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File: 103 KB, 1398x1027, 1666434091769661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41886696 No.41886696 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ZUN sexualizing Touhou characters? I thought he was a puritan when it came to that.

>> No.41886975

What is this from?

>> No.41887153


>> No.41887245
File: 2.93 MB, 4304x3986, 1615458381441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When that first check for the g*cha cleared, ZUN!'s principles flew out of the window.

>> No.41887263

ZUN is a slute

>> No.41887290

Top left corner are great tummies. Very cute, would pinch.

>> No.41887320

It's not an official game though? They were just allowed to make it.

>> No.41889589
File: 1019 KB, 715x774, Zun sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zun appears and all of the JP steams and endorses it wholeheartedly
I'm sorry anon, but its the truth and the truth is canon

>> No.41889622
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ZUN personally approved this....

>> No.41889643
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He clearly has creative oversight and could veto it if he wanted and due to weird ass jap licensing they'd have to listen to him but he doesn't because he's giving his approval on every stream when he shows up and they unveil new and lewder and lewder outfits for the girls
I'm not even being hyperbolic

>> No.41890051

But it doesn't impact the actual canon of the series at all. What he does with his business partners doesn't matter to me.

>> No.41890420

this is missing patches tights

>> No.41890443

Dude he doesn't even tell the official manga artists what to make the touhous wear.

>> No.41890665

He told me what to wear.

>> No.41890814

he doesn't have any involvement with the thing

>> No.41890818

why would he veto anything? He doesn't veto porn, either

>> No.41891440

> Puritan
> Raised in wild, wild times of 80s and 90s doujin conventions
> Puritan

Lol nope. He was there during golden era of this shit. He's raised on it, his blood is 50% beer and 50% otaku culture, including all the degeneracy involved in it.

>> No.41891724

Reimu's dialogue with Meira in TH2, Marisa's ending in TH3, music comment for Eastern Blue Sky in TH3, background for some stages in TH1, Marisa's bomb art in TH3
The first two contain sexual innuendo, the last three contain references to eroge

>> No.41891730

If anything you're the hypocrite for wanting ZUN to police the gachas when he gives the OK to all other fangames and fanwork.

>> No.41892096

>when he gives the OK to all other fangames and fanwork.
if you use patreon and do any kind of touhou stuff ZUN sends you cease and desist

>> No.41899774

Funny that there's Touhou stuff on Patreon, like, say, that potemki guy with his fangames (sanctions unrelated).

>> No.41899817

Do you know someone who he has c&d'd? All the hundreds of porn artists who have paywall stuff on Patreon/Fanbox/Fantia seem to be fine

>> No.41899846

I saw Zun the other day as I was walking into a grocery store. I didn't recognize him at just a glance but I instantly did a double take and sure enough it was him. He was looking at me and when our eyes met he gave me a goofy smile then started waving his hands in front of his face because I'm sure he knew that I knew who he was. I said it was nice to meet him but that I didn't want to annoy him and ask for pictures or anything. He said "you mean like you're doing right now?" I was taken aback; all I could say was "eh? He kept lurching forward, going "eh? eh?" while closing his hand in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like a couple beers in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When the cashier took one of the beers and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical interference,” and then turned around and winked at me. After she scanned each beer can and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.41899911

looks like that one artist who married and impregnated Seija andhad some post-birth stuff

>> No.41900474
File: 168 KB, 1080x1080, 16668233530432107944363230671222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want ZUN to dictate how people make derivative?
Just because he's not into it doesn't mean he's some puritan advocate who force his belief on everyone's throat like fat westerner, as long they keep their hands off his works.
Otherwise he won't allow porn doujins at all.

>> No.41900483

That was just one guy who tried to use crowdfunding WITHOUT permission for his shitty game. Get over it.

>> No.41901682

>he doesn't have any involvement with the thing
LMAO if you really believe these multi-billion companies don't give ZUN a serious cut from the profits of the gacha scams using his characters you're naive.

>> No.41902508
File: 110 KB, 774x1032, touhou_alice_figure_by_knowct_ddjv4n7-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course ZUN get massive cut from commercial company using his IP. That's basic deal and you act like he has never done that way before.
The point is he doesn't make these artwork (obviously) nor they are considered to be even semi-official.
So what's the fucking problem? ZUN allowed derivative works to be whatever they want like always AND get paid on top of that?

>> No.41903104

Oh boy, it's another "antis who hate on ZUN and gacha" thread.
Say what you will about gacha mechanics, but if you can't accept a work that ZUN approves of and contributes to, just leave. You aren't a real fan, you're a shit stirrer.
Real fans appreciate all works.

>> No.41903482

So what, he didn't buy zun a beer first or something?
I have no idea how fangame makers get his blessing or that they ever did

>> No.41903498

>and gacha
Its entirely normal to hate on the skinner box jpeg trade machine that is gacha

>> No.41903940

If ZUN sees nothing wrong with it then I don't either. Get over yourself.

>> No.41904012

everyone else follows usual doujin protocol and makes things on their own without crowdfunding

crowdfunding is frequently a scam

>> No.41904020

I don't appreciate Lost World, it's shit.

I don't have to, either. It's just a fanwork I don't care about

>> No.41904311

take ZUN's dick out of your mouth for a second my dude

>> No.41904327
File: 36 KB, 348x342, Kaguya question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm unaware how that one work differed then
Since as other anons said there are other touhou works on pateron, Doujin circles charge and try to make a profit for their products, fangames also do so as well
What made that one work using crowdfunding especially heinous?

>> No.41905621 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.49 MB, 3120x2240, 20-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought that Hecatia had the lewdest design (not even Urumi could beat her) but nowadays it's blatantly Yuugi.

He literally said today on stream that he was glad that Danmaku Kagura closed, caused quite the fuss and also reinforcing the already known fact that he despises gacha. Also from what I've heard he got mad at some swimsuit event, I think from the same game.

>> No.41905998

That oni looks like she fucks human men.

>> No.41906732
File: 688 KB, 768x432, unknown (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's you who is shit. Lost World is great.

>> No.41906894

The last sequence is dumb, as is the gymnastic sequence, and I'm miffed that they deleted Roland's introductory scene, but other than that I thought it held up to the original well enough. the cliff will forever be the scariest moment in the entire franchise and you cannot change my mind

>> No.41906932

Twitter is buzzing a bit after ZUN said he was glad Dankagu EOS'd on nikenme radio.

>> No.41907268

Afaik crowdfunding involves commercial company acting as third-party, basically like sponsor. Technically ZUN has to make a deal with said company to allow his IP on their hands, at least by giving his permission, and for that he has to be notified first.
You don't see any other fangames use crowdfunding, and when Danmaku Kagura does ZUN is present.

Patreon and similiar sites are simply hosting sites. I don't think it's the same as crowdfunding where a company is involved.

>> No.41908277

Do japs really call ZUN! "the drunken Shinto Priest" or is that translator bug?

>> No.41908712

His Twitter handle is "Hakurei Kannushi"

>> No.41908889
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, 1669637011743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUNtata just confirmed the moggening....

>> No.41918610
File: 114 KB, 1278x799, 2022-11-30 02_39_01-The Spriters Resource - Full Sheet View - Touhou Gensoukyou (Lotus Land Story) -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are complaining about it... now? Decades later?

>> No.41918967

There's no better feel than jacking it to your own OC

>> No.41922890

Can you actually fap to this? I think the really lewd one here is Patche's ass and Kasen's legs but Lost Word's artstyle is too cute/pretty for me.

>> No.41922951


>> No.41925637

The latest interview shows ZUN does still feel a bit upset with sexualization and other corporate decisions on gacha. He's just not the type to be really assertive about it.
So he'd still approve gachas, get royalties and attend streams and shit but would probably jabs behind them occasionally.

>> No.41925941

Which is kind of silly coming from someone who added Rance references to his PC98 games.

>> No.41925956

dankagu swimsuit bad
lost word tits out wedding outfits good
zuns a hack, simple as, dankagu didnt bring him cash so thats why hes talking shit now as opposed to lost word

>> No.41926735

NTA but the best I can do with that is slightly get in the mood and branch off into something better.
I don't understand those that can supposedly use just that kind of light stimulus and run with it to completion

>> No.41926802

>tits out wedding outfits good
Those literally aren't as bad as swimsuits, yes

>> No.41930877

They're saying that's out of context but desu I don't really mind if he is or isn't saying that in a sense of "fuck that game".

Not that I dislike Danmaku Kagura, but yeah gacha's dumb. Shame Lost Word took off, it's a really bad game

>> No.41933530
File: 158 KB, 800x450, 610cdf59d4c9192a25000005.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some casual search, and found nothing too egregious. Were Byakuren's tits too large for his taste? Was the monetization too aggressive?

>> No.41933735

Check Murasa picture card for the game

>> No.41933828
File: 122 KB, 1024x576, IMG_1312-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point taken.

I saw another one with her ass nearly popping out of her swimsuit, so I can see why ZUN felt uncomfortable now.

>> No.41936102

Several of the "cards" were literally drawn by H artists, yeah

>> No.41937471

So ZUN has a problem with sexy Murasa but not with Byakuren's huge obscene bouncing breasts only because Tasofraud is his homie.

>> No.41938976

Murasa is almost naked there anon

>> No.41939897

If I remember correctly there was few years ago some Kickstarter campaign for a 2hu card game and they got hit by C&D.
ZUN's giving an okay for small-scale indie/doujin stuff and people that are willing to work with him directly, which is the case with Lost World.

>> No.41940028

To be precise non-commercial group or individual and commercial company who talk to ZUN first are fine. If a company is involved without permission then it's a no-go.
Isn't it basic copyright rule that a company required a permission to potentially use an IP for their commercial business purposes (more than just few guys selling fanfiction on booth)?

>> No.41940996

I mean, yeah - you need commercial license for it. Even the "few guys selling fanfiction on booth" and people on doujin events technically would need it but chasing this kind of lol commerce is a lot of times pointless - a lot of franchises, including Touhou, thrive thanks to fan content and these small, self-publishing groups barely go even on what they do. It's just mutual agreement that corpos don't chase these people while they stay small and self-publishing.

>> No.41944953

Remember when ZUN traced art from Rance for Marisa's PoDD spell card art and then had art from another Alicesoft game in the background of a stage in a different PC98 game?

>> No.41945429

Did he pick any lewd stuff from there?

>> No.41945440

What are these semen demons doing there

>> No.41945653

He based the ending CGs from some of the games directly from Ayumi-chan Monogatari's "intermission" screens, sans the S&M.

It pains me that I am old enough to know where he got the idea for the endings.

>> No.41949265

Just wanted to say those are some really nice hag tits. Please ignore my lack of contribution to the thread.

>> No.41950385

Murasa is canonically too lewd, confirmed.

>> No.41955380

Reading some follow up tweets, it seems he said that because danmaku kagura was getting popular and people could start thinking that danmaku kagura IS Touhou.

>> No.41956340

Weird he said that when DanKagu flopped, though it's more like because they recklessly spent all their budgets on advertisement and overall poor profit management.
Does that mean LW isn't actually that popular in japan despite being the only surviving gacha and has accumulated enough avenue to make high budget ads and still going? or has ZUN also said something similiar about LW?

>> No.41957984

>All the feet
You act as if those weren't in the original ZUN designs anyway. Dude was always a total footfag.

>> No.41958005
File: 422 KB, 515x391, yukarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be less of an issue for LW since it right from the getgo establishes it's a bunch of alternate universe shit while DK is supposed to be "normal" touhou.

>> No.41960484

At least its death is leading to a standalone version of the game, meaning everyone wins.
