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4112269 No.4112269 [Reply] [Original]

chinese are sexier than japanese?

>> No.4112274

A: No.

>> No.4112279

Korea was here


>> No.4112286

they look the same.

>> No.4112315

Being sexy would depend on the viewer.
Who is the viewer?

>> No.4112324



>> No.4112327

Real Chinese are the hottest Asians. You just gotta know how to tell a real Han from a disgusting half-manchu/mongol mutt. And that's why Southern Chinese are better looking than Northern Chinese.

>> No.4112362

Somewhat related, not sure if its true a not but I heard from my professor that there is one mysterious chinese village which has alot of beautiful girls
, downside is that all the girls don't smile has they belief that it will make you ugly.

>> No.4112368

Coreans are shit tier

>> No.4112392

koreans looks very japanese like. a bad copy or something like that.

>> No.4112443

Insular people always look like inbred subhumans.
Just look at dem brits, malagasy or japs and their atrocious face features
Korean are pretty much just as bad, that's what you get for living on a peninsula.

>> No.4112453

Wrong, shitstain. Koreans are the best looking Asians by far.

>> No.4112456

>that's what you get for living on a peninsula

Italians would like to disagree.

>> No.4112462

koreans are the most cosmetic surgeried per capita in the entire world

>> No.4112466



>> No.4112467

I don't expect anyone here to ever visit Korea, but if you did, you'd stop calling them ugly. As far as I've seen, they're the most attractive asians.

>> No.4112469

No. Dead wrong. Asian hierarchy goes Japanese > Korean > Chinese. Chinese are the unevolved from. Koreans still haven't reached Japan's level yet. Only way you could view Chinese as more sexy is because they're usually the fattest because of how unhealthy Chinese food is combined with the fact that they aren't compelled to exercise enough.

>> No.4112470

I sure love squarefaced women

>> No.4112478

Most people don't realize "Japanese" in western movies are actually Korean

>> No.4112485

Development = Better physique and looks

In that respect Japan wins, Korea is almost as good, and China can only pull out a good looking person by searching through millions of ugly peasants.

>> No.4112491


lol yes

Memoirs of a Geisha with Zhang Ziyi as geisha

>> No.4112492

China has the best women because cute females are the only ones not killed/abandoned in favor of putting out a boy.

>> No.4112494

race traitor, you mean.

>> No.4112508

You overestimate Japs horribly, like true weeaboos. They're ugly as fuck as a nation.

>> No.4112523

>Koreans are the best looking Asians by far.
Sure they are. That's why the majority of them get plastic surgery and put pounds of make up on their face to look pale.

>> No.4112540

Let's just agree that East Asians have the most prettiest girls in the entire continent.

>> No.4112546


>> No.4112551

Sorry, i prefer my women with a niqab over their face

>> No.4112553

You say that like the same doesn't apply to Japanese.
ITT we judge nations by internet rumours, never actually seeing many people of either one in our life.

>> No.4112555

Korea is best. Japan is just a lesser version of Korea, and China is full of fugly manchu-faced whores.

>> No.4112562


thais, philopinos and malaysian are super ugly

>> No.4112582

china is only sexy because japan raped all their womenz in world war 2

>> No.4112616

brotip: both are BITCHES AND WHORES.

>> No.4112622


today, japanese are ugly because americans... you know what i mean

>> No.4112723

33 postings with no pictures?

>> No.4112737

Nobody wants to stink up the board with Pig disgusting 3D

>> No.4112750



>> No.4112766

you act like i'm attracted to asians or something

>> No.4112831

>Just look at dem brits,
Britain has been invaded by God knows how many countrys in the past. If anything, it's more of a mix than most other countrys.

Especially nowadays, being the link between the USA and the rest of the world.

>China can only pull out a good looking person by searching through millions of ugly peasants.
This I can agree with. Out of all the Chinese people I've seen, only a handful I'd say are genuinely attractive. Because the country is so big, and ethnicities within the country are so varied and for the most part, poor, a lot of Chinese are hella' ugly.

Whereas the average Korean or Jap will tend to be richer, live a better lifestyle and therefore take more care of their own appearance.

But Japs have terrible teeth. It's even worse than brits, due to the ridiculous amount of snaggletooth.

>> No.4112837

Plastic surgery is extremely popular in Japan too. Not quite South Korea levels, but it's getting there. Especially double-eyelid surgery.

>> No.4113553
File: 56 KB, 500x501, 1252407129399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the image I was looking for.
All other so-called Asians aren't worth mentioning. That's why they refer to themselves as "Asian" in the first place, and not by proper nationality.

>> No.4113576

>Britain has been invaded by God knows how many countrys in the past
Four: The Romans, the Anglo-Saxons (basically Germanic), the Vikings, and the Normans (basically French).

>> No.4113578

That isn't cherry-picked at all. Nosiree.

>> No.4113586

chinese girls are angry at the world. i am not interested in them one bit

>> No.4113589

Oh, of course not! These kind of pictures never are.

>> No.4113602

So, what, the Chinese and Korean female army corps contain soldiers, whereas the Japanese equivalent contain idols?

I know which country I'd respect more, bro.

>> No.4113607

Good morning Beijing!

>> No.4113632

Definitely Japan, since their army is not allowed to go to war in the first place by constitution and they can always count on American backup.

>> No.4113636
File: 62 KB, 925x499, jpkrch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4113639

Get out Japan dev.

>> No.4113646
File: 193 KB, 476x620, 00221917eae80cb121750b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese are fine as long as they have money and take care of themselves (see: Taiwan).

Fan Bingbing is hot.

>> No.4113716
File: 168 KB, 990x644, c28_20299781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese armed police girls are nothing to be fucked with.

>> No.4113727

Yeah, who would want to fuck those ugly broads?

>> No.4113733
File: 38 KB, 400x300, lucy_liu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is the average chinese woman actually looks a lot more like Lucy Liu than any of these women you're posting.

Which makes it even more funny that the chinese hate Lucy Liu and think she's ugly.

>> No.4113734

Real men would never place women in the line of fire.
But since Japan's military is ceremonial at best, I disrespect them the least of the three.

>> No.4113769

>Real men would never place women in the line of fire.

Cool whiteknighting bro. You know female soldiers are volunteers, right?

>> No.4113774
File: 210 KB, 1022x1143, koreanfaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why korean are so fucking ugly?

>> No.4113780
File: 44 KB, 645x511, White Knight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault I had a proper upbringing, bro.
I know it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

>> No.4113783

Most people are.

>> No.4113794


Threading dangerous ground here, guys.
Are you willing to risk the health of the thread for the sake of a pointless argument?

>> No.4113798

>proper upbringing
>forcing people to be incapable of doing what they want to do because they have a vagoo instead of a ponos


>> No.4113807

This was a shitty thread from the start, which is why I have no problem espousing my (admittedly outdated) chivalric views about how a gentleman should protect a lady in it!

Feel free to act outraged.

>> No.4113812

A true proper upbringing would be to inform your child that having an attraction to 3D was the worst mistake of your life. To tell them that you do not wish for grandchildren and that if they provided you with them, you could not possibly be any more disappointed. Of course, it goes without saying that you teach them all about the whorishness of 3D women. Thus, if they showed any prejudice towards them, it would be negative.

>> No.4113813


Okay, have fun.

>> No.4113814

"Gender equality" killed chivalry.

>> No.4113830

I would say the decline of feudalism actually killed chivalry.

>> No.4113832
File: 54 KB, 600x400, 329_4978_178865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they are all volunteer - at least in the chinese army.

most of them are in the medical corps though... but there are some few all-female battalions, mostly Chinese Marines.

>> No.4113872

lol i dunno probably because i'm a fucking heterosexual unlike you,

>> No.4113879

Get back to Gaia.
