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File: 349 KB, 1284x1815, 3002379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41811987 No.41811987 [Reply] [Original]

Necromantic! Edition

Last: >>41783242

>What is this?

Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They're not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it's one of the series with most era games.

>Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW - Comfy Touhou dating simulator with timestop shenanigans.
eraTohoK - Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten - Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

- WIKI: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Main_Page
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
- GIT: https://gitgud.io/era-games
Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
- AUTO UPDATER: http://madhammer.club/files/era-updater.7z
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.
- TW NEODEV: https://gitgud.io/Pedy/pedy-tw/-/releases
Git repository with a version of TW that gets more frequent updates. Might introduce more bugs, though they usually get fixed on the following release.
- JAP WIKI: https://seesaawiki.jp/eraseries/
- TRANSLATOR: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Sugoi
Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model.
You can also download the latest version at:
- BUGS?: https://wiki.eragames.rip/bugreport.php
Report them over here.

>How to play?
Run anchor.exe, japanese locale is advised so you don't run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

>How can I help?
Read https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Contributing for starters.
You could try your hand at translating dialogue, there are guides currently in the TW folder (in #Translation) on what to do, not sure if it that folder exists in other games.
Another guide is:
1) Download an IDE. VS Code, for example.
1a) If using VS Code, install the EraBasic addon
2) Select UTF8 encoding
3) Open the ERB files and edit them
That way you can now edit files without much trouble.
The path for files to edit is usually the ERB folder:
K: ERB/口上
TW: ERB\口上・メッセージ関連\個人口上

You can also report bugs or typos here on the thread when you see them.
If you'd like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the 'resources' folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them

>> No.41812042

>Seduce Seiga and Yoshika
>Execute Yuuka
>Use Yoshika to revive her as a slave
>Yoshika comes back
Alternatively just just sell souls of your kids for power and use them as sacrifices so you can sell more of their souls
gg no re

>> No.41812063
File: 529 KB, 1226x1736, 14eeb557c39dc2188045d9d09c32366e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the hus belong to Rinnosuke.

>> No.41812193

rinnosuke is made for marisa's dad

>> No.41812303

I like taking Yoshika to the Netherworld or former Hell on dates, her reaction is cute

>> No.41813458

Reimu dreaming of Rinno "King of Gensokyo" while his real self is nothing like that.

>> No.41813596

Make sure to put a baby into a hag today Anon

>> No.41813612

I want to rape Tsukasa

>> No.41814189

Finally after months, eng-release branch of eraMegaten finally has all the stuff pushed into it. This includes the Copen/Gunvolt event and combat dialogue translation, and even stuff like Cthulhu Girl training and combat dialogues, with the ending to boot. This makes the eng-release branch of eraMegaten the most updated branch at this time and those playing on eng-develop or eng-translation should consider moving to it.

>> No.41814376

I finally found Nazrin, somehow she has been elusive as fuck

>> No.41814612
File: 696 KB, 687x850, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_piyokichi__78ac2eb11b1e2eb5ad112a183486bee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human males belong to human females

>> No.41814700

Kosuzu belongs to youkai females

>> No.41814722

>Yuugi followed me
Bros, the time has come...

>> No.41814905

The fuck, hus can stalk you now?

>> No.41815015 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 434x253, Only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41815038

All of Gensokyo will be in my harem. Unrelated note: birthday events—for both the player and NPCs—in TW when?

>> No.41815105
File: 49 KB, 448x285, Only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder but better.

>> No.41815118

But you can date, kiss, flirt with and dump your baby batter into as many as you want!

>> No.41815217

But of course! friends with benefits exist, after all.

>> No.41815231

Platonically knocking up Cirno.

>> No.41815272

Wouldn't you?

>> No.41815277
File: 2.19 MB, 1500x2400, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_nankotsu__4bcc71c46a689b79fd2978f5a6a8c22b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies are not for lewd

>> No.41815294

Not all fairies, but Clownpiece certainly is.

>> No.41815313

It isn't lewd, anon. It's just playtime. A big prank you're playing on her.

>> No.41815341

Daily reminder that some sections of this tutorial are old as fuck and potentially outdated for the vision of the game. That was probably written when time rape was all there was to do.

>> No.41815486

I think the tutorial is only three years old or so.
Plus, it's clearly about confessions, where the (Japanese) vision is still clearly one where you're only supposed to have one.

>> No.41815537

Friend with benefits who are in love with you and are in deep bliss at the thought of raising your 3rd child together as you sleep together on a cold winter's night!

>> No.41815664

Such is the life of blissfully ignorant MC

>> No.41815690

What is carry status after using a love potion?

>> No.41815719

Speaking of fairies, if you play as a child living in the Three Fairies Tree, Luna trying to act like a big oneechan to loli/shota (You) is really cute. Sunny probably has a few different dialogues, although her main one is her intro as she's your 'landlord' (she found you passed out outside their house and brought you into their basement until you woke up). Star, on the other hand, I assume was either written much earlier compared to Luna and Sunny or was a different author to either. Star has an intro for when she meets you as a normal adult outside, but if you start as living in her house and meet her in her room, she has literally no intro. She doesn't treat you any different to a normal adult either in terms of her dialogue.

>> No.41815994
File: 68 KB, 644x281, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love her

i need more hag dialogue

>> No.41816021

Based hag lover. I do so too.

>> No.41816256
File: 104 KB, 1028x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star has an intro for when she meets you as a normal adult outside, but if you start as living in her house and meet her in her room, she has literally no intro.
Nah, she does have dialogue for when you're living in her house. It's just that there's a special check to see if you've already met Sunny first, and she'll skip her own dialogue in that situation. It's probably because their dialogue is designed towards a group introduction, with each including dialogue for the others in their introduction, so Star's own greeting would become redundant, though the implementation is somewhat clumsy and incomplete.

>> No.41816266

>Meiling keeps breaking into my home to sleep next to me
Is she that starved for affection?

>> No.41816280

Anything to avoid Miss Sakuya's scoldings

>> No.41816313

Oh, I see. I did meet Sunny first, so that is why Star has no dialogue. Does Sunny still have an introduction if you meet Star first?

In my game, the order I met the Three Fairies was Sunny -> Luna -> Star

I can't count the number of times my SDM start character had woken up to Meiling staring at my face, even before any of them started liking me

>> No.41816342

Sakuya and the player character are a couple. Sleeping next to em is how you get more of a scolding…

>> No.41816384

>Does Sunny still have an introduction if you meet Star first?
Yeah, it's only Star who uses this check, though all three of them have dialogue for each other, which means that Sunny's dialogue in Star's intro will never be triggered, since Sunny is always greeted first.

>> No.41816585

You can read "carry" as "affected by" in that case.

>> No.41816606

It's kinda weird how, on the day after Christmas, she says she isn't expecting to receive any gifts even if you've given her one yourself the day before.

>> No.41816634

Feels a bit strange how it's handled. I mean, Luna is usually asleep by the time you wake up at the default time (7am), but maybe it could've had a special case scenario where it wakes all three fairies and teleports all three of them to the spot you are at to do a big unified intro the first time you meet them in the Three Fairies Tree, or if you try to leave the house on the first day. That assumes that all three fairies had the same author and so wouldn't be 'stepping on another author's toes' thing, anyway.

Otherwise they could have something similar to the Yuugi 'have you spoken to Suika' check and then have their intro change a bit depending on who of three you've already met. Maybe even have a special thing similar to Yukari's intro where if somehow you managed to not meet them on the first day despite living in their house, they get a bit miffed that you're somehow outdoing them in 'hide and seek' for days/weeks after they found you.

>> No.41816769

Okay, I tried to make a Catbox link, but I think that fucked up the Unicode in the file, so I just made a Rentry link of my work-in-progress instead. Critiques and suggestions are welcome—since I aman amateur, I recognize the quality must be mediocre, and there are bound to be mistakes that ought to be rectified.
If I could code, I’d like to create a special case scenario for the Three Fairies. I’m not certain if the original author(s) still contribute, but even if they do, an alternative adaptation/expansion of theirdialogue should be fine, providedit doesn’t replace the original. Maybe; I’m not sure.

>> No.41816928
File: 785 KB, 850x1356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best gift you can give her is a full belly for 9 months and a happy life afterwards

>> No.41816939

Semen goes directly in her womb

>> No.41817315

i'm going for tsukasa next, holy shit it's so annoying to go over the first few steps because she's outside available for talking for just a few hours

>> No.41817432

I need to impregnate Tsukasa.

>> No.41817640
File: 263 KB, 639x473, horniest, haggiest hag in the world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gap hag is only interested in real men. She got her present elsewhere.

>> No.41818017

not sure if that picture is hot or just gross

>> No.41818023

Youkai using their powers is kino. Yukari could gap my cum anytime she wanted.

>> No.41819466
File: 6 KB, 1104x231, marge im confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly did this happen?
At no point before the time this screenshot was taken did anyone's mouth come into contact with a vagina
But because the game somehow thinks that happened, I am unable to kiss her

>> No.41819533

Hands on cunny
Hands on breasts
Mouth on breasts
Though I think you would be able to kiss her anyway with just love juice. Or maybe you're on max smell sensitivity or it got changed somehow.

>> No.41819594

I am max smell sensitivity, yes, but my actions were, in order, up to this point, kiss, caress, masturbate x2, breast caress x2, masturbate again, kiss, and then it failed when I pressed continue kissing

So I don't know what happened, and this isn't the first time I've seen it either. I've seen it say she has semen in her mouth when her mouth never touched my dick at all

>> No.41819629

Uhh, blame pedy?
No idea what went wrong here.

>> No.41819747

Do you have an obsession with cleanliness? That "perk" prevents you from kissing like that, for some damn reason.

>> No.41819771

Because its "icky" and "unhygienic"

>> No.41819793

I said so
I want to know how it got like that in the first place is the idea
At no point did vaginal fluids come into contact with mouths here, not even in a secondhand fashion. Mouths were only used to kiss. But somehow the game thinks vaginal fluids got into mouths

>> No.41819920

Were you possibly pushed down at any point? I think there was a kiss command that has them rub your mouth for a second before kissing. Come to think of it, don't they also dip your fingers in their mouths before sticking them up the cooch? And isn't that with them leading only?

>> No.41819943

>Were you possibly pushed down at any point?

>> No.41820194
File: 989 KB, 854x1100, e9979a90c83f3c7194b1d1767140753f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly Sakuya was jealous and TSP raped you both.

>> No.41821272

Does Sakuya start to TSP sexual harass you later on? I mean, she literally has the same ability as you so I assume it was coded in that she'd start doing that sort of stuff to you if she's lusting after you and has high sexual frustration.

>> No.41821285
File: 708 KB, 700x990, 1501710051651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not normally. Her /egg/ dialogue apparently lets her do you, but I don't know how it works.

>> No.41822907

How do I switch back to darkness trigger copen?

>> No.41822949
File: 1.23 MB, 1771x1254, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_mukkushi__55a84a57eb9792692f4ae7347a421934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41823151

Start the iX 1 route again

>> No.41823272
File: 207 KB, 850x1200, __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_mukkushi__sample-718261d73b4a44672f4468f80436b46d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu x Marisa confirmed.
(You) will have to settle for the mob fairies, if you're lucky.

>> No.41823304
File: 465 KB, 850x872, 1561793244898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to steal her pantie a few time get caught and then confronted about it.
Or at least it's what I remember reading here.
Could be wrong.

>> No.41823381

>(You) will have to settle for the mob fairies, if you're lucky.
Nah, the way that pic's dialogue was adapted on TW, it would imply (You) are Reimu.

>> No.41823461

that said iX2 copen needs his own exclusive accessory

>> No.41823539
File: 364 KB, 752x800, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always that way towards Reimu though.
In case you're not playing as her, and you didn't disable the her, you would have to live without being able to romance either. Nobody likes a third wheel.

>> No.41824345
File: 6 KB, 713x163, tatters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Marisa finally managed to beat Reimu at something.

>> No.41824473

All of Gensokyo will be my harem.

>> No.41824539
File: 162 KB, 850x850, __konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_shinsono_shiroko__sample-585cd0f5ae9569d101a33ff90d47809b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41824569

Too late. Both you and your mistress accepted me ages ago.

>> No.41824610
File: 341 KB, 720x720, struggle snuggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not you, I'm afraid.

>> No.41824675

Man, you need to get new material.

>> No.41824708
File: 326 KB, 900x650, myon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could you possibly mean by that?

>> No.41824872
File: 412 KB, 850x656, colorful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think happens to all those other girls while you're out busy "conquering" another woman? Just some food for thought.

>> No.41825031

I like pumpkin pie. Sweet lemonade. It sure would be nice with more holiday events were added to TW. Birthdays when? Noodles for everyone.

>> No.41825073

They are looking after the two or three children I gave each them. Can't put a price on the joys of motherhood

>> No.41825160

Keep believing they're yours. It's just easier this way, as you're the one paying for their upbringing. The humble shopkeeper would propably thank you for it if he could keep himself from laughing in your face.

>> No.41825326

Do not respond to the resident thread shitter. Instead, let us discuss scrumptious desserts over a nice pot of tea. Maybe coffee if you prefer that.

>> No.41825540

Japanese readers, I have a question. Do you know how Japanese country bumpkins are translated to have letters missing in their speech, like Suwako in TW?
Is that anywhere close to realistic? I'm not a fan personally.

>> No.41825717

>>>41445720 (You)
I know you are here. Show yourself.

>> No.41826293
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name of era game? sounds fun

>> No.41826333

I like the way Suwako speaks. It's cute

>> No.41826402


>> No.41826658

I wish Yuugi was real

>> No.41826704


>> No.41827024
File: 8 KB, 496x176, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally my first time interacting with her and this is what she had to say.

>> No.41827220

K m8, there's demon deal event that's somewhat common but there can only be one active at once and Seiga has rare-ish necromancy event that's repeatable

>> No.41827495

She's just admiring your bulge.

>> No.41828410

>Pass initiative
>They swing their ass at me and tell me to put it in
>I put it in
>Hate mark Lv1
Help me understand women

>> No.41828440
File: 26 KB, 501x300, 2022-11-20 21_06_16-Translation Display Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41828478

translate it weabs

>> No.41828487

Weird, I didn't get a hate mark when I took Mokou's virginity like that despite her having ~1000 Favor
Were you going for her or Seija?

>> No.41828525

tohosim should get rid of the weird reliability and favour system that era-games use

>> No.41828559

NTA, but I plan to translate Tsukasa after I finish my current work.

>> No.41828570

I do not know what the favorability system for TohoSim will look like, but it'd be nice if it were streamlined.

>> No.41828690

Do you really believe you're prepared to handle nearly 20k lines of dialogue?
And that's not even considering how shit her code is.

>> No.41828703

Yes. I will make it work. Even though I know Pedy will refuse to help me fix her code, in order for me yo make all of Gensokyo my harem, if I must do the work myself, I will learn.

>> No.41828718

Flaw of the system

>> No.41828932

Wasted effort on crock of shit waste of character. Rethink your choices. Her content will be deleted anyway.

>> No.41828995

Get new material, imposter.

>> No.41829016

hey when you delete Tsukasa can you replace her with Mimi-chan? I need to fuck the missile

>> No.41829063

Unlike the hoi polloi, I admire Tsukasa.

>> No.41829081

Godspeed, comrade.

>> No.41829167
File: 669 KB, 460x1142, 1586643501774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can you remove koishit too? Make up some bullshit about how she's suddenly impossible to perceive or how you forget all your interactions with her effectively making them nonexistant.

>> No.41829179

The autism of people pretending to be us is appalling. Based Pedy does not approve.

>> No.41829400
File: 99 KB, 324x447, mokou spit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why have you summoned me???
I would've responded earlier but I was GMing a game till recently

>> No.41829417

You mean kansaiben into southern burger? Both are hick accents so it's not the worst way to do it.

>> No.41829427

The Kansai dialect is hot af.

>> No.41829445
File: 542 KB, 850x1200, Suwako pays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are multiple versions of southern burger so its nice seeing translators do different things
I'd love to see Suwa have a cajun accent or something to play on the whole frog thing

>> No.41829512

A Cajun dialect Suwako would be interesting.

>> No.41829529

Do you self-insert when you play these games or do you just give yourself a typical name like "Anon"?

>> No.41829537
File: 166 KB, 604x453, 1642808862291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nohing. I just wanted to laugh at (You) too.
Have my rarest koishi.

>> No.41829539

I am myself. If only customization mattered, and was more fleshed out.

>> No.41829550

Yeah if only customization had some sort of purpose in-game like with Lilith's Throne

>> No.41829560

I love it when characters acknowledge your appearance and personality.

>> No.41829566

Personally, I find heigh difference relationships hot. If Okuu is around 185 cm I'm be around 170 cm and fuck her and make babies with her

>> No.41829574

I use outsider as the nickname but I use my first name as far as it matters on character set up

>> No.41829587

Fuck me and my 163 cm.

>> No.41829593
File: 202 KB, 510x414, 1665459708315981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck me
Don't mind if I do, anon.

Captcha: XXXXG

>> No.41829596
File: 181 KB, 540x413, marismol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao manlet
You've got no chance with anyone, not even Shinmyoumaru.

>> No.41829604

I appreciate you, Mokouposter. Unlike the one who shall not be named.

>> No.41829629

Indeed. Based Pedy wanted that character in TW, but we do not want to encourage the frenetic shitposting which would ensure. When the community heals, only then shall I add him.

>> No.41829708
File: 29 KB, 1035x387, very horny marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Marisa can still call herself a pure maiden at this point, even with her maidenhood intact.

>> No.41829712

Do you think there's anything anyone can do to make it worse or better?

>> No.41829731

Based Pedy wants the community to be like this guy >>41829708 and enjoy what is offered in TW.
Maybe even get some new blood to translate dialogue and potential coders to assist us with other endeavors like TohoSim.
We just want people to be happy.

>> No.41829739

She deserves getting fucked in the ass and cleaning up you dick with her mouth afterwards

>> No.41829774

I wish Marisa had more anal dialogue.

>> No.41829863
File: 37 KB, 1195x499, happy marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking of yesterday's session.
Today is for Marisa losing her virginity during passionate love-making in the lotus position while having an orgasm from insertion alone while being kissed for the first time while being creampied for the first time.

It's a very special time for her.

>> No.41829886
File: 185 KB, 512x512, 1555056163689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is prankfag. I'm so sure Pedy wants more people like him around.

>> No.41829951


>> No.41829963

He propably does. Besides fuck pedy, why do people act like he's the only guy developing anything. It's not just one guy's project, don't push for this narrative or we're going to get shit paywalled.

>> No.41829967

Based Pedy admits we aren't the sole developer of Neodev and TohoSim.

>> No.41830102


>> No.41830132

What's with Lilith's Throne?

>> No.41830181

/d/ gaem

>> No.41830604
File: 219 KB, 1736x758, Screenshot_527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41830612

I want Shikieiki's shirt

>> No.41830621

I want Eiki's boss.

>> No.41830642

>why do people act like he's the only guy developing anything
Because it pisses some people off and they enjoy that.

>> No.41830648

Okay, but I get her shirt too

>> No.41831323


>> No.41831423

Which version is this? I want to seduce Marisa

>> No.41831430
File: 64 KB, 640x522, 1663976542084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but thanks for the Koi.
Have this thing I made a few months ago.

>> No.41831712

>Girl consents to sex
>Take on date
>overdrive mood
>take to love hotel
>Draw Closer
>She isn't in the mood and refuses
And I thought I'd seen everything with TW
Looks like I might have to rape a bitch

>> No.41831824

Haven't played this in a bit
Do Urumi or Miyoi have dialogue? I like these two

>> No.41831846

Urumi has dialogue (needs more). Haven't spend enough time at the Human Village to know about Miyoi, but she probably needs more dialogue, if she has any at all.

>> No.41832070
File: 155 KB, 1313x1402, 1641974236271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Doremy have dialogue? If so, there's no way it's translated right?

>> No.41832164

Yes but no. But yes. Untranslated, that is. Except for the tutorial.

>> No.41832183
File: 72 KB, 240x320, Reisen cry box.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't have to bully me outside of that thread you know???
I'll take the Kosh though...

>> No.41832437

Auto updater link (madhammer) isn't working for me.

>> No.41832596

My condolences.

>> No.41832608

Thank you. It's been hard on all of us, especially the children.

>> No.41832794

Is dengekiko the only neptunia character available?

>> No.41832831

Currently she is the only one available in eraMegaten, yeah. Maybe the author will be ambitious enough to bring them all in as part of Dengekiko's individual event or a full blown Extra event/request.

>> No.41832902

You want to fuck the Yama Kings?
Anon, that's pretty gay.

>> No.41832923


>> No.41832975

It's NeoDev. Link is in the OP.

>> No.41834065

never ever patreon game

>> No.41834350

Why does Yuugi keep getting angry
Does it happen if you give an aphrodisiac and don't fuck a girl fast enough?

>> No.41835374
File: 58 KB, 616x644, 1659811909451918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want kanako sex

>> No.41835406
File: 368 KB, 1003x1485, 5fdfb9ca6c26dc966ffa2e54cab1ede6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, first you need to defeat* the stage 5 boss.

>> No.41835415
File: 674 KB, 2054x1938, 1569090510419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i dont want used goods...

>> No.41835422

it should be a bit harder to get on with kanako with how stuck up she is

>> No.41835476
File: 43 KB, 645x645, 169856379478564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to imagine shes just harsh and tsun like yuuka but melts once she warms to you just a bit

>> No.41835529

honestly thats like a "zun" problem for most women in gensokyo that are 100+ years old - you're seriously telling me that nobody ever even approached those 1000+ women or took them on a date? fuck even suwako somehow had a child

>> No.41835546
File: 87 KB, 246x246, 1656658173173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better like that
the 1k year old + hus' first kiss will be me

>> No.41835565

Is Kanako really all that stuck up?
She always struck me as someone who’s pretty honest and straightforward. She definitely tries to exude an aura of authority as a god and sees life as a series of business transactions, but if you treat her frankly and with the respect she demands, she’d probably be willing to share a drink or two with you.

>> No.41835681

>Is Kanako really all that stuck up?
First notion that clues you in on that is that she overthrew Suwako for well.. just power? She clearly the ambitious type and stuck up is probably the wrong word more like overly proud and Arrogant? She wouldn't wanna get it on with a human most likely even looking down on them.

But since she's a touhou character there's not much going on outside of spin-offs and officially licenced manga

>> No.41835755

Your waifu is used goods after you fucked her once

>> No.41835759
File: 44 KB, 400x276, 1658607354455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but by me

>> No.41835855
File: 610 KB, 720x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine making her learn that no matter if shes this super stuck up god, at the end she's still a woman whose greatest possible happiness in life is to be a good wife to you and future mother of your demigod hybrid children

>> No.41836049

Kanako is certainly domineering and ambitious, but she’s also pretty fair and reasonable as far as Gensokyo’s major players go. After Kanako brought civilization to Suwako’s backwards shithole, Suwako managed to force Kanako to accept her as a partner instead, and Kanako clearly came to respect that partnership immensely.
She also clearly views her relationship with humans as a symbiotic one; she provides spiritual guidance and blessings, and humans supply her with faith. Both depend on each other, in her view.
In her role as a deity, she’s obviously dominant and imposing, but she’s also quite welcoming, and she can be pretty personable. We see her enjoy herself and get along with the other characters in Symposium quite well, so when she pulls out of job mode she can be pretty fun to be around.
I’m not sure if Kanako would really want to pursue a relationship, but if you did get involved with her, she would likely be pretty serious about it, possibly being rather rigid in her approach. She’d make time for you, but she’d always be focused on her “job” first and foremost, and if you can’t deal with her as a career woman, you wouldn’t find much happiness with her.
Anon, you would be the one at home looking after the children and making sure dinner is ready for her when she’s finished with her work. She might love you, but she’ll always be focused on her job.

>> No.41836115
File: 362 KB, 800x450, pqwmhd9awynl4wrghslm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that argument
Okay you're right

>> No.41836130

It makes it better when you finally have them warm up to you after badgering the fuck out of them.

>> No.41836156

Just fuck her when she’s dry. Much tighter

>> No.41836489
File: 22 KB, 322x301, 1654019515811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer that over static housewife desu

>> No.41836731

It's mostly ZUN writing characters as if it was some kind of japanese legend. Those often gloss over stuff just to tell a tale. Like those stories about random monstruous youkai somehow finding a man to dick them and start a family with. Hilariously unlikely, but no one questions it.

>> No.41837032

When was the last big update to TW? I haven't been here in a while.

>> No.41837308

Maindev has been abandoned. Neodev is the one which updates.

>> No.41837413

No one asked, Prankfag.

>> No.41837756

we'd need to know some birthdays first.

>> No.41837766

There was some discussion about maybe using a condensed version of this as a placeholder.

>> No.41838068

gotcha, thank you very much anon

>> No.41838073

No problem.

>> No.41838215

He is not the only one but he is indeed one of the most active one.

>> No.41839353
File: 1 KB, 270x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does my wife throw a stone at me when i try to perform at a banquet
like surely lovers should have a better way to tell you to stop, like with words, instead of stones...?

>> No.41839366

A real lover wouldnt be afraid to tell you when your music is hot trash, even if its by rocks

>> No.41839389

shes not getting any more children if she kills me with a stone

>> No.41839406

She wants you to change genres. Clearly you should be playing rock.

>> No.41839411

She just knows you aint a bitch, you'll live no matter how hard she throws it

>> No.41839596

Words can be ignored. Stones cannot. Thus if you throw stones, they'll really get the message to stop.

>> No.41839715

Maybe she doesn't actually love you and wants to assasinate you for bothering her.

>> No.41839753

Yukari gets lonely
Go see her, take her on a date!

>> No.41840132
File: 526 KB, 755x587, f9c3dbc80e3097c39f5dc9c362d83fdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she's found herself someone to date already. Good for her!

>> No.41840157

*Cums on your face*

>> No.41840494

Studying carcinomas. I’ll go on a date with her after this and Remilia

>> No.41840587
File: 372 KB, 500x666, 57b8a6717439a502b0a4d9676240a9dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you were too late.

>> No.41841220

Yukari is for mate pressing on Ran's bed.

>> No.41841356

By Ran.

>> No.41841487

Every 2hu is made to be bred.

>> No.41841489

Even Kourin can't resist the cock. The cock is the perfect youkai domestication tool.

>> No.41841498
File: 274 KB, 768x984, sa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41841509

Man, I want to sodomize the glasses-wearing shopkeeper so damn bad. Both the girl and the guy. Fuck it, sodomy for everyone.

>> No.41841521 [DELETED] 
File: 2.66 MB, 3000x4000, b9b99707edb58666d6cb165f87f24b46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially sex fox

>> No.41841526

I admire your sacrifice to the cause.

>> No.41842022

Thank you, based JPAnon.
Can’t wait to play shogi with Momiji.
Can’t wait to play strip hanetsuki with the 2hus.
Can’t wait to play board games and hide-and-seek with the fairies.
Now, we need only wait for that feature to be expanded with dialogue.
And maybe other slice-of-life endeavors like erotic bloodletting for the vampire characters.

>> No.41842098
File: 42 KB, 998x725, Get ghouled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want to be sucked off by a loli vampire?

>> No.41842102


>> No.41842256

>kiss was cancelled because of confessing
Don't you just hate when it happens? Is it still happening, or is it just old screenshot?

>> No.41842321

Option to invite others to mahjong mach in TW when?

>> No.41842396

Option to do lovey-dovey stuff like sharing a pocky stick with your lover when?

>> No.41842680

More slice of life events would be nice, even if it's outside sex. The hus actually doing stuff during the day instead of just randomly wandering around is what the game needs right now.

>> No.41842754
File: 615 KB, 705x741, Visting Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less slice of life events would be nice, even if its about sex. The hus actually doing stuff during the day instead of just randomly wandering around is a huge problem in the game right now.

>> No.41842772

Agreed. That fly over there knows not what he speaks.

>> No.41842783
File: 200 KB, 808x634, a0b6e9467ef1e91eee7c716a6bc972a3c2fbf37b11e1504e1e4a8d36a61d5c7b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an old screen but chance are that it still happen.

>> No.41842788


>> No.41842792

>Whore fox is planned to be translated
>meanwhile green shrine maiden that has
>quest line
>mini quests
>reverse marks
>gets absolutely-fucking-nothing
why does this always happen to the best

>> No.41842804

I can’t work on a character whose custom questline remains unfinished. I’m sorry.

>> No.41842810

Isn't she actually unfinished and abandoned?

>> No.41842813
File: 149 KB, 865x1200, Sanae retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae is a poser and already an old hag from the outside who's super dumb and shallow!
she'll never be translated!

>> No.41842821

From what I know, yes. Which is why I can’t work on her. She’d have to be redone from scratch.

>> No.41842822

OP why do I get rape vibes from your image?

>> No.41842840

Not my intention.
Next OP image will be more wholesome.

>> No.41842847

Well, she's right. PS2 and the DS aren't retro, I mean I grew up with them

>> No.41842867
File: 356 KB, 1547x1002, Seija king of crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... I...

>> No.41842879

raping a corpse?

>> No.41842899

Rape? nonsense, its all consensual since corpses are objects anyways

>> No.41842955

I can't believe someone out there has actually decided to save one of my shit ass drawings on his computer, insane

>> No.41843090

It’ll be there as soon as (you) add it.

>> No.41843148
File: 545 KB, 1300x1836, Onii-chan Is Done For - Ch 24 Pg 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's been long enough that there are adults around who weren't born yet when the PS2 and DS was released, so that makes them retro

>> No.41843467

Almighty, based, honorable Pedy: new update when?

>> No.41843623

Rumor has it that one of the anons on this very board was born years after the PS2 released

>> No.41843731

The snes was retro by the time the ps2 came out. Why wouldn't the ps2 be retro by now?

>> No.41843733

When you pay for his plane ticket and let him crush your prostate.

>> No.41843752

If Pedy wants that, I will be the sacrificial lamb for the thread.

>> No.41843874
File: 49 KB, 357x323, chen scared2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon stop you're scaring chen!

>> No.41843877

Wii Sports with the fairies!
Mario Party at the SDM!
Dance Dance Revolution with the hags!

>> No.41843920

>Dance Dance Revolution with the hags!
I would actually want this. Alongside dancing with them like lovers would. Tango, anyone?

>> No.41844041

Stop shitposting.

>> No.41844117

I will if you bribe me somehow. Your buttcoin is an acceptable form of payment.

>> No.41844197

Shut the fuck up retard. The fact that you're still that buttblasted ever since Summer, and I still live rent free in your head just shows how desperate you are. There you go you little slut, you got my attention for these three nanoseconds. Happy now?

>> No.41844260

Answer when is the next update gonna happen.
Or do you need some more time to finish your next assplay addition?

>> No.41844268
File: 6 KB, 1164x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes

>> No.41844274

Ignore that other guy, esteemed Pedy. I would appreciate an answer, but unlike that autist, I value your contribution to the thread and admire your work ethic.

>> No.41844284

There's no such thing.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.41844293

Yes, there is. Or are you confirming that development for TW is cancelled?

>> No.41844298

Yes pedy, let him suck you off and answer how much money do we need to raise for the next update.

>> No.41844312

The game is free.

>> No.41844320

But development isn't.

>> No.41844331

Yes, it is.

>> No.41844398

No no no. Keep it rapey.

>> No.41844480

Oh but what about pedy's rent? His electricity costs, food, bad dragon dildos? He, and apparently only he, NEEDS money to keep working on era games.
Cough it up or wait months for another update.

>> No.41844496

Nonsensical drivel spoken from both ends of your mouth. You shan’t receive another (You) from me, genuine moron.

>> No.41844573

Oh noo, not my (You)s.
Gotta save everything for pedy, huh. I don't think he cares about that though.

>> No.41844580

quick question; what do you *not* want to see in a turn-based game?

>> No.41844688

Got a Hate Mark Lv3 for making Yuugi drink cum out of a beer mug

>> No.41844713

you know that thing where in some games a boss is supposed to be unwinnable or something or its supposed to be a massive horde that you're scripted to lose against despite having your sidequest grinded party easily beat them?
yeah that, although i'm sure thats not what you were asking

>> No.41844761

So like, how come everyone knows how cum tastes and instantly hates it anyway?
They don't really give a fuck if you use girlcum which is mostly piss

>> No.41844773

wow anon its almost like its a holdover from the slave trainer era where you were supposed to be hated

>> No.41844823

I get what you mean anon gave an idea though with the "unwinnable" thing, what about battles that have a 'soft' time-limit? Like Flandere getting bored of the fight and using her power to demolish you so you have to make a party and set-up to beat her in time?

>> No.41844845

You asked an oni to drink something out of a beer mug that wasn't beer and she was mad? Preposterous

>> No.41844853
File: 117 KB, 342x323, Yukari angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing against broken encounters as long as theres a way to win or something, nobody wants to find out they saved over their progress only to find out theres physically no way to beat a certain and force them to restart a game.
I'm STILL mad that happened to me in dead space 2 and that was over 3 years ago

>> No.41844860

Is the Rumia ASCII jump scare a thing?

>> No.41844861

Bros, I cheated to remove hate marks...

>> No.41844877

hate marks are annoying to remove when you can finger and have sex with your girl whenever you want but cannot fucking lead her around to take her on a date

>> No.41844963

>pray for Yuugi to visit me
>visits at 7pm

>> No.41845188

Aight, good, expect black souls 2 levels of puzzle fights

>> No.41846147

I adore Tsukasa. Best kuda-gitsune/pipe fox.

>> No.41846309

>Finally got combat to S rank
>challenge and beat multiple other fighters in danmaku between A and S rank
>still haven’t been able to beat yuyuko after four attempts
This is some heavy amount of bullshit.

>> No.41846620

Trash taste.

>> No.41846628

Weak-willed ninny.

>> No.41846647

Funny. Keep that up and I may just have to take over OP’s job and include Tsukasa in every OP just to spite you with best girl.

>> No.41846672

Do not pretend to be me. Tsukasa is one of many “best” girls.

>> No.41846752


>> No.41846893
File: 1 KB, 428x31, sweet roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wrote Mystia's dialogue and why does he like to insert Skyrim references into it?

>> No.41846903

Some Japanese guy who enjoys Skyrim, obviously.

>> No.41846913

Yeah but why would he do it?

>> No.41846941


>> No.41846973

Well, don't let that stop you. If Sakuya can have like 3 separate dialogues, Sanae can have two.

>> No.41846990

Yukari wouldn't even make it halfway through butterfly before getting winded.

>> No.41846995
File: 1.09 MB, 927x1078, skill issuo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how you manage to lose to an A-rank opponent, but if you're that desperate, you can always decide to just stack buffs.
Pick up a good item (Philosopher's Stone is ideal), drink three Peerless Patriot's Elixirs (no more, no less), and eat food with the [Enchanted] and [Divine Protection] properties (Junko's recipe gives both).
If you still fail with all of that, you should probably just quit playing this game entirely.

>> No.41847021

I already have my plate full, translating the Three Fairies foremost, with Tsukasa coming thereafter.
Moreover, I doubt my ability to make decent original content for Sanae.
But if no one else has bothered to do anything with her by the time I finish with my work on those characters, I could give it a try.
Don’t quote me on that.

>> No.41847038
File: 151 KB, 850x618, yuyuko rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try fighting her after she tires herself out. And don't feed her your special super food.

>> No.41847143

Bitch nigger.
Go on ahead. Your trash non-character will be deleted come next update anyway. Enjoy it while it lasts, fucko.

>> No.41847146

Doesn't Sanae already have two dialogues, the 'default' and the 'pushy type'? Or is the pushy type dialogue exactly the same as the default, except some words are changed to make it seem like she's being pushy (in particular contributions to the Moriya shrine)?

>> No.41847163

I'd rather see all the partially translated characters finished, let me tell you it is depressing living in Bamboo Forest and seeing Mystia, Kagerou and Tewi all half done, Eirin limited to her medical examinations only, Medicine having that extensive dialogue setup translation only to have actual translate dialogue and so forth

>> No.41847182

False Pedy.

>> No.41847195


>> No.41847208
File: 22 KB, 1193x421, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend a couple of minutes sexing two 2hus
>run out of vigor and both of them are out of energy
>go out to meet seija
>extremely short date
>finish date
>its raining outside so i lead her inside
>instant push down
>steals first kiss right away

>> No.41847237

New release soon. Prepare your trousers.

>> No.41847339

That's why you should always avoid dating girls when you or them are near bed time. A good date score relies on the date being decently long.

>> No.41847367
File: 612 KB, 1195x286, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well whenever I get leading around to pop up for a girl that doesn't have it 100% of the time yet I go out to date regardless of the duration to start grinding dating xp and because its just simply easier to get favor and reliability as dating lets you spam skinship and other commands with more ease
pic unrelated, but its the largest group so far i've got of girls i can push down at the same time

>> No.41847489

my greatest dream is that one day I will be able to put down a gassing garden at a banquet site before anyone arrives and come back late in the night to walk in on an orgy

>> No.41847516
File: 624 KB, 850x601, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be possible.

>> No.41847523

Kourin was made to gargle human cock.

>> No.41847531

And if I'm a youkai?

>> No.41847544

If youkai can't beat the cock, and humans can't beat the cock, that means half-youkai have a double-weakness to cock.

>> No.41847576

Why? Do you want them to fuck each other without you?

>> No.41847594

I am a one-2wife kind of guy, and she doesn't go to those things. And I want to make things extremely awkward for a bunch of unfeeling, non-sentient AIs when they wake up in the morning

>> No.41847636


>> No.41847671

I'd rather not have that. If anything, I wanna be in the center of such activities, and once you let them have sex with each other wily nily it's going to bleed over to other places. Could end up with Reimu and Marisa taking each other's firsts while you were still trying to get one of them out on your first date, you know?
Don't want my wife to just accidentally join in on that banquet either.

>> No.41847678

so don't put down the horny flower in the middle of a large gathering?

>> No.41847679

Made to give me a rimjob.

>> No.41847696
File: 207 KB, 601x650, protags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, their firsts are basically already taken.
And in case they're unable to do it with Kourin, you would still not be their first choice anyway. Marisa has a harem, and you won't be able to please a girl like another girl can. They don't need you.

>> No.41847706

The tryhard faggot enjoys it when you ignore him.

>> No.41847716

You know if 2hu to 2hu sex was possible it would enable yurifags and all of their crappy ships. It wouldn't take long to change existing code for it to happen casually.

>> No.41847718

2hu-2hu interaction is appreciated, but I draw the line at intercourse.

>> No.41847722


>> No.41847727


>> No.41847729
File: 223 KB, 850x850, arisu wants some too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are bisexual, but no women are (You)sexual.

>> No.41847781
File: 165 KB, 559x357, 1646612277904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made to receive rough pounding after a hard day of work while she just lies there watching tv as you bust a nut.

>> No.41847786

Shion is sex

>> No.41847788

Damn right she is.

>> No.41847796

Shion smells like Rochefort cheese

>> No.41847804

Jokes on you, I can't smell.

>> No.41847805

I bet Shion reeks of rotting flesh

>> No.41847842

Every 2hu sex is made for. Intense copulation with Ran. Orgasm denial with sex fox. Mating press all the hags. Educate all the cunny. Milk my prostate, Doctor. Make me boof that Hourai Elixir.

>> No.41847858
File: 259 KB, 927x1280, fa57e82d6a633b34c5e64b11026303b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mating press all the hags
>Intense copulation with Ran

>> No.41847870

Made for impregnating, mating press kind of sex while she looks uninterested but secretly loves it

>> No.41847889

Based fellow Ran and hag enthusiast.
This is the kino I want in TW.

>> No.41847901
File: 1.28 MB, 900x1200, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Don't want Alice "Bitchbreaker" Margatroid sullying your belowed waifu?

>> No.41848085
File: 1.07 MB, 500x500, 1660411631742873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a lot to unpack in this image

>> No.41848139

You're thinking of Yoshika.
