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4123124 No.4123124 [Reply] [Original]

What's your record for most consecutive days spent indoors?

>> No.4123125

Two months

>> No.4123134

I lost count because I'm a faggot.

>> No.4123139

I got outside everyday.

>> No.4123137
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4. It got unbearable after a while and I began feeling worthless and awful. I felt incredibly relieved when I finally took a walk outside and went shopping.

inb4 get out of /jp/

>> No.4123148

You don't belong here.

>> No.4123152

2 months had the plague

>> No.4123155

I don't know.

>> No.4123161

Probably over three months.

>> No.4123164

I don't know. A month maybe. I only go out in summers to get my hair cut.

>> No.4123165

a week

>> No.4123167

Probably about 6 weeks.

>> No.4123173

I live with my parents, obviously.

>> No.4123171

what did you do for food?

stocked up a fuck load of food beforehand?

>> No.4123186

You can order food online from most supermarkets and have it delivered.

>> No.4123191


It's a secret to everyone

>> No.4123203

How is that even possible?

>> No.4123210

I go for walks every night. It's pretty relaxing with nobody around, I like to pretend I'm the only one left alive in the world.

>> No.4123219

I remember those threads in the summer.

>> No.4123239

Keep a container of pepper spray with you always. There are weird people out there. I was attacked once when walking out at night.

Yeah, guys get attacked. It happens.

>> No.4123250


And seriously, most likely a week, when I had pneumonia

>> No.4123262

Maybe a little over a week. Probably longer when I lived at home and didn't have to go grocery shopping and such.

>> No.4123312

I just ended my streak of about 5 months.

>> No.4123308

My mom nags me to go out every month.

>> No.4123323

Why'd you finally go out?

>> No.4123330

17 days, most of which were spent in bed.
Pneumonia sucks, hope you never get it.

>> No.4123345

Actually I became a bit more frightened on my walks after reading Tsukihime. Don't want to be attacked by any glasses wearing young men. Now I carry a small knife with me.

>> No.4123348

My sister who lives on the other side of the country is visiting for a month or two, and I went with my parents to go pick her up from the airport.

>> No.4123373

When I was in high school, I could usually spend the entire summer break in my house. Mostly in my bedroom.

>> No.4123387

A week

>> No.4123424

6 weeks, I was in pretty bad shape in the hospital
at home probably about a week, damn food can't live without it

>> No.4123460

About two months maybe? Or maybe not, but well over a month for sure.
I went outside exactly 9 times last year.

>> No.4123472

Three months.

>> No.4123474

I have a dog to walk so that doesn't help

>> No.4123477

Probably a month over uni break. Would have spent the entire time indoors if my parents didn't complain. Right now I've spent the past three days indoors. Mum bugged me to get a watch fitted.

>> No.4123484

2~ months

I would prefer to stay inside everyday but something always has to happen every month which requires me to go outside.

>> No.4123511

2 weeks

>> No.4123520

Not very long because I go out for groceries 1-2 times per week.

>> No.4123522

Back when I still live with my parents and didn't have to go shopping I think the record is about a month. Now that I live for myself I have to go shopping, you know.

>> No.4123535

Probably about two weeks. At least one week, as I've been in the psych ward for a week when I was a incompetent high schooler. Not only was I not allowed to go outside in the psych-ward, I had nothing to do 3/4 the day except stare at a wall. I learned after that never to injure myself out of frustration IN PUBLIC ever again. It wasn't even a real injury, just a bump on the head from lightly banging my head on a desk for an hour.

>> No.4123541
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>> No.4123540

3 months

>> No.4123557
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>lightly banging my head on a desk for an hour.
You got put into a psych ward just for THAT?

>> No.4123581


Yeah, seriously. I spent 20 minutes punching a wall a few years back, didn't even get funny looks.

>> No.4123601

Same here. A month or so.

>> No.4123613

Now you are completely safe. Gotta stab those aggressive delinquents!

>> No.4123615

Well, the welt on my forehead did start to bleed from the swelling breaking the skin, and a couple months earlier I broke down in class once and repeated saying "I wish I was dead" until they sent me home... I also never thought about killing myself more than when I was in the psychward.

>> No.4123626

counting holidays? Probably a few weeks.

>> No.4123634

Yeah, that's the kinda stuff you need to see a shrink for, not what you need to go to a funny farm for...

>> No.4123657


fucked up anon is fucked up.

>> No.4123665

3 weeks i guess

>> No.4123661

Was it at least a padded wall?

>> No.4123674

Maybe 3 months at the most. Two months minimum maybe too.

>> No.4123685

Not much now that I have to take math tuition twice a week in order to recieve my high school diploma, and also due to other reasons. Fucking shit.

But in better times I guess my record would be 3 weeks.

>> No.4123687

Ya, I wasn't too happy. I never was really suicidal, just depressed at the time from having had gone through my fucked up childhood. Nothing really bad happened during my childhood, just LOTS of small things and no real person to go to as a role-model/moral-support led me to depression and fucked up morals. It's why I hate Emo faggots, I actually lived the life they pretend to live.

>> No.4123960

6 months, my mum was a crazy obsessive and hated me going outside because then she wouldnt know where i was, it was also the time between finishing one college and moving to another so i didnt have anywhere to go anywhere.

it was really shit i started being to afraid to go outside since i hadnt been out in so long.

>> No.4123977

...Only two or three. Need sunlight to stay alive and avoid depression, and exercise to not have a heart attack.

>> No.4123987

A few months, when I dropped out and hated my life. I still remember the warm air blowing over my face and the hot dark room I'd spend my days in.

Somehow, I miss it.

>> No.4124078

I get zero sunlight and I'm in perfect health.

>> No.4124091


about 2 fucking years

>> No.4124095

7 months.

>> No.4124132

Take vitamin D tablets/drink milk.

I haven't seen the sun since winter started.

>> No.4124167

About 2 months, I guess. When I had to go outside again to visit relatives, they said I looked pale and thought I was ill or something.

>> No.4124435

My doctor made me use an insanely amount of vitamin D tablets for over a year because my vit. D-supply was 'dangerously low'.

>> No.4124439

Does Incarceration count?

>> No.4124441

Obligatory story request.

>> No.4124449

Can't tell Still governed by the 30 year rule, suffice to say I won't be getting that year back.

>> No.4124460

That's easymodo.

>> No.4124474

stayed in for around a month. feels good man. I wish I could still live like that.

>> No.4124495

>What's your record for most consecutive days spent indoors?
Maybe a week or so when I was sick.
I don't go outside during the day, but 99% of the times I go outside when it's dark to ride my bike for a bit.

>> No.4124531

>control+f year
>only one reply

what the fuck

>> No.4124686

About a week when I was really sick that I can remember. I don't like going out but I often go buy something every few days which prevents the days from stacking up.

>> No.4124693 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4124699 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4124724

It seems /jp/ is being flooded with normalfags.

>> No.4124732 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4125984

Probably just a few days.

>> No.4125999

I've been shut inside my house's underground for 495 years.
