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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 883 KB, 750x900, 1662826196751943[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41180170 No.41180170 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here


>Elona (1.16/1.22)

>Elona Plus (2.13) and Custom GX (

>Elona Mobile

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Save sprites in GIMP as 24-bit BMP with "do not write color space" checked.
Previous floor >>40924726

>> No.41180886

Pastebin anon with an update.
1. I tried to make the NC manual installation a bit more clear.
2. I added some optional steps to the manual Omake Overhaul section
3. I realized the NC dev kinda ended NC since he isn't able to continue working on it... so I threw together a memorial "Easy Install" zip together.

It should be as simple as extracting and then running the SESTepNC exe, but would appreciate anons testing it since I set it up on linux and who knows if that didn't cause something stupid to happen.

>> No.41182826
File: 254 KB, 2048x1090, 1653468419646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I build my Elean Claymore?

>> No.41183307

What is the best enchantment for a gun?
>It ocationally stops time
>It absorbs stamina from the enemy

Also same question but with a dual wielding warrior

>> No.41183396
File: 1.11 MB, 987x776, WHat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who knows if that didn't cause something stupid to happen.
Only did the intro to see what i could find
>sister race missing description
>lots of classes missing descriptions
>2 sierra goddesses
>5 pages of classes instead of the usual 2,did they added those recently?
>cock class?

>> No.41183835

I am going to be that autist and make a textfile of what feat/skill all of those 50 classes have

>> No.41184049
File: 52 KB, 848x480, saluting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41184304
File: 397 KB, 1442x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can carry nothing more

>> No.41184369

>You are limited to the number of items you can hold.

>> No.41184382

Oh, wait, right. I'm playing on abnormal.
Eh fuck, maybe I should reverse back to natural/essential.

>> No.41184401

Omake Overhaul has added tons of classes recently.
The english hack can be used to generate the original 2 class pages in english... but taking the ooclass.csv from those makes it so you can't select the other 3 pages worth of classes.

Might try to manually merge the 2 csv then google translate the rest sometime tonight.

>> No.41184549

So in Elona+ 2.13 Spiritium drops from gamble chests, meaning as long as you can unlock them, they're basically guaranteed profit.
Very ubalanced early on if you need extra money in loss mode or some challenge run, but should be fixed in 2.14

Side question anyone know if there's a way to prevent "sudden disastrophisms"? They're happening like once a month and messing up my shelters and replacing dungeons i wanted to spelunk.

>> No.41185410

Can i get some opinions on this? Im trying to get a living weapon for my pets

>> No.41186459

Time stop,enemies have infinite stamina

>> No.41186539

Got it, thanks anon

>> No.41186969
File: 202 KB, 804x514, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what "The enemy dies" enchantment does?

>> No.41187061

Never mind, i found it, its a 1% chance to invoke Death Word

>> No.41187411

the graphic packs in the link look really cool. do i have to start a new character to use them? ive never modded the game before so im not sure how it works

>> No.41187497

No,you can install/remove it anytime without consequences

>> No.41187581


>> No.41187932
File: 13 KB, 622x342, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice spyware

>> No.41188020
File: 269 KB, 1280x1280, FKrhlAZagAIvX2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try playing natsuko custom because its more "Deep" and has more "Mechanics"
>get bored of it in a few days
Man custom plus really spoiled me uh

>> No.41188060

Bro that's Windoss Defender it's probably a false positive

>> No.41188068

why does the pcc pack with the most customizable options have to use a weird huge sprite for the pc. i look like some kind of big head giant next to the other sprites. doesnt look quite right. is there a way to make it look smaller

>> No.41188094

I think there is a way to shrink it to half size in the options,look for pcc size

>> No.41188147

aw shit dude this looks great now thanks for spoonfeeding me

>> No.41188159
File: 529 KB, 1373x1070, cute_jure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem!

>> No.41188439

>the pcc pack with the most customizable options
People actually bother customizing their sprites instead of just using a pre-made one?

>> No.41188459
File: 3 KB, 128x192, 112323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use pre-made ones myself,if i feel really autistic i edit/crop sprites around to cobble up something presentable

>> No.41188466

It's open-source.
There's the code. Anyone can look through it. What part of it is spyware, exactly?

>> No.41190233
File: 971 KB, 1442x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I actually find all this stuff?

>> No.41190432
File: 110 KB, 840x525, __exile_and_black_cat_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__3bd9f77bf100b122f7732644946d903d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything but the sword that ends all is probably gone if they are generated on the outskirts,no big lost as you can just get more anytime

>> No.41191052

Elegant string should still be in lumiest not sure if machine lure is gone

>> No.41191600
File: 67 KB, 251x229, Oh Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh... Guys... Do walls grow back?

>> No.41192718

Usually. Depends on the location.

>> No.41192719

In most towns yes.
Give it a week or two

>> No.41194649

Where i can get good sprites for Elona character.bmp ?
except this ones

>> No.41195818

What's the point of Medium Armor in OOMSEST exactly? For some reason the fork took away all of the meaningful downsides for Medium/Heavy Armor respectively in Omake Overhaul so now you only have incentive to utilize Heavy Armor, maybe Light under specific circumstances.

>> No.41195883

is there a cap to the number of farms/ranches i can have at once?

>> No.41196814

No,ranches may be limited by how many companions you can have

>> No.41196850

>I was just on my daily christmas tree collection when an adventurer that had it attract monster equipment appear and summon a Shub-Niggurath.
>That damn monster summoned a mass monster and now Noyel has more than 6 pages of the clones.
>It has been 4 years now and nothing can stop those monsters even releasing Ebon is no use because he got eaten by the swarm.
>I will collect 8 wish rods to capture Mani and bring an end to this bullshit.
This looks like an anime.

>> No.41196853
File: 374 KB, 804x638, I will be a hero after freeing Ebon fuck that attract monster adventurer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.41196900

Wait,why do you need 8 wish rods for?

>> No.41196969

Omake variants have a tittle that allows you to capture any monster with any monster ball without having to weaken it if you can defeat 8 vanilla main gods. I need 7 rods to summon all of them and give Ehekatl and Opatos crim ale to start the war of the gods. Mani can beat all god 1v1 so i will use the last rod to summon another Mani to finish off the survivor and capture that one with my level 1 monster ball.

>> No.41196988

Ah it makes sense now,i tried getting into omake its just not my cup of tea sadly

>> No.41197036

Having play both i realize Omake is kinda wacky with shit like this. In plus i need more than 200 hours to summon Gods and get high enough level to copy them with astral light pens but they will be nerfed to hell. In omake, i can either play a good alignment to buy wish rods or use my bell to steal from travelling vendor with enough fame.

>> No.41197063

I just like having many more places to visit/items/enemy variety and i love my necromancer coffins way too much like to let it go

>> No.41197096

They have different good points and i still play plus. Oomsestep NC looks pretty bland if you count enemies variety but you can capture gods with level 1 Monster ball and using f1 and f2.

>> No.41198498
File: 339 KB, 804x638, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 4 years of collecting wish rods, Noyel will be peaceful again.

>> No.41198686

Where can I see Map Coordinates when I'm in Map mode? I swear I saw it last time, now I can't see it anymore. I'm on the latest patch of Elona+ CGX

>> No.41199225

I really hope you are savescumming,things can go downhill real fast if ehekatl uses her death beam or inner ehekatl pops out of her corpse and murders mani

>> No.41199275
File: 18 KB, 601x650, Screenshot 2022-09-14 194837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh.... Guys? Where can I get the latest SESTepNC?

>> No.41199299

Pastebin has an already packed version with it, you will know because it has 5 pages of classes

>> No.41199398

What happened to the dev?

>> No.41199464

I think his last post said that the dev mental was not well

>> No.41199479

I can't believe the CIA got him. I hope he doesn't tell them where Noa is.

>> No.41199546

What's with elona and mentally unhinged devs?

>> No.41199571

Its a unhinged game,do the math

>> No.41199602
File: 32 KB, 716x310, Screenshot 2022-09-14 203527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mega link on the Old Pastebin is also gone...
Requesting for the link of the Newest Version of SESTepNC.

>> No.41199675

Its on the first pastebin,Easy Install Memorial Edition

>> No.41200417

Check the rentry.
Literally made an easy install 2 days ago.

>> No.41204563

Got it, Thanks!

>> No.41204635

Can I use different packs from 2.12 for y 2.13?

>> No.41205090
File: 324 KB, 800x600, Elona+ Custom-GX 15_09_2022 9_43_21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what? Can this happen to other monsters? Or is it just the <Mad Scientist>?

>> No.41205457

Plus added a couple more I think but these are most the npcs that you beat friendship into.
Be warned if you turned them down they are never recruitable again.


>> No.41209013
File: 309 KB, 804x638, jure fanatics watch their goddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you convert to Jure when you see her getting pounded in public on her holy festival?

>> No.41209063
File: 336 KB, 804x638, come on come on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but this sounds so hot.

>> No.41209134

How'd you capture gods?

>> No.41209169 [DELETED] 


>> No.41209193

You did that on Omake? You got lucky for having 2 of them then

>> No.41209285

This is only for omake variants (You need 8 wish rods for this)

>1. Summon 7 vanilla gods in your house basement and giving booze to Ehekatl and Mani to start the war of the gods
>2. Let Ehekatl using Mewmewmew to kill 6 other gods.
>3. Summon an additional Mani and give him and the survivors beer to make them fight. Mani will win 90% time with all god when 1vs1.
>4. Using f1f2 to savescum in case Mani loses and Ehekatl doesn't give birth to god inside.
>5. Get the ragnarok title.
>6. Drop everything on yourself at home or a storage house.
>7. Pick up a monsterball. (You should have only 2 items)
>8. Throw Mani a cursed booze (need to use f1f2 until Mani create a vomit item)
>9. Use the Monsterball with T.

After this you can repeat step 6-9 with everything you want to catch.

>> No.41210206

how does one go about getting a singular coffin?
I can only find them in bulk

>> No.41210308

>A maiden pure in heart
Man, that guy picked the worst possible time to say that.

>> No.41210336

Nah, he's getting off to the corruption.

>> No.41210404

nvm, in retrospect it was obvious

>> No.41210474

Only if its ebon pounding while i watch

>> No.41210493

Easier step in custom
>get coffin
>get blood eyes spook
>get card of a hot tall creature,slap it on spook
>now you got a sexy,rotten,tall undead waifu or ten

>> No.41213289

Is there a general guide of the changes present in Natsuko custom? i swear i saw a guide long ago that said things like "Oh you can find small medals in dungeons now" "Oh there are holy and evil living weapons" things like that,not talking about the powerleveling guide

>> No.41215230
File: 401 KB, 800x600, Elona+ Custom-GX 16_09_2022 3_07_35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What wish should I wish for?

>> No.41215363

Should I just wish for a God or an Astral Light Pen?

>> No.41215492

Bit the Bullet and took ALP, I'm taking a Shift Core next. What's the best Shift Core out of all of them?

>> No.41215637
File: 489 KB, 801x627, Screenshot 2022-09-16 164625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOOOOOOOO, I can't Party Up with the Queen. FUCK

>> No.41215641

You have to raise your relaitonship with her with gifts/love potions/friendship tokens.

>> No.41215693
File: 760 KB, 800x626, Screenshot 2022-09-16 165754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to do so with her? Her Impress level seems to be non existent or hidden.

>> No.41215818

It's hidden, keep giving her stuff and the log will tell you when it changes. Keep going until it reaches soul mate.

>> No.41215832

1. Are Gifts a Buyable Item? Or just pretty much everything is a Gift via the Giving system?
2. Wiki says I need Magical Ink to activate ALP, where do I get Magical Ink?

>> No.41215911

You can buy gifts at either general or goods vendors but they're rare.
If you have love potions you can throw one at her, leave Palmia so her hostility is reset, and repeat until she reaches <Friend>, then you can give her firendship tokens if you can craft them with a pot of fusion (you'll need small medals).

Magic ink is a material, press 'm' to see all the materials you have. You most likely have enough already at your level.

>> No.41216481

Only a couple tokens are needed, then you can switch to bouquets.

>> No.41216982
File: 281 KB, 804x638, this is a brilliant idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my Jure... I just have a brilliant idea to equip some gear that increase casting and literacy to create a lore book of harvest for Itzpalt. If i set up Itzpalt AI to not move and only using harvest when mp is above 26% then with my slow speed he can cast harvest forever. This bring me so much platinum coins, small medals and wish rods.

>> No.41217169
File: 919 KB, 994x777, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is abit silly,i bet she dies if she falls into a well too
probably going to steal that idea off you anon,nothing personal

>> No.41217189
File: 627 KB, 825x1025, 91376703_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pictured:Anon sex dungeon of infinite riches and slimes

>> No.41217315

This is only going to work when there is a hostile monster. You can use rod of summon monsters and savescum until a female wizard of Elea appear to use knock out and be able to sandbag her for extra roleplay purpose. Oomsestep nc is so broken with their custom.

>> No.41217341
File: 913 KB, 991x777, Npway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oomsestep nc is so broken with their custom.
Yeah i just figured that out with some fast testing

>> No.41217376

I mean custom ai. You can modify ally ai with decide strategy and actions setting.

>> No.41217404

>Oomsestep nc is so broken with their custom.
Really stupid changes that barely consider the intended purpose as well.
>Dude just get rid of the weight limit for Close Combatant and Fencer lol idc these exist to give lighter weapons a flavorable bonuse!!!

Then again OOMSEST did similar stupid shit like undoing the Medium and Heavy Armor nerfs for God knows why so now Heavy is unilaterally the best just like it was in Vanilla.

>> No.41217454

*flavorful bonus

>> No.41217466

What the fuck? Did you follow any guides on how to exploit the living shit out of OOMSEST?

>> No.41217488
File: 1.36 MB, 991x775, test3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange,i assumed DEATH ehekatl would have something absurd like 10000 speed,yet her stats seem the same as the regular <god inside ehekatl> unless i have to capture it on the void or something?
I just did what anon said some post above,summon all gods,kill them,get ragnarock title,boom,now i can capture anything with a monster ball as long as i make it vomit first

testing in wizard more obviously

>> No.41217529
File: 938 KB, 964x780, WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last pic for now,i think i majorly fucked up

>> No.41217553


>> No.41217886

That's the reason for buying poison in magic shop and wearing it prevent alien's pregnancy.

>> No.41218011

See,how are you supposed to figure that shit out without reading a guide or looking at the wiki/some backwater forums? the thing about making anything vomit and just hurl a monster ball at them on Natsuko Custom

Is that referenced anywhere in game? is it on the patch notes of the fork?

>> No.41218095

Lurking the discord when trying out what to do with millions gp when shack trading.

>> No.41218388

i just figured out you can see what the title does by pressing X,i am retarded

>> No.41218396

only if I get a turn

>> No.41218472

Omega for me

>> No.41218739

bruh how did you even get a Parasite inside of her? Jesus

>> No.41218772
File: 893 KB, 997x775, 1231231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright i am satisfied with my testing,for now,looks like only the player can break the stat cap
she drank off a well like the thirsty slut she is,alternatively use pregnancy special action

>> No.41223247
File: 825 KB, 800x625, Screenshot 2022-09-17 095204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, almost died Over-casting Dominate from a wonder scroll just to get this cute girl into my party

>> No.41223420


>> No.41226271
File: 841 KB, 800x627, Screenshot 2022-09-17 191717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished summoning Izpalt, after taking his 4th item. I ditched him for Yacatet. Taking her 3 reqards was fairly simple. I am now proceeding to inflate the Ego of Mani, I just got his android. Next up is probably the God who likes Bows. Jure will be the last I think... I need that body pillow

>> No.41226735

Jure doesnt give her body pillow,you get it for free on noyel during december

>> No.41227332

Yeah, that's why she's last. I'm going to wait for December. Currently on November(I needed that for the Summoning).

>> No.41227626

the lost elin's inn 0.76 demo

>> No.41227913

Where did you find this?

>> No.41228075
File: 2.90 MB, 2560x1440, Elin&#039;s_Inn_sd1iMbUgX4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the elin discord some random dude found it on his computer

>> No.41228370

You’d think the gods would catch on at some point.

>> No.41230911

Elona combat looks brutal when its not turn based,i died of starvation thrice and mauled twice before i knew what was happening

>> No.41230990
File: 137 KB, 480x447, statue_lulu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41232001

breeding mechanics added

>> No.41233149
File: 894 KB, 800x625, Screenshot 2022-09-18 085421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Lulwy, I rushed for Opatos. Sadly, I'm being charisma cock blocked. I'll have to stock up on potential before tackling Ehekatl, Jure and Kumiromi

Kek, don't give them Ideas

Why Alcohol and Vomit though? Is that a huge debuff? I usually stockpile them just in case I need that Money Boost(Only Females)

>> No.41234676

Ano also made leveling even faster btw

>> No.41234727

Fucking hell why? is GX gonna rebalance it?

>> No.41234785

Can I breed with the Gods?

>> No.41234841

>is GX gonna rebalance it?
No reason they couldn't. The option exists in the current version. Just wait until the latest Custom releases.

>> No.41235801

Fuck sake, OOMSESTEP NasukoCustom has the shitty appearance tab lag again. I though it was removed ages ago

>> No.41237364
File: 629 KB, 958x766, 1633832535320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff Noa

>> No.41237887

How do I pause time in this game?

>> No.41238221

how does it feel that some eceleb shilltuber exposed your little secret club general to some small and niche group of people on his shilltube and made money of off you and on top of that called you weebs too? i bet some of these secondary ciafags are still here. Hello brainded secondary plebs.

>> No.41238423


>> No.41238451


>> No.41238512

This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.41238526

hey secondaries https://youtu.be/Y9gOQxHX83E?t=46

>> No.41238544
File: 58 KB, 452x371, 1533906180485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does it feel that some eceleb shilltuber exposed your little secret club general to some small and niche group of people on his shilltube and made money of off you and on top of that called you weebs too? i bet some of these secondary ciafags are still here. Hello brainded secondary plebs.

>> No.41238552
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, ididntcum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41238563

You do know that he is a kike right? not even memeing.
here is the fucking refugee!

>> No.41238567

five (пять (5)) years ago.

>> No.41238588

yeah but some of them stayed in here since then like this ciafag above us. not that he hurts us but he is little cancer and he will be forever.

>> No.41238646

As much as I want to leave, I can never. Forever I shall remain here.

>> No.41238706

i give you one more year before you rot yourself in here. find a wife, make some parasites and leave this place forever. even moot did and i bet you don't even know who is he. who you may ask?

>> No.41239041

that was like 5000 years ago are you 12 and just discovering 4chan or something

>> No.41239054

>5000 years ago
nice over exaggeration, kid.

>> No.41239138

man I remember making that thread

>> No.41239168

Please don't blame the world for unfortunate circumstance. Blame time, space and perception. You know who to blame.

>> No.41239484

>Depending on how much damage the typhoon does, I may have to do 50% more overtime for the next 6 months or more and my PC might also break down. As such, I've rushed to put out version 2.14. The damage [from the typhoon] looks like it's going to be the worst in the 11 years I've developed Elona+, so there is a possibility that this might even be the final version. My apologies if it turns out to be the case.- Ano 9/17/2022

>> No.41239517

His parting gift was an interesting but overly complicated mechanic and yet another babby mode EXP buff. Sasuga Ano.

>> No.41239568

Just get insurance or fucking neck yourself

I don't wanna hear this shit you worthless garbage. Jump out into the fuckiing typhoon itself if you're that unprepared at this point in your life you fucking trash.

>> No.41239591

Who would continue his legacy?

>> No.41239626

He's an insurance worker retard. What did you think the talk about overtime was about?

>> No.41241371

What are some wacky things I can do? I just made it to lvl 16 in Lesimas and need to spice up the game

>> No.41241392

>and my PC might also break down.
Why doesn't he just get a new hard drive?

>> No.41241655

Rape Zeome
Get a little fairy, feed her to get seeds and then punch her in the stomach to make her vomit

>> No.41241661

cute fairy*

>> No.41242254

The "Story" isnt even remotely similar to what Zeome does

>> No.41243286
File: 232 KB, 1045x807, What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breeding feature and childbirth

>> No.41245209

Ano's magnum opus before he dies to overwork denying people their insurance claims.

>> No.41246230

Jesus, if you read the next section about the baby phase:
>All random events have a high chance of getting overwritten by a child crying event.
>The options you pick will change the child's Impress and Master/Servant value towards you.
>The correct option you have to pick will change depending on the child's state, so as their guardian it's best if you know what's going on.
Are you ready to live out your neglectful parenting and domestic abuse fantasies?

>> No.41246645
File: 436 KB, 799x625, Screenshot 2022-09-19 181201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Installing the Beautify was the best thing I've ever did in this game

>The options you pick will change the child's Impress and Master/Servant value towards you.
Daughterly Love.... nghhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.41246811

Elona is fun.

>> No.41247120

Is beautify updated?

>> No.41247193

No, spiritium textures are fucked. But it's not my problem

>> No.41247909

>i can make babies with lulwy and dump her

>> No.41247920

Making babies with Jure and taking them to visit uncle Rovid!

>> No.41247975

That childmaking mechanic surely wont get exploited,nope

Going to test sometime what i can do with it regarding unique or powerful NPC/monsters

>> No.41248439
File: 939 KB, 804x638, 200 wish rods= 200 skills levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my Jure... I can use wish rods to increase skill levels in omake. With this i will be able to give body part to gods. What should i give them?

>> No.41248650

It specifically says you can take actions from one monster and put them on another. So you could put the best moves on something with innate resistances.

>> No.41248683

How the hell did you get a lifetime supply of wish rods that easily? Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.41248845

Omake variant is super fun and kinda broken. I swear the only hard part is to know that vanilla is supposed to be old school roguelike experience and you are at the bottom of the food chain unlike JRPG where you can safely beat up Pidgey.

>> No.41249381

I think anon meant what steps are you taking to get those rods

>> No.41249519

How do the new baby system work?

>> No.41249638

Some post above mention using Itzpalt to cast Wizard harvest. Combine that with making puff puff bread and you will soon get more than 100 wish rods.

>> No.41251238
File: 1.57 MB, 4480x1410, desku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...me? if my motivation keeps up
four and a half years in development, so far

>> No.41251250

Why C# for OpenNefia?

>> No.41251508
File: 298 KB, 1602x932, 2022-06-19 22_42_56-OpenNefia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a couple of reasons:

- in the past i went for the two extremes of C++ and Lua to reimplement Elona on top of, but both had their drawbacks:
+ C++ build times were awful and the tooling was byzantine, so i spent a vast majority of the time firefighting instead of making tangible progress in the port. maintaining a translation layer between C++ and Lua also took a lot of time, and maintaining all that boilerplate was pretty demotivating.
+ i chose Lua the second time around since i figured a lot of games used Lua for modding and it would give me a lot of flexibility. i did gain a lot of flexibility with that approach, however the current tooling for Lua is dismal (it took 15 years since the release of Lua 5.1 for a half-decent source code formatter to appear) and that greatly impacted the maintainability of the code. no ability to automatically refactor anything and no way to tell if a function call is misnamed would have been a nightmare for potential modders if multiple versions of the engine were released. in short, writing Lua mods and writing an entire game in Lua are two entirely different beasts, and there's a good reason hardly anyone attempts the latter.
- taking what i'd learned from the two previous attempts above, i decided that i needed more extensibility built into the language runtime than a machine-compiled language offered, but also wanted static typing to thwart regrettable errors. with C# you can ensure that breaking changes to the API are visible instead of having to run the program and hope everything is accounted for. at the same time, bytecode patchers like Harmony provide enough flexibility to rewrite parts of the game logic at runtime even if there's no official mod support for those parts, which is not feasible in C++ or Rust.
- the current version of OpenNefia relies heavily on C#'s reflection to automatically generate save game serializers for all the in-game data. that would probably need to either be written by hand or hacked around with a macro system in a language without reflection support. it's also used for things like inspecting game objects as picrel illustrates.
- Java also has reflection but the tooling in the .NET ecosystem is more mature in some cases. an example is .NET's hot reload subsystem, which while not perfect still has still saved me a multitude of hours in the compile-test cycle. DCEVM requires a modified JRE and is not nearly as well-supported. i did prototype a small engine using Forge's Mixin library but ultimately preferred the .NET version I made later.
- C# supports struct types to alleviate GC issues (Java hasn't until fairly recently).
- C# is fast enough for most things while providing the flexibility i'd like. there are some more advanced optimizations involving features like the "ref" keyword and unsafe operations if any performance hotspots appear.

apologies if barely any of that made sense, it's just a brain dump of my thoughts.

>> No.41251652
File: 505 KB, 480x270, I know some of these words.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I understood more or less, thanks.

>> No.41251699

Right on top of my head i cant really think of anything too absurd,super regen on a metal race? Or necro force on a tanky pet,or lay hand

>> No.41251717

It depends on what Ano meant about not inheriting moves used only under certain circumstances.

>> No.41251908

Isn't Lay Hand a bitflag rather than an action?

If memory serves, the vanilla AI has five normal action slots, five alternate action slots that have a varying chance to be used instead, and an emergency action slot that's only used (and is ALWAYS used) when under 25% HP. It could be referring to the alternate moves, or the emergency moves, or maybe there's some moves that are hardcoded to specific enemies (that Curtain Call deal?), or possibly moves gained on evolution/with AP?

>> No.41252086

Good news, Ano is still working on the next version.

>> No.41253768

what ever happened to the kel actor? i know kenan made some public appearances later but never heard of the other guy

>> No.41254173

A long shot but has anyone here managed to get any version to run on their steam deck? I add the .exe to steam, force it to use Proton, and it launches just fine, but seems to accept no input, either controller or keyboard.

>> No.41255156

Gotta say anon. The thought and work you are putting into making elona... well frankly less shit to deal with by moving it out of hsp hell is awesome. Been looking at the github repo occassionally.

I hope things go smoothly for you. Been debating learning c#, since I know a bit about coding already, just getting over the hurdles of figuring out how to set everything up on Debian. Which is more known for being very nice and stable rather than being easiest to get and play with the shiniest new toys.

>> No.41255920

Guess the paperwork didn't kill him

>> No.41263663

thank you for the encouragement. if you're using Linux for C# development I would recommend JetBrains Rider, as it's packed with a lot of features compared to VS Code (though I'm torn on the subscription-based pricing; i just buy a month's worth of usage and cancel it right after in case I go back to Windows again).

by my own estimate i would say the port is around 40% complete. the basic features of the engine like rendering, game object management and serialization are more or less in place. at this point it's mostly about adding all the missing features from 1.22, after which more effort can be focused on the modding parts. i could release another alpha fairly soon if there's interest, but many things will still be unimplemented and there will probably be game-breaking bugs lurking.

it will take some patience to reach parity with 1.22, given that this is only a passion project, but what's left to be done is reasonably clear.

that being said, i think progress could be made faster if there were more contributors (most of the work i've done solo). simple changes are also welcome, in case major features are too daunting. i'm open to helping people learn about C#, the codebase and such if anyone's curious.

>> No.41263968
File: 191 KB, 543x353, JURE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm convinced

>> No.41264675
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, tome-1.7.4-1663734675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man these graphics updates are getting wild

>> No.41265208

Never liked Diablo-but-roguelike.

>> No.41266117
File: 617 KB, 804x638, 102% damage reduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm immortal now. Oh year baby.Omake is so funny.

>> No.41266123
File: 393 KB, 804x638, Screenshot_2022-09-21_17-22-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in the surface world can kill me now.

>> No.41266182

idk why people overrate natsuko custom so much, it's unstable as fuck and full of stupid changes (destroying fencer's niche to pigeon hole players into the heavy meta is the worst one).

>> No.41268201

He got married then divorced, did the occasional small thing for kids tv then became a youth pastor and made Christian rap music.

>> No.41268339
File: 1.94 MB, 1584x1632, Monctergirl_V5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41272226


>> No.41272278

if i fuck the ether generator,will i die?

>> No.41272382

I assume this is for 2.13-2.14?

>> No.41272669

Just use a condom and you should be fine.

>> No.41273658

Mani is based, Android (female version) is the best pet, and Lulwy blows (heh)

>> No.41273722

I need that Blondie Pic, What pic is that? I need that for my Little Girl

>> No.41275130
File: 348 KB, 799x625, Screenshot 2022-09-22 193220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, is it possible to capture "<Wynan> the lord of the Ancient Castle"?

>> No.41275194

Same as any other NPC, except the log doesn't tell you when your relationship improves. It doesn't matter because giving gifts and using the astral light pen doesn't spend turns so you can try to recruit him as many times as you want with no risk of dying or getting him killed.

>> No.41275208

Yes,but why would you?

>> No.41275221

Damn so no Monster Balls? I have to find a way to find ways to easily get Magic Ink. So far, I've only have 2

I'm a massive Jewish hoarder, Unique NPCs are my shekels. Therefore, I must collect

>> No.41275305

The fireballs on the clock mean nefia fever, which makes material spots appear much more frequently in dungeons, so get out of there and do dungeons until it ends.

>> No.41275736

Sadly for you unique NPC require a rare item to recruit,you will take forever if you wanna do it with every npc

Look up astral light pen

>> No.41276997
File: 391 KB, 804x638, This is mid-game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oomsest is kinda grind heavy but this is still better than going around awakened dungeons trying to find nefia cores. All i need in end game is the ability to do harvest loop by myself with 1000 memorization. For now i need to suck Mani's dick until i got 100000 bonus points by being a neet with a captured Wizard of Elea.

>> No.41278374

OOMSEST vs CustomPlus is like Daggerfall vs Oblivion

>> No.41278467

what is the morrowind of elona

>> No.41278687

yeah, oblivion was way better

>> No.41279149


>> No.41279217

I disagree,OOMSEST you just exploit loopholes to get stronger as there is nothing to do after beating zeome,you just jump from zeome>gods>inner ehekatl>death ehekatl

Again,if you find fun just staying in a shelter pressing spacebar i wont judge you

>> No.41279237

>catch this
>let her drink from a well until pregnant
>run to the void floor lv9999
>capture her alien children who will have all her stats and skills with void ball (never fails and can catch from full health)

>> No.41279792

What is the design philosophy behind the various versions?

>> No.41279893

What is the current best version? Last I dropped by Ano was doing fucky shit with stamina.

>> No.41280113

customplus latest version. everything else is bullshit

>> No.41280118

custom plus GX i mean

>> No.41280285

Motherfuckers on this general will pretend Oblivion is anything but horrendous dogshit and a complete rape of aesthetics as if they were on /v/

>> No.41280645

>CustomPlus Design Philosophy:

>OOMSEST Design Philosophy:
A dire hatred of fun and enjoyment

>> No.41280724

In the "Cyrodiil arbitrarily retconned" sense or the "NPCs all look like potato people" sense? Both are entirely valid complaints. The loss of customization in spells and enchanting was the worst bit for me, though. Morrowind let me craft Pants of Waterbreathing. Why take THAT away?

>> No.41281668

I would say CustomPlus you grind alongside the adventure by having so many side things to do,OOMSEST is just pure grind by exploiting things

>> No.41283168

Cringe Plus fag slander. I bet you genuinely refer to the main game of Elona as "Act 1" too and get mad you're forced to roleplay a character instead of gaining a billion experience for walking around on the overworld and buying up all the skills. Literally cannot conceive that Zeome is meant to be the final boss instead of being fodder getting in the way of "content".

>> No.41283789
File: 133 KB, 400x401, OB-npc-Tandilwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyrodiil WAS arbitrarily retconned, though. Previous lore described it as a jungle environment, therefore it was retconned. The previous game was set in an exotic environment and sold very well, therefore the retcon was arbitrary.
Or are you insisting that the NPCs somehow aren't in the uncanny valley? Because that's absurd. Every time you talk to an NPC in Oblivion, the game zooms in on their face. Nobody can play the game and walk away thinking that the NPCs looked normal.

>> No.41286008

>And so it begins - overtime galore and working on day offs for the next half a year. [The typhoon] has severely impacted a whole lot of people, but I guess the silver lining is that they still have their lives and their belongings right?Oh who am I kidding. This is a disaster. - Ano 9/20/2022

haha very funny japanese guy

>> No.41286305

>Start a new game
>Want to save up skill tickets
>Suddenly level all the way to 6 in a few days just trying to kill time
Dammit Ano...

>> No.41288671

Level 10 is the cap for tax in Plus.

>> No.41289015

Is there a limit on how much 'charges' (gained from Draw Charge special action) you can hold?

>> No.41290197
File: 309 KB, 600x800, 1660157815820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a game mode where players can speed through levels
>make the game mode pointless by making the main mode level up just as fast
Really cool Ano

>> No.41297762

On the one hand, I guess I don't have to worry about burnout.
On the other, I was just fucking about and ate a couple of herbed herbs and I have 150~ before I ever entered a dungeon because I remember having to farm a lot last I played if I didn't want my face pushed in.

And this is onpy 2.13, I can only imagine what 2.14 is like now.

>> No.41301149

Load up oomest
Choose whore
Waltz over to Palmia
Vore king right infront of queen
She still gives me the ring later.
Damn it feels good to be a bad bitch

>> No.41301185

Did your character also sit on the throne with a huge tummy and let out a massive burp for the whole kingdom to hear haha

>> No.41301347

Yes, she rubbed it while looking at the queen too, saying the motion helps her digest faggots.

>> No.41301733
File: 6 KB, 365x19, blpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tries to "continue development" so to speak. Wraps up the Elona story arc by adding two additional main quests that are (albeit faithful) fanfiction. Removes exploits/tricks but gives you new/better ways to upgrade your character and pets. (takes about 1/2 of the gametime in vanilla to defeat Zeome)
Tries to keep within the frame of the original game and adds anything deemed cool, wicked, or crazy ways to upgrade your character and pets. You won't see most of this until late/endgame, though.
I'm still running Plus-CG, seems to be the most stable version of the plus line.

>> No.41306316
File: 114 KB, 1285x969, 1643194047103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the next Elin update?

>> No.41307116

tax starts in january now regardless of level

>> No.41307823

Bro didn't you hear? It's been greenlit to appear on Steam within the next 90 days or so.

>> No.41308339

>doing no god run in plus
>discover preaching can convert people to eyth which is funny
>decide to use preaching in party times
>even at 148 faith 9/10 partied I get 0 points with 200 speed

Is there some kind of hidden cap if you don't worship one of the gods?

>> No.41308870

If you have eyth it is "almost" impossible to clear party times with preaching.

Swapped to a god after backing up my save and the same stats gave me almost 2k points compared to the 0 prior.

Why exactly I am not sure.

>> No.41310124

Imagine trying to liven up a party by preaching atheism. It wouldn't surprise me if it were on purpose.

>> No.41312445

Ano might have tried to make party times easier for preaching by setting all or most the npcs to eyth for conversion bonuses.

If so, it is the equivalent to loudly and obnoxiously touting the pros of atheism... to a bunch of atheists that just want to drink and have fun. Which is even funnier.

>> No.41312720


>> No.41312785
File: 356 KB, 801x625, Jackpot!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got Lucky, looks like My Little girl is becoming a Valkyrie

>> No.41312826

Did you name your Little girl Elona?

>> No.41312843

Yea, I thought the name of the Game sounded Cute so I just gave it to her

>> No.41313752
File: 1.97 MB, 1584x1632, Monstergirl_V5_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprite fixed

>> No.41317867
File: 74 KB, 992x452, confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source is that Noa said it himself. He's semi-active on the Discord surprisingly.

>> No.41318705

Now that's adorable.

>> No.41319881

Can i use this in 2.13 without issue?

>> No.41319998

There should be no problem. You can compare it with your local copy of character.bmp and confirm that the only difference is the changed sprites (and a few new ones in slots that used to be placeholders).

>> No.41320078

Alright many thanks

>> No.41321126

Morrowind was Daggerfall with a bigger sense of purpose, and blossomed for it. Oblivion was Morrowind without the Daggerfall parts, and suffered for it. The same is true for the various Elona distros.

>> No.41322214
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>> No.41322220

I'm guessing his handlers aren't watching his discord?

>> No.41322537
File: 660 KB, 800x1129, SATSUKI-SAMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Satsuki PCC

>> No.41323613

Do it anon,make one

>> No.41323661
File: 480 KB, 804x638, ehekatl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is delicious.

>> No.41324004

>Giant A2,B2 and KOSMOS
My dick

>> No.41324035

what the hell happened

>> No.41324059

Bathtub sex.

>> No.41325286
File: 676 KB, 716x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 months later

>> No.41325514

There is still something to fix, better use this version.

>> No.41327907

Will do,thank

>> No.41328012

It is just me or do i see like 3-4 lulwy in there

>> No.41328214

I saw my edit in there

>> No.41331266

Yes people draw her, there is not many tall sprites to replace, looking good. At last sprites still different. For a game, where you can marry any toaster or sister, they at last mast be drawn good. Thats my apinion.

>> No.41331759

Finally bought a Palace Deed(Had to wait for a very long time). Having 9 Happy Beds shot my Home Rank to rank 1, thus being able to finally invite Izpalt into my home.

>> No.41331769
File: 494 KB, 801x626, Screenshot 2022-09-26 164343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the Pic

>> No.41338056

Now fuck him

>> No.41338119

I don't know how to Anon, I'm also not into old wizards

>> No.41338157

Recruit him and give him a sleep sheep

>> No.41338272

If I recruit(ALP) him, will he be as strong as his original form? Or will he be nerfed down to my level

>> No.41339020

depends on what game version are you running:
>CustomPlus? Weaker
>OOMSEST? Full power

>> No.41341788

what is this?

>> No.41345144

Wait I thought recruiting NPCs and bosses was a Plus thing, how do you go about it in OOMSEST?

>> No.41345387

You can either collect all the body parts of them and use pot for testing's human transmutation or you can try to get the ragnarok titles.

>> No.41345458
File: 386 KB, 800x744, 1640322017078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if Elona Plus Beautify is missing some NPC portraits or am I doing something wrong? It seems like all the face files have some of the original sprites

>> No.41351329

Isn't beautify outdated?

>> No.41351673

Anyonw knows how to manually save when you re-enable save scumming?, I know it is f2 to reload (apparently) but no mention of how to save.

>> No.41352682


>> No.41355176

press f1

>> No.41355985

Does anyone find decorating your house fun? I want to borrow some ideas.
