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File: 387 KB, 1024x683, obstruct foreign suffrage!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4159999 No.4159999 [Reply] [Original]

No voting rights for foreigners in Japan? Good.

>> No.4160051

I don't get it. Where in the world can non-citizens vote?

>> No.4160076

What is going on here?

>> No.4160093
File: 291 KB, 1024x683, Japan's in danger!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy's truck reads: "日本が危ない!" [Japan's in danger!]

>> No.4160096

>implying you would let non-citizens vote and run the office in your fucking country

>> No.4160129

Typical right wing shit Japan style.

>> No.4160133

Why should non-citizens vote in ANY country?

They can't in the United States, Germany, or any other civilized country, why Japan?

>> No.4160136

You ever seen those vans that drive around yelling out shit about foreigners?

>> No.4160137

not sure how that's a bad thing. unless they're also implying that foreigners shouldn't be allowed to become citizens. oh wait...

>> No.4160140

The coreans in the office said so.
Not allowing us to vote = your racist.

>> No.4160141

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirofumi Hirano said Friday the government is mulling submitting a bill to grant local suffrage to permanent foreign residents in Japan, instead of leaving lawmakers to sponsor it.


>> No.4160145

>Implying those Coreans haven't lived there for generations and are being discrimianted against
They should have the right to vote, Japan is their country too.

>> No.4160149

Rude Koreans.

>> No.4160151

Good, so now I can go to Japan, and not have ANY responsibilities as a citizen, but have all the benefits and have an equal vote to people who do have a citizen's responsibilities

Good to know Japan is so easy to just push over politically. Spineless.

>> No.4160152

Hint : they were offered to naturalize but they don't.

>> No.4160155

First they should get citizenship. If they don't have to pay taxes or what ever other responsibilities a citizen of Japan has, why should they be allowed to vote, just because they've lived their a long time? Hogwash

>> No.4160157


>> No.4160158

Wetbacks and their radical Democrat supporters want the same thing here in California but the wetbacks do vote illegally anyway as it is even in national elections.

>> No.4160160

>permanent foreign residents

>> No.4160162

>permanent foreign non-citizen residents

>> No.4160165

Who the hell votes in here anyways. We don't even work, let alone pay taxes.

>> No.4160170

Actually many countries grant residents the right to vote in local elections. Citizens of a EU member state have the right to vote in municipal elections in another EU state if they are staying for a prolonged time in that country.

>> No.4160171

ITT: japanophiles trying to be racist against non-Japanese.
Protip; acting like this will not make you loved in Japan and you will not be treated one of them.

>> No.4160177
File: 27 KB, 252x301, 20090204_382785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funds scandals risk DPJ Diet plans
LDP to focus on Hatoyama, Ozawa probes


>> No.4160182


>> No.4160186

How is it racist to not allow non-tax paying non-citizens to vote. Why should they have a voice if they don't also carry the responsibility everyone else does?

This has nothing to do with race, tone down the persecution complex, it makes you look like a child

>> No.4160188

>Thai untermensch

>> No.4160200

Push back from the Breaucrats and supported to the party formerly in power.

>> No.4160209

Why do the Indians get to vote then?

>> No.4160211
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>> No.4160215

>implying they arent a citizen

>> No.4160226 [DELETED] 

They are an exception. We killed more of them than the Nazis could ever hope to.
Also: they still pay taxes and carry a social responsibility, just usually a lesser one.

>> No.4160229

a fine example of your statement would be in europe.
muslim residents that dont work and are on welfare can vote.
and ofcourse that means they will only vote for a muslim person to enter politics and then soon the whole cabinet / board will be all muslim.

as for the koreans, it will be the same thing. they were offered a chance to naturalise, but they didnt.
now they're crying foul. also most of them are members of either chongryon or mindan. the first being heavily north korean. guess whats gonna happen when you let them vote? they'll slowly turn japan into a commie state.

>> No.4160232

A measure to let permanent foreign residents vote in local-level elections, which the government has envisaged submitting this session, is listed among 16 bills still under consideration, apparently due to the need for further coordination within the government.

Shizuka Kamei, the financial services minister and head of coalition member Kokumin Shinto (People's New Party), has come out against the suffrage proposal.


>> No.4160244


>> No.4160255

'Suffrage for permanent foreign residents' seriously infringes upon the principle of popular sovereignty of the Japanese people.

>> No.4160258

How is this even an issue? If you do not pay taxes, or any of the basic requirements of a citizen, you should not be able to have an effect of how the government works.

>> No.4160263
File: 19 KB, 299x341, Please do not feed the trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op
get a life
your mom

to everyone else: ignore the troll

>> No.4160271

Korean residents have always been playing the victim of 'history', 'racial discrimination' and 'kidnapping' for the purpose of the improvement of Korean residents' position in Japan.
All of those that they have been appealing are groundless lies.

>> No.4160276

North Koreans need to be kicked out. Let them eat grass.

>> No.4160280

Local suffrage for permanent foreign residents' that Korean residents require is very dangerous for the Japanese people.

>> No.4160284
File: 31 KB, 800x533, south_korea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coreans > Japanese
Get the fuck over it.

>> No.4160291

The principle of racial self-determination is the mainstream of the international community.
'Suffrage for permanent foreign residents' destroys the Japanese people's racial self-determination.

>> No.4160298

ITT: Maybe if I suck racist Japanese dick I will become Japanese instead of those lousy Korean!

>> No.4160303

>i'm a butthurt corean

>> No.4160309

>I'm a south east scum who love Japanese dick

>> No.4160314


>> No.4160324

Here he goes, another Korean playing "world's roneriest victim"

If you want votership, naturalize and become a citizen and stop crying. I don't barge into your country to reap all the benefits of citizenship without actually becoming one.

>> No.4160328

Japanloving Americans must hate themselve.

>> No.4160356

"Oh no, people who live and work here get to vote! My pure blood white-man-of-Asia country is in ruin!

>> No.4160368

The Netherlands : serious problem.

>> No.4160369

living and working isn't good enough to get a vote.

Migrant Mexican workers aren't allowed to vote in America unless they naturalize. Why should they have a voice in how government works, even though they don't pay taxes to uphold that government, nor do they carry other social responsibilities such as jury duty, selective military service, and so on?

You can't have your cake and eat it too, fucking Korean. Get off your ass and get to the Naturalization office.

>> No.4160372

if japan allows foreigners and illegal immigrants to vote, revenge will be ever so easy my fellow Chinese comrades...

>> No.4160383


In Japan will be take the same problem.
Government of Japan give to the suffrage for a foreigh people.
Especially Chinese & Korean.
Japanese people anger to the bill.

>> No.4160385

AHAHA so you're really a corean?

>> No.4160396

korean street dog

>> No.4160409

Lol japlovers.

>> No.4160410


>> No.4160415

>im a butthurt corean

>> No.4160416

lol butthurt korean

If we switched the topic to like... Angola and their South African permanent foreign residents, the opinion on /jp/ would be the same

Admit it, you're in the wrong and now you're playing victim.

>> No.4160421

>I think all intelligent people who dont suck Japan cock are Corean.

>> No.4160426

>im a butthurt corean

>> No.4160433

The only defense I have is calling people Corean

>> No.4160436

>the only defense I have against my obvious lack of intelligence is to say that you're a "jap lover"

Cool hypocrisy bro

>> No.4160437


So you're really a corean?
Haha oh wow.

>> No.4160440

Seriously though, how can anyone take the Koreans side on this? If you move to another nation, you fucking adapt to their culture and play by the rules, not obstinately demand that the entire country bends to yours.

Some Mexicans here in California do the same shit, it's absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.4160443

Coreans are used to having their own way, though.

>> No.4160445

I hear you have a better chance of winning the lottery than becoming a naturalized citizen in Japan.

Correct me if I'm wrong though.

>> No.4160447

They ought to be treated like kings anyways

Did you know that glorious Corea was the birthplace of fire and the wheel?


>> No.4160452

Dunno about that but the coreans in japan doesnt have to pay taxes and they get free welfare and shit.

>> No.4160453

You're right.

>> No.4160462

So they really are the Mexicans of the orient.

>> No.4160463

Irrelevant. Become a citizen to get a citizen's voting rights. If you don't want to play that game, move to a different country.

>> No.4160471

Hey Anon of Thailand.

This is a random question, but what do you think about the Thai government deporting Hmong citizens?

>> No.4160474

It is relevant.
Japs are too scared of their wothless country so they don't allow people who live and work there because they still think they're the best .

>> No.4160480

If it's such a worthless country, why do you so desperately want to live and vote there, despite not paying taxes and living off welfare you don't deserve?

>> No.4160487

He's not Thai, he just couldn't afford Japan so he went to Thailand to diddle kids.

>> No.4160492

>implying I know what is Hmong.

>> No.4160498


You get welfare in Japan...?

>> No.4160509

I've been a naturalised citizen of Japan for the past four years and I still giggle whenever I walk past a Book Off.

>> No.4160514

Get out Japan no one wants you there.

>> No.4160526

Funny thing is it's much easier to become a Japanese citizen than a Korean citizen.

>> No.4160528


A mans jealous is such an ugly thing.

>> No.4160534

Islam in SWEDEN.

Islam is an outdated and now dangerous ideology because highly incompatible with today's values as : secularism, democracy, freedom, justice, peace, equality, science and all religions.

>> No.4160544


>> No.4160591


a) have lived continuously (hiki tsuzuki) at Japanese addresses for five years

b) be over twenty years of age "in terms of mental and legal capacity" (20 sai ijou de honkokuhou ni yotte nouryoku o yuusuru koto)

c) behave well (sokou ga zenryou de aru koto)--and they do check--my dictionary even has the word "sokou chousa" (personal conduct survey) in it

d) demonstrate the means to support your family

e) be willing to relinquish the citizenship of your native country once Japanese citizenship is granted

f) respect the Japanese Constitution (i.e. don't plot against or advocate destroying it, or associate or join a group or political party which does)

>> No.4160605

That actually seems pretty easy, unless being a lolicon counts against you on your personal conduct survey.

>> No.4160606

Naturalization is the process by which a foreign national married to a Korean national acquires Korean citizenship. Once married and on a F£²-1 (Joining Family) visa, the foreign national is granted a period of sojourn between three to six months. This must be continually extended, and it is hard to live a stable life because the foreign national must continually leave the country and return. Also, since F-1 visas are not official working visas, employment is a problem. Since Korea has no system of permanent residence, it is worth a person considering becoming naturalized if the intent is to stay in Korea.

Applying for Korean citizenship, according to the Nationality Law as amended in June 1998, allows foreign nationals that have lived in Korea married to Korean nationals for two years or more to apply, then acquire Korean citizenship if they pass the citizenship test. The new Korean national must forfeit his previous foreign citizenship within six months of acquiring Korean citizenship. Korea does not permit dual citizenship.

>> No.4160617
File: 118 KB, 471x600, castlevania_sotn_conceptart_La8eU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the same could be said of all religions!

>> No.4160618

>e) be willing to relinquish the citizenship of your native country once Japanese citizenship is granted

Why does every big country have this rule? It's bullshit.

>> No.4160627

The only way to live and work for an extended period of time in Korea is through gaining Korean citizenship. In Japan you can live in the country without being a citizen.
To gain Korean citizenship you must marry a Korean citizen, you cannot apply for citizenship if you aren't married to a Korean citizen or if you aren't the child of a Korean parent.

>> No.4160642

Koreans blame the Japanese even though they're far worse.

>> No.4160654

I'm pretty sure the world knows this already atleast forever.

>> No.4160657

Seriously, if I'm willing to pay twice as many taxes what do they care?

>> No.4160659
File: 70 KB, 692x922, shibuya protesters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took a picture of these guys on my phone a few weeks ago. they appear in shibuya every now and then. they even gave me a pamphlet one time but then immediately realized that I'm white. quite funny.

>> No.4160670

Perhaps they were telling you to gtfo.

>> No.4160672

Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!

>> No.4160674

>>4160659 they even gave me a pamphlet one time but then immediately realized that I'm white.
I hope you responded with your best trollface

>> No.4160697

i just smiled and said that i'm gonna read it

>> No.4160701

One of the arguments is that if a war breaks out between your "native" country and the country you are now a citizen in, with dual citizenship, you can be held in that country as a POW or some shit.

I've never bought that line, since it's fucking Japan, they'll cowtow to just about anybody, especially America.

>> No.4160734

Doesn't even require you to know Japanese?

>> No.4160738

they force us australia to vote

>> No.4160744


>> No.4160752

20 years old in mental and legal capacity; if you can't speak Japanese you're not mentally a 20 year old Japanese.

>> No.4160755

By 'force' you mean under the threat of a fine they will never even try to collect?


>> No.4160764

That makes sense.
So foreigners who want to apply for citizenship must memorize 20.000 kanji?

>> No.4160799


What the fuck? All residents of Japan have to pay taxes.

I'm not even a PR but I had to pay over 90,000yen of city taxes last year. Plus, obviously, the fact that my income is taxed as well.

It's obvious to not let people on normal visas vote, but those with permanent residency? Add to that it's EXTREMELY difficult to become naturalised, no matter how easy the "requirements" may look.

>> No.4160820

Finally an intelligent anon instead of a Japandick sucker.

>> No.4160822

>i'm a butthurt corean

>> No.4160830

>om nom nom right wing jap sperm

>> No.4160900

Most of gaijins are Chinese and Koreans.
Does China have voting rights for foreigners?
Korean TV can't broadcast Japanese song.

>> No.4160964

>Korean TV can't broadcast Japanese song.

>> No.4161061

>Japanese entertainment programmes that are classified as variety, talk and comedy shows will remain banned.

Haha oh wow.

>> No.4161123

Korea: butthurt since the 1940s.

>> No.4162121

That video is dramatizing things a bit, but the general message is correct. I remember all those incidents. More than HALF of Amsterdam are now NON-NATIVE FOREIGNERS. Something like 55% of Moroccan immigrants has come into contact with police. Extremely violent crimes are on the rise, usually done for peanuts. When the suspects are shown on a TV police bulletin, it is always "tinted skincolour" or "black skincolour". The only time you see a white person who is being charged with a crime is being searched for it's a pedo.

And of course, punishment for crimes in Holland is ridiculously low. 5 years for murdering someone in cold blood? Punishments need to be multiplied by TEN to become reasonable again.

This is why I am voting PVV. No more tolerance of other cultures. You adopt Dutch culture, learn and speak the language, or you get out. You commit a crime, you should get a serious punishment for it. No more "community service" as punishment. It doesn't work. No more "career criminals". You get convicted for the same crime again, your sentence is doubled. Again? Tripled. I'm fucking sick of criminals ruining people's lives and getting away with it. I hope things go as predicted and PVV becomes the biggest party by next elections. Maybe then finally we can get our country back.

>> No.4162134

PVV voter?

>> No.4162161

Go ahead and laugh. If things keep going this well (i.e. foreigners keep misbehaving so even people who liked the idea of multi-culturalism get sick of them) we will be the most influential party next year.

>> No.4162179

And that'll be the point when Holland leaves the EU, right?
That'll be when they start cutting down on freedom of speech, right?

>> No.4162351

Oh wow.
Does he want to turn the Netherlands into a political/cultural island?


>> No.4162535

>And that'll be the point when Holland leaves the EU, right?
You act as if the PVV is the only party that wants that. SP wants it too.
>That'll be when they start cutting down on freedom of speech, right?
Looks like the demonisation and misinformation campaign is as active as ever. "HURR Wilders = Hitler"

Same old, same old.

The only thing I don't like is:
>Wettelijk verbod op pedofielenpartij
That is counter to freedom of speech, but I know a lot of people on either side of the political landscape would like that. I find it the first steps towards Americanisation of our sexual morals ("She was 15 and he was 19? Pedo!!")

What I consider very Dutch and something I am proud of in this country is our openmindedness when it comes to sexuality. Pedophobia is a regression in that respect.

>> No.4163508

I'm Korean and I think Koreans in North&South Korea are fucking retarded, Koreans living Japan included.

What I'm trying to say is that Koreans are just fucking retarded.

>> No.4163589

This is why Japan is superior to the U.S.

Try pulling this here. Enjoy being charged for hate speech, discrimination, or whatever pussy-ass law prohibits this.

>> No.4163595


外国人 instead of 外人. Drop the polite faggotry please, foreigners are scum.

>> No.4163601

Well it would also be impossible to do in the US because unless you're a total moron (like you, for example) you know that the US has no 'race' of it's own and everyone here is a foreigner in one way or another, even if indirectly, so we'd simply have no voting.

The most possible way to keep voting from 'foreigners' in the US is what they do already, only letting you vote if you're a US citizen. Doing more than that is simply impossible unless you only want descendants of the first few hundred people who created America to be allowed to vote or something.

>> No.4163606

I agree.

>> No.4163608

>everyone here is a foreigner
Speak for yourself, white devil. I, for one, support keeping foreigners from voting.

>> No.4163612

Why does history matter? The important thing is that America is (or at least was) a democratic nation. we could CHOOSE to close our borders and not allow any further foreign immigration.

>> No.4163616

Just like the U.S. can't have a President, because the President must be an American, and there are only foreigners in America, right?

>> No.4163627


>Japanese politics
>121 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4163631

Japan hates giving foreigners and Corean descendants citizenship, so they want to compensate by letting them vote.

>> No.4163635

Where do you think /n/ went after the restructuring?

>> No.4163637

>still uses the term race
>year 2010

>> No.4163640

>implying the hordes coming to /jp/ on the weekend aren't retards from /a/

>> No.4163658

In /jp/, no one lives in Japan

>> No.4163673

Also, in Japan Margaret Thatcher is considered a Communist.

>> No.4163674

Oh look, it's that libtard from the last thread that thinks race magically doesn't exist because it's inconvenient.

>> No.4163686

How is that related to the present situation? Just because you were born here doesn't make you less of a foreigner, or are you implying that illegal immigrants kids are 'true americans' and not illegal foreign children who don't belong here?

Again, it depends on 'since when' to each person. The US is a country of foreigners, no one here is "American", it isn't a type of person or race, it's only a nationality.

The point isn't about presidents, they work based on simply being born in the US and being a citizen - not based on 'being a foreigner' even though it's practically the same thing, the little differences in wording are important. Being a foreigner would exclude anyone and everyone, simply being foreign-BORN would only exclude people not born in the United States.

Is person A an American? He was born in the US by two illegal mexican immigrants. Is person B an American? His parents immigrated to the US and then had him later. Is person C an American? He legally migrated to the US and dropped citizenship in his old country even. Is person D an American? He was born by two parents who were on vacation in the US at the time. It goes on and on and it's too complicated to simply say 'no foreigners lol' in a country made of them. You can simplify it all you want but a country of this many would never accept a clear defining line of what is 'foreign' and what isn't.

>> No.4163702

>you were born here doesn't make you less of a foreigner
Actually, that makes you plenty less of a foreigner.

>illegal immigrants kids are 'true americans' and not illegal foreign children
Pretty much, as long as they stay here. If they move back to Mexico quickly I would still call them foreigners though. For example, if I was born in New York but moved to California a month after I was born and grew up in California, I'd still call myself a native Californian, and I'd feel "foreign" in New York. You could make the argument that I'm a native New Yorker, but it wouldn't work terribly well.

>> No.4163704

Wait wait wait, what are you people going on about "hard to become a citizen" as some kind of reason to allow non-citizen voting? Do any of you fucks know how hard it is to become an American citizen? And in Japans case it isn't so much the difficulty but the relative ease of permanent residency and the unwillingness to give up their other citizenship that stops most people from adopting Japanese citizenship. If fucking Debito can do it, any of you weeaboos can.

>> No.4163716

>implying that there is no difference between niggers, crackers, slavs, sandniggers and gooks

>> No.4163727
File: 17 KB, 250x320, 250px-ArudouDebito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

supp guize, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.4163752

         (-@_⊃@) >>4163727 Damn I look good.
     /旦/三/ /|  
     | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| .|
     |          |/  

>> No.4163761

>I hear you have a better chance of winning the lottery than becoming a naturalized citizen in Japan.

>Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Well, you can apply as many times as you like, but if during your citizenship application you or one of your immediete or extended family members is convicted (read: accused) of a crime, your application is rejected and you have to wait two years to try again.

Of course, all the good jobs go to citizens. It was pretty bad in the 80s and early 90s, and it's probably worse now.

Then there's the obligatory judging period of vaguely-worded-and-loosely intepretated "how have you become JAPANESE FOR REAL" and usual Tokyo bureaucracy. In 1993 the Japanese government approved the first citzenship application for a Greek male. Yes, the very first one.

This at a time when even superstars like Konishiki hadn't been approved.

It's kind of like how most birth control is illegal and stigmatized, but abortion is common and freely available..

>> No.4163774

I heard that you're a racist, communist, fascist, white bastard that raped his mother and sister, mutilated and ate six baby children, and is in complete support of genocide of the entire human race.

>> No.4163783

>Is person A an American? He was born in the US by two illegal mexican immigrants.
No. The parents should be legal citizens.

>Is person B an American? His parents immigrated to the US and then had him later.
Yes. His parents complied with the laws and he is allowed to be an American.

>Is person C an American? He legally migrated to the US and dropped citizenship in his old country even.
No. Sucks to be him for renouncing his citizenship.

>Is person D an American? He was born by two parents who were on vacation in the US at the time.
No. He should get the parents' nationality. If the parents are both of different nationalities, then that's for their countries to battle out.

In my point of view: Simply, any child that is born to American parents or legal immigrant citizens is an American.

>It goes on and on and it's too complicated to simply say 'no foreigners lol' in a country made of them. You can simplify it all you want but a country of this many would never accept a clear defining line of what is 'foreign' and what isn't.
Well it's about fucking time. Oh wait, everyone's got a boner for Haiti right now. Guess it can wait. As it always does because people are too fucking spineless to bring up this debate.

>> No.4163802

its nothing more than a social construct and the correct term is ethnicity. also i tend to avoid these topics for obvious reasons. tehrefore i am not the person you think i am

>> No.4163812

I live in America as a permanent resident

I can't vote but I still have to pay taxes on all my shit otherwise it gets taken away.

Taxation without representation wut

>> No.4163823

Here's a radical idea, let's leave the internal political matters of Japan to the Japanese. I'm sure they are better suited for deciding that shit than us.

>> No.4163825

But the legal immigrant citizens aren't American?
What are you, retarded?

>> No.4163828

Another permanent resident here, and I'm fine with this. If you don't like it, go back to where you came from. You're here as a privilege.

>> No.4163830

I don't know, the Japanese are pretty incompetent when it comes to things involving "outsiders."

>> No.4163833

Apply for citizenship, you cheap bastards.

>> No.4163835

>But the legal immigrant citizens aren't American?
No. Why should they be?

>> No.4163836

ITT: Gaijinfags that feel entitled to everything

Take the pains to become a fucking citizen, you fucks.

>> No.4163841

Newsflash: everyone pays taxes in another country, even if they're not a resident. Sales and property, plus business taxes if you're operating with a major presence there.

That doesn't mean you're a citizen of that country.

>> No.4163843

>Apply for citizenship
You have to be a permanent resident for 5 (I think) years before you can become a citizen.

>> No.4163859

This thread has convinced me never to leave my country, goddamn it sounds needlessly complicated.

>> No.4163869

Yup. If that's your excuse, fine.

>> No.4163911

>To become a naturalized United States citizen, one must be at least eighteen years of age at the time of filing, a legal permanent resident of the United States, and have had a status of a legal permanent resident in the United States for five years less 90 days before they apply (this requirement is reduced to three years less 90 days if they (a) acquired legal permanent resident status, (b) have been married to and living with a citizen for the past three years and (c) the spouse has been a U.S. citizen for at least three years prior to the applicant applying for naturalization.)

>> No.4163926

I already applied for citizenship.

After you get your Green Card (which makes you a permanent resident) you then then have to apply for "naturalization" (You need to have a permanent residence, good income, and some other miscellaneous bullshit), Oh, and during this process you can't leave the country. If they find out you have any kind of criminal record, you get rejected because you don't have "outstanding moral character".

After 5 years of applying for "naturalization" (if bureaucracy doesn't fail and 5 doesn't magically become 10) they make you undergo a kind of "test" on U.S history.

I guarantee you that this test has questions that any born U.S citizen will not be able to answer in a million years.

>> No.4163949

Thank you. See, now you guys see how great the glorious America is compared to backwards Japan.

>> No.4163956

>they make you undergo a kind of "test" on U.S history

Do elaborate...

>> No.4163974

Getting citizenship for United States is extremely simple, it's granted almost automatically to anybody who was born inside its borders, even during a vacation.

Now, LOSING that citizenship so that the IRS can't get you, that's hard.

>> No.4163986

>I guarantee you that this test has questions that any born U.S citizen will not be able to answer in a million years.
Hahaha, oh wow.
You must be fucking retarded, bro.

I've taken the test, and it's easy. There are questions like "how many stripes are there on the flag". (And yes, there was a flag in the room.)
The English test is equally laughable.

>> No.4163992

Sounds good to me. For all I care they can stay isolated on their shitty little island living with their prehistoric ideals and never evolve among the major powers in the world as they are slowly dwindle into nothingness.

As long as they keep making VN's and anime for five more years, who gives a fuck. They were already surpassed at making video games and comics, it's only a matter of time that they are surpassed at making cartoons and visual novels now that they are finally becoming profitable.

>> No.4163993



>> No.4163996

>There are questions like "how many stripes are there on the flag". (And yes, there was a flag in the room.)
B-but what do you do if there is no flag in the room?
Or if you are blind?

>> No.4163997

Thirteen ^_^;;

>> No.4164003

they can vote here

>> No.4164011

they shouldn't

>> No.4164021
File: 2.28 MB, 2448x1584, 07cf533ddb1d06350cf1ddb5942ef5ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4164024

Huh? Why? There are places over here where immigrants are the major part of the population

>> No.4164031

I often lose count of the number of stripes on the flag. It's a lot of stripes.

>> No.4164036

Then you obviously study beforehand. It's not like it's difficult, there were thirteen original colonies, REVERSE ENGINEERING.

>> No.4164078

was ohio a colony

how about pennsylvania

>> No.4164394

It can't be that hard for skilled foreign nationals to get into the US can it? Sounds exaggerated... no country would make entry for skilled workers so difficult.

>> No.4164411

You're right. I wish it was that way in other countries too.

>> No.4164419

>no country would make entry for skilled workers so difficult.

Ohohoho, some countries do, especially if their own national level is shit. To "protect" their national mediocres. Several countries do not recognize foreign universities for instance...

>> No.4164430


Probably because you grew up in some liberal fag-hole. It's 13, for the 13 original colonies.

>> No.4164440


Once upon a time, entry to the US was easy as pie. For the last half century or so, it's been nightmarishly complicated and expensive. The illegal immigration "problem" is entirely the result of our own immigration policies and how difficult they make legal entry.

>> No.4164444


First of all, it's obviously a pro-immigration poster.

Second, they're talking about a green card, which is permanent residence. If you're a skilled laborer you can get a work visa without too much trouble, and if you already have a job offer it's not even your problem; your employer will get one for you.
While you're here on a visa you can apply for a green card.

The system is in place for a reason.

>> No.4164467

>The illegal immigration "problem" is entirely the result of our own immigration policies and how difficult they make legal entry.

...No, it isn't. An overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants are unskilled and uneducated laborers who can barely speak English. No immigration policy short of an open border would allow these people to immigrate.
The illegal immigration problem is the result of how shitty Mexico is and America's terrible border security either due to the interests of large businesses or because of bleeding heart equal rights liberals.

>> No.4164534

This PR voting is pretty dumb for the most part (not including the zainichi populations), but Japan should compromise with easy naturalization laws.

>> No.4164559

Liberals are faggots. That is all.

>> No.4164615

Koreans in Japan is difficult topi
c. They live in Japan but refuse 
to be Japanese. Mexicans in USA wa
nt to be USA citizen.

>> No.4164646

Is that why they run around waving Mexico's flag around and having that shit all over everything they own? Doesn't seem much like "I want to be an American!" to me.

>> No.4164674

foreigners are the source of all evil guyz hurr derp

>> No.4164718


same way irish, italian and hell even southerners still fly flags beside the Ol Stars and Stripes.

Instead of making me read so much shit just say you hate spics man.

>> No.4164737


They speak English, or learned to speak english to smuggle drugs in the case of Italians.

Mexicans don't even learn to speak english when smuggling their drugs over the border. That shit is just anti-american bro.

>> No.4164762

Many part time jobs in central California require you to know conversational Spanish. Working at a gas station, fast food, all those entry level jobs, if you don't speak spic, good luck finding a job.

I don't see the high amount of Hmongs or Pacific Islanders in California bitching about no one knowing their language, but we coddle our Mexicans.

>> No.4164769

Korean here.
Because Koreans would beat Koreans that want to be Japanese. Which is pretty stupid in my personal opinion.
I doubt Mexicans get beaten up for wanting to be an American.

>> No.4164781


In a generation or two they'll forget Spanish just like everyone else forgot their native language. Sure, this might take a while, but it'll happen.
In the meantime, make sure a couple beaners don't jump you on your way to work and steal your job. Feels bad man.

>> No.4164817

>same way irish, italian and hell even southerners still fly flags beside the Ol Stars and Stripes.

Flying the stars and bars isn't comparable to flying another nation's flag; and I very rarely see Italian and Irish flags flown anywhere outside of heritage parades.

>Mexicans in USA wa
nt to be USA citizen.

And Korean want Japanese citizenship. There's a difference between wanting to be an American and wanting citizenship.
Immigration worked much more smoothly in the early 20th century because Americanization was encouraged and was the rule rather than the exception.
