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4174483 No.4174483 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's to stop Rance from chiseling Sill out of the ice block with his Hyper Weapon?

>> No.4174516

melt magic ice with hyper weapon goo. it could work.

>> No.4174528
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Judging from the attempts seen, the ice will crack straight through and kill her if damaged.

>> No.4174535

He would melt Sill too...

>> No.4174642
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>> No.4174666

The continually reforms when damaged

>hurr durr how do i readed

>> No.4174680

>hurr durr how do i writed

>> No.4174701

The ice reforms when chipped, but shatters if it is damaged deep enough to reach Sill.
Just look at Miki's attempt to break her out.

>> No.4174710

So wait, a Rance story has a sad ending to it?
Isn't this the series about a rapist with a heart of gold?

>> No.4174716

God I hated that bitch, it's ridiculous that she wasn't punished at all for that.

She should at least be raped for it.

>> No.4174720

Well, it's a story about rapist, yes...

>> No.4174724


>> No.4174761

Worth it.

>> No.4174757
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Instant majickal apocalypse and eternal reign of darkness.

>> No.4174770

Yeah, it must be nice to be a useless cunt who ruins everything, but if you try to retaliate against her, she destroys the world.

>> No.4174776

So wait, why is Sill in a block of ice, and why does that guy care?

>> No.4174794

Best girl in the series. One I'll never get to rape... ;_;

>> No.4174826
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>So wait, why is Sill in a block of ice

It all started when Miki pulled an Anne Rice plot device out of nowhere to save Kentarou's ass, then it sort of snowballed from there.

>why does that guy care?

Well... Rance is about to hit his mid 20's.
He's growing up.

>> No.4174855

better fuck and kill her some day.

>> No.4174875


Don't quite remember the plot, but I remember it was because rance was being a retard and sill need to save him from it.

>> No.4174885

This could have been avoided if Rance just listened to Chaos and killed the bitch, but noooooo, the one time he's a fucking moralfag is with the insane little girl.

>> No.4174906


He was never a moralfag with her. He just wanted to have sex with her before killing her.

>> No.4174940

I remember him saying he'd never kill such a cute girl.

>> No.4174948


Kentarou fights Shikibu.
Kentarou gets his sorry ass kicked.
Miki blows up Shikibu.
Miki performs emergency blood transfusion with Kentarou.
Kentarou turns absolutely fabulous.
Miki runs away.
Miki doesn't get her lemons.
Miki zaps Rance with majickal ice.
Sill takes it for the team (Rance).

>> No.4174969

...You know, as much as Rance goes out of his way to be a douchebag at every available opportunity...I can't help but feel that deep within his atrophied heart, there's some glimmer of kindness.

>> No.4174964


Should be more then that. I remember thinking rance was a retard in that scene.

>> No.4174975

Well, at least for Sill.

>> No.4174978
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>> No.4174992


If only I had shark teeth

>> No.4175008

Rance doesn't kill children or cute girls.

This has been established since the series was created.

>> No.4175022

Except for the kid that raped lolihime.

>> No.4175033


Those kids were future rances. He has to kill them in the same way lions do

>> No.4175042

Damn bastard, he knew I was using CE.

>> No.4175050

Always wondered, what's with that blue sheep like creature?

>> No.4175051

he killed kids for fucking up his sand castle and those kids who raped kou ;_;

also he can kill kazemaru

>> No.4175074

Those kids hurt his woman. Of course he killed them.

>> No.4175104

So he doesn't kill children, so long as they don't do anything that he disapproves of.

>> No.4175137

>>4174826 It all started when Miki pulled an Anne Rice plot device out of nowhere to save Kentarou's ass, then it sort of snowballed from there.

What? All Demon Kings can raise new Demons. It's not like Miki did anything unusual as the Demon King.

>> No.4175168

I keep trying to install this to no avail.. It just says like ??????/movie or something and then fails. Anyone get this to work on Windows 7?

>> No.4175179

Except she only wanted to save Kentarou, and didn't mean to turn him into a demon, and then she thinks he hates her for it.

>> No.4175189

Japanese Locale on, right?

>> No.4175197

I'm a little confused as to how I should do this in Windows 7. I installed the Japanese language pack, and I did the admin cmd thing to install applocal.msi, but I don't get how to use it. Should it just work, do i have to open a special app, or should I restart?

>> No.4175237

There is a staggering amount of misinformation on Rance's character and the Rance series in general. It's pretty saddening.

Someone needs to hack and translate the other games so you guys even vaguely know what you're talking about.

>> No.4175260

If you're using AppLocale, you need to open it, Browse to the Rance setup .exe, and then change the language to Japanese, which should be the last option on the drop down list. It will retain the Japanese characters then, rather then the ??????? you seem to be getting.

>> No.4175436
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>> No.4175829

It doesn't help that the Alicesoft wiki is full of lies, mistakes, and copious amounts of bullshit.
