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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4131195 No.4131195 [Reply] [Original]

Don't hit on us, you silly normals.

>> No.4131205

I've been a hikki for 3 weeks. xD

>> No.4131214

I refuse to represented by a disgusting cockroach

>> No.4131221
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Why is KyoAni so shitty?

>> No.4131215

O_O You're awesome! I'm pretty hikki; I only go out when I'm with my girlfriend or going to class.

>> No.4131216


>> No.4131226


>> No.4131223

I went outside today for the first time in 6 months.

>> No.4131228

You still keep count of the days you spend inside?

>> No.4131235

I only knew because I had a receipt from the time.

>> No.4131240

I lol'd

>> No.4131252

Why do people sage when it's inappropriate.

>> No.4131273

Because we're all very humble and think our posts aren't worth bumping threads to the top of page 1. Which they usually aren't. It's just courtesy to sage when you aren't saying too much since /jp/ takes it easy.

>> No.4131293

I'm not a hikkikomori, but I have a friend/neighbor who is. He's not the extreme variant, he goes out at midnight or late night to buy food from convenience stores, he sometimes invites me to play videogames, and he does go out maybe once every few months to visit his relatives (who support him).

>> No.4131312

Why would anyone bump a thread that isn't /jp/-related?

>> No.4131344

It is /jp/ related seeing as hikikomorism is a culture-bound phenomenon

>> No.4131347

Pissing on the floor IS /jp/ related.

>> No.4131348

No, it's not.

>> No.4131356

People who are gonna post in it are going to do so anyways and besides, everyone here doesn't only refresh the front page like on other boards.

>> No.4131360

If you'd rather call it that than Aspergers, I suppose I can't stop you.

>> No.4131367

Culture-bound phenomenon is my favorite touhou.

>> No.4131384
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>> No.4131411

I don't care about being hit on, I just ignore it.
also I seem to attract fat girls for some reason..

>> No.4131424

Hey guys there is a board for NEETs and hiki's like yourself

Check it out! There are lots of great people!

>> No.4131441

Please cease and desist of spamming our board on your board, thank you.

>> No.4131449

I enjoy being flirted with, especially the look on the girl's face when I tell her I'm not interested.

>> No.4131452

I haven't left the house for 3 months now, since I got kicked out of University.

Feels good man.

>> No.4131455

I was buying a new phone a few months ago so I decided to try out my 1337 CONFID3NC3 SK!LLZ on this fat girl working in the store, I told her I was an archaeologist who travelled around the world and that I had uncovered 'many treasures'.

Not only did she believe me. But she tried to give me her number. I just brushed it off casually.

>> No.4131458

How does it feel knowing people probably think you are a homosexual?

>> No.4131472


Who said they're wrong?

>> No.4131478

They'll desperate and will take anything they can get.
Not that there's anything wrong with you of course, just saying..

>> No.4131484

>Not that there's anything wrong with you

a millions faces have just been palmed

>> No.4131492

Who still has that picture of athens?

He didn't look that bad. Typical skinny white guy.

>> No.4131500

I know. I know.

There seems to be no reconciliation of aloneness for them.

Me on the other hand? I had the opportunity to lose my virginity with a cute girl, but I turned it down. And these days I don't really care about being alone as a result.

>> No.4131511

He seems like a nice enough dude.

>> No.4131513

jones, please flood every thread that athens posts in
he's the only cunt more annoying than you

>> No.4131526

That's mean, don't lead fat girls on like that! You'll make them sad.

>> No.4131534

I didn't mean it in a malicious way. Sometimes I just enjoy making up elaborate lies to random strangers to how far I can take it.

>> No.4131535

Yeah really.

And virginity is nothing to be ashamed of at all.

>> No.4131539

God damn, it sure is normalfaggotry in this thread.

People talking about getting 3-D whores and acting COOL BRO CONFIDENT.

>> No.4131546

Why are you surprised?

Out of the 200 some people that post on /jp/ there's probably only 10% of that number that are actually socially inept. The rest lie/pretend.

>> No.4131548

why did you turn that down?!

>> No.4131550
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>And virginity is nothing to be ashamed of at all.

Quite so Tohno, quite so. Work hard, play hard (watch lots of anime and play lots of games and read lots of books), that's all you really need to do to achieve an adequate degree of edification from life. And if you ever feel like changing your mind, then you can try to find a good woman when you're older anyway.

>> No.4131565

Well, fuck you guys. I for one am telling the truth.

It's like the whole True NEET thing, where people fake and give a small subset a bad reputation, when the ones who really are NEET are satirized and caricatured.

>> No.4131572

You shouldn't be proud of being gross, lazy, and uneducated.

>> No.4131576

cha, totally bra!

>> No.4131617

What do you mean by True Neet?

>> No.4131634

The kind that have hundreds of bottles in their room filled with their urine and poop in their closet.

>> No.4131643


No one like that actually exists, I thought it was obvious that was a joke.

>> No.4131659


Those people are diaper fetishes and probably aren't even neets. They don't belong here anyway.

>> No.4131654

Then how do you explain the diaper threads where people discuss at length their preferred brands of expensive Japanese adult diapers? Wearing diapers and pooping in your room go hand-in-hand.

>> No.4131668

But where else do you wear expensive poofy diapers other than in the comfort of your own home? They probably spend days wading in their own filth in front of their computers, basking in the smell of their excrement.

>> No.4131738


>> No.4131757


>> No.4131870

NEET doesn't always equate to hikikomori. as far as i know, in japan at least NEET just refers to those kids who party all night and spend their parents money, however arent in education or employment ect ect.

the two intersect probably, though, but NEET doesnt equal it. here though, it probably does.

>> No.4131875

I really hate you kids.

Such an insult to those with problems and have been NEETs for years.

>> No.4131879

Not really.

Just a comfort/security (and some, sexual) things and are quite clean if changed properly; plus, most don't defecate in them.

>> No.4131883

I am a NEET and I actually go out and do stuff. I go roller skating, grocery shopping to K-mart etc. I visit with the neighbor lady. NEET ≠ shutin.

>> No.4131892

my grandma forced me to move back to the city I came from after a year, I am pretending to be happier but in reality I hate being around people, and it's going to be a long time before I can afford to live by my own. I hate IRL so much guys.

>> No.4131911

This isn't a NEET thread. This is a shutin thread. Get out.

>> No.4131915

You are merely weak not a true NEET.

>> No.4131928

Do I count as a shut-in if I only go out once a week for my piano lesson? That's really the only thing I do.

>> No.4131932
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>> No.4131947

>Hikikomori thread
>Everyone fighting to see who's the worst NEET/hikikomori like it's a good thing

You should be ashamed.

>> No.4131950

Fuck you, you can say what you want, but you will never damage my NEET pride.

>> No.4131964
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>acting like your way of life is somehow better and not just simply different from mine

>> No.4131997

...no, not really. My life sucks balls. But I'm not proud.

>> No.4132010

Well I for one don't openly discuss it, but I do feel a sense of superiority over what would be defined as a normalfag. I feel above it all.

>> No.4132030

I'm sorta hikki but still enrolled in uni so not NEET.

Failed about half of my units last semester and stayed at home for over 90% of lectures. I have a small group of 'friends' but they have different interests from me and even if I spy them in the library I sit elsewhere unless I need something. I _always_ eat alone.

Right now it's summer break and I spend my time indoors surfing the net and playing games. Only times I leave the house are when my mum or dad want me to do something like get a haircut or go to the dentists so that's maybe once a fortnight.

>> No.4132057

>Right now it's summer break
No, it isn't.

>> No.4132063

>the southern hemisphere doesn't exist

>> No.4132093

Sure doesn't. The Earth is a flat disk.

>> No.4132106

Do they really have different names for the seasons there too? Doesn't that get a little confusing, if you talk to an Australian on the internet about what you did last spring, and you're talking about two completely different times of the actual year? What if they're to discuss various anime seasons, do they refer to the season in Japan, or their own season, or do they have to change around depending on whether they're talking to someone from over or under equator? Do people who live along equator call every season for summer? I'd feel bad for them, summer last year got the worst shows.

>> No.4132118


>> No.4132208

A friend of mine tried to get a 15 year old to get naked for him, but then somebody found out.

So, he locked himself in his room and hasn't come out since. That was 2 years ago.

I miss him. Fuck that little slut. It's not as if women have souls.

>> No.4132234

I'm a Hikki and a NEET.
Haven't left my home for maybe two, maybe three years.
I sometimes go out into the backyard in the middle of the night and stare at the sky.

>> No.4132240

What does the sky tell you?

>> No.4132248

Do you sometimes cry for no real reason?

>> No.4132253

I love hikki/neet threads. They make me smile.

>> No.4132266

Nothing. I go out there too see if there's anything interesting. Like a passing plane or something.
Sometimes I feel frustrated for no reason and that will cause me to cry. I don't just start crying, if that's what you mean.

>> No.4132265
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This makes me want to break into the homes of hikkis, and rail their tight asses all night long.
No homo btw.

>> No.4132276

Write poems.

Yours is the voice of this era.

>> No.4132284
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I'm more interested in languages.

>> No.4132291

Oh well, then.
Just hoping somebody might have something worthwhile to say about the time we're in, hikikomori being a recent phenomena and all.

>> No.4132295

So, how do you NEETs manage to pull in an income? Or are none of you self-sufficient?

Because I'm really getting sick of university and I'd love to "take a break for awhile." But I don't want my parents to give me a hard time for not doing anything with my free time except playing video games and browsing the net. So how do you guys make enough money to support yourselves?

>> No.4132300

Fucking stop with this.

Also, government disability.

>> No.4132308

That's ok rape is about power. What better way to feel more powerful than to rape men who mean you absolutely no harm and just want a friend.

>> No.4132312

I am no NEET but does the plan to become a pupeteer trainee while I am still in university so I can sit at home and sell my puppets over the internet afterwards sound like it could succeed?

>> No.4132315

That depends on how moe the puppets are.

>> No.4132316

Anything is possible if you believe, Anon!

>> No.4132319

Take tons of credit cards, gather tons of debt.
Don't pay on it at all.
Research all statues and laws regarding debt collection per your state.
Counter-sue every junkdebt collector, and win or get paid to stop because they have no information on the debt they bought to collect.
Spend thousands of dollars on food,figs, and other crap.
(Harder now that Credit C.A.R.D act by congress passed not letting me continue charging out credit cards.)
