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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4126352 No.4126352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


if I wanted to gather a team of people to create an OEL Visual Novel (ie; writers, musicians, other artists, etc) that didn't suck and was not Katawa Shoujo, where would I go? Perhaps all other projects are doomed to suck, but;

Related, who /here/ has any talent whatsoever?

>> No.4126363

Well, the best bet would be to get the story fleshed out and try to attract an artist via that.

>> No.4126369

I can draw spirtes for stick figures!

>> No.4126370

Good luck

Also: you won't recruit anyone unless you tell them what the hell it is you're working on

>> No.4126381

You have far more talent than Ryukishi could ever dream of.

>> No.4126384

wtf does OEL mean?

>> No.4126389

I'm more of an artist then a writer, though I can do both; I thought I'd ask for the collective opinions of what /jp/ thought would be a good VN, first.

>> No.4126392

a man with huge shoulders and one leg, standing legs spread and threatening.

>> No.4126396

Original English Language; a western visual novel.

>> No.4126397



>> No.4126404 [DELETED] 

OH GOD what is he doing?!!!

>> No.4126402

Uh... write it yourself. After you're done writing if it's decent you'll get an artist. Use free music and sound effects in the public domain.

>> No.4126411

Murder Mystery set in England.

>> No.4126419
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>> No.4126422

We can pirate music and use fanart for pictures!

>> No.4126423

>more of an artist
>90% more of an artist

I'm not looking for one. I'm looking for what you guys would think would be along the lines of a good story, since collective /jp/ knows more about what makes a VN good and bad then I do.

>> No.4126433

Best advice: Don't ask here.

Any 4chan project is doomed to fail. KS only got anywhere because most the original 4chan dev team left and they recruited people from other forums.

>> No.4126436
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I still say that tree-tan VN was an entertaining idea

>> No.4126446


Do you have an ideas, OP?

Robot high school in space?

>> No.4126449
File: 225 KB, 1518x1100, Blame!_v07_c39_008-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BLAME spin-off!

>> No.4126450

I'm sure I could scrounge up a couple non-retarded people (or at least some alright ideas) here; I plan on going to other forums as well, though. I just want to make a VN, not particularly a '4Chan Project'.

>> No.4126462

KS dev leave this place

>> No.4126468

Get pictures of Shia Lebeouf in various poses, photoshop any accessories on as required (Funny hats are required).
The background will be various pictures of Shia, zoomed in to fit the screen.
Done and done.

>> No.4126474

I don't know. Like I said, I'm an artist before a writer. I'd like to do something Horror related, perhaps? Something entertaining with creepy imagery. I'm friends with a doujin artist from Japan who may be able to help with art as well (I'm not sure), but...

she's definitely not a writer from what I've seen of the one's she's done alone, either.

>> No.4126476

It doesn't work that way, bro.
I won't even mention the fact that the term "collective /jp/" is an oxymoron in itself, since we have never come to a general, final standard.
The point is that in order to be likable, it should first of all be original. If you listen to our advice you'll end up making a copy of another VN.
Hey, do it ZUN style, as in, the VN you yourself would like to read.

>> No.4126482
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>friends with a doujin artist from Japan
