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41271302 No.41271302 [Reply] [Original]

Is it safe to assume that Satori’s new manga is a failure? They nerfed her for no reason whatsoever and it causes the story to lose its momentum.

>> No.41271327

Why is it even called Cheating Detective Satori when she doesn't even show up in the story. She did in the start but now she just disappeared or something

>> No.41271341

I like the nerf idea but it was never used wisely in the plot
Or make it a result of her reclusiveness lifestyle without much exercise

>> No.41276562

Maybe, but only because it lost the superior old artist.

>> No.41277634
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it's a good story. The fans simply expected meaningless things, like mima appearing or Satori being a super powerful youkai, when her lack of resistance had already been pointed out before. she is similar to Yukari's fans wanting to make her look like the most broken in the universe.
Touhuo fans just get upset that ZUN doesn't do what they want, even though they're not even sure it's what they want to begin with. They already look like sonic fans.

>> No.41278042
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In a different timeline we could have seen her adapt to the manga grind like Aya Azuma did.

>> No.41279549

volume 2 of vfis was the last good touhou manga. everything since then has just been mind numbingly boring meandering bullshit with nothing even resembling a point to any of it.

>> No.41279649

>it’s a good story
Idk man, revealing the culprit to be someone who was never introduced is pretty shoddy writing
Imagine if Agatha Christie did that? She’s would be laughed out of the publishers
ZUN can get away with bad writing since his universe is fun, but this manga has not been “good”

>> No.41280063

To be fair, it IS a 2hu manga. Half the damn reason they even exist is to introduce new characters, and in this specific case how could you even begin to possibly add a new character without having them be the antagonist? Orin already took up the detectives assistant role and partially he protaganists, and having them be one of the dozen people who've been infected by what could have been written as a different evil/youkai would have been a right shit way of introducing a character with no real chance of them being a long-stay in whats supposed to be their very own story. I don't think this manga is bad, I think a lot of the detractors just expect way too much, but I do think it is one of the weakest.
> mind numbingly boring meandering bullshit with nothing even resembling a point to any of it.
But that's the best part of 2hu side-works. Barring like half of SSiB and Kasen's jerk-off arm I think most people would be hard pressed to remember any actiony moments, let alone ones that were good enough to stand out above the comfy or weird. They're not meant to be main games, they're meant to explore different sides of Gensokyo.

>> No.41280097

>To be fair, it IS a 2hu manga. Half the damn reason they even exist is to introduce new characters, and in this specific case how could you even begin to possibly add a new character without having them be the antagonist?
Wow what a terrible excuse for ZUN's bad storytelling. Maybe he should make another genre of manga that doesn't involve crime and investigations and mystery if the whole point was to just introduce a new character.

>> No.41280124

I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that he didn't pigeonhole himself into something stupid. Maybe it was just a surface level idea he tossed to an author, or maybe it was something heavily in depth; fuck if I know. But see
> but I do think it is one of the weakest.
for my own feelings on the matter too.

>> No.41280194

why do you talk as if all the suspense is over just because it was discovered that the antagonist is a new character? starting with the fact that if the culprit had been an old character, it wouldn't make sense for him to wait until now to take action, he would have done so a long time ago. and although his identity was revealed, he has not yet been captured, he has not shown his full potential. We don't even know his motives. In my opinion, that a psychopath is on the streets and they still can't catch him is a good trope for a suspense story, regardless of whether they know who he is or not. The antagonist might be planning something big, but people say the manga is boring just because the antagonist isn't Mima or some shit.

>> No.41281188 [DELETED] 
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Satori's manga: *brings a story where we begin to learn more about Satori, a character hated by everyone in gensokyo, and who we had barely talked about before. now we finally see her interacting with other people, and making friends. when we talk about an antisocial hikikomori. which is a good character development for her. in addition to bringing a story that leaves great suspense and excitement to see what will happen in the next chapter.*

touhou fans: "noooooooo the worst manga ever! boring and emotionless. ZUN should have done better a manga where Satori solved cases irrelevant to the plot and made Mima the culprit just to give fanservice to the fans."

>> No.41281218
File: 2.73 MB, 1694x1500, __komeiji_satori_and_saigyouji_yuyuko_touhou_drawn_by_nekolina__cf65c1ac7febf40140ab21b85e9b120b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satori's manga: *brings a story where we begin to learn more about Satori, a character hated by everyone in Gensokyo. now we finally see her interacting with other people, and making friends. when we talk about an antisocial hikikomori. which is a good character development for her. in addition to bringing a story that leaves great suspense and excitement to see what will happen in the next chapter.*

touhou fans: "noooooooo the worst manga ever! boring and emotionless. ZUN should have done better a manga where Satori solved cases irrelevant to the plot and made Mima the culprit just to give fanservice to the fans."

>> No.41281277

>brings a story where we begin to learn more about Satori, a character hated by everyone in Gensokyo. now we finally see her interacting with other people, and making friends. when we talk about an antisocial hikikomori.
I wish I got to read whatever manga you're reading, but in this timeline she's basically had no appearances for the past 10 chapters. She basically fucked off after SDM.

>> No.41281296

That anon is actually Satori trying to make herself appear better than she actually is

>> No.41281377

Maybe, or maybe he's just absurdly retarded, but I will say I was wrong that she fucked off after SDM. There was a few lead-in chapters through to the Hakurei Shrine and a couple after the artist switch but she's been relegated to a side character in whats supposed to be her manga, and even then that's putting it kindly because she's been passed out pretty much the whole time. Hell I'm pretty sure Mokou has appeared more than her just in raw page count.

>> No.41281441

you guys are either schizos or retarded, i just want her to be more relevant in her own manga and not be completely incompetent, also zun is not gonna have sex with with no matter how much you defend him

>> No.41281468
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It helped make my wife make a comeback, that's the only good thing about it.

>> No.41281719

the manga is not over yet, the plot is just being built.
>she's basically had no appearances for the past 10 chapters
I imagine that you are one of those people who would stop watching Dragon Ball Z if 5 chapters go by without focusing on Goku.

>i just want her to be more relevant in her own manga
What is the use of giving so much importance to a character if there is no plot to justify it? and doing it with someone like Satori would be very out of character. it is better to let the plot build and then give relevance to the characters. what do you want? for Satori to start beating everyone up until the matter is resolved? That wouldn't be Satori then, it would be Reimu in the games.

>> No.41281862

>I imagine that you are one of those people who would stop watching Dragon Ball Z if 5 chapters go by without focusing on Goku.
Funny you say that, because I actually did speed through the chapters and there are MULTIPLE chapters where she dons her hat and does a "Let's go onto the next part of the case!" thing... promptly before not showing up in the next several chapters at all with other characters making it there first, notably in the Human Village -> Eientei transition. And speaking of Eientei, she passes out in Eientei while the entire plot progresses without her, and then she wakes up at the end only for us to shift into the Youkai Mountain and have her currently not a part of the arc to any degree. It's much like Goku not showing up in DBZ for several chapters; because Goku was getting written out at several of those points just like Satori effectively is getting. Because she is the Cheating Detective Satori; she cannot be there without upending the culprit by definition which makes the manga so confusing.

>What is the use of giving so much importance to a character if there is no plot to justify it?
The entire plot could have progressed as it has without missing pretty much any beats had, say, Marisa or Reimu not been the driving forces of each arc after SDM so-far. For example; Marisa showed up possessed to Eientei (and later presumed to be so in Moriya Shrine but thats a different thing) which was the kick-off to that entire arc. Having Satori be possessed is clearly not an option for a variety of obvious reasons, and having her show up would have only led to a Kaguya or Mokou fight scene as she immediately fingers the culprit with her abilities which as you said would be fufilled by another character at best and OOC at worst, but having her show up just to pass out and do literally fucking nothing? I'm sorry to tell you this anon, but its a legitimate detraction from the manga. No, it's not a garbage shitshow that shouldn't have been published, but you're deluding yourself if you think that there aren't a dozen different ways to make her manga into HER manga.

>> No.41282404
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i appreciate that it gave old characters a chance to show up and interact with others instead of staying on one set of characters like always so no, Satori herself is a failure tho

>> No.41282503

Massive tits!

>> No.41286063
File: 283 KB, 640x480, 1919917A-E710-4C14-A094-10AB5A86B26E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reader must have equal opportunity with the detective for solving the mystery. All clues must be plainly stated and described.
>The culprit must be determined by logical deductions — not by accident or coincidence or unmotivated confession. To solve a criminal problem in this latter fashion is like sending the reader on a deliberate wild-goose chase, and then telling him, after he has failed, that you had the object of his search up your sleeve all the time. Such an author is no better than a practical joker.
>The culprit must turn out to be a person who has played a more or less prominent part in the story — that is, a person with whom the reader is familiar and in whom he takes an interest.
[RED]This is no mystery at all, only the drunken ramblings of ZUN.[/RED]

>> No.41286131

what if mizuchi turns out to be mima?
