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4180941 No.4180941 [Reply] [Original]

What would Fallout in Japan look like?

>> No.4180946

There would be no atomic bombs

>> No.4180964


Her dying from radiation ("Daddy?... I'm coming with you this time...") was so very moe.

>> No.4180984


>> No.4181011
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>> No.4181021

I just started playing this 2 days ago.

I'm loving the shopkeeper in megaton.

She's adorable in a probably has a dick kinda way.

>> No.4181022

Wow, I've been playing Fallout 3 all week too.

And if it were in Nip land, it'd pretty much be Grave of the Fireflies with SuperMutants

>> No.4181033

Shes doesn't have a dick, but you can turn her into a ghoul.

And she seems pretty happy with that, too, since she can run tests on herself instead of having to find a ghoul to do them.

>> No.4181051

serves her right for making me go in that damned robot factory.

>> No.4181064

Is this Fallout 3 month or something?

I just started replaying it not a week ago. Which got my dad and brother playing too.

>> No.4181068

Well, in the Fallout universe China is big enough a threat to America to be able to invade Alaska, so I guess that Japan is part of the occupied territories.

>> No.4181070

I'm guessing a bunch of people got it for Christmas. I know I did.

>> No.4181072

It must be. I finally got a computer that can run it, so I started playing my 3rd game on the 1st.

>> No.4181076

You just don't understand how happy it makes her when you come back, full of holes and missing flesh, to deliver her a message that her plan was almost a complete failure.

>> No.4181093

Why is Bethesda capable of making half-assed games so incredibly addictive?

>> No.4181098

Because 3rd-party mods. They make any Bethesda game so much better, which isn't that hard to do, in retrospect.

>> No.4181112


But even the core game isn't repugnant, and the first-party DLC is decent and attention-grabbing.


>> No.4181121

Seriously. Even after playing the 360 version multiple times, I still started on PC with the sole purpose of being the little girl.

>> No.4181165

>But even the core game isn't repugnant

Just all the game mechanics and lack of appreciable things to do in the overworld, predictable side-quests, and a main storyline that includes such beautiful leaps of logic such as Fawkes refusing to handle radiation that is non-lethal for him.

For being focused on survival, it's relatively easy to survive and contains almost no survival mechanics. It's almost like I'm playing Oblivion with guns and no magic!

>the first-party DLC is decent and attention-grabbing.

Nigger, you best be joking. Broken Steel was the only one that added any more difficulty to the overall game with those fucking Reavers and shit, and that was just a level bump.

Zeta was a cakewalk without anything really interesting. Anchorage was lame, with shitty squad behavior. The rest were average quantities of meh.

>> No.4181175

You're such a bully!!

>> No.4181187

No I don't because my level 3 ass couldn't escape the robot factory.

>> No.4181192

I didn't say you were a bad person for liking the game, just that it has many obvious and glaring flaws which prevent me from liking it.

This isn't /v/, friend!

>> No.4181203

Ooh Ooh now do bayonetta.

>> No.4181226

amen to that. Why do people get so worked up when someone's opinion doesn't match their own, or on the flipside, why do people chastise others the same way.

I like F3, but your reasoning is sound.

>> No.4181227


>> No.4181232

Like Fallout 3.

>> No.4181278


>> No.4181331

Bethesda: We can make big, giant, uninteresting world maps, but absolutely nothing else

>> No.4181339

That's sorta what it felt like, yeah. Same with Assassin's Creed, a similar "beautiful world, not much to it" game.

I haven't played AC2. I hope it's better.

>> No.4181346
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Morrowind and Oblivion >>>>>>> Fallout 3

>> No.4181347

One without the Megaton nuke.

>> No.4181356

No kidding, even the closed up places were pitifully uninspired and linear

The D.C. ruins? Out of place buildings, ass-backwards street layouts, and every other street was filled in with building rubble (even when the buildings on either side of the rubble were pretty much intact, where did this rubble come from!?)
Fallout 3 gave me the same impression that a picture gives me where the artist is obviously trying hide the hands so he doesnt have to draw them

>> No.4181363

Rubble mutated when exposed to radiation and FEV, multiplying until it ate up the whole landscape and all accessible areas.

>> No.4181383

I didn't mind most of it. However, it was impossible to kill anything without VATS VATS VATS.

>> No.4181390


>I haven't played AC2. I hope it's better.

It's way better. Bioware listened to everything people complained about AC1 and fixed a hell of a lot.

The main problem is that combat is still a "wait counter wait counter" (but now you can taunt them to make it faster) and that the analog controls are really goddamn sensitive (expect to go flying off of buildings several times because you pushed it 2 degrees off).

But it's WAY better.

>> No.4181397

hey, don't be saying that shit on this board man. We got our Touhou niggers and Umineko niggers here to fuck you up.

>> No.4181409

I hate how AC basically punishes you for attacking.

I am very depressed by an admission that it's basically COUNTER frenzy, again. What a cruel world.

>> No.4181404

Quite a shame really, as the concept art areas just looked spectacular. But I guess it really would be too much to realize those faithfully given the scope of the game.

>> No.4181410


>> No.4181412

Why do blacks call themselves niggers?
I've never understood this. The entire process of self-degradation for "cred" makes no sense.

>> No.4181414

Fallout in Japan would never been good for the same reasons a zombie apocalypse would never work in Japan.

They don't have guns.

>> No.4181417

Odd fact, you can get Fawkes to go in for you with Broken Steel.

Same result though. You pass out and wake up two weeks later. Oh, and the game calls you a coward.

>> No.4181426

Maybe the ones who do realize what useless little shits they are.
Which, they deserve credit for.

>> No.4181430


>What Ushio from clannad will look like when she grows up.

Oh yeah

>> No.4181438

L4D2 shows what happens when you have a zombie apocalypse in the South: there are guns everywhere, and the survivors survive atop a mountain of the infected.

Yeah, but it's sad that they need an add-on to do that for them.

>> No.4181479

>L4D2 shows what happens when you have a zombie apocalypse in the South:Zombie trailer trash attacks you while Tyrone and Shaniqua hoard all the ammo.

>> No.4181497
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"Onii-chan, my toys broke."

>> No.4181507

>hunting rifle
>the game's only actual viable weapon

God that made me rage.

Bethesda can't make an RPG worth shit. Even Oblivion sucked dick, it just looked pretty while doing it.

>> No.4181508

You can't hoard ammo in L4D2! Besides, there's enough guns and ammo in the South for everyone to have as much as they want, especially after all the out-of-region transplants have been infected.

>> No.4181525

>hunting rifle
>the game's only actual viable weapon

No, that would be the Combat Shotgun + VATS at close range, followed by Grim Reaper's Sprint. And if a Combat Shotgun can't kill it, then god help you, run away and start throwing as many plasma grenades as you can.

>> No.4181530


Sorry, Ubisoft.

I'm dyslexic (between two items, not spelling) and my mind has linked those two companies for no reason I can identify.

>> No.4181567


Is this on Very Hard or something?

Because I play on Normal and everything kneels to my Chinese Assault Rifle.

>> No.4181592

Try and tell a Ghoul Reaver to stand still and let you pelt him with the CAR. He's gonna rape Dogmeat and then your face before you finish your first magazine.

Your best bet is to go for a sneak shotgun to the back/face after telling Dogmeat to fuck off somewhere else, or toss a lot of frag/plasma grenades before heroically running in for the VATS to the face with the Terrible Shotgun.

But that was just my experience when trying to protect the fucking morons in the sewer after the Purifier gets taken over. Your experience may vary.

>> No.4181644
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Not even God can help you now.

>> No.4181661
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>The Terrible Shotgun

Go ahead. Remove all the game's difficulty.

>> No.4181681

The worst part is when three of these fuckers try to rape your face at the same time. I didn't think that many was even allowed to spawn in the same area.

More like "good luck using a combat shotgun to repair it every 5 minutes".

>> No.4181696

Licoln's Repeater is the best weapon, a hunting rifle with .44 bullets.

>> No.4181717
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But I don't want to set the world on fire

>> No.4181731

Azaka would just lug around a Fat Man in the nuclear apocalypse.

>> No.4181735

Where is the Nagato spammer when you need him?

>> No.4181744

You're just jealous that you'll never be able to hug an Enclave Soldier.

>> No.4181746
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>> No.4181762

No, no. Way too little green to be the world of Fallout 3.

>> No.4181765
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I bet I know one person who does.

>> No.4181772


I want to be President Eden's First Lady.

Would I have to get cybernetic implants to consummate?...

>> No.4181781

Look, it's Colonel Autumn!

>> No.4181803
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>> No.4181869

>Why do people get so worked up when someone's opinion doesn't match their own etc.

Your statement would be terribly ironic if you ever saw certain threads around here.

>> No.4181875

But those are always started by a tripfag or some tripfag disguised as anonymous for the purpose of causing trouble. That's why they always devolve into that.

>> No.4181937

Tripfags are the root of all evil today.
