", turkeys - try and find THAT outside of america.
Garlic bread/croutons.
REAL curry.
shawarma with hummus sauce.
Fish n chips.
Ice cream (yes it's french).
pickled spicy lettuce (don't laugh at it till you at least try it).
Polish sausage.
I haven't had much japanese food but ramen should be good.

>> No.4191368


>> No.4191369

I don't know about you guys but I love Chinese food. SOOOooo delicious.

>> No.4191391

Ramen is the cheapest dish in Japan.
Please think that it is an American hamburger.

>> No.4191398

The thing about chinese food is that more than half of it is shit because let's face it - china isn't known to have always had a shitload of food.
And then half the chinese restaurants are shit. Buffet chinese food is garbage 99% of the time.
The nail in the coffin is that you never know what you really ordered until you take a bite of it.

>> No.4191412


>> No.4191413

>Buffet chinese food is garbage 99% of the time.
Well no shit.

>> No.4191422


>> No.4191425

I'll choose ramen over a burger any day of the week because I'm not a fat tub of lard.

>> No.4191426

OKay guys, stop. I hit the buffet every week with my bros and it tastes always good.

>> No.4191465

Mexican food is godly, you fags all probably live in shitty whitebread towns in the fucking midwest where you can't get it decent, but if you're in the Southwest, you need to re-evaluate you shit.

Also, japanese food is ridiculously bland, they know nothing about seasoning a meal. Just tastes like salty or fish, or salty fish.

Chinese is the best Asian food because its so unbelievably broad. Also, korean food is fuck awesome if only for Kimchi.

Italian food is absurdly overrated.

>> No.4191471

eating friends always tastes better than eating alone.

>> No.4191510
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>> No.4191520

I prefer my mediterranean food, rich in nutrients, healthy and tasty

>> No.4191523


Human is delicious.

>> No.4191538
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>> No.4191543
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>> No.4191550

Haha oh wow. Something like half of Japanese cuisine is derived from Chinese.

>> No.4191563

British food - Get food poisoning. Blow your ass out. Die.

German food - Strictly Utilitarian.

Mexican food is good but it makes you blow your ass out and die.

Italian food makes your ass fucking fat. Then you blow it out and die.

Chinese food is delicious and beautiful.

Japanese food is beautiful and healthy, and the taste ain't half bad either.

American food...is there even such a thing? Well I guess it's just...sorta there.

Watch out for that Russian food. You'll turn yellow, and then blow your ass out. And live.

-Food expert man.

>> No.4191619

more like Japanese man

>> No.4192059

I love Austrian food
Turkish food is also pretty damn awesome

>> No.4192089

I have to diasgree with your opinion about German food.
It's incredibly delicous.

>> No.4192091

Horse liver sashimi over dim sum? Surely, you jest.

>> No.4192112

And the other half is founded on raw fish.
American food: BBQ ribs, turkey, seafood newberg among others.
>Chinese is the best Asian food because its so unbelievably broad
too bad it often stretches toward the bad end rather than good end. Bitches can't barbecue anything except for ducks, and even then there's only one kind worth eating.
normalfags have shitty taste. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4192117

I'd actually prefer roasted chicken kidney over dim sum right about now. Oily little fuckers, that's what dim sum is.

>> No.4192146

Wer hats erfunden?

>> No.4192153

>British food - Get food poisoning. Blow your ass out. Die.
What the hell have you been eating?

>> No.4192171
File: 28 KB, 421x800, 7_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the other half is founded on raw fish.

You don't understand a meaning to eat a good thing of the freshness.
Chinese food has bad hygiene state, all fries it in oil.
There isn't the dish which cooled down.
Because it is inattention to hygiene.
There is not the culture of Bento.
Because it is inattention to hygiene.
If if a hygiene state is good, it is not about time when it; culture of the omophagia. Culture of the dish which cooled down does not develop.

Photograph is a knife for exclusive use of the sashimi.
Does not the country of you have even knife for exclusive use of the sashimi?
Such a country imitates Japan and eats sashimi and sushi. It cann't be delicious.

>> No.4192173

But "ramen" isn't in essence a Japanese thing.
It probably originates from China or india or some other country anyway.

>> No.4192180

>Chinese food
So do you mean chinese food or the kind of food that is sold at chinese resturants?

>> No.4192187 [DELETED] 

Greetings. Kindly stop spamming, harassing and generally attacking www. anon
. com, please. We don't want you there. We never did. Understood? PS: If you want these messages to stop, simply stop fucking with us, remove all lying troll articles about AT and kill the illegal clones. Then you will never be bothered again. Every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 3470 more of these messages as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. Seriously.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole.

>> No.4192197

>British food - Get food poisoning. Blow your ass out. Die.

I'm a Britfag who regularly eats English food. It's disgusting as fuck, all drowned in gravy and shit, but it's not 'blow your ass out and die'.

But judging by the rest of your post it seems you have digestive problems along those lines anyway.

>> No.4192217

>Such a country imitates Japan and eats sashimi and sushi.
I don't remember the last time I saw raw fish served in china outside of japanese restaurants. Maybe korea.
As for hygiene, what'd you expect? chinese people aren't known for their always ample food supply throughout the ages - in fact, quite the opposite. Famines plague chinese history like...something plague-like.

>> No.4192236

Chinese comes to eat the sashimi of the tuna, and tuna dry up.

>> No.4192237
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>> No.4192250

Chinese food glosses over a hygiene state in oil at a high temperature.
It is overuse of the chemical seasoning one more.
It is Japan to have developed a chemical seasoning, but Chinese food uses too many it.

>> No.4192254

Italian Food>Mexican Food>>>>*

>> No.4192255


>> No.4192268

Don't you know even the thing either?

>> No.4192278


>> No.4192298

Did China become rich?
Chinese eating Japanese foods increase.
Then a cooking ingredient used for Japanese foods disappears.
now, tuna then.
The whale remains.
The tuna scrambles.

>> No.4192299


It's so easy to pretend you're a foreigner on the internet. Just omit a conjunction, use singular instead of plural, and insert a random verb.

>> No.4192305
File: 179 KB, 1600x1200, japanese_bird_cooking_spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian food is the best!



>> No.4192387

This is just stupid

>> No.4192580

asian > european > american

>> No.4192591
File: 28 KB, 282x321, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious troll post
>over 100 replies

>> No.4192608

The Briton isn't interested in cooking at all.
Are you a Briton?

>> No.4192614


I think your opinion is objectable. Japanese food is god tier if you love fish. American food is Shittier tier. Italian food is good if you like pasta, pizza and lentils. Chinese food... It's ok, but NEVER EVER ask how do they do it. Mexican food is fine.

>> No.4192616

Asian food usually taste better since MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MSG.

>> No.4193730

When the fuck did we...? No, nevermind. I'm not sure I want to know.

>> No.4193784

you'd need to, you know, make distinctions there
but if you'e talking about native cuisine, I'd still agree -- native american cuisine apparently features shit like whale meat and dead seagulls fermented stuffed in dead seals. Yuck.

>> No.4193788

indian food is god tier faggots

>> No.4193805

only masala is, duder, and don't bump this greasy bloated carcass of a thread

>> No.4193823

Thread > all food.

>> No.4193854

I eat something between the italian and german food. Hadn't had a hamburger or fries in over 3 years though.

>> No.4193871

Can anyone tell mewhat is 'Japanese' in 'Japanese Food'?
Beside raw fish, which I dont count as a product of an independent culinary-culture at all (even savages and babarians can catch a fish and eat it raw), everything else is either Chinese or Korean origin.

Ramen: Lamien = Obviously Chinese
Gyoza: Jiaozi-Dumplings = Obviously Chinese again.
Noodles in general: Chinese and Korean
Miso: Fermented Bean-curt with fish offal = What the poorest of the poor in China and Korea ate at last resort, when there's a countrywide famine.
Tempura: fried shit with breadcrumbs = Portugese

So tell me jappos, what exactly is 'Japanese Food'?

Japan is moar like the America of Asia. Uncultured and uncivilized ex-colonialists without own culture, claiming to be 'god's chosen people'.

>> No.4193877

American food IS European.

Hamburger? German
Hot dog? German
Pizza? Italian
Anything with potatoes in them? Irish
BBQ? Well, actually that is native American.

>> No.4193886

>British food - Get food poisoning. Blow your ass out. Die.


That's because you're dealing with cheap ass fried shit. You want this gourmet stuff, bro. Lamb hearts are fucking incredible.

>> No.4193901

0/10. Not because you don't have any halfway-decent points mixed in, but because you tried too hard.

>> No.4193929

there is no "gourmet" tradition in anglo-saxon culture
anything nice they have in the brutish isles comes straight from French tradition

>> No.4193940

Most of all, Japanese food is literally the epitome of a 'poor nation's food'. The lack of seasoning and oil, the widespread of cold and/or raw dishes, just proves this fact.

One has to remember that back then, when most of the traditionally cuisine were developed, people werent so much out for a 'healthy green hippie life with less calorine', but regarded food thats cooked with expensive goods such as seasoning and oil as something very special. Also the usage of fire to heat your dishes, where an example of wealth and prosperity of one's society.

The fact that Japanese food hasnt all this, just shows how poor they where back then, when having a warm, calorine rich and greasy meal could save someone's life.

Chinese and Korean cuisine on the other hand, with their broad and plentiful use of seasoning and oil in warm, cooked dishes, shows that they where economic powerhouses and centres of culture back then...

Only nowadays we would regard the poor japanese food as something 'stylish' and 'healthy', but back then, it was a product of poverty.

>> No.4193947
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>> No.4193952

I see what you did there... or is that a genuine typo? Either way, I chuckled.

>> No.4193953

then prove me wrong with real facts, weaboo...

>> No.4193957

...It's the heart of a fucking Lamb. They probably didn't even blink at cooking it at the time along with the rest of the offal. Nowadays it's considered a delicacy. A fucking cheap one, £1.07 for 3 hearts, it's a fucking deal mate.

>> No.4194007

>>Hot dog? German

Hot Dog is Danish IIRC...

>> No.4194025

Well, if you wish.
First, you discount raw fish offhand. Whether you "count" it or not is immaterial - fire and its applications have been around far longer than cuisine, and there's a difference between being unable to boil, roast or otherwise cook food and choosing not to.
Second, general ad hominem and strawman. Pointless. You should have concentrated on the more obscure food similarities, it would have been more effective.
And finally, "real facts" and "weaboo".
So like I said, 0/10 for trolling. Tried too hard.

>> No.4194034


Chinese, Mexican, American, Japanese

>> No.4194038

There is good food and then there is bad food. You cannot rank it by culture.

>> No.4194045

>implying Japanese aren't god's chosen people

>> No.4194047

We're doing a pretty good job of it so far. What about African food? Smoked tarantula, anyone?

>> No.4194057

Sounds gross. What is it supposed to taste like?

>> No.4194063

You're doing a terrible job.

>> No.4194067

Tarantula (  ̄ヮ ̄)~♥

>> No.4194070
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>> No.4194071
File: 10 KB, 186x256, anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, you're a tripfag.

>> No.4194080

I'd rather eat healthy food in it's semi-natural version than eating oil-soaked crap that will give me a triple cardiac arrest and make me American-level obese overnight.

>> No.4194084

And then there's the manly tier.
German food.

>> No.4194088

I think you mean dirt dumplings seasoned with a variety of viruses.

>> No.4194095
File: 138 KB, 427x615, mapo_tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>shit tier: Chinese Food
>>pic of Mapo Tofu


Kotomine would be pretty mad at you...

>> No.4194097

i'd say,
god tier
high tier
meh tier
bad tier
american, chinese.
however, i do, while still having preferences, enjoy eating all types of cousine, regardless.

>> No.4194106

Bro, I have eaten insects, reptiles, frogs, fermented stuff, felines, and various unidentifiable shit. All of it not just edible, but tasty and not illness-inducing.
Don't knock it 'til you try it, and think on this: when a couple millions of people live on something and you can't even stomach it - who's the one at a disadvantage?

>> No.4194111

ALL that food is good.

>> No.4194120
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Brezel = best german food

>> No.4194132

You sound Chinese or Black.

>> No.4194138

I ate a scorpion once.

It tasted like that little bit of shell on prawns that they tell you not to eat, but that I always do.

I hear they're better fried, though.

>> No.4194144
File: 507 KB, 2560x1920, IMAG0414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true NEET's food

>> No.4194146

>American food

>> No.4194152

Wrong on both counts.

>> No.4194158

Well, dunno if this is as healthy as people propagate...

was for one month in Japan and only eating japanese food, and after two weeks I had the feeling that my stomach and bowels begin to 'rust away', since there's too few seasoning in everything. The human body needs salt, sugar and oil for surviving - especially when it's as hot as in japan and you sweat regularily. Some time I ordered a 'beef bowl' - expecting at least something more nutrition - but in the end; It was basically a bowl full of plain, hot water with some cabbage leafes and sliced beef in it. without any oil and without much salt. I raged.

I asked some japanese friends of how they handle it, wince it is normal that a human body cant take long without salt and oil, and they tolt me seriously they would go to China Town to eat when they are really hungry, and would only eat traditional japanese food when there're at a celebration or something. I raged again.

>> No.4194173

do they have typical food at least?

>> No.4194184

Real American food would be many Southern dishes. Can't discount the Cajun and Spanish influence, though, for a lot of things.

>> No.4194199

No salt nor seasonings available, even by asking? Not even soystuff? Forgive me, but I find this rather hard to believe.

>> No.4194205

Chinese food than the taste a problem of the safety.
A problem of the poison case.
A Chinese knows the danger of the Chinese cooking ingredient most.
The problem of the Korean food is recycled.
The remaining recycling of the former visitor is common.

>> No.4194207

Chinese food can be godly.
Vietnamese stuff too.
Also, where's my french stuff.

>> No.4194219

Anti-Chinese Japanese person?

>> No.4194223

Italian food > Chinese-american food > Ramen > Burger > Mexican Food

>> No.4194226

Goddamn, now I'm hungry.

But I have no food in the house.

I cannot go outside until it is dark - when I must feed.

>> No.4194233

Are you Chinese?
Chinese knows the danger of Chinese food.
It is what everybody knows.

>> No.4194234

Order? Why would you ever have to go outside when you can order food.

>> No.4194240

I prefer Vietnamese and Thai over Chinese and Korean. Japanese is the blandest of them all.

>> No.4194244

If I order stuff in, my brother who lives with me will hear and he gets annoyed at everything.

>> No.4194246

Japanese Chefs dont like to see if you season you meals yourself. They regard that as an insult towards their skills. You know, it's like you put your heartblood into making something perfect for a guest and he just alters it and telling you nonverbally that you suck, since he feels a need to season it himself. Japan has lots of unwritten rules.
This has something to do with saving face.

Thats why I ate at the Chinese resaurants occassionally and mostly with the family of my friend for the rest of the time, since they know what bakka gaijin likes and what not.

>> No.4194251

Chinese food is not dangerous.

Now, raw fish? You're asking to be killed.

>> No.4194257

Chinese food. Nourishing the Japanese since the immemorial.

>> No.4194268

you dont know how to eat proper the nippon glorious cuisine

>> No.4194285

you think that shit on the photo is mexican food?

buena historia, hermano.

>> No.4194288

Inherently Chinese Food is very balanced and healthy. It's just the quality control of food exports, giving them a bad name.
Also: There's no single 'Chinese Food' in general. Every Province has different cuisine, ranging from Japanese-styled 'poor' food with lots of fish and crab, over Mongolian/Turkish BBQ, to northern chinese dumplings and luxurious meals the emperors ate during their time.

There's probably something for everyone.

>> No.4194300
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a raw egg edible in your country?
The raw egg is dangerous in many countries.
Therefore food culture to eat a raw egg does not develop.
If a hygiene state improves, the raw egg comes to be edible.

Even an egg has a big difference.

>> No.4194309
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posteando comida mexicana de verdad para la gran justicia

>> No.4194323
File: 104 KB, 800x533, 800px-Tamagokake-gohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tamago kake gohan is a dish in which a raw egg is put on top of or mixed with rice, or a recipe for such a dish. Beaten eggs are sometimes used, as are non-beaten. Sometimes only the yolk of the egg is used.

The dish is also known in Japan as "tamago bukkake gohan" (bukkake means "splashed" or "dashed"), "tamago bukkake meshi" (meshi means rice), "tamago gohan", or simply "tamago kake". Tamago (egg) may be written 玉子, as an alternative to the single character 卵.
say what, jigger?

>> No.4194325

The thing about chinese food being dangerous is restaurant sanitation. This is actually true for smaller eateries back then, and the government has since maintained an iron grip on cleanliness standards by mandating a excellent-good-poor rating for every eatery/restaurant. If you go to any restaurant in china, you would want to see a green or yellow smiley face before eating there. Which is, nowadays, the norm. Any place without that smiley face will be promptly reported and fined.

>> No.4194326
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Tacos de trompo no son "comida mexicana de verdad".

Intenta con un verdadero platillo, como el mole.

>> No.4194331

You copied that from the Turks.

>> No.4194332



>> No.4194337

Meixcan "food" = sloop on a plate

>> No.4194350
File: 11 KB, 205x269, Sloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it.

>> No.4194374

It is easy, and TamagokakeGohan is delicious.
Steaming rice and a fresh egg are the best.

However, the dangerous country has a raw egg.

>> No.4194380


I might try that. Perfect for a neet dish. simply cooking rice and trowing a raw egg in it. I think this might be faster than to make instant ramen.

>> No.4194404


If you say that salmonellea are the problem; I can tell you that they are only occuring when the raw egg has been heated not properly. A raw egg is no problem.

Also; I dare to ask you what is this pic of yours. There're very few Chinese dishes containing ANY raw or uncooked stuff. Or even none.
Only recently when japanese food became popular with the wealthy urban-classes, people began to learn to eat raw things..

>> No.4194414

Ah, I get it. ...But still, I'd have remembered the old adage: "When in Rome, do as a fucking unshaven barbarian does when the locals insist on feeding you crap for your perfectly good money".

>> No.4194417

Isn't that an arab food called Shawarma or something like that?

>> No.4194432
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>> No.4194437

This makes me remember a what I saw in Discovery Channel once. It was some program about gourmet food around the world and this guy goes to a uber-high-class Japanese restaurant to eat beef tongue. Towards the chef and the staff he says "oishii oishii" but when faced towards the camera he confesses that he doesn't like it but he can't say that aloud when there so many people making a great effort to bring him the plate to the table.

>> No.4194438
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bueno que tal un menudo con pozole mañanero al chile rojo despues de la cruda, hay pocas cosas mas mexicanas que eso.

tambien el pipian es bueno, es como mole pero menos dulce.

>> No.4194447

If a hygiene state improves, and the circulation develops, the raw egg comes to be edible.
Bento is a suicidal act in the country which a hygiene state has bad.

>> No.4194450

Marche media docena de carne picante y media de pollo.

>> No.4194455

El mole es dulce dependiendo de la receta. El que me hace mi sacrosanta no es dulce, por ejemplo.

El problema con la comida mexicana es de que la gente piensa solo en las garnachas y no en la que si tiene meritos.

Aunque con esto no quiero decir que no me gusten...

>> No.4194467

ITT: Three Americans pretend to be Mexican, Chinese and Japanese.

>> No.4194482
File: 65 KB, 550x412, mole-poblano4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mole Poblano is god tier.

>> No.4194490

Well, it was nothing really serious after all. Just their customs I dont wanted to act against - even if they would probably understand and respect my choice as a bakka gaijin though...

>> No.4194496


It was brought over by Lebanese immigrants.

>> No.4194502

Mexican food is fucking amazing. Anyone who disagrees hasn't actually had it. (taco bell and chipotle do not count)

>> No.4194507

Game of PRETEND?
Still, sure is /ck/ in here. Over a food powerlevels tier, too.

>> No.4194646
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>> No.4194748

everybody loves raw meat
