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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41668410 No.41668410 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn Japanese properly? And no, I don’t want to go to some random website where it tells me I have to spend a shit ton of money only to do repetitions that barely allows me to read at a child level. I just want to read doujins without waiting for them to be translated.

>> No.41668414

>How do I learn Japanese properly?
most people start here https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
it explains everything step by step
> have to spend a shit ton of money
no, in fact you should spend 0 money.

>> No.41668820

I second this
Remember that once you start studying, exposition to that language is the easiest way to learn. It can be very frustrating to watch, read or listen to something you can barely understand (specially if it kids media that you're not really interested) but it's by far the most efficient way to make whatever your studying stick and actually make sense.

>> No.41669472

learn tae kim, a reasonable amount of vocabulary, then start reading
been at it for a few months now with great results.
one thing to consider is that spoken japanese is ripe with "noise" (してる and くなる comes to mind cause those are extremely useful constructs to describe states and actions), so academic reading won't do much other than reminding you of the basic meanings
で and に are very ubiquitous and worth some deep understanding
like english- no, even more so than english- japanese are very context-dependent and you'd do yourself a favor by thinking about context as you make sense of the words in your mind
lastly, i don't recommend porn-related stuff in your first readings cause it's tiring to alternate between your cock and the mouse many times over

>> No.41669535

do your reps
read a lot
be patient

>> No.41670319

anyone who tells you moonrune is easy is lying.

>> No.41670524

learn kanji
read read read

>> No.41670582

Here is literally all info you will ever need

>> No.41670969

Scam site. Take what you can with it and move on. YOU decide how you want to proceed with your studying

>> No.41672350
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I've been reading manga simple with furigana, Yotsubato! is a standard recommendation. kitsunekko.net has jap subs for anime, I've been rewatching Cobitsu that way.
>alternate between your cock and the mouse
Laugh at this casual who hasn't equipped his table with an onahole.

>> No.41672511

You go to the websites linked in this thread, learn the kana and then start learning kanji/grammar/vocab simultaneously and read/listen to as much as possible. It's a grind and you need to do it every day. You don't need to spend any money and you shouldn't. Set up anki/yomichan and learn to type in japanese too. Also be prepapred for kanji to be completely autistic. Ultimately you have to dedicate a good chunk of your life to it, it is very complex. Unfortunately I had to stop because I was doing it at the expense of other things, but man I wish I could do nothing but japanese reps even if I'm not even that much of an otaku. I just find it fun.

>> No.41672814

just try everything until you find something that makes you happy

>> No.41673073

Why? Why couldn't you just go to the japanese thread? If you take this work ethic into learning jap then you'll never succeed

>> No.41673074

What things should I try, wise anon? Realistically I can't learn japanese despite finding it very fun to do, what else should I try?

>> No.41676071

have you ever learned a foreign language?

>> No.41677438
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ignore tatsumoto spam


he just wants your patreon money

>> No.41678625
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Ignore analfag's posts like this >>41677438.

He comes to every Japanese learning thread to spam this shit.
He just wants your patreon money.

>> No.41678658

The Japanese thread is hijacked by Analcream (the m*weay spammer). He has a bot to spam his site. Posting in that thread is pointless.

>> No.41678791

Download anki, download rikaikun for whatever browser you have, download Tae Kim's grammar guide.

What you're going to do is plow through the grammar guide, and while you're doing that build anki decks and categorize them by shit you want/need to remember. You're also at the same time going to use rikaikun to "mine" kanji on your own time (copy paste characters into anki flashcards for memorization).

Do this long enough and you'll get somewhere.
