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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41768947 No.41768947 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>41699793

>> No.41769427

Shite Post is destined to beat horseshit flopsume and bring a new golden era for gacha games.

Screencap this.

>> No.41769505

Only if it's yuri.

>> No.41769983

>Are there any SAO mobage left?
Integral Factor and yet to be released Variant Showdown

>> No.41770657

>Page 9 already despite the thread being less than two hours ago
/jp/ being unusually fast again?

>> No.41770676

Looks like 2hu gods are spamming threads

>> No.41770699

RIP Sword Art Online

>> No.41770761

It literally started this year (in-universe anyway).

>> No.41771747

>Assault Lily Last Bullet
>Heaven Burns Red
>Magia Record
>Symphogear XD Unlimited
>Love Live School Idol Festival
>Love Live School Idol Festival All Stars
>Revue Starlight Re Live
>Bang Dream
Which yurige is worth playing right now before Towa Tsugai comes out?

>> No.41771899

Clearly your ordering wasn't random

>> No.41771917


>> No.41771959

What's the ordering?

>> No.41773525

I play both Bandori and HBR actively. I know, weird combination but I like both franchises a lot.

>> No.41774240

That's not weird at all. They're music games.

>> No.41774277

I swear most of the yurifags in these threads weren't here two years ago.

>> No.41774295

You're right it's been 14 years now

>> No.41774332

You should have already been playing Heaven Bun

>> No.41776028

Why are you all so obsessed with yurige?

>> No.41776204

There have always been male character haters here anon. They only used to complain about the male self insert MC and the males in the gacha pool but they have been going wild since HBR released. Now they're getting cocky after SE's yurige announcement.

>> No.41776629

to truly understand Symphogear you need to watch all 5 seasons of the anime and then read 5+ years of events in release order (there are unlock tickets)
for some reason the game doesn't really have story chapters, instead the events are all sequels to each other. Even the story chapters that are in the game always launch as events first and recommend you to go read certain events.

Also keep in mind that the game launched in 2017 before season 4 and 5 were released, that means you will spend a lot of time reading events that are set after season 3 before continuity catches up. It's a very scuffed game and the gameplay is just braindead autobattler, but if you are into that IP you get hundreds of hours of homosexual shit and crackships you wouldn't have imagined in your wildest dreams. A major part of the fanbase ships the main character with herself, because there are two now. This has gone so far that Yuuki Aoi has had to sing a duet with herself.

>> No.41776708

Is being baffled by yuri some kind of /vg/ tourist thing? I know this thread is mostly kids from there instead of actual /jp/ posters but come on.

>> No.41776713

/mbgg/ originated from /vg/

>> No.41776732

Yuri is niche yet yurige is all /mbgg/ talks about nowadays. Some people can't cope with change.

>> No.41776777

>Yuri is niche

>> No.41776890

Personally, I'm busy kneeling to Nikkegods.

>> No.41777059

I reinstalled Genshin for the loli and the game wants me to pick up 100+ flowers per character to fully limit break them and the flowers have a 48 hour respawn timer.

>> No.41777137

>200 days
At least there is a F2P way outside of dupes

>> No.41777214

I went back to it for her, too. I'm easily influenced by little girls, I guess.
Lack of new lolis coming out was part of the reason I ended up dropping it before, too.
And at least her skill makes them easier to pick up, rather than having to climb all over the cliffs to get them.

Less than that, since they're in groups of 2-3 and there's various groups scattered around the map. But still stops you from doing it all straight away.
And dupes are their own upgrade path. She's still quite good without them, but of course she's even better with if you're willing to go that far.

>> No.41779164

I miss Lapis

>> No.41779183
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Me too

>> No.41779505
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blue reflection will be the Lapis that Lapis couldn't be

>> No.41779618

Yuriniggers have ben way more obnoxious than usual.

>> No.41779675

Blue Reflection isn't y*ri. It's chad harem.

>> No.41779713

I guess this explains it all.

I haven't seen so much yurifaggot butthurt since they turned Nanoha back to hetero.

>> No.41779739

>turned Nanoha back to hetero
oh no anon illegally crossed into our timeline

>> No.41780304

Play HBR and ass lily

>> No.41780565

What is even supposed to be hetero with Nanoha being in inifnity souls?
She is only on friendly terms with Commander who can also be a woman and Nanoha whole deal in the story is that she will go back to her world once she have enough mana.

>> No.41781325

>Dies just when Bocchi started airing

>> No.41781614

It's just getting more popular. Lycoris Recoil, Gundam now. It's only natural.

>> No.41782771

Oh no angry hetfag, so scary

>> No.41784781
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new Lapis event

>> No.41785572
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Aniplex (Fate Grand Order, Magia Record, Kirara Fantasia, Infinity Souls) new kami game

>> No.41785812


>> No.41787445
File: 485 KB, 1920x1080, 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New blue reflection sun images https://www.4gamer.net/games/561/G056192/20221107001/screenshot.html?num=043

Lapis sensei has finally found his second home.

>> No.41787743
File: 602 KB, 1280x720, Blue Reflection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so handsome

>> No.41788584

I can't self insert like that

>> No.41788811

I can guarantee you that no one of these girls is a virgin anymore.

>> No.41788853

Well duh, they look especially sad

>> No.41789104

>Tried to buy cheap gems pack with my usual fake JP account
>Payment declined for some reason
>Tried it again after a few minutes
>It works just fine this time

>> No.41789611

Has there ever been a case where they remove the man and turn the series gay?

>> No.41790055


Why is Assault Lily Last Bullet paying the actresses to voice the event in a video instead of just paying them to voice the event?

>> No.41790085

No more Bushiroad money.

>> No.41791546

I guess they still want to squeeze some more money from their loyal fans.

>> No.41792431

I want to squeeze Yukari's waist

>> No.41793079

Tomorrow is going to be the first server maintenance for the chink version of Girl Cafe Gun in months, I kid you not the game is super laggy because the servers haven't been reseted in fucking MONTHS.

The sad part of the history aren't the countless of autists unwilling to leave the game but when the new players still trying to enjoy the game ask you in guild chat why is there no new events coming up.

>> No.41794298

So EoS soon?

>> No.41794301

Chinese games don't EoS in Chinese server.

>> No.41794310

What is Pride of Eden?

>> No.41794358

Even the JP server is alive

>> No.41794363

CN EOS'd though.

>> No.41795109

"Hitasura kaiteta niji no iro~" was supposed to be the next "Massara na sekai nani wo kimi wa egaku~"...

>> No.41795159

Can you write them in kana so I can use MTL?

>> No.41795196


>> No.41796050

Koihime Musou anime
Much better than the shitty game

>> No.41796098

>Much better than the shitty game
I bet you're only saying that because they removed the male.

>> No.41796134

Sorry but it's been the consensus for about 14 years now. Are you qualified to discuss this?

>> No.41796261
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>> No.41796375

But the game still keeps him right?

>> No.41796456

How is Nikke making 2 Genshins when so many characters don't even work?

>> No.41799305

front for an undercover gook slush fund
standard gook practice

>> No.41800405

The male MC did appear in the show. But the show was an alternate and not canon version of the story where one of the heroines was MC.

>> No.41802644

Apparently the games are also still being made.

>> No.41804762

What is the list of games you regret not starting when you are on the death bed? For me it's Shiny Colors, Idoly Pride, Alice Gears Aegis

>> No.41804803

Toji no miko I guess. Game was already several years old when the anime aired.

>> No.41804810

Lapis will always live on in my heart.

>> No.41805056
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>> No.41809916

Dead like PoO

>> No.41810082
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Blue Reflection Sun will revive this thread soon.

>> No.41811754

I started SC when it started and honestly just like Uma it gets boring after a while.

Toji was a fun game, too bad it died.

>> No.41811780

>Toji was a fun game, too bad it died.
At least it has an offline mode unlike PTD.

>> No.41812731

I rerolled and did the tutorial for SC and never really started it. After playing Uma for the first two months I'm glad I never bothered continuing SC, that shit just takes too much time and attention all for RNG to just tell you to fuck off and waste your time. AGA is ok. Can't say I've actually enjoyed playing it but I've also never really actually played anything other than basic content.
>start playing one day
>next day maint
>don't know Japanese much at the time so idk what's going on but it was in maint every time I opened it
>it was a long ownership transfer maint or some shit
>after reopening it died again in like a couple months
Damn shame because there were so many flat chests.
I will never forgive SE for leaving Toji in the dumpster.

>> No.41814453

Why didn't PTD get an offline version?

>> No.41816447

Because SE didn't want to make one anon.

>> No.41819921

Did Toji have pantsu?

>> No.41820638

It had a lot of panchira.

>> No.41821829

Post examples

>> No.41823672

>Alpha's VA is going bye bye too
Lapis can't catch a break, even in death...

>> No.41824369

We Lapisers ding dung nothing
She's in Uma Musume, Dolls' Frontline as well
Plus major anime roles in Maid Dragon, Slow Loop

>> No.41824505

Did those other franchises say anything yet?

>> No.41824533

Just recast her lol. Happens all the time with Ai Kayano or Bushiroad.

>> No.41824542


>> No.41825068

Doll Order and Tenka

>> No.41826876

>new symphogear news at their live concert, release 20XX
is the gacha game seriously going to end up running for 10 years or some shit

>> No.41828237
File: 982 KB, 1280x720, Pantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tard wrangler and her Homo. Can't really show panchira from actual gameplay, due to uhh, obvious reasons. I'm sure gameplay vids have them.

>> No.41828280

Japs really can't into asses, huh

>> No.41829471

I thought it has an offline reason

>> No.41829614

Is that Kanami? Got any of hers?

*offline version

>> No.41831720

Post Kanami pantsu

>> No.41832597 [DELETED] 


>> No.41832793

Japanese people have different ass bones

>> No.41833845


>> No.41833846

Etou... Kanami?

>> No.41834879


>> No.41838348

Dolphin Wave general is dead
We are back

>> No.41838713

Why are you lying? It was at the bump limit.

>> No.41838798
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Will Blue Reflection Sun be able to survive?

>> No.41839136

What an original looking game

>> No.41839218
File: 3.08 MB, 948x1557, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some ongoing events in the run up to Compass' 6th anniversary (the event stream itself is on the 3rd of December).

Available until the 3rd:
There will be a series of collab re-runs with a new one every two days, however don't roll on them when it's this late.
A 7-day login campaign will be available that gives up to two free hero tickets
Starting from the 24th, there will be a free daily 10 pull gacha with a 2% UR rate

10 anniversary missions are available until the 7th that give up to 600BM.
There is also the 100 million BM event where winning ranked matches during certain time slots will give you a random amount of BM.

That's all for now - only two weeks to go

>> No.41841022
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, OTP BUTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can ignore my autism in the file name. I'm also too lazy to swap off of the beach bg.

>> No.41841320

So pure

>> No.41841327

Does it have pantsu?

>> No.41841534

just looks like worse HBR

>> No.41841557

No LGBT theme though

>> No.41842126

Not so fast.

>> No.41842315

With all these miniskirts it would be criminal not to have it.

>> No.41842419

Their miniskirts weight like steel if Blue Reflection Tie is to go by. If it's the same engine you are shit out of luck.

>> No.41843132

Takt Op beta on 15th December

>> No.41843156
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>> No.41843504

So worse HBR

>> No.41843714

It's not chinese lol

>> No.41844062

In graveyard

>> No.41846128
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>character, weapon and skill gacha

Blue Reflection bros... I think we truly are the worse HBR.

>> No.41846324

Proof weapon is in gacha? Character + Skill (ie memory, memoria, essense etc) sound reasonable.

>> No.41846880

Will there be cosplay like Dolphin kino?

>> No.41847156

We'll have to wait for CBT to know for sure, but it's hard to think it will not have a weapon gacha as well when you can clearly see the weapons have stars. I hope I'm wrong though.

>> No.41850234

We need BRS pantsu

>> No.41852052

Pantsu will save /mbgg/

>> No.41852118

Still waiting for the horny yurige with pantsu for male otakus

>> No.41852754

I hope you like Bandori.

>> No.41853239

Are yurifags 13yo girls? Should I be grooming one?

>> No.41856089

What happened to the Black Rock Shooter gacha?

>> No.41857043

I feel like there is a kusoge coming out every week yet there is still nothing to play

>> No.41857267

Shouldn't have dropped your majesty

>> No.41857340

Your Majesty has no content and gives out almost no currency, it's one of the worst games I've ever played
If he wanted something good to play YM would cause him to commit suicide

>> No.41857514

So is Shitte Post going to have panties or not?

>> No.41858205

All the weekly kusoge will die in a couple months, there's no point in playing them.

That's why I only play games that will be very popular and last for a very long time such as Blue Reflection Sun.

>> No.41860912

Imagine seeing Haru's pantsu

>> No.41861025

Doujinshi are just fanfics with pictures

>> No.41863005

And so?

>> No.41863119

You're mentally ill

>> No.41865286

The worse BRS is out https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.goodsmile.brsfragment

>> No.41865301

Is it still yuri like the anime?

>> No.41865343
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some of those designs, why tho

>> No.41865453

it's really just the lips
moeshit shouldn't have lips

>> No.41865523

Where have you seen moeshit with freckles

>> No.41865558

Not with freckles that dense but they definitely exist.

>> No.41866562

>BRS auto repeat option is locked behind the VIP PASS.

What a disaster of a game. EOS in one month.

>> No.41866622

>auto repeat
Does it have skip tickets at least?

>> No.41866739

Lapis Re:LiGHTs will never be the same without Alpha, its most popular character.

>> No.41867686

No. They pretty much killed the game on launch lol

>> No.41868433

Did Lapis ending contribute to her retirement or was the timing just a coincidence?

>> No.41870416

I miss Lapis

>> No.41870473
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She saw her two franchises die this year... at least she still has Idolmaster...

>> No.41870674

How does she do it? How does she keep killing franchises?

>> No.41871014

Recommend me a kusoge that nobody knows about but it's actually good

>> No.41871041

Infinity Souls

>> No.41871108

Tokyo 7th Sisters

>> No.41871140


>> No.41871533

EoS confirmed for December 26th

>> No.41871539
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Nanoha killed another mobage

>> No.41871548

Didn't it literally just launch?

>> No.41871562

Launched on June 30th. It will last the total of 6 months before EoS next month!

>> No.41871588

Nanoha is cursed. Wait for the new Symphogear project announced for 20XX.

>> No.41871612

>even shorter than PoO
This is despite doing better than PoO

>> No.41871653

How many games has Nanona killed?

>> No.41871680

Sengoku Asuka Zero, Toji no Miko, Magia Record EN, Symphogear Global, Smile of Arsnotoria, Infinity Souls

>> No.41871706

One of the biggest regrets is the lack of YuYuYui x Nanoha collab before its EoS. YuYuYui even collabed with Railgun thanks to Kadokawa. And Geah XDU managed to collab with YuYuYu.

>> No.41871755

I can't believe Infinity Souls is already dying. It only feels like yesterday when we were discussing its upcoming launch and wondering how long it would last. Maybe some here didn't expect it to survive long, but to die in under six months must be a shock even to the biggest pessimists.

>> No.41871786

Not really. It always looked liked a rushed game with no value.

>> No.41871790

Was it really the bugs that killed it, or was it doomed even if it didn't have those bugs?

>> No.41871793

Back when it launched, how many months did you see it lasting?

>> No.41871800

At least 9 months to a year for them to finish the Nanoha story. Now they won't even have a chance to introduce Hayate.
Also I think they have only run 2 events (like with "welfare" units) ever.

>> No.41871903

It's pointless to launch brand new 2D games. That's why I don't see Towa Tsugai lasting longer than Engage Kill.

>> No.41871905

Bugs aside it simply wasn't engaging. Bugs sure didn't help.
I dropped it 2 days in so I don't really remember but yeah anywhere between half-anni and anni.

>> No.41871972

Damn that was fast. I guess I'm glad I didn't start the game so I have no reason to be attached to it.

>> No.41871987

So you see Engage Kill lasting?

>> No.41872101

Should have made an Extreme Heart game desu

>> No.41872261


Looking good, Shine Post

>> No.41872373

I'm shocked that they didn't make a game out of it, the premise seemed like a perfect fit.

Pantsu where?

>> No.41872506

SIF2 killer

>> No.41872719

When will this Idoly killer be released?

>> No.41872779

Is the Symphogear gacha invincible? it refuses to die.

>> No.41872810
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Bushiroad took it from Pokelabo so it kind of died once already

>> No.41872820
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>> No.41873067

all that did was increase the amounts of gems being given out and an increase rate of quality of life updates

>> No.41873224

This sucks. I've been playing Infinity Souls since day one and now it's dead. I would have accepted this better if it died after year 1.

>> No.41873236

How is the story? Did Nanoha and Fate go back home?

>> No.41874334

Interesting that there's both Tings and Hyrain posters.

>> No.41874428

Estab-Life will save mobage

>> No.41874438

Will the game be yuri as anime?

>> No.41874865

So the story died just like that?

>> No.41875023

More conclusive than Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force

>> No.41875149
File: 36 KB, 708x408, no title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As everyone expected, Blue Reflection Sun isn't a prequel, it's either a sequel or an alternate timeline.

>> No.41875159

Can you post the Japanese version

>> No.41875322

Equa's seiyuu retired

>> No.41876933
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From a different question

>> No.41877553


>> No.41878110

What happened to HBR?

>> No.41878735
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>> No.41878905

>Pantyshots confirmed
Engage Kill won, about this prude fanservice meme era ended.

>> No.41878921

Where? Tang is wearing spats and Kisara didn't show any

>> No.41878978
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>> No.41878998
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Oh Cool

>> No.41879233

Engage Kiss or Towa Tsugai?

>> No.41879241

Looks likes a new loop but with male protagonist. I expect the girls from 1, Ray and Tie to eventually join in under different circumstances.

>> No.41879449

Any of Ayano?

>> No.41879714

China won't like this...

>> No.41879768

So many good games to look forward in 2023...

>> No.41879826

I want to try it but it's from SE.

>> No.41879840

What's wrong with SE?

>> No.41879860

If you believe it will be the next PTD and live for long +4 years

>> No.41882418

Archeland comes out December 7.

>> No.41882441

Interesting that Kisara wears white panties here when she wore black in the anime (at least while in demon form).

>> No.41882446

As much as I hope EK lasts for a while, I still remember what happened to Deep Insanity.

>> No.41882470

Nobody was interested in that property

>> No.41882480

They should have made a Lycoreco game instead

>> No.41882485

With or without playable Majima and Lilybells?

>> No.41882490

>Nobody was interested in that property
[citation needed]

>> No.41882510

They'd be the enemy

>> No.41885012

Nah, that shit fucked sucked. Majima BTFO the yuritards so that was good but not enough to save the trainwreck.

>> No.41885079

You need to keep your delusions to /a/ where they belong.

>> No.41885239

Even yuri fans agree Majima stole the thunder of 2nd half of the show, and marginalized Takina

>> No.41885603

Apparently they paid for TV CM for Infinity Souls Nanoha only to shut it down 2 months after?

>> No.41886341

Anime didnt show many pantyshots of Kisara but she uses white pantsu in non-demon form, as seen in Kill new PV.

>> No.41887657

She also wore white in that one scene where she was in bed. The strange thing is that the anime didn't have a single pantyshot of her while in her school uniform but had no issues showing her panties while in demon form. It's not like the anime didn't like showing panties since it showed Sharon's white panties multiple times (mostly pantyshots even). Even the imouto got one (poorly-drawn) pantyshot (albeit in demon form).

>> No.41889932

Shine Post pantsu?

>> No.41890383

If it doesn't have pantsu then it's DOA, you need lewd outfits to even try to compete with IP.

>> No.41891477

3D Nanoha game with pantsu

>> No.41891688

Downloaded Astral Fable is it like Astral Chronicles?

>> No.41891775
File: 707 KB, 1185x666, World Dai Star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New rhythm gacha and anime directed by Idoly Pride director confirmed for 2023

>> No.41891890

Yurichads winning again?

>> No.41891917
File: 1.36 MB, 1185x666, Anime Key Visual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every Idoly Pride and Shine Post, you get one PuraOre or this to balance it out

>> No.41891963
File: 274 KB, 853x1200, EoS Hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally, another game for doomposting after Lapiss, PoO, Infinity Shit all EoS'ed

>> No.41891991

Wait a second this isn't idols, it's revue.

>> No.41892028

>gazillions of characters already confirmed
So it's going to be 2D chibi for sure.
I want a 3D Revue where they actually fight like in Lapis Re:LiGHTs

>> No.41892030

They confirmed a rhythm game, so it's the non-idols(idols) scenario. Looks like 6-8 months EoS to me to be honest.

>> No.41892050

It will go past 1st anniversary with the help of generous donation from Asakusa.

>> No.41892478

>World "Die" Star

Japan really needs to pick them English titles more carefully

>> No.41892777

And none of them are particularly cute. Too many short-haired girls. There's even a fucking braids and glasses.

>> No.41893624

World Biggu Star sounds a lot worse

>> No.41893676

Infinity Souls RIP image for the next OP?

>> No.41893859
File: 169 KB, 2048x946, Infinity Souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Nanoha

>> No.41893923

I hope Anzai Yukari is in World Dai Star.

>> No.41894352

>Reaper of Kusoge.
I completely forgot about Tenka Hyakken also got a Nanoha collab.

>> No.41894421

Tenka lasted years after the Nanoha collab though.

>> No.41894570

Imagine if Dai Star got both Yukari Anzai and a Nanoha collab. That would be fate defying.

>> No.41895962
File: 91 KB, 700x452, Reddit Humour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Fate defying amirite

>> No.41896260

>no pantsu
No wonder it died

captcha: A4SAYJ

>> No.41896302

>Engage Kill vs Shine Post
>Towa Tsugai vs World Dai Star
It will be an interesting year for mobage next year

>> No.41896667

Every game will have pantyshots in the post-Engage Kill world.

>> No.41897218

Even Shine Post?

>> No.41897869

Blue Reflection Sun bros...

>> No.41898331

I don't understand, whose songs will they use in the rhythm game?

>> No.41898938

Songs from their play

>> No.41899071

The reception is way worse than Lapis Re:LiGHTs since Lapis was announced as Project Parallel with male MC from the start and it's an idol franchise where it's the norm.
Blue Reflection just makes no sense with how the devs are going around the new sites claiming the franchise is always meant to have male self insert, they want (You) to experience getting close to the girls like the girls did to each other before etc.

>> No.41899522

Gust is full of shit anon, I like their games but they're a bunch of jews saying stuff like you aren't suppose to sexualize the atelier mcs when they had been pumping Ryza goods like crazy.

>> No.41900084
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Brown Dust 2 (Brave Nine in EN)

>> No.41900126

will keep an eye on this one. i actually enjoyed brown dust for a time long ago and echocalypse did not do it for me to scratch the same itch.

>> No.41900629
File: 1.36 MB, 920x917, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has received a small update today - an anniversary version of Taka's Square will be available until the 31st December and the main menu theme has been replaced with a jolly variant.

As for hero balancing today, an interesting one:
>Movement speed reduced by 1%
>Normal attack range increased by 0.2m
>Normal attack hitstop reduced by 9%
>Defence modifier increased from 1.00 to 1.10
>Health modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.90
>Hero action damage when breaking a shield reduced by 10%
>Movement speed reduced by 1%
>Movement speed reduced by 1%
>Pod gatling range reduced by 1m
>Hero action pull strength increased by 14%

There are also some "adjustments" for a brand new hero. More of a tease than anything of value but here they are:
>Attack modifier increased from 1.10 to 1.15
>Movement speed increased by 1%
>Special effect rate when hitting his hero action increased by 50%
>Hero ability effect increased from 100% to 200%

Needless to say, we can expect a new original hero to be revealed next week on the stream.
That's all for now!

>> No.41900673

Does anyone even care about this game anymore except for you?

>> No.41900796
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The only person that matters is me

>> No.41900877

Anon please don't bully Compassbro. He's literally the only one who's legitimately talking about a mobage without shitposting.

>> No.41901210
File: 383 KB, 1600x1600, yuri post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say shiteposting?

>> No.41901325

They could have just shared the umbrella like the gays they are.

>> No.41901430

No pantsu no play

>> No.41902244

pantsu will save BRS

>> No.41903619

Will the 3rd main chapter of Assault Lily be voiced again now that the cast aren't the Bushiroad OCs (Bushiroad have left the game)

>> No.41903958

Blue Reflection Sun vs Ange Relink

>> No.41904169

Too many lilies now. Are they selling dolls for all of them?

>> No.41906789

Last day of SB69F

>> No.41908135

PoO dies tomorrow

>> No.41908673

Artsy gacha

>> No.41908870

They aren't really new so yes

>> No.41909262

shite post has no pantsu or gravure like Idoly Pride, can't belong to the new mobage age.

>> No.41909456

Pretentious gacha

>> No.41909481

Yuri in a nutshell. Idealized women.

>> No.41909506

What the fuck am I reading. That's the whole point of 2D.

>> No.41909558

*Idealized lesbians

>> No.41912312

We are less than 24 hours away from SBR and PoO's demises.

>> No.41912424

Please play Kagemas

>> No.41912697

What about Dragalia Lost?

>> No.41913087

Anyone playing Eminence in Shadow?
It just released right now

>> No.41913159

3D clips a bit but it's a welcome change to chibi autobattlers
Doesn't appear to be censored as it shows loli Alpha from the anime which is arguably more than Blue archive's scandal.

>> No.41913465
File: 252 KB, 1624x750, image_123986672 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delete Account
>Skip tutorial
rerolling has never been this easy

>> No.41913810

Does it have pantsu?

>> No.41913827

Does it have bare feet?

>> No.41914234

As long as Shite Post has swimsuits I would be a happy man.

>> No.41916080

I prefer if it had pantsu

>> No.41916232

Let us have a moment of silence for the mobage who will be departing from this ether today.
>PuraOre: Pride of Orange
>SHOW BY ROCK!! Fes A Live
>Dragalia Lost

>> No.41916298

Most of the girls are underage, showing their panties would be a criminal offense.

>> No.41916482

Didn't stop Engage Kill or Toji no Miko.

>> No.41916540

>Engage Kill
Kisara is a hag, it doesn't count.

>> No.41916823
File: 701 KB, 2208x1242, Fiub2REaYAMCT0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we excited for Archeland? It's the last big release this year.

>> No.41916829

How many months/years until EoS?

>> No.41917825

Which one is the T? could have got a PTSD bingo

>> No.41918051

They're still highschoolers SP has 10yo idols.

>> No.41918263
File: 119 KB, 1136x640, FiylKx7VEAEMILJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41918276

World Dia Star will fill the hole left by PoO.

>> No.41918277

I still believe in PoO. It's not doing that badly.

>> No.41918278

The T?

>> No.41918282

Does World Dia Star even have an opening? I mean Revue Starlight already exists and got the yuri-friendly theater girls market.

>> No.41918292

Believe in Takahiro (writer)

>> No.41918333

Oh it's him? That's more reassuring (even if Supaice died)

>> No.41918387

If it wasn't doing badly it would still be alive today.

>> No.41918501
File: 201 KB, 1000x1414, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroine doesn't have full name so it will definitely have some fuckery going on. Hopefully not heart transplant.

>> No.41918672

Isn't Revue dying ?

>> No.41918705

*memory loss

>> No.41918754

i'll try it purely because i'm a sucker for strategy rpg types of games.

>> No.41918775

After months of shitte posting, you finally have my attention.

>> No.41919102

Shine Post will save /mbgg/

>> No.41919107

>heart transplant
What is with idol franchises and becoming obsessed with these anyway?

>> No.41919955


>> No.41920135

This place only talks about flops so I hope not.

>> No.41920176

Show by Rock
Dragalia Lost
