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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4138079 No.4138079 [Reply] [Original]

'Sup /jp/

Just how much does your country suck? I'm living in a third world country that's full of corrupted politicians(well,it's common everywhere I guess),terrorists killing people left and right and the gov can't do shit about it, gangstas in schools breaking out gang wars and the police couldn't do shit,and pretentious justice outlawing porns.

Dear anonymous

>> No.4138088

Switzerland is the best country on earth.

>> No.4138085


Why you still there? Get out of USA, it's turned to crap anyway with a nigger representing it.

>> No.4138103

Sounds like Thailand.

>> No.4138105

Sounds like the Philippines.

>> No.4138107

I reread OP's post and it now sounds even more like Thailand.

>> No.4138113

>>pretentious justice outlawing porns

Huh what? Your english is pretty good for being in a third world country though.

>> No.4138115

I live in the best country in the world. Sucks to be you, OP.

>> No.4138117

>implying they don't speak english in the Philipines

>> No.4138118


Yea, I could rape a girl I like and then get a free resort stay.

>> No.4138121


Well everybody would if they could,but with the depressing economic system all around the world?

>> No.4138123

>implying america is the best country in the world

>> No.4138127

No, I live in the best country in the world.

>> No.4138136

I live in the UK.

Most /jp/, and even /a/ material is illegal over here now, basically if it features an anime-style character in less than full clothing, it's illegal, and can get you the same jail time as if you had a hard-drive full of real kids in swimsuits or whatever.

Feels bad man.

>> No.4138153

Just encrypt everything, bro.

That way, you only get 3-5 years in prison when you refuse to hand over your key!

I feel your pain, though. Canada is on its way to being the next UK.

>> No.4138156

At least you have a decent salary. Or at least I would like to think that. My countrys salary is so bad is not even enough to live the life of a poor person. The only ways people survive in this country is by having a high paid job, crime or making their own businesses. Best of all: The prices keep going up but the shit salary keeps staying the same. Life is good here. As long as I dont work in a worthless job.

>> No.4138160


I have that same feeling bro. I live in Canada.

Then again, only the bad ones who hide their collection half-ass gets caught.

>> No.4138162

just throw your disks in the microwave to destroy evidence.

>> No.4138172

The encryption thing is even more bullshit, if you refuse to hand your passwords, and they crack it and find nothing, you get more jail time for "Refusing to co-operate" than you do if they find something after having to crack your keys. The entire system is geared towards screwing over anyone who goes against the police state, even if they've done nothing wrong.

>> No.4138166

Enjoy your first world thought police.
In here the government doesn't give a shit about anything internet-related.

>> No.4138175


>> No.4138176

I live a land of mad men, pathological liars and self- important attention whores.

>> No.4138180


>> No.4138184

You're from America?

>> No.4138193

Failipines right?

I live in glorious nippon but hate every single one of them, Home country sucks just like yours

>> No.4138195

Yup, its also free.

>> No.4138201


Yes,it's thai.Why are you still here,though?It's not even 5 pm yet.

>> No.4138203

Just on another third world country, but to be fair my description fits anywhere on the world.
I sure could use Jones report bot now.

>> No.4138206


How so?

>> No.4138217

Cable company has an horribly outdated system which I've been abusing for the past 5 years with a tweaked modem. Of course I can also choose the speed I want.

>> No.4138218

brb moving to your country

>> No.4138222

Enjoy your jail for five years of stealing.

>> No.4138226

You guys should be happy. At least you aren't discriminated by your own government.

Staying just below you guys with shittier internet (what other country affordable internet speed capped at 1.5mbps?). Feel bad not being able to play netplay touhou fightan games sometimes.

>> No.4138229

>Implying the judges aren't corrupt

>> No.4138232

>jail time as if you had a hard-drive full of real kids in swimsuits

You get jail time for this in UK? Damn, even if loli does become illegal in America, that won't be. Also yes, I see that as a problem.

America sucks because it is the 4th world internet-wise.

>> No.4138235

I live in Brazil.
I believe I don't have to say much more.

>> No.4138240

>shittier internet

srsly? I thought they always have top-notched connection compared to our 500kb/s for $20,and that's local connection only.

>> No.4138250

I wish I knew where to get loli whores here in the Philippines.

>> No.4138254

Fine asses, people you can understand to play with you in MMOs, nice weather, and a giant Jesus statue is sucky?

>> No.4138262
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I'm an expatriate. The third world country I live in doesn't have everything, but the Internet fixes that. The net speed is not too shitty either, and the government does actually manage to hold things up pretty well.
My home country is shit; the only things I like over thereare the net speeds and prices (and general availability of everything). Otherwise, well, the transport system doesn't suck but is doing strike actions half of the year. Corrupted politicians ahoy (the whole system is actually a corruption contest). No terrorism. Well, terrorism is done by the government now so it's not "terrorism" anymore, it's "law". Public schools are shit, no exceptions. Police... well, I'm not sure. Never got in trouble with them anyway.
Hadopi is coming, motherfuckers. Enjoy your three strikes.

>> No.4138264

- torrents used to be block but utorrent UTP broke the system
- cant play mmos without using vpn service that cost $10/month because of lag
Just check http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Bad_ISPs for how fail my internet is.

Since I have lived in both Australia and Canada before, the Canada 15mbps internet is a godsend.

>> No.4138270


Malaysia apparently missed out on the whole east asian super internet thing. Seems they're locked into a monopoly.

>> No.4138274

Tell then what is your speed.

>> No.4138282

Oh my, another French expat.
Left my homeland to go to another bad country. But that one has famous schools !

>> No.4138292

10 MBit/s. Enough for me to look at porn, games and anime (not like I need anything else anyway).

>> No.4138294

I live in a country where Government Party act like 5-year-old and even though they got told last 2 years ago, they still act like underage b&

>> No.4138315

I have yet to see any improvement even with the completion of this undersea cable.
The money for the project probably went to all the corrupted officials.

>> No.4138325


Even regular ecchi?

>> No.4138326


Not to mention the gang wars frequently occured in the central area of the capital city.

ie. you can get shot down by stray bullets when you 're sitting and eating your McBurger in the complex.

>> No.4138332


UK or Australia?

>> No.4138339


They're not the only one.Apparently the only country in SE region that has the luxury of super internet thing is Singapore,and they're the fucking jews of SE asia.

>> No.4138355
File: 22 KB, 480x464, conroy_fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here.
I need no introduction.

>> No.4138367

It isn't that bad is it? I heard they have MOS Burger in Thailand.

>> No.4138381


Yes,they have.No,I haven't tried it,because lining in a 20 man queue for a fast food is fucking stupid.Not to mention it's fucking overprice'd for burgers.

>> No.4138403
File: 2 KB, 212x67, logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is MOS Burger delicious?

>> No.4138411

>implying you wouldn't wait 20 mins for teriyaki fucking burger

>> No.4138416

MOS Burger has good reputation.

>> No.4138439

>Most /jp/, and even /a/ material is illegal over here now

You guys have to do something against that, otherwise our fucktards in government will copy
those laws someday.
You know, here in Russia they thinking like "Wow its European/Usa laws! We have to adapt all of that to look cool!".
The internet is fast here (Moscow / Saint-Petersburg) however if you move to east you are stuck with dial-up or (if you are “lucky”) with some sort of cable with the same speed of dial-up but it will cost greater.

>> No.4138452 [SPOILER] 
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So if I get caught with a picture like the attached, Id go to jail?

>> No.4138460


>> No.4138493

Nobody will do shit, this law has been brought in "To stop paedophiles", so nobody can realistically get support to go against it, as if they do the public will see them as a paedophile. There's been a large amount of comic authors who have spoken out against it, and been completely ignored as "They don't know what they're talking about".

They have boobs so logically no, but I'm sure some fucked up policeman would happily argue that they look under 18, in order to keep a dangerous paedophile off the streets.

>> No.4138513


I felt hungry.

>> No.4138537

>I'm living in a third world country
You have internet. You don't qualify as third world anymore.

>> No.4138582

>i dont know what third world country means.

>> No.4138608
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>> No.4138634

Yeah, you don't have to descriAHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

>> No.4138673


/r/ that comic

>> No.4138967
File: 74 KB, 650x777, 106934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eastern European here. I don't think my country is too bad. The government here has bigger problems to concentrate on than trying to deal with the rights of fictional characters. Thankfully nobody really cares about the mass media's ocassional shitfests, though the anime community should moderate itself a bit.
We don't have sandniggers and niggers, though maybe there is a bigger population of them in the capital. We aren't really a welfare state, so they've to work or study if the want to live here. The real problems are gypsies. They leech off everything that the small social web can afford and ask for more without moral consideration. That's ridiculous, considering how they are unwilling to assimilate into the society for fucking hundreds of years. They still don't send their children to school because hurr racism and live in ghettos, while trying to reap the benefits of the society. They're truly the scum of the Earth.

So yeah, aside from ethnic problems I don't see anything wrong here. We are not worse than other countries.
