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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41605458 No.41605458 [Reply] [Original]

what is it like?

>> No.41605975

like 4chan but japanese

>> No.41606018
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Mostly like this.

>> No.41606065

Not really. Try browsing a board people use.

>> No.41606813

As garbage as the site you just posted in

>> No.41606961

i like this site sometimes

>> No.41607902

which would you recommend?

>> No.41607974

Touhou board has funny images and porn.

>> No.41607975

any nude pics of Yuuka?

>> No.41607977

Possibly. You'd have to keep an eye on it yourself.

>> No.41608023

a lot of furry porn on the secret board posted on 花金

>> No.41608052

Like old 4chan in may ways.
More OC content
Far FAR fewer bots
Still a den of max-autism where 4chan is quazi-mainstream

But for god sake, unless you know Japanese well, please don't post there and shit up their community. Image boards are a dying bread.

>> No.41608059

Bread died a long time ago...

>> No.41608087
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Yeah, it is a shadow of it's former glory for sure, but thats any image boards still around, including 4chan.
I just hate to see the left over of these communicates fucked with since it just kills them that much faster.
Nostalgia for what image boards were in the 00s still rings in my heart.

>> No.41608119

I know how you feel. It's difficult to have that these days. Anywhere fast will have too many people that aren't really invested in anything, have no care for their community. Anywhere slow won't have the traction to make much of anything good and end up being made of blogposts.
It is what it is. I'm still here (on imageboards in general) so it isn't like there's anything really better.

>> No.41608152

>Anywhere fast will have too many people that aren't really invested in anything, have no care for their community. Anywhere slow won't have the traction to make much of anything good and end up being made of blogposts.
Ain't that the truth.

>> No.41608851

>it isn't like there's anything really better.
sadly this is the reality of the internet in general now that every moron has a smartphone now and big brother is entwined into everything

>> No.41613288
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>> No.41614261
File: 4 KB, 372x30, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when the biggest board jumped from /b/ to /pol/, pic related was forgotten, and people started taking their own shit seriously. This site was a creative center of the entire Web back when everything was genuinely for shits & giggles instead of being the base camp of an echo chamber that accuses people of being one of (((them))) instead of engaging with it when those people point out actual flaws in the doctrines of their little church. They'll even call anyone who DOES engage with it dipshits and then proceed to not engage with it themselves, as they're emotionally entrenched in genuinely believing their own shit.

When that's the entry point for the site, you're gonna get people who are generally less creative than the /b/ types that weren't taking any of it seriously. It's no wonder 4chan stopped being the source for a new piece of Internet culture every other week, instead having maybe a few (if even that) cultural influences per year now. You can even see former-4channer creatives being anywhere except 4chan now, your Nyanners or Gigguk, Videogamedunkey & Psychicpebbles, people who have outright stated that they used to spread their chaos on this very site but then left because the Stormfront samefags who kept reposting their threads gave the site a damaging image for any popular users. Moot tried rebooting /pol/ a couple times, and when that didn't work, he washed his hands of ownership for the entire site.

You can believe in your /pol/ talking points, that's nothing personal; it's just that that doesn't inspire creativity like the bed of chaos that /b/ was back when that was the entry point for the site.

>> No.41614495

>Far FAR fewer bots
It's filled with bots though? There's no captcha as far as I know so one schizo is all it takes. If you sort it by newest you'll often find complete nonsense and snippets of posts copied from actual people. The gahaha person in the AI threads is a bot, I hope.
>Still a den of max-autism where 4chan is quazi-mainstream
Not really, it's more like /r9k/ or something with failed normalfags crying about not having girlfriends, how alone they are and how much their life sucks. Also lots of low IQ people with porn and gacha addiction. Other than that, there's hardly anything interesting going on most of the time. The schizos/bots like the aforementioned gahaha person and the people getting mad at them from time to time are the most entertainment you'll get out of it.

>> No.41614589

>Not really, it's more like /r9k/ or something with failed normalfags crying about not having girlfriends, how alone they are and how much their life sucks. Also lots of low IQ people with porn and gacha addiction
so... just like 4chan?

>> No.41614888

can you at least tell us the list of the board and various description for it at the really least?
we don't know much about japanese image board community and when we do, it's just old information likely dated back to early 2000s that wouldn't be accurate nowaday.

>> No.41615752
File: 200 KB, 361x387, 47659E0B-0EB9-4EFC-93E1-8632C0D6DDA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you subhumans don’t even know how futaba works lmao, just get the fuck out from there and stay here you fucking annoying dipshits

>> No.41616705

how does it work?

>> No.41616799

i read books for elementary schoolers and then i get cocky and try to read 2chan and it's like trying to decipher an alien language

>> No.41617081

never mind, it's just the vtuber board that makes no sense. i am learning that going to rainbow road when you die isn't just a meme but real japanese folklore. very educational website.

>> No.41617598

Most of the boards are pretty hard to understand. They're either dead, colonized by a group of weird autists like the bandori guy who screenshots every few frames of the anime and dumps it, or it's may/img which are pretty confusing outside of the anime/manga threads, they talk about a huge variety of stuff there but you have to check often or you'll miss the good threads. They have some weird autist spammers too but you can ignore em

>> No.41620017

You are almost as bad as them.

>> No.41624123

lack of linking to posts you're replying to.

>> No.41628278


>> No.41628635

the oekaki board has real autism when it comes to the etiquette of bumping threads. they want to keep art from years ago on the board and many threads devolve into arguments about such matters. there are confusing posts quoting deleted posts about being a "age arashi".

>> No.41633746

if you want a board like old /b/ then just use the sharty

>> No.41633962

what is it?

>> No.41634001

Just read the thread. Isn't hard to follow.

>> No.41638339


he's not talking about /b/ in isolation, but rather /b/ as an entry point for the site, as opposed to /pol/

there does seem to be a lot less creativity and purely fun silly shit than there used to be

>> No.41638379

fuck off kuz

>> No.41643822

they don't need any cringey westerners for sure

>> No.41643835

do you think i have a private japanese vpn or something?

>> No.41647028

must be amazing.

>> No.41648140

what difference would that make?

>> No.41648188

o may god.. is that the hecking epic japanese 4chan? my hands are shaking...this is the best day of my life!

should I enter or would it be disrespectful to superior japanese man? oh the clunkiness.. im already sweating like crazy...imagine all the moonrunes and all the epic tohou pictures! Oh man !!!

>> No.41648193

by the way, I was being ironic, all of you turbo cringe neets need to kill yourselves asap. chop chop

>> No.41649093

because you can't post without a japanese IP address you fucking mongoloid?

>> No.41651312

do they have a webm general?

>> No.41651396

i think i saw one webm thread but i didn't really pay much attention to it

>> No.41651874

I saw a webm thread where they were posting American instagram sluts and some were posting webms of people getting cut and killed on the street. It reminded me of stuff you'd see on /b/. They're not our friends.

>> No.41653313

>They're not our friends.
You thought they were? They average Japanese hates foreigners and the imageboard creep 10 times more

>> No.41656021

Honestly, old /b/ was shit, it's just that the current state of the net in general is so much worse than it once was. It's basically comparing a dog shit to a mountain of dog shit. /b/ had its moments, I'll give it that.

The net was never perfect, what with dial-up speeds, ad bombardment (largely due to there being no adblockers or scripts at the time) and chat rooms being hubs for pedophiles, but it was certainly far better when it was still a wild west. Back when normalfags just used it for emails and your choice of games was limited to things like Well of Souls, Neopets and Runescape. You were expected to have thick skin and if someone told you to kill yourself, you just brushed it off instead of taking it to twitter, because no one fucking cared. In clans, you were expected to only bring in people who weren't morons; if someone you brought in started causing shit, you both got the boot. It wasn't a home for entitled snowflakes and it was better for it.

It was elitist and it was better for it.

>> No.41656196

It's a spamfest with very little discussion, excepting some very specific threads.

4chan is better

>> No.41656842

lurk moar

>> No.41657051

