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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4188003 No.4188003 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /jp/, I need you to not fail me here.

I leave Jpopsuki for like a few months (after having god-tier ratios might I add), and they fucking turn all 'invite-only' on my ass, I guess I don't have an account anymore now that they're all "zomg jpopsuki 2.0"

tl;dr I need a Jpopsuki invite pl0xxxxx.

>> No.4188008

Is it jaypopsookey or jaypopski?

>> No.4188013

I guess it really depends on whether or not you're a faggot now wouldn't it. -_-

>> No.4188018


>> No.4188022

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.4188027


If you find yourself pronouncing either one...

>> No.4188031

I need a fucking invite. No one I fucking know will have one and I'm pissed off enough as it is that my share ratios are now back to zero when and if I go back.

Halp. -_-

>> No.4188041

More like Jpopsuck

>> No.4188047

So clever

>> No.4188053

*sigh* Okay let me get this straight.

This is /jp/ - a board dedicated to Japanese stuff, and that includes anime, manga, and (or so I assumed) music.

And you guys are telling me that none of you actually listen to any Jpop/Jrock of any kind, in fact you find it rather faggy in nature.

And by that I guess it's safe to assume no one's a member of Jpopsuki either.

Hm. Mkay then.

>> No.4188057

Jpop is fucking horrible

>> No.4188058


>> No.4188059

Everything you assumed about this board is wrong.

>> No.4188061

Aside from Touhou and iM@S, wrong.

>> No.4188065
File: 3 KB, 147x139, baaadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ - a board dedicated to Japanese stuff, and that includes anime, manga

You are fucking retarded, god damn

>> No.4188067

very sorry I don't have an invite good sir

I direct you to the virus hellotracker just google it

then you will have enough 3d loli to fap to.

>> No.4188081

This is actually the first time I've ever used this board, ever. I'm usually a /b/tard and very rarely lurk outside of it. Sooooo...

Direct me to some place that wouldn't *completely* rip me apart for wanting an invite to this tracker?

>> No.4188089


>> No.4188099


>> No.4188100

>I'm usually a /b/tard
>some place that wouldn't *completely* rip me apart

Looks like you're out of luck, buddy

>> No.4188101

olololol. rite.
Never mind. You fuckers just made a bad day a little worse. -_-

>> No.4188104

OP is a girl

>> No.4188111

Don't bump the fucking thread, retard.

>> No.4188112
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>> No.4188114


>> No.4188117

No shit, Scherlock.

>> No.4188118



>> No.4188119
File: 246 KB, 972x1400, Welcome Home_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4188178

Good thing I am a plus member.

Those invites? Sorry, they're reserved for my friends.

When I make some that is.

>> No.4188217

It's funny because it's probably true.

OP, be glad you don't have that account. It will turn you into a sad loser who does nothing but jerk off to Japanese girls dancing to trashy pop music all day.

>> No.4188353

i just checked, invites are currently not available too.

>> No.4188361 [DELETED] 
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